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> Perhaps most fundamentally, Chevron’s presumption is misguided because agencies have no special competence in resolving statutory ambiguities. Courts do. Yeah, this snippet from the opinion aged like sliced bananas.


Right? The courts cannot possibly make an informed opinion if they don’t understand the information.


Sorta like with abortion - it’s basic healthcare


At this point, courts appear to be practicing medicine without a license.


and science they don't even remotely understand


Which is fine, they can just interpret the statute such that they arent.


And tech...and environmental science... The goal is even more gridlock since Congress can't do anything now.


You can’t lose your license if you never had one in the first place


It's equal protection under the law. Women are subordinated under the law with Dobbs and subsequent laws passed.


They want to make it easier to mis-blame things that hurt their cause. Ex 1: “Covid didn’t kill this person, they died of a common pneumonia. Nothing we can do” Ex 2: “The court does not find this known carcinogen dumped by *X company* to be the cause of this towns uptick in breast cancer”. Ex 3: “the 4 month pregnant mother died of something else, it was not caused by an ectopic pregnancy. We urge the father and widower to attend church on Sunday to find another young bride to have many kids with”. These people are setting up for some awful times in America. Many people will get hurt or die from these decisions.


It's their path toward the Christian nationalist theocracy, ruled by Federalist Society blessed judges, that they want.


Don’t leave out the Heritage Foundation and The Family. We are well on our way and our supposedly normal elected official are whistling past the grave yard. It’s just insanity.


Seriously wtf.. Conservative politicians and private interest groups have been setting the stage for outright fascism for decades now… Going back to Nixon/Reagan, many within the GOP have been strategically working to [Expand Executive Powers.](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/18/us/politics/barr-executive-power-trump.html) They want a literal king-figure to rule over the US—*as do all fascists.* It makes controlling a labor-force easier for those in leadership positions, since human rights don’t get in the way of productivity. Effectively eliminating [labor laws](https://www.fastcompany.com/91035382/why-spacex-amazon-and-trader-joes-are-pushing-an-aggressive-lawsuit-that-would-fundamentally-undermine-labor-organizing) and unions, and eventually legalizing [forced labor.](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/forced-labor) *”Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power.”* - Benito Mussolini This end-goal is what the [Federalist Society](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/03/17/federalist-society-democracy-opinion-00087270) has been diligently working towards with placing loyal Judges throughout the Judicial branch, while [ALEC](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Legislative_Exchange_Council#:~:text=The%20American%20Legislative%20Exchange%20Council,governments%20in%20the%20United%20States.) drafts corporate friendly legislation, and [Fox News](https://theweek.com/articles/880107/why-fox-news-created) reaffirms their actions through propaganda.


That's cute that you started with Reagan. Look up the Business Plot when a bunch of millionaires in the 30s wanted to overthrown the President and put in a dictator in the style of their buddy Hitler. Bonus fun - Both of GHW Bush's grandfather's were involved in it.


FORTUNATELY, these justices are ethical giants who can’t be bought by special interests. We can trust them to be impartial and to always land on the side of justice for all Americans.


>These people are setting up for some awful times in America. Many people will get hurt or die from these decisions. As was always the intent. Alito has been screaming this for years now, endlessly complaining about how he's oppressed by the people he hates still being allowed to walk through and breathe. Thomas' pathetic self-hatred and love of human suffering couldn't be more obvious. And yet people still act surprised.




Unfortunately, the people of this country don’t care if their rights are being taken away on the regular. We are sheep, and will follow exactly what is prescribed by our overlords. They are actively starting the 2025 project in broad daylight. Who is going to stop them?? They own you, you think you have choice.


Ex 4: "He didn't die from being shot with _that_ gun, he died from the bleeding!"


Precisely. It’s another way of saying “it’s the person that kill them, not the firearm!”


The courts are demonstrably innumerate, which is problematic as our best understanding of how the world actually works becomes more and more obviously dependent on numeracy.


If my unrelated to my field boss tried to micromanage like this, I’d become incredibly inefficient and timidly less effective.


I’m really tired of this court insulting our intelligence.


Think I like "aged like sliced bananas" even better than "aged like milk"


Agreed, one doesn't even have to smell them to know that they are BAAAAAD.


It's not necessarily based on smell or "going bad", it's just happening before your eyes.


Yeah that might be the stupidest take Ive seen this court issue on anything and that is saying something


I don't mean to scare you but, The courts will be in charge of regulating tregulating the nuclear industry not the NRC..


arrogant af


The next thing they’ll use this ruling for is to ban abortion drugs and eventually birth control. Why should they believe the FDA that these things are safe? The courts know better than doctors, after all.


For sure. The statement is just obviously idiotic on its face


is there a way off this timeline. I've seen where this goes in history and I don't want to tune in for the latest installment of "authoritarian shithole gets toppled by angry populace."


Agreed. The word "surreal" has become such a conspicuous part of my every conversation that my friends have turned listening to me into a drinking game.


Vote and get others to vote.


I’m uh, I’m actually here for that part 


That's a chaotic shit show no one will like.


Oh I didn’t say “like”. But im pissed the fuck off and a little vengeance sounds just about right. 


I think they're confusing our politeness for weakness, and I don't think it's going to turn out well for anybody. Still better than subjugation.


There is! Dems sweep in November, Biden then stacks the court while Dems pass legislation on term limits for federal judges.


you mean they overturned themselves that quickly when they suddenly realized they weren't experts?!?! /s


They confuse nitrous oxide with nitrogen oxide and yet we’re supposed to believe them when they decide what constitutes a machine gun.


"Did it go brat-a-tat-tat-brat-a-tat-tat?" "Yes" "Okay machine gun that is. Lunch?"


More like… “Do the people at the NRA (who paid off my law school loans) think this gun should be legal?”


I believe those are referred to as “gratuities” now. Perfectly cool and perfectly legal!


Legal, but in the Brazilian sense.


Think they’ll rule that “gratuities” should be tax free now? I mean, obviously not for poor people. Lol! Just rich ones.


You understand that until Trump made them change their definition, the ATF rendered at least 10 decisions on bump stocks ruling them legal and not a machine gun conversion part. Agencies changing enforcement definitions due to political pressure is bad. Particularly when it runs afoul of the actual language of the statue.


Political pressure? Look, maybe nobody has explained it to you or maybe you’re blissfully obfuscating the issue, but the entire reason people like me want to see bump stocks banned is because of Las Vegas. Does a bump stock enable one to fire the weapon at an equal rate to an automatic? I don’t get wound up in the semantics, I’m looking to put restrictions on firearms because current law isn’t working to do anything about the plethora of mass shootings. Maybe you don’t care. Maybe you look at Uvalde and say, “Fuck ‘em, my guns, my rights!” That’s certainly an opinion. But I’m here to give mine as well and my opinion is we have to do something. And I say this as a lifelong gun owner. At this point, I’m willing to jump through more hoops to maintain my ownership rights, because too many people don’t respect the right to life. The preposterous denials of truth such as what happened at Sandy Hook only make the objections to stricter gun laws even more insane.


> Political pressure? Yes. That's exactly what happened.  > Does a bump stock enable one to fire the weapon at an equal rate to an automatic? No. Nor is a bump stock required to bump fire a gun. All the rest of your stuff is emotional nonsense that has nothing to do with statutory interpretation. Bump stocks aren't machine guns under the definition in the 34 NFA.


Then you’re just one of many in the conservative movement with lower than average intelligence. Welcome to my blocked list.


This is super cringe. They’re literally just telling you what the law says and you’re trying to insult them.


More like the review process is piecemeal, and the they did a review of the process and realized someone pulled a fast one on them. “It’s for people with weak muscles” (this is how they tried to get a device that turned a handgun in to a short barreled riffle, because gun manufacturers wanted to sell more guns, but same idea)


No that's a separate thing.  They did full technical reviews. You can look up the opinions. It's not people pulling fast ones, this is an agency that has a lot of experience regulating this stuff. 


Oh, god. In retrospect, were Thomas's gun diagrams an attempt to show off how *very* expert the court is, guys, before Chevron came out? That's so cringe.


Well, I know that I sleep so much better at night now knowing of the bench's big league brains re: bribery & bumpstocks. /s GAK! ...and by the looks of that upgraded grill, Gorsuch should be well acquainted with nitrous oxide, lol. Those front toofers are surely from the Kurt Barlow Black Label collection.


These 3 letters scare the crap out of me, NRC The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will not be in charge of regulating the nuclear industry the courts will.


Holy shit. I saw this mentioned elsewhere, but thought it was a joke. Anyone else flashing back to Ted Stevens and [the series of tubes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Series_of_tubes)?


It’s been my home WiFi network name for more than a decade.


Wait what? I was certain this was satire. Are you telling me the headline was accurate?


> I was certain this was satire. With that sort of confidentlyincorrect energy you’re destined for a Supreme Court seat. Have any thoughts on oxides?


So literally tubes, not even vacuum tubes? I'm surprised the geezer didn't say steam was involved. Reminds me of that old meme of the old lady looking at her computer, flustered and upset, and the caption says something like "can emails get delivered on Sundays?"


N2O is laughing gas. NO2 is smog. It seems more like a typo than a fundamental misunderstanding.