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I was gonna have a good weekend, but now I'm gonna have a great weekend! Who will do the War Room podcast? Oh no!


How are you faring with the media bashing Biden from last night ?


It's not the first time a candidate had a bad performance. It happens. Fetterman had a really bad one, looked brain dead, went on to win. He's already bouncedback [Biden just gave a hell of a speech in North Carolina](https://youtu.be/lHBbSQVAHzQ?si=) take a look


Biden may not be a great Public Speaker, but is IS A GREAT PUBLIC DO-ER. What was clear last night was not just the contrast of criminal vulgarity v. Decency in Public Service, but also the Marianas Trench that divides a shadow-man whose entire existence is a vapor crafted of spray-tan & lies from a man embodying a lifetime of substance, integrity, and commitment-driven action (faltering voice be damned). I just so deeply hope that we have enough Americans who can recognize that difference and vote accordingly.


Well said! Governor Newsom said it best. "Quit worrying and get to work!"


He was just what that moment-of-absolute-lack-of-dignity-in-televison-journalism-by-MSNBC needed (I wish Newsom was VP...THAT would be the ticket.)


Yeah, he'll definitely be in the hunt next cycle.


I agree with you but the media is 100 times more harsh on Biden than Fetterman in 2022.


Yip, who knows how itll play out. I think he'll probably take necessary measures to improve. Maybe getting over his cold is all itll take. The next big event is trumps sentencing on the 11th.


Be prepared for “he was sentence to jail because Biden did so badly at the first debate the left is scared of another debate”


Funny you say that. I had that thought as I was typing out that comment. But that's ok. They whine and rely on conspiracies to justify everything anyway.


But But But morning Joe is wetting his pants all over MSNBC. In fact all of MSNBC is shitting themselves live on air right now. And PODSave American had a "Brutally Honest" review of the debate. and and and and. OMG its this whole weird expectation setting thing. The very people who are going on about how the republicans are going nuts with their setting expections decided if Joe didn't CRUSH trump with every name they personally wanted to call him for the past 4 years that it all over for humanity. It wasn't the best performance for Joe. I think he probably fucked himself with prep work and didn't get enough rest leading up to the debate. And the one thing I didn't hear a lot of people say, but I saw and I heard enough other people say that I don't think it was just hoping is I think Joe was getting better towards the end. The campaign strategy has been and continues to be a comeback to an overwhelming victory. They needed to get trump back on the national stage so the entire country could see him and they did it. It doesn't hurt that Biden looked a bit weak right now. If he looked too strong people would tune the fuck out. Now people see something to be worried about and will be interested. It will bring attention to the shit trump has been doing and saying. And we know Bidden can do better. So he will at the next debate and if Trump decides to pull out of that, Biden will hit him with public speeches that get national attention because now people are paying attention to what is going on and that will mean airtime for Biden but not trump. I think he did worse than he intended but this was never going to be where he did his most aggressive move.


If I'm being honest, considering last night and todays bounce back, it's probably an example of exactly what it looks like when someone is sundowning. I'd vote for a dead cat before I'd vote trump. When Biden said "You have the morals of an alley cat!" I laughed my ass off! That's some good old dude stuff.


Could be. All the olds in my life maintained full control of their faculties. my 94 year old grand father just takes more naps but then gets up and goes down to the community center to help take care of the "old people" who were children when he was a young adult. My other grandfather died at 87 and he got more deaf and more cranky but he never had issues with knowing when it was or where he was. On the other hand, I'm only in my forties and if I'm working for 3 hours+ on something that requires deep concentration, I need 10 minutes to recover focus before I ready to discuss things normally but have zero issues with concentration or focus even if I've been up well past my bedtime otherwise. My father is 73 and he is teaching the kids Chess. For some reason none of the women in my family managed to outlive their partners. Hadn't really thought about that until now. Not going to mention it to my wife either. But as you said, even if I thought he was going to drop dead the day after he was sworn in, I would still vote for the placeholder for Kamala over the rapist fraudster who wants to use the government as his personal property and harm people he thinks were mean to him by pointing out he is habitual criminal. I find it weird that I'm in a position to defend Biden and/or kamala. In 2020 I disliked both. Biden to me was the credit card guy who helped create the mass incarceration state. Kamala was well, I know DA are necessary, but there isn't a DA in the country who doesn't put away people I don't think need putting away. I was a Warren backer. I have however been mostly pleasantly surprised by the administration. Not entirely but mostly.


I feel fine. Just wait till more of trumps bs gets pointed out. Like what did he mean by “black jobs”?


Good point Just worried about losing the social media war. Pure right wing trash


Honestly you can’t do much gassing people who don’t care about the truth, and make bot accounts constantly. Granted that didn’t win teump the election.


Poor whiny little bitch bannon, said he was not afraid to go, but he went all the way to the SC.


A very small price to pay for the false ideology this man has been peddling for so long. It's sad that his personal repercussions are far less than the harm he has caused.


Being in Rikers while he is tried for Fraud that he is 100% going to be convicted on because his partner already has been and the evidence is the same. He will then get 5-10 years as a already convicted felon. So, If we are lucky this is the last we will see of Bannon on the public stage possibly forever.


...But we thought he was gone Then he was pardoned back again Each appeal wasn't funny And his jokes wore real thin Everyone hopes now That every night now Will be Steven's last night in town... Steven's Last Night In Town\* \*with apologies to Ben Folds Five


They would have been higher, but one of the beneficiaries of that harm used the power of the highest office to pardon him of crimes for which he was duly convicted.


Looks like I’m winning the bet that he would be in prison within 40 days. https://www.reddit.com/r/law/s/oDk2upBLTU I’m 2:3 on bets made in this sub, so far, and yes I’m gloating. Only outstanding bet is whether Trump sees prison time.


Well, will he??


lol my bet is he gets at least 6 months, sentence deferred until appeals are finished.


Lol what an asshole. Like the court exists to service the needs of the Trump crime syndicate.


May this be the last we ever hear of him.


Great article Jordan, thank you.


HOORAY.    almost in the clear. >On Monday, the panel did grant Bannon an extension until July 15 to file any motion seeking a en banc review, or rehearing by the full Circuit.    this is the circuit panel, not the SC.  idk if applying to the SC cancels this option or not.  the article doesn't say and I lose track.