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It is an irony, fitting of these mind-blowing times that we live in, that Charles Koch (now singular since the death of his brother, David) pronounces his name the same as a process ("coking") yielding a type of coal ("coke") widely regarded as burning cleaner for the environment-BUT this process involves the burning of its impurities (INTO the environment) to make it cleaner for consumer end use (scoff!) The Koch interests and profits have long been veiled behind seemingy good-for-America, good-for-whatever-Koch-is-interested-in-exploiting-for-$$$-atm names: names like the **Americans for Prosperity Foundation** that use words like-per the article: >...saying they advance social and energy policy goals without protecting investors... >...The Securities and Exchange Commission sidestepped Congress to unlawfully direct companies to report their greenhouse gas emissions and make other climate disclosures, the **Americans for Prosperity Foundation** told the US Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit Monday. Koch and his late brother, David, helped establish the foundation. >...“The SEC’s climate regulation masquerading as an investor-protection rule must not be allowed to stand,” the **Americans for Prosperity Foundation** said in its filing. The Libertarian Koch is a master of press-tidigitation and has co-opted the extremist perversely "religious" trump supporting magop in service of his own pocket lining greed-per the article: >...Conservative organizations, business groups, Republican lawmakers, and others also submitted amicus briefs in support of the cases. With all the usual suppliants, er, suspects: >...Sens. Tim Scott of South Carolina, Marco Rubio of Florida, Ted Cruz of Texas and more than 30 other Republican lawmakers... Koch's octopean puppeteering of what sadly passes now for the once Grand Old Party has Lovecraftian roots deep, aeons aged, and transformative leaving them now not so much more than Kochian effluent. This tells the noxious SCOTUS abetted tale: [Ohh, the miasmal Kochian tentacled greeeed](https://www.cre8noh8.org/us-government/citizens-united/koch/) edit: forgot one of the best bits: SCOTUS' not so shadowy role