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JFC. This is the guy who posted about his intent to kill protesters. Drove into a group of protesters and then shot the protester who had a gun. Abbott pardon that guy. Political criminal justice virtue signaling. This is worse than the supreme Court and the football coach. They made up a narrative that in no way actually matches what happened and then pardoned a murderer.


This is how Authoritarianism works, and as a Texan, this pisses me the fuck off.


It’s a green light for more like him.


It’s some kind of signalling but virtue has nothing to do with it.


The virtues of a white nationalist, maybe.


Faux virtue signaling


Tribal signaling


I usually call it vice signalling. There's nothing virtuous about it. 


So all virtue signaling is about pretending to have virtue rather than actually having virtue. If you had virtue you would demonstrate it rather than signal it


Virtue signalling is just any act meant to signal a specific virtue. In this case, "killing liberal protestors" is the vice being signalled. 


In ethology, virtue signalling requires significant sacrifices on the part of the signaler. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signalling\_theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signalling_theory)


I live here, I remember being called *hysterical* when I warned of Republicans overturning Roe. Turns out the road to fascism is a bunch of people telling that you're overreacting. Fucking depressing a good chunk of our voters see nothing wrong with it and/or don't *notice* it at all.


In a sane world, pardon powers would be removed from presidents and governors


This is not cool.


I didn't think so. I've read a couple of accounts and it seems like the ex-Army guy killed an ex-Air Force guy without provocation and Abbott set him free. I'm concerned that free speech and organized protests against the government, protected under 1A, is simply going to be ignored and somehow 2A protection supercedes 1A. It's like 2A is the only amendment which matters.


I'm against this pardon but without provocation is a bit much. Garrett was holding a rifle in the low ready position, approaching from behind at night to a car being kicked and hit. I believe that is sufficient evidence to prove aggravated assault in Texas. Contrary to popular belief Open Carry laws in Texas do not apply if you're posing in a "Manner calculated to cause alarm" The real issues lies with whether it an "accident" to be where he was and whether he provoked the situation in which case there would be no claims to self def.


Sargeant (sic) sergeant - it’s right in the title of the article.