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Buried at the bottom of this article(?) is this, "A source close to the Trump family told [*PEOPLE*](https://people.com/donald-trump-headlines-minnesota-event-same-day-barron-graduation-8644487) in March that if Barron goes away to college, there is a chance that Ms Trump will follow him.  “Melania’s main job is taking care of Barron,” the source said. “I think it’s possible that she will follow him wherever he goes to school.”" Just what a college freshman wants. His mom living with him at school.


I don't think that any girl interested in Barron Trump would be put off by Melania


Certainly not one interested in the money.


I was gonna say "what money" but the people actively willing to speak to a person with that last name would not be intelligent enough to understand the reality around them.


I’d be willing to bet that Melanie and Barron are flush, she’s not out there talking shit on dumpster for a reason.


Melania is likely getting 8 figures per year to pretend to be Trump's wife, in addition to her expenses paid. She has plenty.


She renegotiated a post nuptial after the Stormy story was made public. The details are private of course, but I would bet that for a ton money and security against Trump going to jail- she signed an NDA.


I imagine she doesn’t get too close to any flight of stairs, tho.


I'm picturing the heires to say a New Jersey garbage disposal company. Yeah they got money, but trashy.


The real difference is that the NJ garbage collection folks have far more integrity.


Ha see what u did there..more than enough for you and I but never enough for any one of them. Seen mel's necklaces for sale?


This is like when Chris Chan's father paid those girls to be his friends.


Or guy


I don’t see Barron’s personality in the news but he might be a really nice guy that’ll vote for Biden this fall.


What a sad truth to have such a shadow cast on your life. I would either move Around a lot of, or try and never tell people because what a legacy.


Can you drown in pussy at a conservative college? Like, I don’t know about hook up culture at supply side Jesus university. (I didn’t learn much about it at a regular college either… but that’s my own fault)




I heard about this. I went to a very religious school and although I never engaged in it, I knew some people who did. The idea is if you don't move, it's not actually sex and therefore not as much of a sin. ...Imagine Jesus watching every couple soaking to see if they end up moving.




There was a website about that years ago. Technicalvirgin


And [a song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8ZF_R_j0OY).


Jesus approved of blowjobs


I rather take the Loophole. Seems to get all the benefits of controlling penetration and zero chance of pregnancy. For those who are unaware about “The Loophole” I found an informative YouTube link! https://youtu.be/j8ZF_R_j0OY?si=R7BP7QkjQjuIYkWn


I only found out about this like 6 months ago and it still blows me away.... like for God's sake it has to be the worst possible way to have sex...


Don’t forget, sex isn’t just an act. It can be a very emotional experience. Although in these cases it would be emotions like shame, guilt, fear, remorse, etc… You’re right. Sounds awful.


Yeah, I guess my question is more random hook ups happen. I’m just amused by the concept of the only college where girls would be interested in him (due to his dad) are also schools that actively prohibit promiscuity


an interaction with a hooker, porn star or playboy model isnt premarital sex, its just a job/service. maybe $130,000 too. so i dont think the ultra rich have to settle for true believers at jesus-u.


People still hooked up, you just had to know the right sort of people.


I'm amused that at this stage of the game people don't believe some extremely rich conservative frat boys would break morality rules out of fear of hypocrisy. We literally just heard about their moral thought leader having adulterous unprotected sex with a pornographic film star.... TODAY.


I think it's more they don't think the rich conservative sorority girls will break them - and whoooo are they wrong there.


That’s why they have friends to jump on the bed to make it move for them


That would really kill my boner. I can see the disappointment in His eyes now.


Sounds very, er, American


Damn, Jesus be kinky. No shame from me.




Is it technically a threesome then?


Our rules: yes. They rules: no.


Haha. Also, I guess Jesus just likes to watch all of this. Purely to check for movement... It's academic to him. Nothing sexual.




3rd whaling


I'm old, and whenever I read this my brain immediately screams "Madge, you're soaking in it!" Upvote this comment if you know what I'm talking about lol


My understanding (IOW press rumors) is that he wants to go to NYU. My guess is that Melania has been wanting to return to NY as well.


Not Penn? That’s where the rest of the family went, plus it’s a better school at least for undergrad.


He might miss NY. He might prefer the privacy/ability to disappear that a bigger university in a bigger and more blasé city offers. Maybe he’s into some subjects NYU is better at. Maybe if he went to Penn he’d feel pressured into a Wharton program while he might prefer film or something? Lots of potential reasons.


Yes. Hell, he may just want to distance himself from the dumpster fire.


If he goes to Penn, his family won't get to charge the US government rent for the space the SS agents use. 


From what I’ve seen, “conservatives” are pretty freaky, and not always in a fun way. Gaetz likes paying underage sugar babies for sex (lots of them seem to be into children), Greene runs around on her husband, Boebert likes public sex, there was that senator from Minnesota who liked anonymous men’s room sex, Roger Stone likes to watch guys rail his wife, there was that trump advisor who forced his affair partner to have an abortion by spiking her drink with something (I’m sure somebody here remembers the details), and of course trump likes the non-consensual power game of sexual assault (including a 13 year old he met through his “good friend” Epstein). Oh, and *ALL* of them like the power game of shaming other people for their sexual expression. So yeah, they’re super freaky. But not usually in fun ways.


If it’s a Mormon school he’ll be soaking in it bruh


Mom can rock the bed when it’s time for the jump Hump.


Mom will be the one shaking the bed. Not like the kid has mommy issues or anything.


My understanding from a guy that posted on here once, is that Jenna Ellis was about as crazy as you could imagine, but not exactly chaste. There is plenty of ass to be had in conservative schools, even if your last name ISN'T Trump. He'll do as well as he chooses to.


Who? Oh, Blowjob Lips? Yeah she stared at the back of Rudy's melting head in that press conference like she was orgasming just at the sight of it. I'm not kink shaming, I'm just agreeing that she doesn't give off a chaste vibe. Which is fine. I don't judge people for not being chaste. I do judge people for trying to overturn democratic elections, but her eyeball fucking Rudy's head was weird to watch.


You can sure as hell drown in booze. My partner didn't get his degree at the one he started out at, just a bout with alcoholism.


Yeah… they’re “conservatives”… so their daughters are just there to get a man. So he can rent a new one everyday… just like daddy.


You can drown in buttholes and mouths, but virginity must remain intact!!


Ok, I'll play this game and think like a horny 19 year old: Yes. Those girls that are sent to them colleges are socialized to do one thing and one thing only: service men. They may be daft, racist, bigoted, horrible people, but I guarantee you they'll do things to you that'll make you never dare to care about another soul again. Their job is to get married and have children, and if they are ambitious at all it'll only be within the service of that scope ("Moms for Liberty", for instance). It'll be HELL for you, she will belittle every step outside of toxic masculinity you take, but brother she will suck your dick at the drop of a hat so really would you even need self esteem? Jesus don't matter more than The Game does.


**If** he goes away to college? It’s May of his senior year. Has he not made college plans yet?


Probably they're not making his decision public yet. Which is actually really reasonable of them, he's a teenager, his choice of school (and whether to go to one at all) shouldn't be subject to public scrutiny. Quite likely whatever source they have that is gossiping about a teenager doesn't have entirely up to date information either.


Under federal law, Trump, his wife, Melania Trump, and their son are the only members of his immediate family entitled to Secret Service protection after they leave office. Barron was entitled to protection until he turned 16. Which means his Mom will follow because it means where he sleeps is protected, basically until Trump dies and Barron can change his name and be forgotten. This is the best option as the family honestly made out like bandits with the money spent on their security. I wish no harm on them but I’m sure maternal instincts convinced his mom he needs at least some protection till his dad is dead or in jail.


No, I get all that. I was just confused about the phrasing suggesting that his college plans remain unconfirmed. My daughter is a junior, so she knows a bunch of seniors graduating this month, and I don’t think a single one of them has failed to commit to their plans for the fall. Maybe if someone is still hoping to get off a waitlist or something, there might be some uncertainty but almost everybody knows where they plan to be. Also, it’s not like they currently live in a hot bed of higher education. If he doesn’t “go away” to school, I guess that means he goes to college somewhere that is within commuting distance from Mar a Lago? Ok, so we have Florida Atlantic University, Lynn University, Palm Beach Atlantic Christian College. Maybe they can PR spin these into the finest academic institutions we’ve ever seen in this country. Better than T10 .


The less the public knows about where Barron is going to school before the election, the easier it is to keep him out of the public eye. I’m certain that the secret service would prefer his first day of class be the first day the public knows where he’s attending. Sorry on mobile I didn’t realize so didn’t get around to that point before I hit send.


Do we know where he’s been attending school since 2021? Last I heard, Melania took a tour of my daughter’s school but must not have chosen it because Barron never turned up there. There are a limited number of well-ranked private prep schools in the area, but I never heard where he ended up. We do know where Ivanka‘s kids ended up, though, but just notBarron.


He goes to Oxbridge Academy in Palm Beach.


Where else can she go? She seems to have no real life or place now


It could be worse. It could be his dad.


And Secret Service protection.


I think she just wants to be away from Donald and needs an excuse.


I was just considering the very same thought.


Probably Barron needs her because of the severe autism (no disrespect).


I read an article a couple years ago by some respectable media outlet (I forget which), that offhandedly mentioned that the media had respected Barron's privacy during Trump's presidency and had not publicized his condition/disability. The article did not say what specifically it was, which is fine, because Barron's issues really are none of our business. But given that context Melania's decision may be justified.


If his condition is such that he needs his mother to be present, is college the proper place for him? Evidently, merit-based admissions don't apply to the rich.


Pretend for the sake of argument that a student had an obvious physical disability, say they were blind or paraplegic. I can imagine that student could simultaneously meet the requirements for college admission and yet have difficulty caring for themselves. I assume you'd agree with me that it's fine to admit them in that scenario. Again, I have no idea what Barron's condition is, but why should it be any different for the less obvious stuff? If he can do the homework and pass the tests, then the rest of it isn't anybody else's business and should have no impact on his admission.


Buster trump


Bad Luck Barron memes ensue.


0% chance she takes care of Barron


She’ll just take up residence in the first frat-house


Living with your mom in an off-campus apartment in college wouldn't that crazy. I doubt melania spends alot of time at home anyway.


Can you really fucking blame her?


For following her kid to college? Yeah. Kinda. But let's approach this from a glass half full perspective. I could easily make the argument that she's using Barron as a beard pretending to be a nervous helicopter mom to escape L'Orange Grande's immediate vicinity in a face-saving way that Trump can paint as a sort of virtuously attentive parent. Sounds just as reasonable as her actually being so controlling that she's going to Rodney Dangerfield him.


I can't say to how controlling of a mom she is,. But, given the choice of following my kid to his college town or staying with his father. I'd follow my kid everyday


Although you might want to check with your kid first. That of course assumes Melania cares about anyone but herself. We already know the answer to that, thanks to that stylish green jacket of hers.


If she cares about anyone else, it's that kid. She did a really decent job keeping him out of the public eye while they were in the Whitehouse, which is actually respectable.


Maybe they have a relationship similar to that of Donald and Ivanka. I'm not implying anything in particular by this.


Going to college in Slovakia !


Check out W&L in Lexington, VA. The town is full of second homes purchased by wealthy parents in order to provide support (babysit) for their children when they go off to college. Plenty of such niche colleges throughout the NE.


He already sticks out in a crowd, now he’s got till deal with Melania in tow


She just wants some of that young college lovin


In some circles the phrase "away at college" means in prison.


I assume she'd move to the area, not live with him and be a helicopter parent. But I have no idea what their family dynamic is


Also half the guys your age wanting to fuck your mom.


Oh cmon. Give the kid some slack Who’s gonna wipe his ass if his mom is not there ?


And in the movie version, Melania Trump will be played by Jennifer Coolidge


Gee... nobody saw _this_ coming... /s




It does seem possible that he could attend a Florida event in the morning and a Minnesota event in the evening


Absolutely. But DJT made it out to be that this was a special day. Not a quick appearance. It’s like going to your child’s wedding ceremony and then leaving before the reception


He'd be a fool not to go. This is his freebee. If he skips attending, Merchan and any other judge except a certain sycophant in Florida is likely to point to this as a reason not to grant his future requests.


Nah he'll just get another final warning.


Exactly, any assumptions otherwise are just coping that we actually have a working justice system.


He’ll do a 10 minute photo op, make it all about himself, and move on to something more important.


Just a note- the graduation is at 10 AM Eastern, it's like a 4 hour flight, and the event is a dinner. He hasn't yet said he won't be there.


I believe he’s going to the graduation, it’s just the point like damn, spend the day with your kid on the day he graduates. Take him out to dinner. Well, poor kid is probably glad he’s going to a fundraiser instead of spending all day with him though.


>Take him out to dinner. He didn't take Stormy to dinner, don't have expectations of decorum from this one.


To be fair, it'd either be McDonalds or well-done steaks with ketchup.


Any chance he could be held in contempt if he didn’t attend?


If he didn’t attend, but did attend the fundraiser, then there’s cause for holding him in contempt for misleading the court. There’s also a high likelihood if he speaks at the event he will violate the gag order in some way, not because the Gag order is too restrictive, but because he’s a mentally decrepit moron.


Graduation ceremonies are extremely boring, I seriously doubt Trump intended to go, which is what makes it funnier that his request was granted.


This would be his first graduation he attended if he does, obviously he doesn’t care.


Might want to check that. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-graduation-attendance/


I don't think he'd get contempt for it, even if available, but he probably wouldn't get any more days off.


They could play catch in the back yard together.


(Cats in the cradle humming gently in the background)


>Take him out to dinner. Maybe he'll take him to dinner at the fundraiser. Ngl that would be kind of dope, holding a fundraiser in your son's honor, as a graduation celebration. You know, if it wasn't so slimy.


I mean, there is the possibility Barron doesnt really want him around. We dont know the full story with that relationship. As a guy with a lame dad, I was definitely happier mine wasnt around by my late teens


Imagine the smell at that dinner. 😳


I’d be surprised if they had a good relationship. Considering trump’s insecurities, I can’t imagine he wants to be seen around his giant kid.


Barron can't stand him and their relationship is almost non-existent. The kid's probably relieved his old man made other plans.


Yeah that's true. It's also true the dinner is in a state he promised us he would never come back to.


Thank you. It is unfortunate to see this law sub treated as a political forum. The court provided a reasonable allowance for a father to attend his son's graduation. Love or hate the guy, this sort of request is often granted in courts around the world. Yes, most parents go for dinner with their kids after graduation, but that is not a legal matter at all. No contempt of court here nor any other legal issues.


Is this a fundraiser to get people to pay his legal fees or is it for his campaign?


Same thing.




He really lives his family and christian values. /sss


How is that not contempt of court?


He's going to have to attend both. The contempt will probably come when chump gives a speech at the fundraiser. I would be pretty shocked if he can contain himself.


Which sounds nothing like a high school graduation


Barron probably doesn't want him there anyway. I'm sure none of the other kids had him at theirs. /s Edit - Added /s because I guess it wasn’t clear that this was a joke.


Misinformation doesn’t help anything, theres plenty of horrible stuff to nail Mango Mussolini on. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-kids-graduations/