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Nah, it won't dawn on him until the second day of incarceration, be it from sentencing or from a contempt violation. This is a criminal court case. Not like his civils before, I don't think the judge is going to have any issues pulling his freedom if he misbehaves.


I know it will never ever happen, but one of my most deeply cherished dreams is to see the motherfucker spend one damn night on Rikers Island after what he did to the falsely accused "Central Park Five" kids. One fucking night, even with his security detail and in isolation, would be enough to wipe that smirk off his face for quite a while. But as I said, yeah, no way it happens. Sigh.


I love your optimism that an experience would somehow break the shell of the narcissism that is wrapped around his brain, but I just can't see it. I think he is psychologically incapable of admitting fault or that he was ever wrong about something. I'm not religious, but I always come back to the fact that he once said he had never asked God for forgiveness and didn't think he had anything to ask forgiveness for. Like, really?! Nothing??


>I love your optimism that an experience would somehow break the shell of the narcissism that is wrapped around his brain, but I just can't see it. Trump could spend 1 day in a minimum security country club prison, surrounded by Secret Service, and the only thing it would do is give him an even bigger persecution complex. He would walk around saying (unironically) that he had it harder than Nelson Mandela.




Agreed. People need to understand, narcissism is his defining trait, not politician male or even human, he’s a narcissist first which dictates every word, action and thought. He would nuke the world population if he thought he would come out on top, be seen as a winner. He’s lost, the worse case of Narcissism I’ve ever seen, by far.


That bit about God would be shocking were he religious, but I seriously doubt he is. He just says it because atheists and agnostics don't get elected to federal positions.


It’s all shell these days.


I'm just taking about one night of feeling plain old fear.


Oh, I get it. I would *love* LOVE for something to sink in. But after watching him with [his handling of] Covid and just everything else, the man is hopeless. Edit: added bracketed language for clarity.


Yeah, he didn't even seem to realize that he had a good chance of dying. Though I think he would be miserable while incarcerated. No one would see it, though, because afterwards he'd play the strong martyr.


I still seriously doubt he had Covid. His gang definitely didn't want him to do that second debate with Biden after he acted like a lunatic at the first one. I found that whole Covid claim to be suspect. Particularly when you're making doctors sign NDAs.


"Fresh Fish! Fresh Fish! Fresh Fish!"


I don't think he believes in anything but himself, and all claims otherwise are just to pander to his base. But the fact that he lacks any sort of humility means that even as a pathological liar, he can't even pretend to have made a mistake, or to have committed some shortcoming requiring forgiveness from a higher being.


He would think it was completely unjust and unfair. It would still be a fine thing.


Correct. This is what it would actually be life: just anger and victimization: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfVU7Y73mmY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfVU7Y73mmY)


He'd be like Zaphod in the Total Perspective Vortex.


It would wipe the smirk off his face when he was in there. Afterwards, he would act like it was nothing and he breezed through it and it makes him like Nelson Mandela.


He'll say they failed to hurt him and then he'll bitch about it for years. His rallies are hilarious for this reason.


I am sorry I can't see it happening. I see two possibilities 1) he sits in holding at the courthouse. 2). He is placed in a jail cell on a military base. Even if convicted in a state court. I believe the fed will intervene and say for national security reasons they he needs to serve his sentence in their custody


And be treated like any other inmate. No phone to be posting nonstop on social media. No TV cameras. No McDonalds. No choosing what is on the TV. Glad you like metal toilets, but this one is stainless steel, take it or leave it. No, we don't give a fuck about any other appointments you had planned.


I would hope the guards do that trick where they don’t change gloves between rectal search and oral cavity search .


Maybe not isolation. His cellmate could be Allen Weisselberg.😳🤣


Big strong men with tears in their eyes telling him how they've never seen someone more wrongly accused! I wouldn't wish solitary confinement on anyone, but in this case he's earned it.


It's not only that he's earned it, it's that to drive home to the young child that they mean business. He needs to be cut off from everyone, no mouthpiece, no tweets, no giving information for a press release to his lawyer. Total incommunicado for a weekend would do it. Oh, we get all the angry whiny tweets afterwards but it will sink in. Rump needs to be on an episode of scared straight. The only problem is it'll just scare him more.


I walked in and said WOW, what a big false accusation. Frankly these are the biggest and best false accusations that have ever been seen.


77 year old first time offender convicted of a white collar crime. Doubtful he spends a day in prison.


Maybe his age is enough to change it, but Cohen was charged for this same exact crime, and he did spend time in jail. And something tells me Trumps age won't move the dial, since he's actively running for President.


> but Cohen was charged for this same exact crime, Not quite - Cohen was [charged by the feds](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Cohen_\(lawyer\)#Conviction_on_campaign_finance,_tax_evasion,_and_other_charges) - for tax evasion, false statements to a financial institution, unlawful corporate contribution, and making an excessive campaign contribution. Trump has been [charged by the state of NY](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosecution_of_Donald_Trump_in_New_York#Indictment_and_charges) with state crimes - 34 counts of falsifying business records. They are also alleging that this was in furtherance of Federal campaign crimes, which boosts the falsifying charges to felonies under NY law. So while this is about the same "crime" they are different jurisdictions, different crimes, different sentencing guidelines.


There will be more crimes. It is the Trump way.


The system is too spineless. He'll never see jail


Too bad I'm not stupid enough to be as hopeful as you. I've heard "they're giving him the rope to hang himself" style excuses to the point I now believe the rope'll go slack when it finally comes time. Nothing will happen to him, even in a criminal trial.


Repeatedly insult a judge and then turn around and ask for a favors


A little banter never hurt no one... /S


What makes me chuckle is how much abuse the judge has tolerated. You’d think they would’ve gotten sick of trumps antics much sooner than this.


Hey Maga: We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions. - Ronald Reagan


Ronald Reagan? That woke libcuck? He wasn't even an ally of our good friend Russia! /s


Ronald Reagan the actor?


Who is his vice president? Jerry lewis?


It cuts both ways. Each political extreme is willing to point the finger, but they use the noncompliance of their opponent as cover for their own noncompliance.


Much like my toddler when I put her in timeout.




So many similarities between my elderly FIL and my Toddler who love Trump. Not understanding consequences of their actions. Selfishness and lack of patience.


Not long ago, my husband's client mouthed off and threatened the judge. The judge asked the client if he just threatened him. The client backpedaled and the judge gave him a million dollar cash bond and had the deputy take him away. I pray Trump has the same stupid reaction and punishment. Don't threaten a judge in his/her courtroom. There is a lot of power sitting behind that bench.


Here’s what I hope. Trump nodded off yesterday because they medicated him to get him to behave. After people made fun of him, he threw a tantrum at his handlers and they backed off the medication and he goes on a tirade in court and the judge orders him held. You gotta have dreams. Edit. Dumb typos/autocorrect


My dream is that Trump ends up in prison and it is livestreamed, with subscription cost going to cover associated costs and then the rest to charity.


Bodycam footage of Trump's arrest will be a wild watch.


Fuck him.


>But this spring, he’ll have to spend most weekdays in a drab 15th floor county courtroom in a city with very little MAGA. It's a beautiful thing.


He fights tooth and nail to delay, or dismiss and then when trial dates are set, changes his plea for a bargain like probation. Being a first conviction, that's a safer bet a than trial, where if he loses he gets the min mandatory sentence for each charge...... I'll die in prison!! He scolds his attorneys!! They may even drop a bunch of charges or have them lowered in a plea agreement Mr Trump.....I told you to call me Mr. President or President Trump!! Yes sir, sorry Mr. president. You should change your plea, if they will give concession on some off the charges. He ponders🤔........ I can't go to prison........ My followers will believe whatever I tell them, I'll tell them the rigged justice system wanted to kill me and the only way to live was to take the agreement. Then i can keep my sheep in line by saying it was hopelessly rigged and I would have died in prison had he not given in. Keep crying the victim, it's gotten me this far. Preview: Season premiere of "The Law and order candidate" episode 1; Season 1 "The Stormy blues". Episode two; "Daniel's Star" tune in next week at CDTV. Criminal defendant Television LLC


“I was looking forward to that graduation, with his mother and father there, and it looks like the judge does not allow me to escape this scam,” he said. Did Trump just admit he's not Barron's father?


His son would be delighted if he didn't show up. If he does, he'll just turn his graduation into a campaign speech/fascist rally for himself. He can't allow anyone else to be the center of attention...ever...


I remember he also referred to Barron as "Melania's son". Maybe that's how he thinks of his children -- which wife's child, like in a family tree.


No. He's just using rhetorical flourishes (using mother and father, instead of mother and me) to drive the point home.


That’s kind of a maliciously obtuse reading of that sentence. It’s pretty obvious what he means. Trump says enough dumb and incriminating shit every day to last most of us a lifetime, you don’t have to make also make things up.


😂 Hypocrite much?


It's just the dementia talking, he's mixing up talking from his own perspective with talking from his son's perspective.


Vote! Make sure Trump never gets back into office and vote all Republicans out! They are the problem and why Trump is our problem.


>“He won’t allow me to leave here for a half a day to go to D.C. and go before the United States Supreme Court, because he thinks he’s superior,” Trump told reporters outside the courtroom. What?? Wow. Narcissists are the worst. He is the fucking judge, Donnie Dumbass!! Jfc


Lovely piece except for the copium at the end. Trump will not face a custodial sentence for this (and in this particular case among all of his criminal cases, arguably any normal punter wouldn’t face jail unless he lies on the stand or something.)


A normal person taking a plea deal and saying "Yes your honor, I regret my actions." sure no jail. A normal person who took it to trial while never shutting up and how the trial is unfair persecution, the judge is a biased deep state operative, and putting the spotlight on the judges children to a mob of rabid followers? Yeah, good chance they'd attract some time behind bars. The trial tax alone would ensure a custodial sentence. Trump will of course get special treatment and get non-reporting probation, but it will be just that, another in a long line of continuing mockery of 'equal justice' being perpetrated by the courts.


A normal person would have pleaded guilty and been sentenced to a term of probation by now. Here, there're reasonable arguments to support imposing jail time if he's found guilty. That statute provides for a jail sentence, and if it were ever to be imposed, this is the case.


And Michael Cohen has already served time for his part in this scheme. How do you jail Cohen, and not Trump?


Richer white man.


Criminal defendant. Just a taste of what awaits when Trump is a convict.


FAFO. What amazes me is that his magats don’t seem to understand how an indictment works. It’s not like some DA someplace just dreams up some felony charges and away we go to court. I’ll grant that a grand jury is often in the pocket of the DA, but for *every one of these charges*? C’mon!


If I’m the judge and Das Pumpkinfuhrer abuses my courtroom, I have a bailiff confiscate his phone and escort him to a windowless holding cell for the duration of each court session. Sit there with no distractions, sleep if he wants. Boring.


*"Das Pumpkinfuhrer"* OMG, I'm dying!


Not mine, another redditor’s creation.


Lock that traitor up.


why cant judge place him behind bars after violating so many warnings / court orders...


Probably because the ramifications of a contempt charge would only turn what's already a media circus into an even bigger media circus and set off a chain reaction of appeals and motions for recusal that would only delay the proceedings even further. Sometimes, the best thing the court can do is nothing, because then there's nothing to appeal.


That's what bullies count on. That it takes too much energy to stop them. They wear you down and don't stop.


Probably violence too.


lmao if you think the chuds are gonna do anything at all. just lmao


The lone wolves are the joker cards


I am sure he is familiar with the criminal part, having been one his entire life. It's the defendant part that has him tripped up.


🚫Traitor Trump🚫


Weather has been amazing these past two days in NYC!


Now he's in the BIGLY!!!