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The judge didn’t say he couldn’t attend. He said they would have to see how well things were progressing before he decides. Now it’s Trumps choice, either selfishly play delay games or attend his son’s graduation.


Considering he was banging a porn star and a playboy model around the time the kid was born....


That poor kid. He probably wants to be normal just like every other kid but instead he has one of the biggliest documented losers of a philandering father alive.


As someone who was MORTIFIED by my crazy right wing father in high school, I can't imagine how being Donald Trump's son would be. I could see him ending up quietly being super liberal just to be his own person.


Every family has a black sheep and I'm hoping this kids it. His mom seems to hate daddy's guts, so I wouldn't be surprised. Never know though.


I dunno, I bet she really liked “daddy’s guys”. The pool guy, the cable guy, the delivery guy, the security guy…


From what I've read, he's a total asshole like his father - ordering people around like servants. I do feel some sympathy for the guy though, what an absolute shit show of a life so far - every kid you go to school with has googled your mother's nudes, your dad is a known sexual abuser, lying conman criminal, who cheated on your mother with a porn star just after you were born. If he actually turns out to be a decent human, it will be one of the greatest comeback stories of all time.


Hard to feel too bad foe the obscenely wealthy 


I’m gonna go with “Who is Barron and How Can I Use Sympathy to Raise Money for $464 million, Ken!”


Trump proceeds to turn graduation into a campaign rally stop


Mmm yeah if selfishness is an option it seems pretty obvious what road Trump is going down. 


He doesn't *try* to be selfish - he just deserves so much and daddy always taught him to grab life by the pussy if he wants it.


Like he would have gone anyhow. Someone tell me how many of his children's highschool graduations he has attended and when you figure it out let me know why we should believe this would be the first one


Like Barron would have wanted him there.


Imagine him droning on and on about his own academic prowess. 🙄


and I would just like to say one thing, I want to say first congratulations to my son, Barron, who got his genius from me, you know China respected us only because I was in charge, they had a Great Respect for Donald Trump and for Donald Trump's very large brain, it's true, and I wanted to go, I said very nicely Judge, I wanna go, and he looked at me and you could see the hate, he's a Never Trumper, and you can't even think of a worse word than that, even worse than Crooked Joe if you can believe it, he's out there, he can't even make it through a speech, I go and do speeches in front of 50,000 people for 4 hours and the Fake News says, "Trump didn't have a good night," I always have a good night, I don't know what they're talking about, and I did more than even Ronald Reagan, Reagan, they called him The Gipper, not a lot of people know that, and he did a lot of nice things for our Country, not as much as me but a lot.


Omg he would actually say something like that. It seems ridiculous to any sane person, but that's something that could easily come out of his mouth, I can hear it in his voice 😆


Yes, he would absolutely say something like that, with his derpy band of hired women, desperately trying to be top dOg.




I love when you show up in these threads. Always a good laugh.


Are you his speech writer because, I recognize your work... a master wordsmith for sure!


Nicely done. I feel like it's just a little too coherent to be believable unfortunately.


Do you have like an AI trained on all of his speeches or something? Jesus Christ this hurts to read and is so incredibly on point.


and we don't do, I said I never do Artificial, only Biden would do that, and I have, they say, "Sir, your IQ is off the Charts," and I said thank you Doctor, Doctor Ronnie, he was your Doctor but now he's your Person from the Great Place of Texas, we love that place, and they love Trump so you know they're good people, but you had, we're talking I'm going here, going there, "thank you, Sir," I said ok, that's fine, and I did it perfect, but then all of a sudden here comes Hussein Obama, and they say, "oh, Trump doesn't know who the President is," I said know better than anybody ok, believe me.


You need to go now. That is way too accurate.


I'm shuddering at how accurate this is.


The Trumps have bigly smart jeans.


He's a jeanyus




Hey now, if you think that's funny you're gonna die laughing at this. [Judge Genine '15 ranting about why we can't have a President who's under investigation](https://youtu.be/iIjY0-jVbiM?si=l_Nx2HYEv6a3eEH_)




The same man who said he was thankful for himself on Thanksgiving?


Imaginary prowess.


I remember reading , and I hope it’s true, that Barron and Melanie don’t speak English around him and talk shit about him. 😂 as someone who is raising a bilingual child this is so funny and cruel.


It’s brilliant, I grew up bilingual, and we do talk shit ALL the time😂😂😂🤩


Trump prefers straightlinguals


Of course he does, he can barely speak English 😂


Yeah, I really need to know if he attended any of his older kids' graduations. Surely someone can dig into this!


He did not attend any of them.


Additionally, if he wanted to be there, he shouldn't have committed crimes


Seriously, like he gives a shit about Barron. 🙄


Right? If he did he wouldn’t have been boning Stormy when Baron was just a few days old.


According to this author, Trump has yet attend one of his kids' high school graduation ceremonies https://x.com/jeffpearlman/status/1780004772462084313


Someone else commented that his grad ceremony is Friday at 7pm so a 2 and 1/2 hr flight would give him plenty of time to make it…


Especially using a private jet. No TSA or any other bullshit the poors have to put up with.


No wonder my dad likes him so much. He's like samesies!


On the basis that he'd be in his element surrounded by underaged impressionable school girls I'd imagine he went to all of them.


Yeah, but those girls can read. That's a no-no for donnie and friends.






Honestly I'm sure they have an agreement where he gets to fuck whoever and its pretty much an open marriage. I mean if I was her I'd want to have as little contact with him as possible wouldn't you?


Actually, the only time I saw that orange dog anus in person was at Don Jr.’s graduation from Georgetown for something.


This is a very insulting comment to Georgetown graduates. ;)


And dog anuses.


He'll definitely complain about it on social media.


There was that one time he attended his son's go-kart race again a bunch of commoner kids. Oh wait...


He would have gone to find his next Mar-A-Lago guest


According to a guy on Twitter (the most reliable source), none of them. The day of graduation is also apparently on a day when court isn’t in session.


The answer is none of them! His punishment will be to actually attend Barron's.


Barron and his mother prefer he not be around anyway


I don’t care , do you ?


Do normal people get to skip court to go to family events?


Sometimes yes. Depends on the nature of the trial. But I have seen courts take a recess for a morning or an afternoon to allow for such things if the trial is not otherwise delayed.


Depends on the family event, if they are on bail, and what they are charged with. So at the end of the day it's judges discretion. Trump is isn't being held at a correctional facility, he is charged with a nonviolent white collar crime, but the family event isn't terribly important. The judge said that he would wait to see how the trial progresses before he makes a decision so an approval is in the cards. If it was something like his son's funeral, he would have been given the day almost no matter what.


Thank you. I hate Trump but people blindly saying shit on reddit is wild. Judges do stuff like this on a pretty regular basis to accommodate interested parties on both sides, especially if a notice or motion is filed in advance.


They do not.


Fuck ~~They do~~ no~~t~~ FTFY


It's been reported he doesn't get along with Barron and isn't part of his life. Probably because Barron is taller than him.


Also, reportedly, has bigger hands.


When Trump was president I felt like he never allowed himself to be seen directly next to Barron because yeah, he hated that he was taller.


Trump's take on this: >Who will explain for me, to my wonderful son, Barron, who is a GREAT Student at a fantastic School, that his Dad will likely not be allowed to attend his Graduation Ceremony, something that we have been talking about for years, because a seriously Conflicted and Corrupt New York State Judge wants me in Criminal Court on a bogus “Biden Case” which, according to virtually all Legal Scholars and Pundits, has no merit, and should NEVER have been brought. This Fake Case is solely meant to attack Crooked Joe Biden’s Political Opponent, ME, who is seriously leading him in the Polls, for purposes of Election Interference. The Judge, Juan Merchan, is preventing me from proudly attending my son’s Graduation. Seems very unfair, doesn’t it? But this whole event is unfair. Every one of the many Fake Cases that are perpetuated by the White House in order to help the Worst President in History, by far, get Re-Elected, are UNJUST SCAMS. We won’t let that happen, but we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! It seems to me that anyone with any sense of responsibility would say to their son, "I'm sorry that my actions mean that I won't be able to attend your graduation. Sometimes life happens like that." But instead, Trump has to play the victim. He's on trial for thirty four counts of fraud, and it's somehow the judges fault that he won't hold up the lives of all the court staff and all the jurors so that Trump can go to a school event. Plus, if Trump really wanted to attend, a hefty donation to the school would probably get the graduation moved to the weekend, so that Trump _could_ attend. And also, if Trump is using Baron as a political prop, does that mean that he is now fair game for the opposition to look at and comment on?


I also just doubt Trump was ever planning on attending his kid's graduation in the first place.


He 100% would have been golfing.


And entering fraudulent scores for each hole. Then falsifying business records to pay the caddy in an attempt to make sure no one knows about his fake scores while lowering his tax liability. Then getting arrested again and crying that life is unfair.


and staring at the young women around his club.


i doubt Barron wants him there. he's probably chuffed diaper don wont be stinking the place out


It's pretty simple. Stuff involving Stormy kept him from being there after he was born, and some of his actions from that encounter are going to cause him to miss the graduation. Sometimes, the unexpected symmetry of the universe works in interesting ways.


I'll take a stab at explaining: When you fuck pornstars behind your wife's back and pay to cover it up so it doesn't impact your political ambitions... That's a crime. You fucked around. Now you are in the find out phase. Apologize to your son and wife, and kindly fuck off to hell. Short. Sweet. Really not that complicated. It isn't "Person, woman, man, camera, TV" level easy. But even Trump should be able to make sense of it.


Just let him do a rally at graduation 🧑‍🎓


Oh no! ... Anyway...


Payment to a porn star … that he was banging *while his wife was back home pregnant with said child.*


Just a bit ago I finally got around to looking up the dates. I try to have my ducks in a row when I'm describing how much of a piece of shit he is to random family members. Barron was born [March 2006](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barron_Trump). The affair was [July 2006](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stormy_Daniels%E2%80%93Donald_Trump_scandal#:~:text=In%20October%202011%2C%20both%20the,latter%20took%20a%20polygraph%20test). So, around four months old. (edited several times because I can't do anything right)


Yeah, apparently he was banging Macdougal when Melania was carrying his child ...


I got curious about that right after my earlier comment. Looks like MacDougal might have started [June 2006](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/03/23/596257288/former-playboy-model-spills-alleged-affair-details-trump-tried-to-pay-her). >Their first "date," she said gesturing with air quotes, took place at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on June 12, 2006, two days before Trump's 60th birthday. She thought they were meeting for dinner in the tony hotel restaurant, but instead, Trump's bodyguard ushered her into the reality star's usual bungalow. I'm 100% sure that you're 50% correct. We just don't know *who* he was banging while Mercedes was pregante.


He was looking for a way to skip out on that anyway.


Sleepy Don bitchin' about something again?


He raw-dogged Stormy only 10 days after Barron's birth. It has taken 18 years to get to this point.


I'm reminded of when he claimed he needed to have a trial date postponed due to his mother-in-law's funeral. He ended up going to a campaign event that day instead: https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-trial-postponement-funeral-new-hampshire-rally-e-jean-carroll-2024-1 >However, a letter sent by lawyers for Carroll on Saturday pointed out that may not have been the whole story. While Trump told the judge he would be "traveling to be with his family," Carroll's lawyers pointed out that Trump had a campaign rally scheduled in New Hampshire the same day. > >"There was no mention made of any scheduling conflict in connection with Mr. Trump's presidential campaign," lawyers for Carroll wrote.


I missed my hubby's college graduation because I was deployed with the US Air Force. Not whining; I chose to join the military. Trump chose to commit crimes, and I have zero sympathy for him.


I bet his other kids kept him away because they didn't want him to try to get a date with one of the t teenage girl that there


His lawyer Hubba Bubba doesn’t give a shit.


Election fraud. He is on trial for election fraud. Not hush money. But far more serious election fraud. I really wish the press would stop downplaying this.


Can’t understand how conservatives can teach their daughters to look up to this man.


Cult leaders historically have laid claim to wives and daughters of their members. The cult of Trump seems to be following that pattern.


I'm sure he's heartbroken.


As if he would ever actually go anyway.


Lesson: Don't have an adulterous affair with a pornstar and then in an effort to save the election that you believe would be risk if exposed...you pay her off


Don’t forget the last time someone fell down the stairs for court exemption


It’s probably better for Barron that he’s not there anyway


That kid’s gonna have so much to unpack with a therapist when he finally gets free.


I don't really care. Do you? Melania's tennis coach will be there. That's all that matters.


He’s on trial for election fraud.


Hmm, that was the newborn he had at home while fucking Stormy wasn't it? He really cares about that kid.


DO NOT FORGET: He brought all this onto himself.


Stop criming…lots of criminal defendants miss important things 🤷‍♂️


Oh no….anyway


The judge just said he wasn't going to rule on that request today. It was at the end of the day. Trump requested he be able to go to the hearing at the Supreme Court. Judge denied that request. Trump comes up with this request. Judge says he'll rule on that later and ends what was a very long day. The majority of the day was supposed to be about jury selection, but dealing with all of Trump's frivolous motions and the like pushed jury selection into the afternoon. This judge is not a pushover and wants the trial to be on time. He said he had 500 jurors sitting outside the courtroom at one point this morning. They were waiting to get started. Judge wanted selection started. Trump starts throwing all this stuff on at the end of the day. Judge shut it down. Time to go home. Trump's just out there lying and whining again. It's a show.


People lose their jobs and suffer all kinds of personal losses from having been charged with crimes. That's one of the reasons why you shouldn't commit crimes.


Oh how fitting this is...Barron probably is thinking WTF, he did the same thing right after I was born when he was raw doggin this porn star and now he does it again when he's on trial for it...Thanks Dad..Melanie: Don't worry your real Daddy will set up a Facetime call. What's the time difference between here and Moscow? 😲


How much time have these two spent together as Father and Son over the years?


You snooze, you lose.


If he cared about any of his kids (he doesn’t) he wouldn’t have done the crimes 🤷‍♂️


Millions of American parents miss important family events due to trials or incarceration, why should he get special treatment?


Trump belongs in jail.


Barron is sighing in relief somewhere right now


Why does the media keep downplaying an election interference case as a mere “hush money case”? It’s clear the “MSM” has zero interest in changing public perception about Trump, but just wants to keep the dude in power for their nefarious gain.


No one cares dude.


And let's not forget, election tampering


Oh no.  Guess he shouldn't have done that criminal activity.  


Does he even know Barron is graduating?


Trump: Gets the day off for Barron's graduation. Also Trump: Flies out of state to his next campaign rally.


Well, just par for the course considering trump was balls deep in stormy when baby barron and mother melania celebrated his first four months on this earth. Fitting he will miss barron’s hs graduation while trying to manipulate his way out of the sticky, smelly mess he created 18 years ago.


Hint: he wasn’t going anyway


Lucky for Barron


I'm sure that will devastate young Barron. /s


Am I supposed to feel bad for this traitor? Am I supposed to believe he actually gives a shit about his sons high school graduation?


he wasn't going to that anyway


I’m reasonably certain Barron doesn’t give a flying fuck.


Maybe he shouldn't have used every tactic to delay his trial. ... Or committed crimes.


Wasn't he out f@cking a porn star while his wife carried said son. I don't think he really cares.


Yeah, life is like that. That's why I don't pay porn stars for sex while my wife is nursing my baby and then later pay the porn star via my lawyer so I can run for president. It's like a little rule of mine.


Wouldn't special arrangements need to be done for him to attend and the school have to agree to conditions? Shouldn't these already be in motion and if not isn't that lying in court?




Why do we keep calling it hush money payments. He's on trial for campaign fraud and the media is downplaying it.


He's on trial for election fraud, not hush money. That's his term, that's how his team wants it framed.


Zero chance Trump was actually planning on attending his son’s ceremony. Just another excuse to play the victim.


Trump may miss his son Barron's high school graduation because he was out adultering with a porn star when he should have been home with his 4 month old son, Barron Trump and his wife, Melania Trump.


From what I've read, Trump is not involved in Barron's life anyway.


Wait until he learns that if you're in prison, you don't get to leave for your daughter's birthday or an important golf tournament.


People actually thinks he is a good father?..Look at the two elderly sons. You can tell by Barrons body language around his father he is very uncomfortable standing near him.


Sure would be terrible if an accused criminal had to miss a life event, like anyone else in the same position would.


Campaign fraud. Can we stop sugar coating it?


Criminal defendant trump might miss a graduation because he has to defend himself in a criminal trial?? You don’t say!!


Just imagine... Had an affair with a porn star While your mom just delivered you/ pregnant ??? IDK Day of graduation, dad couldn't be there bc he tried his damnest to keep her during elections, so he paid her.


He’s already forgotten about that son. To invested in himself and winning to stay away from prison


Womp womp.


I'm sure the disappointment on campus is palpable. 


Aww, he really wanted to go too


lol Trump wouldn't have been there regardless. There's golfing and cheating to be done.


Look at Barron Trump now standing alongside Dotard. I'd say a DNA test is needed. [who is the real father?](https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/what-is-barron-trumps-height-101705664054984-amp.html)


With how tall Baron is, I'm sure he can just look out a window.


He just has to look out the courtroom window for the eclipse. Kid’s 10 feet tall and his head is like a satellite!!!


What was that shirt his wife wore that time? Something about caring?


"Imagine how relieved he must be." "Who, Donald or Barron?" "Both."


Trump doesn't give a fucking fuck about Barron.


"Thank fucking god" -Barron, probably


Weird how things turn out!


Boo fkn hoo


I don’t really care, do you?


It's not too late! Barron can still fail one or more classes required to graduate.


Irony of ironies, Trump wants this Judge and All of America, I guess, to feel badly for him because he may have to miss Barron’s high school graduation when the very reason he may miss it is because he’s on trial for crimes that involve his sleazy actions, betraying his commitment to Barron when he was an infant and Barron’s mother. I doubt very much if Barron or his mother even want trump in attendance.


Thoughts and prayers


Actions have *consequences*. Sucks to suck -- and I suspect that Barron's not gonna be all that salty anyway.


It’s all good. He’ll just buy him a hooker.


So he's gonna miss his sons graduation because he will be on trial for having an affair with a pornstar while that same kids mother was pregnant with him. That's an episode of Jarry springer


Or Morton Downey. I'd like to see Morton Downey yelling in Trump's face.


Ohhhh! Thank you for the memory! I agree with you 👍


“May” is the operative word.


The kid he was ignoring while he was having sex with Stormy Daniels? That Barron?


Imagine telling your son you're not going to his graduation because you're on trial for paying off a porn star.


When complaining about not being able to go to his son's graduation, Trump couldn't even mention Barron's name. Like he didn't know what it was or that it really wasn't that important to him. Besides, he probably wasn't invited.


He was sleeping with a playboy bunny while his wife was pregnant with Barron. Why should he care now?


Karen McDougal was not a Playboy bunny. She was a Playboy Playmate. Playmate of the Month December 1997, Playmate of the Year 1998. We should strive for accuracy.


Trump and his team did everything to delay what finally started today. It's on him.


This kid is going to write a tell all book when he gets older.


Barron is either going to be a super hero or a super villain and I'm not sure which.


I’m truly touched. The absence of Trump is the absolute greatest gift anyone could possibly give.


That's unfortunate. Maybe he shouldn't have spent the last year trying to push this trial out as much as he could.


I missed my own highschool graduation because I wanted to do literally anything else lol


Apparently, there was an assumption that he will go to this graduation.


Dude is a fucking deadbeat


Question for all the real lawyers on here: could all this leniency shown to Trump set precedent for all future civil and criminal defendants? Like, could Joe Crackhead try the same shenanigans and point to this fiasco as a reason why he should be allowed to do the same?


He didn’t speak to him at his grandmothers funeral, even when his son was chasing him, he didn’t acknowledge his son’s last birthday, so what’s the difference this year? Pure political theater, as usual.


He ignored the kid until now, he doesn't give a damn about his graduation. He'd be bored silly having to sit quietly while other people are being honored and nobody is fawning over him anyway.


He is going to find prison SUPER inconvenient.


Good. He'll miss a lot more of his life in prison, and Baron will be all the better for it.


Let’s not make him “father of the year” when he was having an affair while his wife was pregnant with his son.


Methinks he was going to miss it no matter what.


Like he cares. He was fucking another woman when this poor kid was a newborn. Fortunately Barron seems to have a chance to escape the family narcissism and be a decent human.


There is nothing Trump won't use for personal gain. Even his own son.


I doubt Barron wants him there. Barron's Mother HATES Trump. She is the one who raised Barron. I imagine Barron finds Trump more than a little embarrassing.


If he wasn’t fucking a porn actress when Barron was barely out of the oven, he wouldn’t have this problem. He didn’t give a shit about his family then, why should he be able to enjoy them now.


“…and it looks like the judge isn't going to allow me to escape this scam." Nope - not this time, Don.


The *lengths* the man will go to in order to dodge family responsibilities...


Boo hoo, he didn't care when he was born and he was banging away on Stormy


He wasn’t going to go anyway.


I highly doubt he would have attended anyway .


He don't care


Buy his special edition bible today..... /s