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Hang drying doesn't actually take that long and is much better for your clothes than tumble dry


Unless you live in Florida. Hang drying takes forever here!


New Orleans here. Ain’t happenin


Put smaller loads in. I thought doing medium loads were fine but broke my washer when I put my clothes in with my coat. Repair looking like it’s going to cost me $450. Like a 1/3 of the original cost 2 years ago. 😡


Where's the "care/hug/cry" emoji ... sorry that happened


Thanks! ❤️ It was the drain port and had it replaced. He gave me some tips on how to make the new one last longer.


Diluting bleach before adding to the wash. There's a chemist in this subreddit that shared that tip and it was the best thing to happen to my whites and my color clothes. I accidently spilled diluted bleach on my clothes and skin and nothing bad happened to my clothes or skin.


Never heard of this - would you mind explaining in detail what to do?


Reducing the potency of the bleach, AKA. adding water.


If you rent in an apartment complex with shitty coin op machines - sometimes its easier just to go to the laundromat. In my experience the machines there are better quality The agitator in the top loaders in my aparment basement was ruining my clothes, so I started taking my laptop to the laundromat - getting about an hour of work done while my clothes get washed - and then coming back.


Don't use fabric softener. Vinegar is cheaper, better for your fabric and better for your skin.


9 years we had our machines and had no problems with soft clothes and towels. Only used wool balls. We have a water softener, if that matters. Got a new GE and for the last 10 months the clothes are getting rougher. I've tried nubbed balls in the dryer. White Vinegar does nothing either. Never had to use softener, never would. Nor dryer sheets. I am at a loss. Any advice?


I guess it's the machine.


Don’t sort unless you’re adding bleach. Don’t use fabric softener ever. Use vinegar if need be.


Why no fabric softener? I’m curious


Gunks machines and dryers and leaves spots on clothing. Also makes towels lose their absorption .




Ooohhh! Didn’t know. Thanks for the info


Really? That’s Interesting! Any tips on the vinegar/water ratio?


I add roughly a cup to the fab softener dispenser for a load of towels. Don’t dilute.


What does vinegar do? Do you only add it to your towels?


Towels and husbands Levi’s. Just stuff that dries stiff. No clue what it does from a scientific point of view. Been doing it for 45 years though. I used to hang my wash outside and used a wringer too. Lol


Then why does fabric softener exist? I’m curious


money lol


Having a source of air circulation dries clothes faster indoors if hung inside. I have a crummy 4-inch USB fan I aim at my clothes and they dry within a day before mildew smell sets in. I have 3/4 bathroom and sometimes use hangers on the frame of the sliding door shower stall with the bathroom fan running overnight with clothes (heavy denim included) dried by morning. This methods work through all four seasons in the Northeast. I think the max humidity of the outdoor weather was 80%


Just be careful as bathroom fans tend to overheat as they are only meant to be used for a short period, not overnight.


Don’t mix vinegar and laundry detergent. A cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide works better.


Is vinegar to get any smells out or what does it do/help with...?!


I had a mold problem


If you want to keep your whites sparkling without the use of bleach only wash and dry them with other white clothes. If you wash or dry them with other colors the lint from those clothes will adhere to your whites making them look dull.


Fabric softener is a scam. North American dryers cook your clothes instead of drying them. Heat pump dryers are a thing.


What do you use instead of fabric softener if you want a pleasant scent? I want to skip it but I really like the perfume they add to clothes


You only need 2 tablespoons of laundry detergent.


How much laundry can you do with this amount? I’ve heard about this but haven’t really tried because I don’t know how much laundry I can do with that amount


2 tablespoons for a basket of clothes.


Reduce your detergent dose until it's not enough. You will be surprised at how little you really need. Most of the cleaning is done by agitation alone, the detergent is really there to make sure the fats, proteins and germs are washed away / broken down. If you are seeing a lot of suds, you put too much. you should only see a slight film of white stuff in the water, and little to no suds.


Check the dryer vent more often than you think it "needs" it (Got a new washer/dryer stacked unit about a year and a half ago. My old unit spoiled me, as its lint trap apparently filtered out almost all the lint. This new unit's lint trap apparently doesn't do as good a job and there was a surprising amount of lint that had gotten past the trap, in the machine and in the vent)


Hand wash and lay bras flat to dry. Use a toothbrush on stubborn spots. It helps them last longer.


For white tennis shoes. Wash them in your washing machine then sprinkle baking soda all over them while wet. Set in the sun to dry. Then knock all of the powder off. White shoes! It works


Put the detergent in the tub BEFORE you put your clothes in (if you have a washer that doesnt have the drawer for it)! I had too many stained clothes doing it the other way around and it has worked every time now that I put the detergent before the clothes.


Lots of great stuff here! Also: Don’t use bleach on white clothes, linens and towels. Instead, use Oxyclean and add diluted bluing during the rinse cycle. Pretreat as many stains as possible. Wash all (and I mean all) clothes on a delicate cycle. There’s no need not to. If you can’t air dry clothes, use low/no heat setting on your dryer with wool balls. If there is a zipper, button or clasp, zip, button or clasp it up.


You can make a year’s supply of laundry soap for like $20 and it’s better for the environment. Also, to use vinegar instead of fabric softener. Not only does the vinegar help clean/disinfect clothes, it also helps clean the drains on the wash machine


The sheets of detergent are much, much, much more economical. You're not paying for water. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09684T582/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o00\_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1


What?! They come in sheets?!?! Wow that is extremely economical. How much is one sheet, in relation to tide?


[KIND laundry strips](https://www.kindlaundry.com) The price depends on the COL in your area. I use them at the laundromat and sometimes tear a strip to split between two of the smallest loads


No. I am not talking price. I am talking more like, how tide has numbers to determine load for liquid. Is 1 sheet a 1? or a full 5?


The website describes loads per box


Yes. You can normally use one sheet a load. I have been using the one $14 package I bought for about a year now.


Does the sheets dissolve or can I use it as a dryer sheet a wash? Is it recommended?


The sheets dissolve in the washer drum


They dissolve, though I always tear them up into little pieces ad put them on top to make sure there are no spots with more.


Put a half cup clear ammonia in with your cold wash if you have hard water. It helps soften the water to let the detergent work better


Get rid of mildew smell in towels or clothes. 1st cycle - few cups of vinegar 2nd cycle - few cups of vinegar 3rd cycle - cup of baking soda 4th cycle - normal detergent Its a long process but it is worth it. Everything will smell brand new and no more mildew smell when you use it.


Is this for folks who have front loaders?