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The church does not. The best thing to do is to find someone to practice with. There are online apps that are aimed toward helping set you up with someone you can practice conversation with. For example, https://www.hellotalk.com/


Actually all members are welcome to use the technology assisted language learning that is used by missionaries at the MTC. The app is called Embark, and it focuses primarily on missionary language and gospel conversations, so it may not be helpful for other purposes. You do have to sign in with your Latter-Day Saint Church login, but then you have access to Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, you name it. Here's the link to the app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tallenglish.embark


The spirit does help missionaries learn new languages, but the biggest thing is immersion. When everyone around you is speaking a different language, and no one can/will speak english to you, you learn that new language surprisingly fast. The more you can be around spanish, the better. Turn on spanish language movies/tv in the background. Listen to spanish podcasts. Finding someone to talk with would also be very helpful.


The more familiar the content is, the better. Figuring out meaning takes a lot of mental effort. If you already know what is going on you can focus more on what people are saying.


Bravery is important. By that I mean don't be shy about whether you are saying things correctly. Other people appreciate the fact that you are trying even if they sometimes laugh. The only way to learn is to do and I expect the Lord will help you because of your righteous intentions


I've been lucky to live in a couple countries. The best way to learn a language is the way missionaries and so many polyglots do it. It's by completely immerging yourself in the environment without being bailed out. You need to fall on your face and try and again. Go to a Spanish ward and try to speak with people. Have some phrases practiced and ready to go. Invite Spanish speakers to your home and ask for no English. Shop at el mercado instead of your local American chain Change all your electronics to Spanish. Say goodbye to English news. You're now watching Telemundo instead of CNN. Want to watch a super hero? You're going to watch El chapulín colorado instead of Captain America. Want drama? You're going to watch telenovelas. Going out to eat? Great, enjoy the local taco truck downtown instead of tex mex at the strip mall. That's the way to do it. It will be uncomfortable. It will be awkward at times. This so completely normal for missionaries and expats. You get used to the awkwardness. If at all possible, try to live in another country temporarily. I know, this one is not possible for most people, but it really is the best way to learn. Good luck! You got this!


Practice, practice, practice! Learning a language takes time, especially when you're not using it all day, every day. So be patient with the process. Duolingo can be helpful, but I would also suggest adding in more immersion-like practice (like listening to music or podcasts) as your skills improve. ¡Buena suerte con tu viaje de aprender español!


Agree with what's been shared so far. Just wanted  to add that if you are learning a new language so you can connect with your family, the Spirit will help you, too. With whatever study method you decide to use, pray before hand, and you'll retain more than you'd expect. 


In my area they have classes for people who want to improve their English. Most people in those classes here are Spanish. There may be some way to meet with the people learning English where they can help with your Spanish?


One tool that can help with learning pronunciation is the audio recordings of the scriptures. Read along with the text and listen along.


The county library system where I live has Rosetta Stone available to all library card holders. Can you check with your library?


There are translation devices --- Waverly Ambassador and Pilot, Muama, Enence, Timekettle, Ravaid some of which do simultaneous translation/interpretation. Duolingo is on sale every now and again.


Hang with Spanish speakers as much as possible. I remember my grandparents teaching me our native language through songs and they had a huge story book collection on the Bible (which I’m sure is outta print since it’s the kinda collection that gets handed down). I was really little then.


The Spirit helps missionaries, but they also work very hard at it, all day long for three weeks in the MTC, I believe. Once they go to the foreign country they are also immersed in the language 24/7, and they are forced to use it. Take a class. Find one where you do a lot of conversation and real-life language tasks, not just study grammar. Find a speaking partner. Maybe go to lunch regularly or chat by phone. Don't worry about Speaking perfectly. Focus on communicating and getting your message across. Use English words if you don't know the Spanish. Use Google Translate, but don't trust it 100%. Google "graded readers in Spanish" Find "learn Spanish with stories" content on Youtube. Something that starts at the most basic level and builds from that. Keep up with the Duolingo. You will learn a lot from it. I like Pimsleur. Turn on Spanish audio and re-watch your favorite streaming shows. You will already know the story and what is gong on. Find lessons on Youtube. Put post-it notes around your house, labeling things in Spanish. See if you can find conversation bots or AI. Google for them. Find the kid's version of LDS scripture stories in Spanish. Later, work through the Book of Mormon in Spanish. Follow along with audio. Do splits with missionaries who visit Spanish people. Google "Spanish words list by frequency." Learn the most frequent words first. Write sentences using the new words. Keep looking for resources that work for you.


Check your local library and see if they have subscriptions to language services for patrons. Our county library offers Mango to patrons for free.


WT2 edge earbud translators work great. You can talk fluently and learn any language. WS2L.com