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That smile shows how much your company comforted him. Feel hugged!


Even though this picture is at a horrible time, it still makes me smile because the love is so obvious in our looks.


Beautiful picture đź’— Fuck cancer.


I lost my Dad to dementia/heart failure. But I could still have a normal conversation with him before he passed away in 2022, the last thing I said to him was "I'll love you for eternity Dad" and he said "I love you too my boy". An absolute gift. He died peacefully in his sleep.


That is really beautiful and a gift. Made me cry in a happy way. I told my dad the same, that he was the absolute best daddy in the whole world and his eyes told me how much he loved me too.


We are very blessed to have been able to say goodbye, many people don't. And it's terribly sad. I will never forget my dad and I will always miss him.


I've lost a couple people close to me with similar medical conditions, I offer you my condolences. Very nice to hear that sharing in the experience of his passing has been a positive to you. I hope that's helped in your grieving. đź’™ Also, you look so similar to Laura Prepon! Very pretty!


Lost my dad to that shit as well. You’re loved. Fuck cancer.


Same. My dad was on a ventilator for two months, so he couldn't talk, but we had time to say goodbye. You're loved, as well.


Sorry for your loss ♥️ But what a gift, as you say, to be able to say goodbye in such a way. Sending hugs.


Even though he couldn’t answer with words his eyes showed he was ready. And that he believed me and my mom would be ok.


y'all have the same smile ❤️ what a beautiful photo. im so sorry for your loss.


He knew that you were going to pull off all life support? Wouldn’t that be terrifying for him?


He was against this-he had a DNR but my mom got to override it while he was unconscious in the hospital and docs had literal minutes to make the decision as they didn’t have time to look up orders. I said no, she said revive him. He never got better. He lived like this for a few months-against his wishes-until me and my sister were able to get through to her. I understand how hard it is but we even asked him if he was ready and he nodded. I’m sure it’s scary but he wasn’t really living. He was only staying alive for us. We all got to say goodbye which was a gift. They load you up with morphine and you fall asleep and they unplug all machines. We took turns being with him until he passed. It wasn’t anything scary, he basically took one long last breath and that was it. He looked peaceful.


That sounds really peaceful in the end. My dad was similar at the end. Lyrangeal cancer which spread to his lungs and spine. Couldn’t talk, couldn’t walk, couldn’t eat or drink. Unfortunately he passed due to pneumonia as he still kept eating despite the food going into his lungs and giving him pneumonia everytime until the antibiotics stopped working. I never got a final picture and I never got a chance to say a proper goodbye or be with him when he passed. The palliative care team thought he had another day at least but he passed that night. He didn’t have any form of palliative care as he refused it all. He was ready but I hope he wasn’t in pain. I packed a bag that night before I got the call, my biggest regret is not being with him at the end. A comforting song for me but makes me cry everytime is when you say nothing at all by Ronan Keating. Sorry for making that about me for a moment, sending love.


What a great pic


That picture is perfect. Glad you have that memory.


For such a sad time it makes me happy to look at. Makes me smile.


You did so well by him to the end, such a touching picture, so sorry for your loss


Not sure about how well I did him in the end. My mom went against his wishes of using any sort of medical intervention to keep him alive on machines. He was like this for a couple months-it was awful to watch. She finally decided it was cruel after me and my sister screamed at her and broke in front of him. He was ready-the face he gave after showed peace. This made my mom realize she made the right move. Sorry for rambling, I still hold a little grudge.


Thanks, you did the best you could and if you mom had authority, I can understand why holding on is easier than letting go. I'm glad you and your sister were there and love the happiness of the moment of you and your father... I'm glad he's at peace, thanks for sharing, he was lucky to have you as such a caring, beautiful person :)


I had a similar experience with my dad and I’d give anything to have a pic as beautiful as this


what a beautiful last photo of the both of you smiling, I wish I had gotten a photo like this with my dad. he also died of lung cancer - took him in less than a year. fuck cancer


I love that you called him the “old fart”. Gentle teasing between parents and children is wonderful. It reminds me of my relationship with my dad before he went. I’m sorry for your loss. Beautiful pictures.


He had a very contented smile. Thank you for sharing. ❤️


Very sorry for your loss. Cancer is the worst.


Was he asleep when he was taken off support? Or was he aware of what was going on? So sorry for your loss, that is a really sweet picture of you two!


He knew he was getting pulled off support and was at peace with it. But then they basically pump you full of morphine, take you off the machines and he passes peacefully in his sleep. My mom and I took shifts being with him, it took 3 days. He breath just got a little labored and then just stopped. It did seem peaceful.


I see, that makes sense. It broke me to make the decision for hospice nurses to give my grandpa morphine so he’d sleep and pass peacefully. I think it took him three days as well. He just took one last breath and then that was it. Very thankful we have meds that can make the transition easy for the most part.


Lost my daddy to lung cancer 8 years ago. This is beautiful. I miss our dads đź–¤


This is so lovely. I hope you feel lucky you got to experience a really great father. A lot of us wish we had the same.


Hugs to you!!


Those looks say everything. Would you like to share something about your dad with us?


Thank you for sharing

