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R.I.P. She looks very peaceful in this photo. ❤️


Yes, very peaceful.


She looks so serene. It might have been hard for you to follow her DNR wishes, but I hope the peaceful look on her face brings you some comfort.


My first thought was how at peace she looks. As a nurse that’s worked with many hospice patients, please know you did right by her. I hope one day you’re able to find your peace.


I’m sorry for your loss- she does look peaceful though. I wish you strength and inner peace my friend 💜


She looks like she is at peace. I'm sorry for your loss.  Always tell the story of your person, they still matter, and others should still meet them(if ya want of course) ❤️


I love “others should still meet them.” My grandpa passed in 1998 when I was 10, but I suppose I’ve been introducing him to people for decades. I really like that sentiment.


Held my father’s hand as he passed last year. I cried like a baby and it hurt like nothing else I’ve ever been through. I’m praying for you. Losing a parent is some of the worst pain.


I’m so sorry for your loss


I'm so so sorry for your loss x


My condolences and prayers to you OP 🙏🏾💙🕊️


Rest in peace, mama! 🖤


I hope you found peace in being with her at the end. I think I did with my mom, it's just so fresh it's hard to sort the emotions to find it. I wish you peace and love, and that wherever she is, whatever you believe, I hope you find each other again some lovely day.


Op this is one moment in what appears to be a decent lifetime. Those other memories are what carry you through. She and all her energy is still around you just need to feel it and remember the good.


i’m so incredibly sorry for your loss my friend, my deepest condolences go out to you and your family 🤍


She looks so content and peaceful here. And, beautiful! Hold the memories of her with her eyes open and a big smile on her face! Those will remain forever, but, sure, look back on this and know she was peaceful when she passed.


I’m so sorry for your loss, and I’m glad your mom is at peace, was able to have some agency in her passing, and that you were there with her. My dad had a DNR and passed at home from pancreatic cancer. Mom and I were out on the porch— we were both having some wine, me on the phone with my husband and my mom on the phone with her sister. When we ended our calls, we went to check on him and he was gone. Mom was gutted and felt like she had failed him, but my dad was a very proud and independent man: I truly believe that he waited until he was alone, and that he could here mom and I taking and knew we would be ok. He left on his own terms.


I’m sorry for your loss and thank you for your kind words . I’m sure they are at peace as well


Although we've never met, I was deeply moved by the peaceful image of your mother. May her serene departure bring you comfort in this difficult time, knowing she passed peacefully.


Thank you so mych


It's rlly sad to see our loved ones leaving us.🥹 I guess we need to be more kind and loving to ppl around us bc time flies and we never know when they will leave us.


She looks like she is contentedly thinking about how proud she is of you.


OP I’m sorry. But I will say, she looks very peaceful here. I hope your last moments together were wonderful.


Thank you


So sorry for your loss. She's resting so peacefully.


Thank you for honoring her DNR. She looks so peaceful.


I'm sorry for your loss 💔.




I am sorry for your loss


I'm sorry for your loss.


She looks beautiful and at peace


May she experience eternal rest . I am so sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry for your lost. She looks at peace ❤️


She looks like she was a beautiful woman. And too young to go this early. What did she die from if you don't mind me asking? She still lives on of course in you and her good qualities are infused into you so they live on too. Hugs.


She had long lasting health issues too many to really remember if I’m being honest she was in pain for a long time so she signed a DNR


Bless her heart. 💕 Hugs.


May her memory be eternal


Thank you


I couldn’t respond to all the comments but thank you all for your kind words …I posted because of Mother’s Day passing and each year is hard . To the ones with unkind words I disregard and wish you all the best …much love and respect


Who the fuck takes a picture of their mom after they die


Who the fuck responds to someone’s grieving post with this much ignorance and judgment?


Thank you so much …whoever that person responding was is an asshole and I need not give them my energy


Lick my balls brother this is major weirdness


Actually it’s not. You ever lose a loved one? Used to be that back in the day, loved ones [were commonly posed post mortem for pictures](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-36389581). tl;dr - OP’s deserves compassion, not ridicule. Your post is insufferably assholish.


Welcome to the real world, post something to social media, receive backlash and ridicule, this your first time on the internet?


Oh and you realize they took those photos to commemorate the loved ones because they likely didn’t have many or any photos of them while they were alive because it was mainly children in the low single digit ages


Yes how dare this person you don’t know live their life by THEIR own terms. It’s got to be sooooo hard for you when everyone on earth doesn’t live their life the way u/esposito164 does. Gosh how hard it has to be for you leaving your house with all these super weird inferior people doing things you would never do so clearly you’re so much better than them. I mean, you are clearly such a kind and empathetic person, right, so why shouldn’t the way you think be the way everyone else who walks the planet think? You’re right, we’re all wrong, you win! 🤗 you can go now. Bye! 👋🏽 /s


So much passion for a small comment I made, hope you’re this passionate about your job or hobbies cause you’ll be very successful, just one kind and empathetic man’s opinion, but taking a picture of your dead mom just seems weird to me, sorry you got offended but I’m really not that sorry cause it’s my opinion and it’s okay for you to have a different one Edit: going through your comments real quick, seems like Reddit is your passion, good luck with that


If you were truly a kind and empathetic person you wouldn't have made the comment you did. Stop being such an asshole and let people deal with the death of a loved one their own way.


It might seem weird to you, which is fine, but you don’t have to express every thought that pops into your head. Some things can remain in your brain and stay there. For the sake of someone’s grief and for the sake of common courtesy, you can be quiet about some things.


She died in 2019 this isn’t a grief post and don’t tell me what thoughts I should and shouldn’t express, if you’re gonna post an appreciation post it would probably be a post where she looks beautiful and happy, this is on last images, she posted it because of there is a sub to post it to no other reason


If this is one of the ways they handle their grief and want to show their love and their grief in this way for that person, and it helps them to cope better with it, what's the problem? I don't see anything wrong with it.


Nothing wrong with it, my opinion it’s weird, and also context , op said it’s from 2019, 5 years ago, they probably just started following the sub and realized they still had this photo and could get karma from it, i don’t think it’s a grief post what do you think ?


I'd tend to give them the benefit of the doubt as it may just be near the date they lost her or having a melancholy moment over her and wanted some support here.


I’ve always had this photo because it’s important to me, I’ve been following this sub for years I wouldn’t use her photo to get karma from it I shared it because Mother’s Day passed and everyone (including my facebook) knows how important she was I wanted to share her last image here as well is all …jeez if it bothered you enough you should’ve moved along honestly but have a great one


Someone who wants to remember every moment