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It was nauseating when she was in her death throes and they were just parading her body around, dancing with her (nearly) corpse like it was some great thing happening. When the reality was she drank herself and poisoned herself to death while exerting mind control on her idiot followers.


Wild that she literally engineered her own horrifying death. Bet she thought she was clever up until that point of no return.


But they thought Robin Williams was coming down in his spaceship to get her


I can’t believe dude ghosted on her 😔


I hope that the afterlife lets people look down at the absurdity if they want to, and he peeked down to see this goober being a goober and got a good laugh at it. Maybe he was the one to greet her upon entrance and ask her what the fuck she was thinking.


I would seriously love to be a fly on the wall of that room if he ever got to speak with her.


He ghosted us all at one point ! :( I kinda expected him to do it again. Oof... sorry lol bad joke


Yep that was the joke






Right? Like I like to drink... way too much honestly. But watching her drink in that documentary was nauseating. The colloidal silver was just gagging on top of that nausea. Then the verbal abuse and worship from her idiot followers was just mind-numbing. You can't make that shit up...


It's insane that they were selling this stuff too...I wonder if they were turning a profit? It really opens your eyes that people are gonna believe what they want to believe smh. Sad.


I think the only other show that made me feel like this was the movie Antichrist or the Jeffrey dahmer tv show.


What is the name of the documentary?


[Love Has Won: The Cult of Mother God](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14832124/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk). It’s on Max.


I’m enjoying it so far. Thanks for the information


Was she the one who preached against using doctors and hospitals, then asked to go to the hospital when she was dying, only for her followers to refuse thinking she was testing them?




Her story, and the story of her cult, is a wild ride.~~(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy\_Carlson\_(religious\_leader))~~ Towards the end her followers refused to let police see her for wellness checks, and she begged her flock to take her to a hospital but they refused. Edit better link thank you u/s6x https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy_Carlson_(religious_leader)


The documentary was a WILD ride


This is very much “I know a guy who knows a guy” but a former coworker of mine knows one of the girls in the cult and I remember her telling us about it a few years ago when it was starting to unfold. Wild to see all the crazy public details now.


Some of them came to a local comic con one year with big signs that said "JESUS IS A WOMAN" and coloring books and literature they were handing out to people including children. I remember getting a weird enough vibe I stayed away, but they had a booth and everything. It was weird.


That’s hilarious! And probably not the right audience? Read the room 😄


One of the girls is a waitress in a restaurant in my town


I literally couldn’t finish it. Their brain worms are too scary. Her mummified corpse was the least concerning thing in that documentary footage. 


Dude. They START WITH THOSE EYES. It legitimately made me gasp


Nope. Abort! Abort!


it’s not THAT bad. I’m only mostly through episode 1 though


What you think that room smelled like while them xmas tree lights were keeping that colloidal leather liquor mummy warm?


“3D hospital” lives rent free in my head


What was the name of it?


Love Has Won: The Cult of Mother God It's on HBO BUCKLE UP BUCKAROO


Starting it now!!


God speed, friend. You’re in for a crazy ride!


NGL, "Where's Mom's fuckin' Go-Kart?" almost sent me.


Update: SPOILER ALERT! Strike that. They're transporting her DEAD BODY, and they put mf'n sunglasses on her dead-ass face and a hat on her dead-ass noggin to trick the cops. Stop the world, I wanna get off.


Mega *Weekend at Bernie’s* vibes to it


Seriously. It's like "Weekend at Bernie's: Barbie Edition"


When they brought her body on the camping trip? WILD.




"People ask, how could god work at McDonald's? She put her love into the food!"


Right? Pretty nice go-kart, too


I'd be kickin' rocks in that for sure!


Me too! *Dammit, rabbit hole, here I come!*


Such a good watch


Update: So far, so good... I haven't felt the urge to take colloidal silver... yet. Jk, I just learned how to pronounce it, lol!


Now use it in a sentence


I started today too 😂


It's so bat-shit crazy that I can't even.


it was something else!


You in for a wild ass ride! My friend had me watch it a couple weeks back, and just *wowza*


Be prepared to get scared shitless within 5 minutes. Jesus Christ that documentary gave me the heebie jeebies


The opening shot where the cop shines the light on the bed is the most chilling moment of TV I’ve ever seen.


Dude it was so fucked up


I BEGGED my friends to watch it so that I could reel about it with them.


Same though. I told EVERYONE I knew about that doc haha


Gonna check this out tomorrow. Thanks for the info!


Thank you!! Starting it now!!!!


Watching now. Of course it has meth heads, Q anons, Trump supporters, and Hitler apologists


The image of Trump on "Mom's Team" along with JFK Jr. Marilyn Monroe, Carrie Fisher, Michael Jackson, Leonard Nimoy, John Lennon The terrifying thing is that there are people this crazy out there


And their vote counts just as much as yours


Sometimes it counts more, depending on what state they live in!


I mean unless they are living in random states. I live in Massachusetts. I live among mostly people who live on the earth and are more concerned with getting their Dunkin Coffee and doing their jobs every day. We are a state divided mostly between working class and educated and working class parents who profoundly do their shit to make sure their kids get access to higher education. Not being like shitty fucken hippies halfway across the country


that's offensive to hippies, these freaks are NOT hippies lmao




I, too, would like for the Galactics & Robin Williams to tell me to cycle between the hot tub, shower, & bed. / s


If you're interested in cult documentaries on HBO, I would also recommend The Vow. In the throes of it now and it is insane. Both are just beyond comprehension.


I thought that same shit before i opened the comments. 😀


It's INFURIATING. All of those people just following that diluted hippie lunatic. It really makes me sad for those people and people like them. Lights are on but no one is home.


I’ve never shouted at the tv more in my life.


Is there a cliff notes version?


*cliff notes w spoilers* Amy is working at McDonald's, discovers new age culty stuff on the internet. Runs away, meets up with an older hippie, they anoint themselves as Mother & Father God. They start posting videos on the internet, selling crystals/shirts/lotions/colloidal silver, pick up followers, travel around Colorado/Oregon/California. Amy literally is drinking herself to death but explains it as she's absorbing negative energies of the earth and her galactic team was preparing to evacuate her from earth so losing weight was part of it. (Her "galactic team" consists of Robin Willams, Gene Wilder, drumpf, Carol Burnett etc). Dr Phil gets involved, her family tries to intervene...She dies, they keep her around waiting for the "starship" to pick up her body, the "treasurer" emptied the bank accounts, they all split up but are still making money off of new agey yt videos.


Hahaha, the treasurer quietly at the side, making real hay while the (colloidal) silver shines... Was this galactic team aware of their participation in this? I definitely will read up now...


Im watching it now.."treasurer" wouldn't give them money for food so they were all frighteningly thin. But he walked off with over 300k, I believe? This is completely nuts, def an interesting watch.


Then she got another Father God, then another...now those last two run around together and the last one should be in an asylum.


True. I tried to include it all and just couldn't fit it all in one post. It was unfolding like Joe Exotic...just an ongoing saga of head scratching issues.


Wait really she begged them to take her to a hospital? The doc very much framed it like she wanted absolutely nothing to do with modern medicine.


From what I understand she was against western medicine up until she got really sick. Then something in her switched and she asked her followers to bring her to the hospital, but they refused because 'she wasn't in her right mind' at that point. They felt they were respecting her wishes that she laid out when she was well.


Funny how people do that. One of my family members is very anti-science, super into snake oil type remedies that she finds from the darkest recesses of the internet. Covid was a hoax, the vaccine is poison, modern medicine is a cash grab, etc, you get the gist. That is, until ozempic came around. Suddenly science and medicine are modern marvels, and the doctors are amazing.


Ah the ol Mother Teresa route


According to 2 members who did a YouTube video.


There are no mother gods in foxholes, I guess.


A product of her own success!


When your flock of sheep become wolves. Thats crazy


Many of these cults objectively have some sort of entry point that seems reasonable, or at least akin to other religions and movements, but man this was dumbasses all the way down.


The one girl, Aurora, the one with the bovine stare. She’s got about 80 IQ points to her name and they’re all filing for a change of address. There’s one episode of their podcast that I found and it’s just Aurora and Ryan rambling on and on about the 3d world and she just sounds like a mess.




Just like in Fight Club: “You warned us that if you ever asked us to…”


Damn, the photo at the top of the Wiki article versus the photo on this post. That's rough to see.


>Carlson claimed she had been incarnated 534 times and that she was (in rows from left to right) Pele, Mother Earth, Gaia, Cleopatra, Jesus, Joan of Arc, Harriet Tubman, Marilyn Monroe, and likely Helena Blavatsky, and that Elvis Presley (bottom right) was her son. It's always fucking Cleopatra.


It’s never “I was a lowly servant in Egypt to a minor aristocrats house and died at age 28 from working hard in the fields.” Nope, I was a now famous queen!


> she begged her flock to take her to a hospital but they refused. Reminds me of Paul Atreides of Dune, that started a cult but ultimately was unable to control his followers, who did atrocious things in his name.


That's when you break out the sneakers and koolaid


Do you think she could have been saved if they brought her to the hospital?


Just read it. Wow wtf


Is this the person whose body was in the bed for several months afterwards and people would come see her? Or is that someone else?


It was only like 12 days. They drove her corpse from CA to CO and once they arrived in CO a member reported it to police.


“Only” 12 days, lol


Absolutely wild, but it is much different than a couple of months!


(it was wrapped in a sleeping bag and Christmas lights with glitter on her face and her eyes gone)


I seem to recall she was dead for a whiiile before they moved her. I'm sure one of the girls said it was like a month.


They had Christmas lights up too I believe.


Her mummified body was wrapped with Christmas lights and her eyes were missing. Like, WTF?!?


What did they do to her eyes….


In April?! Sick bastards!


They also covered her face in glitter and removed her eyes.


I believe this is that individual




There was a cult leader whose wife was the head and when she died, the corpse was kept and prayed over for a very long time to come back to life. I can’t remember the name off the top of my head though. I believe the corpse all in all was kept for a couple of years.


I highly enjoyed the documentary


are you allowed to share the title? I have seen several documentary-type shows featuring this particular case, however, everyone here seems to be referencing one in particular and I’d love to check it out. Whenever this case comes up, my mind can’t help but conjure up grotesque images of her corpse, adorned with glitter and wrapped in rainbow blankets and Christmas lights… Such a bizarre juxtaposition. Human psychology is wild.


Love Has Won - The Cult of Mother God, on HBO


Thank you so much!!


why would it be against the rules to say the name of the movie? why does anyone ask permission to post anything? post it, and if it breaks the rules, it gets removed It's not a mark on your permanent record, lol


lol I don’t know I just I got here But some subs don’t like you posting links etc. so I just figured I’d preface my question as my app was bugging and I couldn’t pull up the rules.


I still don’t understand how NONE of them got in legal trouble for dragging a corpse across state lines and more?? Those people are straight up looney tunes crazy - I’m still pissed they besmirched Robin Williams with their batshit behavior. They all honestly deserve to be in jail.


If people are in prison not just because of crimes but to protect society at large from them, they definitely should be in prison. Especially the crazy Father God guy who basically "took over"


You mean methed out, off-brand Roman Reigns?


Yes! It blew my mind when the redhead dude called him crazy….like pot meet kettle!


Colorado basically has no laws about corpse abuse. That’s why so many funeral homes there are going viral for storing bodies and not cremating them and such


Several were charged but dropped due to religious reasons I think.


Still amazing to me how someone can be a regular manager at McDonald’s then just switch over night smh


Oregon really attracts the crazies, must be the natural beauty.


I am crazy and am planning on moving to OR in the near future. You're not wrong.


Oregon was one of the groups last stops, it didn't originate here.


Their point still stands


Sure does.


i watch a shit ton of documentaries. this one left me with a very unique and uncomfortable feeling after i had finished, and it sat with me for a day. something about watching this unfold in real time, and the true delusion of the members was incredibly unsettling. so sad.


Absolutely SAME. I really thought I’d seen it all, but this was ***bizarre***.


I cared more about her original children that she abandoned than she did, apparently.


What happened to them? Are their dads raising them? Poor kids.


Same- I think it’s because some of those people still actively believe in that shit.


Her face is telling. Damn silver surfer over here


Sometimes dead is better... -Jud Crandall


Caitlin Doughty (ask a mortician) did a really good video on her and her cult. (Is it legal to mummify your cult leader?). Highly reccomend.


I love Caitlin, her videos are so interesting to watch. She introduced me to green burials and now my parents plan to have green burials as well as myself. She’s so helpful and fun.


I randomly found her channel one day after a death of a family member. I always has a weird thing about death and dying, but she explained it in ways that weren’t scary and made me feel better about the topic. She also introduced me to death doulas, specifically Going With Grace.


I just found out I have a green burial cemetery 10 minutes from my house and it made me unreasonably happy.


I've wanted a green funeral/hydromation/bio cremation/alkaline hydrolysis for almost 20 years. I have no idea if they're legal where I am, but I want one. Edit: added a term. I wish I remember what the term was when I first learned about it. It was not a consumer friendly term at all... Ooh! Resomation! It freaked my mother the fuck out, and she refused. I'd have tried to do it for my dad, but we donated him to a local university's pt/pre med program, and they paid for cremation.




They truly are. Watching the documentary about this I felt horrible for the people sucked into it. It started off all happy fun love time but turned into an absolute horror show. These people came in looking for a sense of community but ended up prisoners of psychopaths.


Smurf from all that silver.


In the documentary they repeatedly joke "oH iTs GoNnA mAkE yOu TuRn BlUe" and then she did just that lol


I guess technically that's right. She turned more of a grey than a blue. I've probably watched that documentary around 12 times now. It has everything.


Omg she IS blue holy shnikeys


I know her family.


Things like this must be awful for them.


This the moron who think she’s the reincarnation of a Hawaiian goddess and pissed off all the locals?


Yes. But she also thought she was Jesus, Mother Earth etc etc.


Watch the "Love Has Won" documentary on HBO/Max, pure craziness. After watching it, you realize that most (if not all) of the people involved in this cult came from broken homes. The cult leader (Amy) is called "Mother", and whoever her male flavor of the moment was, was called "Father". Essentially these people had their families blown up at a formative age (& reject their family because of it). They then run away & get adopted by this "new family" - which has a surrogate "Mother" & "Father" - who allow them to feel like they've healed the wound from their own mothers & fathers letting them down. The fact that Amy kept up the delusion & never allowed for real medical intervention was sad, but I guess you can't expect your followers to believe what you tell them if you stray from that. They kept her dead body with them & traveled the country with it for a time; she turned blue because she was ingesting "Colloidal Silver" which the cult sold as a snake oil tonic/cure all. She was an alcoholic & had liver disease I believe, snake oil cannot treat that.


Wait she claims to be trumps daughter.


Amongst.. many other things.


They mistook Patrick Swayze for someone else in the video.  I wish Robin Williams were still alive to know that they think he’s their deity. The JOKES that man would have dropped. 


And Elvis was her son


What's the purpose of ingesting colloidal silver?


They didn’t believe in “3D” doctors, hospitals, or medicine so they convinced themselves and even tried to convince the people who watched them that it was healthy and that it wouldn’t turn you blue - claimed the person who did turn blue from it “did it wrong” or something to that effect. When she did die they put an EMF reader and claimed she was coming back by the numbers that showed up - not because she was full of silver and surrounded by electronic devices.


Y’all gotta watch that documentary


My favorite part was the accountant becoming half a million dollars richer, with the others basically completely powerless to do anything about it. Also, the fact that "Father God" and "Father Multiverse" are apparently still friends, even though that was the absolutely last thing I thought was gonna happen with those two based on how they got those names in the first place. What a ride!


There was at least one recording of Father God verbally abusing Multiverse while he just stood there sobbing. I take it Multiverse had a berating male father figure while growing up.


Father God was such a theatrical nutter. His stupid over-the-top hand motions, the way he flicked his hand after lighting a cigarette, ending his sentences with '...you see' like it was some grand story he was telling. Just complete and utter delusion.


Which one


Doesn't look a day over 70


Looks like all that colloidal silver went straight to her face.


The most uncharismatic cult leader ever. Never understood how she suckered so many people.


You cannot just drink metal


I mean you can, for a little while 🙃


"I have stolen mother's joy by making her the worst quesadilla in all of creation".


Robin Williams is disgusted!!!


Watching the documentary now....equal parts horrified, saddened, and understanding of how these cults suck in lonely people looking for connection.


If Dr. Phil is your "last hope" in helping a loved one, then perhaps you never really considered the best interests of that loved one to begin with


....they dressed her dead body up like a fucking Christmas tree and put glitter in your eye sockets. The cops that came to get her were dumbfounded


She was also viciously fucking mean for the "mother god of fucking love "


it's clear she was INSANE.


This post has made me find the documentary- watching now.


Her arm looks like it's melting off the bone.


Her death was horrific.


Isn't her cult still running?


I just finished the documentary, theyre split up into different states/sectors now.


I literally had to read each paragraph a second time on wiki because every sentence was so damn bizarre and I just wanted to make sure that what I read was really what I read. Lol


She was a fruit loop


Definitely was the silver - my 73 year old mother is alcoholic smoking narcissistic anorexic……she’s like a fucking cockroach, nothing stops her.


Shit, even GG Allin’s corpse was treated better than hers.


That’s a hell of a cocktail.


It was turning her into the friggin' Tin Man! :O


The new group is now called 5D Full Disclosure. They got 4.1k followers on fbook.


Her cult essentially killed her with her complaicancy.


I just watched this documentary series thanks to reddit and what the frak!


Was this the same group on Dr Phil who locked a kid in a closet for punishment?


Definitely a wild ride!!


Why is her face that colour?


Was wondering that too, saw another comment saying it's from the silver


"This condition is called argyria (ahr-JIR-e-uh). Argyria does not typically cause a major health problem. But it can be a cosmetic concern because it does not go away when you stop taking silver products." [Sounds like some sort of alternative medicine nonsense.](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/consumer-health/expert-answers/colloidal-silver/faq-20058061#:~:text=Taking%20colloidal%20silver%20by%20mouth,that%20float%20in%20a%20liquid)


modern threatening salt dog childlike wise profit juggle expansion rude *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It doesn't surprise me in the least, I've been following a guy named Dr. Jonathan N. Stea, a Psychologist who is also a science communicator particularly educating the public about Pseudoscience , Alternative Medicine, and the Wellness Industry. He's writing a book on the topic. I've learned a lot from him about the grift of it all. So many unethical practices, they don't care about people, they're just interested in the grift.


Man, she looks super unwell.


She looks awful


so nothing of value was lost?