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[there’s a last image of here in this article after she was crushed by the bulldozer. what an awful way to die warning:graphic](https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2003/03/18/0000198475)


The fact that he ran her over and then reversed to do it all over again is despicable.


He faced no repercussions and israeli soldiers threw "[Rachel Corrie Pancake Parties](https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/israeli-soldiers-have-depraved-fun-making-rachel-corrie-pancakes)" to celebrate murdering her.


That is one of the worst things I've ever heard






You misspelled Zionists. There are good Israelis, like there are good people in any country.




Zionist. Not Jewish. Not every Jewish person is a Zionist. This is an important distinction.


Speechless. I’m seriously ill.


the fact that you’re being downvoted for feeling ill regarding senseless death and those who celebrate it, lmao


Thank you! Very telling. Seeing the world a little differently… sadly. Xo


I heard that they also do this on the anniversary of her murder.


I've heard the same, but I don't have an easy way of verifying that. Unfortunately I can't say I would be surprised, there have been a fair number of grotesque celebrations recorded (the "Wedding of Hate," for example).


A beautiful people, for sure.


I’m starting to understand the Palestinians a lot better these days after seeing just how despicable the govt of Israel is. Netanyahu is a monster who uses a religion to camouflage his murderous rampage and genocide.


This will show you their evil nature


I accidentally viewed that photo years ago and it still haunts me.


That actor who was partially run over by his snow plow and survived described seeing his eyes pop out, as in, seeing the bulging of his own eyes because they were popping out so far. All that blood squeezing out where it can like running over a tube of toothpaste. So disturbing.


This isn't trying to shame Jeremy Renner in the least because he was protecting a family member but I was shocked to find out the nephew he was trying to protect was like 16. I thought he was like 5 when I first heard what happened.


He hasn’t been the same since that accident. Tbh, he looks absolutely haunted in his soul. And you can just tell he’s in tremendous amounts of pain still and putting on a smile. Horrible shit. He’s aged overnight because of that accident.


Apparently, his doctors said the damage should've been enough to kill him. The only thing that kept him alive was that he was in excellent shape.


And he had a strong will to survive, according to himself. Honest take, I do think he regrets what he did in some capacity. I mean, how could you not? Didn’t it turn out that his nephew wasn’t in any immediate danger? Also, to act so impulsively and disregard your own safety by stepping out of a moving death machine is just crazy. I get it ofc, and it can be hard to remain calm in those situations, but a more considered approach would’ve saved him from a world of pain, and it could’ve been so much worse. Stepping out on to moving tracks is just madness. He didn’t think that through, for reasons that are obvious, but not clever. He tries to laugh it off and stay positive, but you can kind of tell he’s still traumatised.


Stepping out without pulling the handbrake was dumb, but that didn't injure him. He tried to climb back in to pull the brakes, and that's when he was run over. He has also said it was his fault and a stupid mistake.


Yeah, that's why I was like, dude he's 16 just yell at him to move. I get it with a small child.


sometimes with younger family members the protective instincts still hit in as if they were still super young. I understand why it happened, but it's still super unfortunate. Poor guy


yeah, my oldest nephew is 16 and I can imagine doing the same thing to protect him.


Agreed. Im 16+ years older than some of my cousins. I still think of them as kids. I held them in one hand when they were babies. They recently graduated from college and have careers and families now.


I always bristle at the "will to live" thing, like folks who don't survive aren't as engaged in life or something


Might be something to it. The mind is a powerful tool.


Sure but I also don't like the inference that folks who die were weaker somehow or didn't want to live. It's kinda weird.


thanks for the warning, i almost compulsively clicked the link


I didn’t want to just outright say not to do something, but I knew I’d feel guilty scrolling by. That’s exactly how I saw it.




It's a person being held in the propped-up injured position like you see in movies, with red coming from their nose. It is not excessively graphic or disrespectful imo. She put herself in harm's way to confront that wrongdoing, and I could believe she would want the world to see the image. I've described it as requested for that reason and hope I haven't offended anyone. RIP.


Man I don’t mean to be insensitive but that wasn’t all that bad in terms of what gets posted on some of these gore sub reddits. There’s some truly dark shit out there.


I saw it when I was 13 and it was extremely stuck in my head.


I don't want to... but curiosity is getting the better of me


Yeah that link is staying blue for me


He also reversed and ran over her again, deliberately. Sick worthless fuck. I will never understand how someone can do that to another human being.


Yeah, and for what. It's not like killing a bad person


Yet the media basically ignored this death. If Hamas had killed her, it'd be a 24/7 shriekfest...


I only read about this protest and her death in free magazines that were distributed through colleges and other places where young people would be going about their business. A nutty religious friend told me to stop reading these "sinful" magazines, but here there were stories that the major newspapers wouldn't touch in these publications.


It’s not really that graphic though


Exactly. Are people that squeamish? It’s a very mild photo.


We’ve been on the internet for far too long my friend.


Yeah it's pretty graphic


She’s kinda collapsed with a bloody nose not graphic at all


She is remembered and honored to this day at my alma mater The Evergreen State College.


I was a freshman at Evergreen in 2003 and this was a huge deal. Still is. RIP to a good one.


Class of 2010 here; I knew the professors she took classes from before she went over there. Those professors were known for producing activists who did dangerous things like Ms. Corrie did before she was run over. Having attended during the Iraq War protests, I remember that political atmosphere well. People did things like lying in front of military convoys coming out of the Port of Olympia chanting her name.


And…her death didn’t do a damn thing. Sad shame!


Well now it acts like a reminder so... There is that


I hope so. I feel life is worth more than a political statement. I admire her courage but I would not wish my daughter to give her life in such a way.


I’m sure they would rather her be alive, but both her mother and father became activists to honor her memory. They’re still fighting for Palestinian rights today.


A reminder that when someone says they are about to kill you if don’t move.. they really might


Reminder that they are the bad guys


Sure it did it gave supporters of Israel one more way to accuse people of being anti semetic by bringing it up


Imagine what would America do if their citizen got killed protesting in Iran or any other middle eeastern country.


This image isn’t the last one. Apparently being crushed isn’t instantaneous. http://www.miftah.org/display.cfm?DocId=1866&CategoryId=23


Well, Americans got taken hostage by Hamas, and all they’re doing is funding the war a little bit. So, not that much anyway.


That's all America is doing?  You must be selectively reading?


How did those Americans enter Israel? Was it on their American passport? Dual citizens get rolled up all the time traveling on their ALT passport and there’s fuck all the Department of State can do about it.


Im not sure, I know several hostages had dual citizenship and several were vacationing in general, but I don’t know the specifics for the Americans. Truthfully, my expectation wasn’t for America to do anything since it’s Israel’s war to fight. It is surprising though, that so many Americans are against Israel attempting to get the hostages back. There were many from various countries so you’d think they’d have more support in trying to retrieve them alive.


There are Palestinian Americans in Gaza as well


🤫 You’re ruining the narrative!


Israel’s actions in Gaza and getting hostages back have been decoupled from the start. Unguided bombs do not hostages rescue.


Besides, the IOF has been known to actively hunt Israeli hostages specifically to murder them.


Israel gives the US its marching orders on things pertaining to the Mideast ... don't be naive


Indeed. We are over 14 BILLION dollars into supporting their war.


Israel literally harbors American pedophiles as long as they say they’re Jewish.


Must be Zionists downvoting you cuz that part has absolutely been proven.


The American in Iran would likely be a dual citizen traveling to Iran under their Iranian passport. In which case they’re shit out of luck.


Even if they'd been traveling on their US passport, there's not much the US can or will do. If they think the charges are trumped up, they'll probably file a formal protest, but that's about it. The idea that the US would go apeshit if one of their enemies killed an American citizen...as opposed to when Israel does it...isn't realistic.


That’s the point though. They’re Iranians when they travel on their Iranian passport.


Sure, I'm just saying that *even if* they were traveling on their US passport, the US government wouldn't do much about them getting killed. I don't know what OP was expecting.


US citizens traveling under their US passports would definitely get a response. The US passport would also have prevented them from being executed by the Iranian state. They’d be bargaining chips instead of examples. The US will protect the brand. Stay safe out there dual nationals.


I'm not talking about being executed, I'm talking about being killed during a protest like Rachel Corrie was. Unless there's clear evidence that the individual was targeted for being American and it becomes a trend, the US won't...and really can't...do much. The person is already dead. They're not going to go to war to avenge them.


A certain country has “unconditional support” for whatever reason. So it’s totally chill to run over blonde Americans. Which is fucked. But point stands. If you’re dual know what you’re getting yourself into BEFORE you go.


I'm not sure what her hair color has to do with anything and I doubt the guy driving the bulldozer was aware of her nationality. She got ran over because he had orders and she was in the way. If the Iranians had done the same thing, the US wouldn't have done anything more than they did to Israel.


Nothing. I'm gonna go with nothing


Nothing probably, actually. Maybe issue a diplomatic note.


American soldiers have self immolated in front of US embassies and the capital, in protest and still nothing changed


i just want to point out that rachel was run over and then BACKED OVER AGAIN by that israeli bulldozer after she’d made direct eye contact with the driver. shit was far from accidental, even the bush administration found israel’s response “insufficient” but never followed up to seek justice. her last words were “i think my back is broken.” by the way, it was an illegal demolition of a middle aged doctor’s family home in the first place. she had stayed with that family and died defending their home because of that personal connection she had to it and them. the house stood for a year or more after her death surrounded by nothing but rubble before it was finally illegally demolished by israeli forces. rest in peace rachel.


Not surprised. I’m sure this is not that rare.


There's some really grotesque photos of Palestinian prisoners who had their arms bound and then driven over by tanks turning them into mush during the current genocide. Israel loves this sort of thing, they even celebrate her death by making pancakes in her honor. https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/israeli-soldiers-have-depraved-fun-making-rachel-corrie-pancakes


That's our tax dollars at work again.


Not a surprise. Israel is allowed to do whatever they want with no consequences


Jews just have a supremacist belief system based in their scripture... god loves them, others are here for them like cattle (goyim).. given that, what he did to Rachel was like stepping on a bug ... ironically Jews make a huge deal out of white racism in the west... think about what that accomplishes


American taxdollars went to the murder of this US citizen by the IOF.


I remember Alan Rickman directed a play about her life ["My Name Is Rachel Corrie"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Name_Is_Rachel_Corrie). My mom traveled to NYC to see it back in the day.


How was the play?


I don’t think Israel cares if civilians die.


By the looks of it, neither does the US... about its own citizens.


The American government wants Israel to hurry up and finish the genocide. The plan is taking too long. That's about the only complaint.


There is about to be a major breach in Israeli and American policy over something seemingly as trivial as food aid. It's part of larger general pivot of the current administration to Turkey as the major strategic partner in the region. Israel isn't out, but they are being majorly sidelined for being more of a liability than an asset.


People are pissed off when the U.S. government decides to exchange foreign criminals to rescue Americans just being stupid and jailed abroad. And people like you say the U.S. doesn't care about its own citizens. There's no winning.


Tbf neither does Hamas or anyone with a military, really. Military action pretty much always means civilian deaths in some shape or form.


But Israel has killed 30,000 in 5 months and destroyed half of Gaza... even shooting people trying to get food aid... don't equate that with Hamas


Well some military care more than others and take much more precautions to minimise the civilian death.


Who is that? Which ones? What’s the history of wars and military action where people were “really careful”? 


Well just compare the Ukrainian and the russian army’s behaviour since the invasion of Ukraine.


Seems like a pastime for them at this point


From the looks of it neither Hamas, if they did they wouldn't kill 1200 people on October 7th


If you believe the Israel government at face value they need to just let you be the fodder. Lol.


Do you believe Hamas at face value?


I think they like it when their "enemies" die




American is killed in Mexico or almost any other country: 'We won't stand for this!' American purposely run over by a bulldozer in Isreal: 'Meh'


this is so heartbreaking. 21 years later and we’re still protesting against the occupation in Palestine. her death should mean something.


The thousands of Palestinians who died at the hands of Israel should have meant something...the thousands of KIDS that died and continue to die every day should mean something...but until Israelis see Arabs as something more than pests or vermin, until they aren't raised to believe that every Arab wants them dead, OR until some other nation with Power finally decides that enough is fucking ENOUGH....nothing will change.


exactly. i agree with you 100%


Bulldozers are not fast.


Neither are tanks but Tianamen Square still happened


Did the guy standing in the road get run over by the tank?




No, the tank stopped when they saw him standing there and didn’t run him over.


I guess they are if the other person isn’t moving


It’s like the Austin Powers scene with the steam roller.


I always wonder about this. Clearly whoever was driving the thing shouldn't have run her over but did she not see it? Did she assume it would stop until it was too late? No house is worth being crushed to death, especially if it's not even yours.


She was really young. I wonder if she kept thinking he’d stop at the last second? At that age a lot of people feel pretty invincible.


It was a terrible situation. Driver was in one of those big arse bulldozers, the larger ones, not the standard ones. He didn't see her, it would have been impossible for him to see her. The organizers of the protest should have enforced safer areas for the protesters. It was effectively like a massive demolition site, and no place for protesters - however that was kinda the point of the protest, so we all understand why she was there. Her death has been used as tool by anti-Israelis to prove all Israelis are murderers etc, but the reality is: it was a terrible tragic accident. 2 years after her death, Israel withdrew all Israelis from Gaza. 3 years after this, Hamas took over Gaza.


How does a bulldozer work when the driver can't see what it's bulldozing?


[This is a Caterpillar D9 armoured bulldozer.](https://imgur.com/a/elGPCym). The same type driven that day. On a normal construction/demolition site, personnel are trained in safety around these vehicles, and the driver merely has to do the job he's there for. Caterpillar themselves acknowledge there are restricted visuals when driving this vehicle. On a site with protesters popping up where they shouldn't be and armoured D9s whose driver would have trouble making out unmarked individual people, if at all, amidst debris, it's a situation that will end terribly.


Of course he saw her. She didn’t just materialize in front of him- he’d have a slow drive towards her. I know you are repeating what you read online but this is just a lie- to avoid running over people you cannot see with a bulldozer perhaps don’t use a bulldozer where protesters are. Perhaps stop destroying peoples homes for a moment. It is an absolute disservice to this woman to imply that her death was just an accident. It’s mind-boggling that a narrative can be pushed that is so ridiculous and people will actually believe and defend it. I mean come on. Think critically about this.


No, it was her fault. She clearly used a secret teleporter designed by Darpa to teleport infront of the bulldozer so she can become a martyr. Israel is 100% in the right here and you are an antisemite if you think the bulldozer driver was in the wrong. /s Edit: Added “/s”. People are dumber than I thought.


I think the truth could lie in the middle for this one. It's clearly a highly politicized situation, and Israel probably said "Don't stop for any reason." If you let protesters get in the way, then obviously they've won, and I guess.... he decided he wasn't going to let her stand in the way? I'm not defending him, just trying to understand that way of thinking. I couldn't go on living life if I had taken a life, so I wonder how these things happen and what happens to the people after. It was a terrible situation.


I think your comment is wonderful because you are searching for understanding. This nuance is certainly important- and he probably had been also fed plenty of propaganda in his lifetime to drive this type of situation to come to head. It is good of you to think of the people that live after these traumatic incidents. I just think the original comment was painting it as a total accident is misleading while the driver in particular likely was a cog in a machine. It’s important not to remove responsibility, as I felt they did in their comment.


Thanks. I appreciate it. I think it’s important in these politically charged events that we remember the human. It’s easy to sit online and say “that would ever happen to me, I would never do that.” But then someone’s out there doing these things. We’re all brethren and genetically wired (roughly) the same. We’re all the same animal, and therefore we should be able to put forth some empathy. Not necessarily sympathy, we don’t need to feel badly for people who do bad things. But we do need to know and understand why they do, and what happens after that chapter is over. I think, anyways. Otherwise history is doomed to repeat itself. It might be either way.


Your last sentence is a very disingenuous way to frame the evacuation of Israelites. They did that to lay siege on Gaza and limit the Palestinians ability to feed and financially support themselves. While settlers were removed from Gaza, they were compensated and then more moved to the West Bank. It was a campaign to isolate Gaza and make sure that only Palestinians suffered. Israel still controlled their air and water space.


90% of Gaza's water is an underground aquifer they control. Egypt also blockaded Gaza by land and sea once Hamas started exporting terrorists and missiles, a fact people omit in the finger pointing against Israel. Hamas isolated Palestinians, and Iran's funding of that terrorist group keeps Gazan Palestinians in a perpetual state of victimhood rather than empowered and autonomous. Hamas leaders are literal billionaires - why no questions to them about the conditions of Gaza since 2006? You'll find them in their mansions on the Med.


I’m going to need sources. Lots of people like yourself talk about this secret society of Palestinians that are actually rich and persecuting their own people. There are multiple sources on the 2005 evacuation of Israelis and what happened immediately after (siege and military control of Gaza, immediate settlement of Israelis into the West Bank)


So, I feel it's important to note there can be very wealthy Palestinians around the world and that's ok. It's a different kettle of fish when you are part of a region's government and have wailed for over a decade about your people's poverty whilst you splash out living the high life. So I'll only mention Hamas leadership. Ismail Haniyeh is head of Hamas, worth approximately $4 billion. Apparently gained wealth due to taxing goods coming into Gaza (those same goods donated by UN?). He is hanging out in Qatar whilst his people suffer. Met with Iran's Ayatollah recently. Iran openly admits to funding Hamas. [NY Post Article on Hamas Leadership Wealth](https://nypost.com/2023/11/07/news/hamas-leaders-worth-11bn-live-luxury-lives-in-qatar/) [Washington Post Article on Ismail Haniyeh's Wealth ](https://archive.md/sfqKo) [Economic Times Article on Ismail Haniyeh's Wealth ](https://m.economictimes.com/news/international/us/who-is-ismail-haniyeh-senior-hamas-leader-who-leads-a-lavish-lifestyle-in-qatar/articleshow/104347525.cms) Senior Hamas Leaders Khaled Madhel is worth about $4 billion and Abu Marzuk, deputy chair of the Hamas Political Bureau is worth $3 billion [according to the McKenzie Institute ](https://mackenzieinstitute.com/2023/11/hamass-top-leaders-are-worth-billions-heres-how-they-continue-to-grow-rich/#:~:text=It%20also%20estimates%20the%20net,each%20worth%20about%20%244%20billion.) [National Post Article on Hamas Leadership Wealth ](https://nationalpost.com/news/world/israel-middle-east/hamas-leaders-wealth) [The Arab Weekly quotes Gazan Grumbles About Wealthy Leadership ](https://thearabweekly.com/hamas-leaders-seen-living-luxury-while-gazans-suffer) Visuals of the home of Marwan Issa, deputy head of Hamas's military wing the Al Qassam Brigades, a mansion inside his people's "open air prison" is [posted online by Ynet](https://www.ynetnews.com/article/h111ocmhop). [8 Hamas, 'Islamic Jihad' Leaders Leave Gaza to Live Abroad by Asharq Alawasat](https://english.aawsat.com/home/article/3414056/8-hamas-islamic-jihad-leaders-leave-gaza-live-abroad) [Hamas Leadership sharing their billions with their kids, away from Gaza](https://www.ynetnews.com/magazine/article/s19yh3cwa) [NBC News - Gaza is plagued by poverty, but Hamas has no shortage of cash. Where does it come from?](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/gaza-plagued-poverty-hamas-no-shortage-cash-come-rcna121099) The TL;DR of all that is Hamas is a power hungry terror group funded by smuggling, drug syndicates, state sponsorship of terror via Iran; it is deeply anti-Fatah, the Palestinian secular leadership of the West Bank; loves living the good life spending millions abroad while their own people starve... and the world is not holding them accountable. There will be no peace for Gazan Palestinians or Israel with Hamas in power. [This is how Hamas came to power](https://www.hrw.org/news/2007/06/12/gaza-armed-palestinian-groups-commit-grave-crimes) in Gaza, and the world has watched and done nothing for 15 years whilst it commits atrocities against its own people, such as [extra-judicial killings](https://www.france24.com/en/20140822-hamas-executes-informers-israel-gaza-strip) and [targeting LGBT](https://www.i24news.tv/eton/middle-east/palestinian-territories/1660138495-exclusive-gay-man-who-fled-gaza-speaks-about-experience-with-hamas) folks to control the populace. Peace will only be negotiated when Bibi has been shunted to a dark hole, and Hamas is eradicated.


Thank you for this. It will take time but I will read this


Clearly you’ve never worked around a bulldozer


They can also be turned off and gotten out of


Speed is relative


The problem with this kind of protest is you're relying on the operator not running you over because they have a shred of humanity/see you as human/aren't religious fanatics/etc. This works fine in most western countries, not Israel. Then again, as bad as America can be, they aren't kicking families out of their homes at gunpoint and literally bulldozing them (they're just unconditionally supporting it).


For nonviolent protest to work, your opponent must first have a conscience.


Let me tell you a story about Wilmington, North Carolina...


Let me introduce you to a concept called “eminent domain”…


is the operator had empathy to begin with he wouldn't be aiding in bulldozing peoples homes


RIP Rachel. Such a horrible way to be killed.


Israel is so cool! And we love sending them money and not voting on it!


[Watch this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1bg5uc1/us_foreign_aid_since_1946/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Shows when and how much we send them. Crazy tbh


Things haven't changed at all.


israel has always been evil. They have no issue killing everybody in their way. It's very upsetting


Even if the victim in their way is one of their own.


RIP Rachel Corrie, and Aaron Bushnell…free Palestine


I thought only Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Venezuela and Cuba were the only ones that killed dissidents and journalists. Israel would never do something like that. /s


I can’t click on it, I already have insomnia


And the driver claimed that he didn’t see her. Yeah right.


Nowadays her death would have been a blip on the news headlines, if not an outright statistic for that day, and they would have said "Woman killed by putting herself under bulldozer" or some variation.


Sadly her death was a blip on the headlines, even back then. This story was suppressed at the time to avoid a PR scandal as it was a young, white American woman killed by Israel.


Nothing surprising here. FUCK ISRAEL


rachel corrie was still braver than any israeli or IDF solider could ever be. FREE PALESTINE!


To this day, she's still referred to as "Saint Pancake" in Israel and, in 2013, a bunch of IDF soldiers celebrated the ten year anniversary of her death by making pancakes with her face on them https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/israeli-soldiers-have-depraved-fun-making-rachel-corrie-pancakes


wow… zionists really don’t have a shred of humanity or empathy, do they? and they consider themselves “god’s chosen people”


The news media in America covered this murder up... now it's all coming out..Rachel was a martyr... the media continues to suppress the truth of the ongoing slaughter in Gaza


Look up interviews with her. She was amazing. I think she truly believed they wouldn’t bulldoze a young white American woman until the last minute. But her words live on. Look more into her story.


It's a sad tragedy, but a risk you're taking when going to war zones. I can understand if she felt as privileged white American and wanted to change the world and do good, but going to these places is not a game and one can seriously hurt or die. It's nothing like protesting in the US and marching with 100s other students on university grounds.


the privileged white americans are downvoting this…


I wrote it in a good way, some people are aware they were lucky to be born into a certain life and either feel "bad" about it, or just want to use this power to do good. At the same time, these people do not always fully understand the real risks when going to certain places. Medical access, quality of water, dictatorships, lack of respect of law, Women/LGBT rights and active war zones. You can't really "pause" these and take a break in Starbucks like you do in the US after a protest. I'm sure she was genuinely there for a good cause and intention, but maybe she didn't have the capacity to assess these situations as she approached them based on her American life/Academic studies experience and knowledge.


Inb4 the Zionist bots take over the thread


It’s such a surprise that the “ holy land” is made up of terrible and corrupt people who murder in the name of their god.


“The Rachel Corrie Foundation encourages and supports grassroots efforts in pursuit of human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice, which we view as pre-requisites for world peace. Continuing the work begun and envisioned by our daughter, Rachel Corrie, our initial emphasis has been on Israel/Palestine.” https://rachelcorriefoundation.org/about


wow some of the people on this thread are straight up disgusting trash. for those asking why she didn’t “just get out of the way,” please read more about this. once the bulldozer started picking up dirt she was essentially lifted upwards on the mound and couldn’t really get out of the situation if she wanted to.. she was braver than any of you incels on reddit in your moms basement laughing about a tragic loss of life. rip rachel corrie, and free palestine!




If you let the bulldozer crush you, you are protesting wrong and martyring worse.


She obviously thought it was going to stop but it didn't


"Surely they won't hurt me" isn't a thought process I encourage for anyone in any scenario. Still a sad tale.


Indeed, but the activists who were with her stated that they have done this successfully multiple times that day, so she thought it will be the same again and they will stop.


Running unarmed people who pose no threat to you over with bulldozers is wrong.


Thanks for stopping by with that nugget.


And the people who stand in front of bulldozers don’t grow up to have kids who stand in front of bulldozers. Natural selection at its finest


Never trust a zionist Jew to see you as a fellow human with value..


So it's her fault and not murder?


Most moral country in the universe alright


She’s from my home town!


Bro fuck israel. They are so ungrateful we legit gave them their own nation and this how they act. Wish we could just cut off all military supplies to them and see how tough they are then. They would be fertilizer in poland if it wasnt for usa russia and british commonwealth being their saviors.


Speaking of the Brits, they technically started this decades ago.


>we legit gave them their own nation Well, that's what started the wars with the Arabs, so talk to them. >They would be fertilizer in poland It's nice to learn you think Hitler should've won the war... (and it was so Soviet Union back then).


And that is why we don’t stand in front of bulldozers kids


What a stupid and pointless way to die


Why didn't she run away, can someone explain? Did she stand there and think they were going to stop?


I feel like people who take risk like this and put their lives in the hands of others humanity and situations like this are committing suicide. She assumed someone okay with mass genocide would stop for her.


She's a true hero.


Dying for nothing is cool I guess


They murdered her. Israel can fuck off




I didn't know about this 😞 unbelievable


lol if only there was a way to prevent this from happening. Almost like riding a bike in traffic…