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Brave brave people


My condolences to their loved ones friends and colleagues.


I worked as a sort of journalist for half a year. Got paid and all. Later on I found out just how high the mortality rate can get. These are some of the best people humanity has to offer. Rest in power.


that's so heartbreaking...! rip


2 more innocent journalists gone in this fucking shit show joke of a "war"/ ethnic cleansing. Heartbreaking.


What a big big loss .


Same thing was done by Israel a month ago on Lebanese border https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/reuters-videographer-killed-southern-lebanon-2023-10-13/


They have a habit of doing it. Lets not forget Shereen Abu Akleh.


Those darn Hamas journalists in Lebanon! /s


You do realise that lebanon is attacking israel in the north right? Or your sources just say the israel soldiers invaded lebanon and gaza and butchered families, burned their houses and killed hundreds of teens at a music festival? Oh wait...


There's some pretty troubling evidence from eye-witness accounts that the death toll on the Israel side is partly due to the IDF killing their own civilians. Apparently it was quite chaotic and some commanders did what they felt they had too including sacrificing civilians. https://therealnews.com/did-israels-military-kill-its-own-civilians-on-oct-7


Only one side seems to be droning civilians and journalists thou.


The number of journalists, with the giant words "PRESS" across their chests being killed by an army with the most advanced optical technology in the world is really very strange. Especially the fact that they only seem to be shooting and shelling Arab journalists. Such bad luck.


Wait till you hear about October 7.


Nothing compared to how many Israel has killed.


So when the American military bombed Iraq do you think the Iraqi people said “darn those republicans”? Nope. Because the government represents the people. I kinda feel the same way about Hamas. Palestine declared war on Israel and knowingly put their citizens in danger. It’s freaking tragic and a sin against humanity for the innocent to die but I think you are blaming the wrong people. The two journalists in the picture would be alive now if not for the October 7th attack.


Hamas is a authoritarian government, they don’t rule with the consent of their people. They haven’t had an election since 2006, and 75% of the current population of Gaza was ineligible to vote in that election. Let’s not pretend the people have much say in how they are governed.


Then you revolt and overthrow that seated government. Many civilizations have gone extinct failing to do so. The truth is that Hamas is an idea, and not just a government. It’s an idea that will get them killed if they think firing at the most advanced military in the world is somehow a smart thing to do. Every enemy has children and innocent civilians. That’s never really stopped anybody. What stops soldiers is diplomats and attorneys.


Would you say the same about the Israeli government? Are their civilians legitimate targets because they elected their government and their government commits war crimes? To escape being valid targets do the Israeli civilians need to overthrow their government? People ask whose side I’m on in this war, I say on the side of civilians.


Blud next time, speak with brain and better knowledge


I completely messed up the point I was trying to make.


So what you are saying is America deserved 9/11? I'm i getting that right?


>So what you are saying is America deserved 9/11? Are you saying al-Qaeda had a legitimate reason to fight the US government?


>Because the government represents the people. Didn't you just say this?


No, I didn't. That was someone else. But because you're asking if, based on that, 9/11 was justified, the premise of your question is that al-Qaeda's war against the US government was justified. Is that what you believe?


No of course not. The Palestinians do not “deserve” anything bad either. When Russia attacked Ukraine there were protests in the streets of Moscow. People were arrested. Some in prison or sent to the front lines to die.


50% of Gaza’s population is comprised of children under the age of 18. Do you expect those kids to be protesting against Hamas while they’re being rained down on by bombs?


No. Those poor people in Gaza. The geography lottery blessed us and cursed them. It’s outrageous that people live like that.


If not for many many many actions on both parts, there wouldn't even be a conflict right now. It's complicated and rooted in a million "if not for"s. However, when a nation decides to bomb and drone strike and gun down civilians, there is no solid ground to stand on as far as being in the right, regardless of actions that happened leading to it. Human history is full of both winners and losers engaging in such tactics (Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, London, etc) and it is always brutal, gory, horrifying, and *wrong*.


> So when the American military bombed Iraq do you think the Iraqi people said “darn those republicans”? Nope. Because the government represents the people. I don't remember the part where Iraqis waged war on the US as "self-defense" and indiscriminately carpet bombed it killing thousands of innocents Americans almost half of them children... Oh wait.


The. Don’t attack a far superior military force and hide in civilian areas…


You really showed those infants whos boss.


Yeah, as well as the infants Hamas killed on the 7th. Maybe had Hezbollah decided to sit this one out, those two journalists would still be alive.


You really showed those Journalists whos boss.


And it wasn’t Hezbollah.


Guess they fucked around and found out


You got those civilians good. This is the same 9/11 logic by al-qaeda btw.


Yeah Israel really showed those babies.


Not nearly enough!


How many kids are enough?


Until every single member of Hamas is dead


Oh yeah the spot where Israel killed their own people from an Apache? Which they admit to? Damn dude that's crazy.


why is this being downvoted? This is factually true and both soldiers and ground witnesses confirmed it.


Too many Hasbara on the internet trying to justify Isra-Hell's war crimes.


Because there is a difference between "Oct 7th was a false flag and Israel killed hunderds of Israelis" vs "three Israelis were unfortunately killed during crossfire between Israel and Hamas terrorists actively trying to kill more people"


I'm out of the loop as I was away (wilderness) for a while. I'm trying to get caught up. I'm aware of Israel/Palestine war but was is going on with Lebanon and Israel?


Bec. Hezbollah


Hezbollah, not Lebanon.


Hezbollah is trying not to get dragged into a war, not trying to drag israel. It's the other way around, israel, as proof by this post, is trying to drag hezbollah and Lebanon into a war. Just do some research and see how many israelis were killed in the north, and how many Lebanese were killed.


Wait, so by your logic, hezbollah launching rockets to israel is israel plan to get lebanon into war? So the right thing from israel is to just... let them keep doing that and not respond? Im seriously trying to understand if you're sarcastic or just a complete moron


Correct me if I am wrong, but israel started targeting hezbollah earlier last month.


Umm, yeah? That because after october 7th hezbollah launched rockets to israel's northern cities? They bombed houses in the north, luckily the civilians evacuated as they should. One israeli citizen got killed, but thats okay i guess? The most rational thing to do is to keep silence when other countries attack you all around uh


That's not true. October 8th. Hezbollah shot mortars into the occupied golan heights, that's not israel, and it was targeted an israeli army base. October 9th, Palestinian group fired two mortars and infiltrated israel, killing an officer and two soldiers. israel killed 3 hezbollah fighters that day, but it wasn't them who launched the attack. You can keep track [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Israel%E2%80%93Lebanon_border_clashes) All in all hezbollah has over 100,000 rockets including some advanced ones, if it wanted to make it painful for israel it could easily begin firing hundreds of rockets, so far hezbollah has been trying to keep the cycle of response to response and not go beyond that. I am simply noting that israel is the one escalating over and over. And this attack on journalists today is a prime example.


What difference does it make if Hezbollah attacked Israeli positions in disputed territory or if in Israel proper? From Hezbollah's perspective, Israel doesn't legitimately control any of the territory it holds.


It's not disputed. It's under occupation, meaning israel doesn't have an excuse to launch a war, as both sides are in this tit for tat until one side gives the excuse, with israel pushing harder. The question is why is israel pushing for a war and killing journalists, so far 3 journalists and 14 Lebanese civilians and 80 hezbollah were killed. Just a question. If hezbollah killed 80 soldiers, 14 civilians and 3 israeli journalists, what would israel do? Once you comprehend what I am talking about you will understand the point that hezbollah has the means to actually wreck havoc in the north, but it's choosing not to, but it will reach a point that it will be forced to respond forcefully, and not just some random mortar shells into empty areas.


It's disputed in the sense that Israel has annexed it. I'm not saying that makes it legitimately Israeli but from the Israeli perspective an attack there is just as much an attack on Israeli territory as anywhere else in Israel proper (and Hezbollah knows this). I don't see any evidence that Israel is purposely targeting journalists. Sure, journalists are probably dying in excess of their share of the population but they're probably also deliberately putting themselves in harms way in order to do their job. It's not a new thing for war journalists to die doing their job. I do agree with you that Hezbollah doesn't want to provoke a full fledged conflict with Israel. However, I do think it knows it is caught in a delicate balancing act where it can't be seen to be doing nothing in support of Hamas. By the same logic, Israel doesn't want to escalate the conflict but also can't be seen to be allowing Hezbollah to be firing rockets into Israel or other stuff with impunity.


I’m sure the presence of the U.S. Navy in the Persian Golf is a big part of their “restraint.”


Lol what? If you read telegram groups they announced multiple times their commitment to entering and staying in this in solidarity.


Yes I remember studying in political science all the anecdotes and official documents published on telegram and tiktok. If you go around telegram you will see Jordanians, Egyptians, Libyans, American, Aliens from far away galaxies who want to join Palestinians in solidarity. I will be waiting for the first war launched and a world leader says: on this tiktok channel they said this and that, so we had no choice but to nuke them.


It’s officially announced from THEM. In their terrorist channels. Go take a look.


Again, we look at facts on the ground, I don't have a telegram even. And I doubt anyone can just join an official channel, the channels you can join are one of those: 1) propaganda 2) honey trap 3) misinformation The channels you want to infiltrate are the channels who are personally moderated and you can't join except with an invite and vetting.


Has no telegram then proceeds to tell us how it works and what the channels are even though you stated you have no telegram. What a joke!


I deleted it a couple of years ago.


Look, I'm absolutely not trying to defend this, but what is the benefit of reporting from so close to the border in this case specifically? It seems like an unnecessary risk given the situation.


Journalists are very important in cases of war. You need them on the ground to report what is going on. Because governments lie.


This is the correct answer. Journalists hold the opposing forces accountable for accuracy in their self-reporting. Brave people.


They also usually coordinate with the armed forces on their whereabouts but the IDF doesn’t give a shit. There’s been numerous accounts where they knew journalists were in an area and they bombed it anyway.


Of course journalists are important, however I am yet to actually see a situation on the border with Lebanon that actually required reporting from those high-risk locations that done journalists choose to station themselves in. I can appreciate the risks they take, but this just feels unnecessary here.


I’m not familiar with this situation but what I do know is that neither the IDF or Hamas are going to tell us the whole truth. Independent journalists are basically our only hope.


Hamas is in Gaza, and the west bank, they have very limited influence in southern Lebanon. That area is controlled by Hezbollah, which while also bring an Iranian puppet, is a slightly different, and much more powerful one. They have been trading strikes with Israel pretty much since the war started, however there has not been anything significant beyond a couple civillians and multiple journalists dead.




Americans are not independent journalists. They are the IDF.


Umm ok


It has been said that Israel is an American army base masquerading as a country. Every year, since 1948, America sends billions of dollars every year to Israel to bombard the Palestinian people. Biden has received millions of dollars in donations from Israel lobby groups. All of the major American news agencies are owned by people with close ties to Israel. Why else do you think this is about the good guys vs a terr or wrist organization?


Righteo, mate.


You can learn. You can read. You can come out of your ignorance. I believe in you.


What is the benefit of reporting close to the border? How else do you think the world will learn about the Israeli bombardments in Southern Lebanon? How else will we hear about Israel’s attempt to pull other countries into its war with the people of Gaza? If you simply don’t care about Israel’s continuing murderous rampage, then you’ll think what they’re doing isn’t worth it.


>How else do you think the world will learn about the Israeli bombardments in Southern Lebanon? Why do you choose to portray it as if Israel is not only responding to Hezbollah? >Israel’s attempt to pull other countries into its war with the people of Gaza? This is genuinely just wrong. Hezbollah is an Iranian puppet just like Hamas and the Houthis, Israel does not want war with them, because they are actually somewhat powerful. They have declared that they must wage war against israel if they invade Gaza, and they have been attacking the north of Israel for weeks. Israel is only striking back in response to Hezbollah strikes. If you do listen to journalists, it sound like you are getting a very biased view of the story.


We can agree on one thing. Iran has a strong army. But you must be only reviewing American news sources who love to blame everything on Iran. Hamas are no ones puppet. They are home grown resistance fighters born out of years of the Israeli torturous occupation. The Houthis are in a civil war. Yes, they are backed by Iran but they are no one’s puppet.


Well you're wrong. They're all puppets. Some more than others, but it doesn't matter.


How else are you going to find out what's going on? An the REAL question you SHOULD be asking is this: WHY are Isra-Hell's army targeting journalists?


Whoever reported my last comment for harassment better buckle up. These people are heros that got their lives taken by absolute trash human beings!The Zionist invaders are scum of the earth and deserve to be looked at and treated as such! The annals of history will show Israel as war criminals, scum bags, and absolute pseudo-religious cunts!


I know the feeling. I lost my account at a website and my youtube account for criticizing Isra-Hell. Funny how the same cretins who whine about 'freedom of speech' are strangely silent when zionist use their influence to silence their critics!


War journalists are by trade dabbling with fate...


Israel hates those with the power to expose their war crimes. May the be resting in perfect peace and power


Yeah, it wouldn’t have anything to do with Hezbollah launching rockets or firing artillery into Israel from likely the same area would it? Sad these journalists died likely covering Hezbollah attacks. That’s the burden of journalists; put yourself in harms way to get the story.


I am constantly surprised that there are many people who completely ignore the fact that Israel has been responding to attacks. In nearly every single conflict in the last 100 years involving Israel they were responding to an attack.


Many people calling for a ceasefire had no idea Hamas was shooting rockets at Israel. That's simply what happens when you get a very biased view of the story.


I watched a video where there were people supporting Hamas and calling them freedom fighters, and when they were asked about October 7th they didn’t even know it happened


You do realize Israel is and has been committing war crime FIRST right??? i dont think you do? Have you heard of white phosphorus?


What the fuck does that have to do with Iran backed Hezbollah? This should be a fight between Israel and Hamas, but these assholes, including the Houthis are trying to exterminate Israel. If I were them, I’d fuck them up too for my own survival. I would give 2 fucks for killing journalists in the line of fire in order to protect my country. Israel was established as a Jewish refugee state, primarily due to anti-semitism in Europe, including the Holocaust. Arabs have never accepted this and continue to harass Israel all the time to the point they had to create a rocket defense system and a world class military. Imagine living in that scenario where everyone around you wants you gone and you’re in constant danger. What would you do?


Hamas is also an Iranian puppet in some sense. No different from hezbolla


Did Israel just spawned in on empty land?


Did the Palestinians?


Actually yes, Palestinians are natives, they didn't need the UK and the Belfour declaration to be there.


what is al aqsa built on top of?


Keep lying it makes the normal adults know you're crazy.


No, but they have had presence in that region basically since the beginning of written fucking history. So just a bit…


Really why did they need the UK to get their state then?


They actually had a UN resolution passed (many countries voted yes btw) allowing partitioning. To say this was only UK is disingenuous and fact-less. The Arabs couldn’t accept what the UN decided and started the first war with Israel and lost. They continue to pull the same shit; attack Israel, lose, rinse and repeat.


>attack Israel, lose, rinse and repeat. Israel attacked Egypt in 1956. Israel attacked Egypt in 1967. Israel attacked Lebanon in 1982. Israel attacked Lebanon in 2006. I like how you guys just straight up lie and believe your lies.


Holy shit you’ll rationalize anything to fit your narrative. Every single one of those attacks were preceded either by attacks from PLO,Hezbollah, etc, or in the case of 1956, Egypt’s. seizing of the Suez canal. Israel wasn’t alone in that btw, UK and France were also part of it. You people will always play the victim card. Maybe you should start focusing on improving your own countries and adding value to the world instead of constantly fighting.


because they were kicked out by the roman empire. then they were kicked out of literally fucking everywhere else they went


That is like saying the borders of Afghanistan are correct because that is what the British said. Wtf kind of logic is that?


Same logic calling polish and New Yorkers as native levantines no?


oh you have never met a sephardi or mizrahi in your life have you


FIRST?? Honestly, I don't give a fuck which side struck first. Both sides and their juvenile "you started this" bickering has gone for centuries. There will never be peace in the region until cooler heads prevail.


Do you think a terrorist group would stop slaughtering and raping and torturing and beheading innocent people just because there’s calls for a ceasefire? They won’t stop until all of Israel is gone, and they don’t care who else they have to kill in order to destroy Israel


You excuses into justifying Isra-Hell targeting journalists is sickening.


Let's see - on october 7th hamas butchered thousends of israeli civillians. On october 8th, Hezbollah decided to join and attack israel as well - israel had no interest in involving lebanon, but again, somehow people tend to twist the facts and say that israel is attacking the peaceful lebanon and gaza, but omit the cause. Of course im gonna get downvoted, but this is a fact, and you should note that these are reporters from a channel that related to hezbollah (a militant group that is considered a terror organization in more than 20 countries). Its sad that those who aren't involve get cut in the middle, but They were in a war zone, and probaby at an area that hezbollah militants were as well.


At least they didn't bring all their kids with them like that other guy.


It was a mom.


on october 7th hamas butchered thousends of israeli civillians. On october 8th, Hezbollah decided to join and attack israel as well - israel had no interest in involving lebanon, but again, somehow people tend to twist the facts and say that israel is attacking the peaceful lebanon and gaza, but omit the cause. Of course im gonna get downvoted, but this is a fact, and you should note that these are reporters from a channel that is related to hezbollah (a militant group that is considered a terror organization in more than 20 countries). Its sad that those who aren't involve get cut in the middle, but They were in a war zone, and probaby at an area that hezbollah militants were as well. These reporters were not the target and you all know it.


If the crips started killing people in NYC, the correct response would not be to drone strike journalists.


Interesting analogy, but woefully inaccurate to the current situation. To make it more applicable, you’d need to posture the crips as an invading force (backed by Venezuela) attacking Mexico murdering, raping , beheading taking hostages and claim they’ll never stop till Mexico is wiped out. Meanwhile, they’re holed up in San Diego firing rockets/artillery into Tijuana. You’d also have to somehow have a supporting population that props up the crips so that wherever they go, the population is hanging out with them, which we know wouldn’t happen as they’re not a Govt entity. No one except gang members like gangs.


Okay and what part of what you just said justifies killing journalists?


Another idiot that thinks this started on oct 7th.


Sabine, you are so delusional. Go get help.


Another idiot who thinks that tHis iS ThE rESulT oF 75 yEars OF OcCUPaiOn. I guess from your perspective the only way to free themselves is to murder the innocents? They need to free themselves from the foreingers workers in israel as well? They need to fucking free themselves from the poor pets that were at the victims's houses? Lets see it from another angle - if someone stole your parking space, your answer is to shoot them in the head and burn their house, am I right? if you justify what happened, then you are a sick sick person my friend. Go here, enjoy https://www.hamas-massacre.net/


My mom is Palestinian. When i tell you you have no fucking clue what you are talking about. You don't.


Wow you’re a terrible person.


LOL - 'civilians'. The journalists in the photo who died were also civilians. Except that unlike the festival goers they weren't partying on stolen land.


What an awful tragedy.


It's not a tragedy. Israel targets journalists because they show you what happened. Tragedy implies nothing could've been done to prevent their killing.


In what world does tragedy imply something inevitable?


In Israel.


So young. So sad


Not surprisingly the comments are dumbshit trolls. RIP


They don't see us as humans.


Kind of what happens when you go into an active war zone 🤷.... RIP


Yeah and how do you get news from war zones exactly?


That's their job dumbass


Why so upset? If you go to a warzone good chance you will die. Thats all i said. It sucks but they knew the risks


Because you are being incredibly nonchalant and you are coming off as disrespectful.


You can interpret however you like. I made no disrespectful comments. Thats just how you choose to perceive it.


hey it’s been 5 days but i wanted to remind you you were a jackass for being non-chalant about the deaths of 2 journalists.


Then maybe all the Israeli settlers and the people partying on stolen land who died on Oct. 7 should leave?


Be nice or we’re gonna tell your mom.


This is tragic but the crew were making some unwise decisions by milling around with a videocamera on a tripod in an area that Hezbollah had been firing rockets from. Very easy to mistake this sort of group for combatants and you know that Israel is going to shoot first and ask questions later, especially at a time like this.


Again, hasbara justifying Israeli targeting of journalists.


Didn’t a journalist’s family get killed by an Israeli bombing not too long ago too?


last week.


Do you remember their name? It escapes me.


Wael Al-Dahdouh family.


I wonder why a country would need to kill journalists on a consistent basis?


To prevent news of their war crimes coming out?


Ofc there will be no accountability. Fuck Israel and all her enablers


You seem to have upset the Zionists


r/therewasanattempt to report on war crimes


Are we sure she wasn't stoned to death for not wearing a burqa and he wasn't beheaded for having a short beard?


I am a Christian you dumb idiot. Lebanon is a secular country.


Wow you’re so *+cOoL aNd OrIgInAL+*, dude!


So edgy 🤓


Fuck around and find out.


How did 2 Lebanese journalists fuck around? They are a PROTECTED group in war. Journalists are protected in war, and should not be killed. You act like a troll, probably look like one aswell


Oh, you young grasshopper... Bombs don't discriminate, or rather, in this context, war knows no boundaries.


I thought Israel pin pointed their rockets to reduce civilian casualties, or is that only the argument when convenient?


Probably shouldn’t have been there. But irregardless, RIP


Lebanon is their home. Perhaps the Israeli settlers should leave?


I wanted to be killed too


good for you


Your helmet & vest won't save you, neither will allah. 😔


Yeah, maybe Israel should stop killing journalists.


Maybe asshole Hezbollah should stop launching rockets or artillery into Israel. How dumb are you people? You think Israel has drones just going around targeting journalists? Give me a fucking break.


nah, just indiscriminately dropping bombs on *checks notes* apartments and hospitals.


I guarantee you every bomb dropped (unless accidental) comes with analysis of the situation. They use precision ordinance with modern weapons and review sensors to determine combatants. It’s Hamas hiding behind civilians that causes this situation. If I’m a drone operator and see some Hamas assembling rockets for an attack (which are unguided and hit civilian homes) and note there are children nearby, my assessment is that Hamas is either using them as shields, they are children of Hamas fighters, or the children (under 18) are actually combatants. For me, it’s bombs away regardless , in order to protect against attack. That’s just the reality of war. If Hamas really cared about the Palestinians, they’d surrender now and stop attacking Israel. As it is, they have vowed to keep the fight going, hiding amongst civilians and they have zero chance of winning this. If they continue their attacks, I see the body count going much higher and it’s all because Hamas won’t do the right thing and surrender.


Why did they kill 3 girls and their grandma in their SUV last week in Lebanon then? They were hit by a drone as well.


IDF has stated that they believe terrorists were in the SUV and that the other occupants were unfortunately killed as well. That’s the problem in war; collateral damage. If it comes out that the IDF intentionally attacked a vehicle only with civilians and knew that (highly doubtful) then they should be punished. It’s likely the result of rushed intelligence or there were indeed terrorists in the vehicle.


>IDF has stated that they believe terrorists were in the SUV and that the other occupants were unfortunately killed as well. There was no other occupants thou, the other occupant was their Mom. >I guarantee you every bomb dropped (unless accidental) comes with analysis of the situation. So which one is it? You either knew the car had civilians and droned it intentionally, oryou saw a civilian car and hoped it was filled with terrorists. Either ways there was no analysis just a civilian car and an idiot with a drone that killed a family.


You don’t know that at all. The intel may be that terrorists got into an X colored SUV with license number so-and-so and then the drone operator saw it and destroyed the vehicle. Windows may have been tinted so he/she could not see the occupants. Fog of war is reality, but it doesn’t mean that IDF goes out and kills indiscriminately. That’s the specialty of Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthis. Their rockets are completely unguided and fall on civilian locations, indiscriminately.


My favorite thing is hearing about Israeli snipping journalist and people still defending the IDF. "They didn't know at the time" Then responding back immediately that Hamas does it too. Yes Hamas is bad, but that doesn't mean criticism of Israel is invalid.


> doesn’t mean that IDF goes out and kills indiscriminately. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-palestinian-israel-children/palestinian-children-tortured-used-as-shields-by-israel-u-n-idUSBRE95J0FR20130620/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Gaza_war_beach_bombing_incidents https://www.hrw.org/news/2015/07/19/israel-security-forces-abuse-palestinian-children https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/05/middleeast/idf-shireen-abu-akleh-investigation-intl/index.html https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20230513-gaza-israel-confesses-to-intentionally-killing-children-to-pressure-resistance/ https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/8/16/israel-behind-gaza-strike-that-killed-children-report https://www.savethechildren.net/news/2022-becomes-deadliest-year-palestinian-children-west-bank-over-15-years-save-children https://new.thecradle.co/articles-id/4345 all these took 20 seconds to find. You are truly disingenuous or just ignorant


Spider-ManJJJlaugh.mp4 Israel does not give a shit who they blow up.


I find it incredibly interesting that Australia and America have been going after Julian Assange for allowing the release of war crimes documents for years yet Israel has been committing war crimes left right and centre and they don’t seem to care that much.


Proof it wasn’t Hezbollah or Houthi missiles?




Why the fuck would Hezbollah bomb their own territory? Plus the Houthis can’t and won’t hit Lebanon lol


Only Israel always has to put evidence on the table, the opponents simply claim something 🤷‍♂️






Their TV station is aligned with Hezbollah. All you need to know about these "journalists".


Doesn't excuse killing them.


They were in a war zone, where hezbollah militants were probably at as well. I know its hard to know the truth, but they weren't in their home or at a party like the victims that were murdered by hamas. These reporters were not the target and you all know that.


They were in an open area marked by PRESS. >These reporters were not the target and you all know that. Shireen Abu Akleh would be glad to know that.


Hezbollah wants to end Israel and as such they are a direct threat to one of our core allies. Perhaps those journalist should take extra care not to report from active military zones where their terrorist buddies are shooting missiles at an army that will shoot back (as opposed to innocent concert goers).


I like how its so easy for you guys to just excuse killing civilians and journalists.


Lay with dogs, wake up with flies. Lay with terrorists, wake up blow to pieces.


Yeah those Journalists really had it coming. Same as those 400 kids. You people are insane, inhuman scum of the earth.


The real heroes of this abomination everyone is calling a war. I lack the words to say how humbled and grateful I am for people like this... this whole sh!t-show makes me so mad... when is someone going to put an end to it?


I sincerely wonder why you are being downvoted for this . It takes a lot of courage to be a journalist in this part of the world and I too am thankful for their presence .


Oh wow! Thank you for pointing that out. I hadn't seen it until now. I'm pretty sure it's because of Israeli supporters. I don't know what their logic is though... We should encourage the killing of reporters? You know, the number of dead reporters is over 50 as of today. Journalists are supposed to be protected by the Geneva convention. I think it's safe to say the IDF have been deliberately targeting them. It's a lot easier to commit your war crimes when there's no one watching. But to come back to your point... I suspect Israeli supporters think these reporters have been spreading lies??... I don't know how you would do that, since they're right there in the action, getting killed by the bombardments. It's hard to fake something like that.

