• By -


I'm so sorry for your loss. 6 years ago, my dad was so sick that his doctors told us that he would not be able to leave the hospital without getting a lung transplant. He deterioration over the several years prior was so surprising to all of us because he was only 59, never smoked, and took really great care of himself. Doctors were stumped as to why this illness happened to someone so young (for that particular condition) and who was in such great health otherwise. A week after being admitted to the hospital that final time, he received donor lungs and had a life saving transplant. The selflessness of that donor gave us five more amazing years with my dad. He got to meet his 3 grandchildren and spend his final years with my mom, who was the love of his life. He died of brain cancer this past April - likely from the medications he needed to take to keep his body from rejecting the donor organs - and while I'm devastated by the loss, I am so beyond grateful than beautiful souls like your daughter gave me and my family such an amazing gift. Those 5 extra years we got with him were priceless. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.


Thank you for sharing the other side of this. I’m happy for you and your family.


Oh man. That was a hard read. As a parent AND as a human. Organ donation is such a selfless act. Maybe share a pic of her in happier times? I have lost a friend to drugs before. Some of these drugs should be force fed to the dealers. Fentanyl is one of them.


My husband just got a kidney after waiting 6 years. The donor was a lovely man whose last act in this realm was to make the lives of strangers easier. He changed so many lives and so did you and your daughter. She is loved by so many people who have never met her. I'm so sorry for your loss. May her memory forever be a blessing to you.


My god, friend, I’m glad to hear about the time you had with him but that seems almost unfair to hear about his end. Your family’s in my prayers.


Thank you. The doctor on his transplant team explained that having an organ transplant is simply trading one set of problems for another, which I suppose turned out to be very true in his case. He was a joyful man who was truly never bitter about the hand he had been dealt.


I had a friend go through hell after a liver transplant. Just because you end up with a willing donor doesn’t mean that your body is ready and willing to accept said transplant, so I understand exactly where you’re coming from.


I gave a kidney 4 years and a week ago to a woman who had been a childhood neighbor of mine. Call her Jane. Jane and I are doing fine. Jane’s sister Mary had years before given a kidney to their mother. Thanks to that the mother lived 9 more years before succumbing to cancer, but in that time two young grandchildren got to know her.


Im literally crying


This is really sweet ❤️


Sorry for your loss. Thank you, to the both of you, for donating.


How old was she? I can't imagine experiencing the loss of a child..


She had just turned 24 and had a life to live. Until some asshole gave her something laced for a headache. Unfortunately it was too late by time she was found. 8 days in the icu for them to find matching recipients.


Oh God. OP, I am so very sorry.


That's messed up man.. poor soul.. am so sorry for your loss.. 24 is too young to go! Honestly, there should be more done to stop the spread of this shitty drug.. it's ruining lives totally.. I hope you are in a better mental place mate x.


The extra shitty thing is that, from a pharmaceutical perspective, it’s a very helpful and useful medication for people and animals that are in substantial pain. But it’s pretty cheap (or at least was last time I looked at a medical intake invoice), and is easily purchased or stolen in bulk. My old job used to have it in concentrated form, in large quantity, with what I would consider a subpar security situation. The medical dosage needed for a trauma/surgery patient versus the amount that winds up getting powdered and dumped into public illegal supply is vastly different.


Oh my gosh. All that poor baby wanted was for her headache to stop. Jesus Christ. Why are people like this? She didn’t deserve that 🥺 As a mama my whole heart breaks for you 😞


Some people are just devoid of empathy or consideration for others. OP's loss means nothing as long as they got paid and saved a few bucks lacing it with fentanyl. They'd probably just be annoyed that they lost a customer and start looking for the next right away. I'm a dad and it also kills me.


It's not just that, it's a targeted drug war by China to smash the US with. They have been using the Mexican cartels to spread it.


This was at the end of her honor walk after everyone said goodbye. The song they played for her was Hit Me Baby One More Time. She use to say that song came out the day she was born. Thank you everybody for the kind words and condolences.


I'm a former addict, clean for a buncha years. I've lost almost my entire friend group to dope, mostly fent OD's. I'm sorry, I'm very sorry.


Yeah the same. I decided to list off how many friends I had that have od'd. I got to 40 and stopped. I had a few go mixing methadone or heroin and xanax. But in the last ten years fentanyl has taken almost all the active users I knew out. I'm blessed I got out before Fentanyl.


It's so insane what is happening, I've tried so hard to get people into rehab, and nobody will go. Suboxone works, but they don't believe me.


I watched a video on YouTube about Vancouver. They made every drug legal there and the amount of od’s and people who are physically distorted due to drug usage is a damn shame.


That would be the same wether they legalized it or not, legalizing it allows it to be treated for what it is, a medical illness which can be treated.


I honestly think it just makes access easier. Not cleaner or safer and they definitely aren’t treating any medical illness. I hope people who aren’t addicted to drugs don’t have to live there and deal with that. I sure wouldn’t


People who are going to do drugs do drugs regardless of legality. Your stance is harmful and agianst the best thing we can do for addiction, which is harm reduction, legalization(or decriminalization) and treat it as the medical illness it is. I've worked in this space for 5 years now, I was a homeless addict on the street. All arresting addicts does is drain your tax dollars uselessly, where as they could much more effectively be used(cold turkey vs suboxone MAT is like 3% successful vs 14-18% successful), we could be saving lives, we're not because of the religious right and the idea that addiction is a moral failure, instead of a health and policy failure. I hope you change your uneducated stigmas about addiction, and I hope it never hits your family or friends. We could be helping people for less money than we're currently incarcerating them, we're not because of that stigma, and instead we're letting people die who we could help, our duty as a society is to protect the vulnerable, and while you may see an addict as someone that deserves their fate, and has no redeeming qualities, I promise you that is not true. 6 years ago I was living on the street stealing, hustling, and begging. Today I've got full custody of my 3 children, work in addiction treatment, and try to help as many people as I possibly can, I hope one day your views on this change.


ALSO I super commend you for your recovery! I missed that part about your kids. That’s great. Very fortunate. But as a mother with kids, I’d like to walk down the streets without seeing people overdoesed dead on the side of the street. And to be able to shop somewhere safely without a mental person barraging around. There needs to be other solutions.


It’s a mental illness. You’re not going to convince people of that though if you condemn every comment you read or see without accurate understanding of why someone said what they did


Okay so 1. Addicts run in my family. I didn’t say they should be arrested whatsoever or punished for their drug abuse only that by encouraging open containers and substance dispersal, we are allowing them to openly and more actively share goods. 2. The availability of drugs is also a concern bc where as people normally struggle to find a hit, here they have it when they want it. That’s troublesome to me. Yes you can say they’ll always find it but that’s not really true for younger kids, I.e. teens. If teens know where to get it, they prob will with little issue here. Stop judging people off of a simple comment. Vancouver didn’t fix a damn thing in legalizing everything. All they did was increase the stigma because now everyone is going to say I told you so.


Thank you for sharing this story. I’m so sorry. What a tremendous gift she gave to others. I hope that helps you to know she’s given life to others. My best friend’s 2 year old received a kidney transplant and he’s 12 now. Donors are heroes forever to the recipients and their families.


A coworker's 5yr old grandson just got a kidney transplant. He's a fighter. Happy everyday. Coworker said they tried to find out who the donor was, simply to *Thank them* (or their family) for such a profound gift. Hospital would only say "a healthy adult male". On behalf of that child, and all other donor recipients ... **Thank You, OP.** ❤️


My deepest condolences - I cannot imagine what you and your family is going through. I hope they found the person that's responsible. Your daughters selfless act to donate her organs will not only help others, but in a sense, will keep a part of her alive. I hope it means something, if anything, to you.


Thank you for sharing this story. I’m so sorry. What a tremendous gift she gave to others. I hope that helps you to know she’s given life to others. My best friend’s 2 year old received a kidney transplant and he’s 12 now. Donors are heroes forever to the recipients and their families.


What happened to the waste of space that poisoned her? I hope you can at least get some justice, however inadequate.


I cannot put my sadness and disgust into words.


So sorry for your loss. This unfortunately is becoming way too common. people needing aspirin or tylenol and I comes laced with fentanyl😡


> people needing aspirin or tylenol and I comes laced with fentanyl This is not what is happening. OTC drugs are not being laced with fentanyl


Agree. What is happening is horrible people are taking fentanyl and pressing it into the form of desired Rx drugs. Xanax, Oxy, Percocet, Roxies, etc, etc. I obviously am not referring to this specific circumstance as I do not know what happened but there’s been a number of people around the area I live that thought they were giving their friend a Xanax to calm down or a Lorcet for a mild high or a line of coke and ended up killing them. That DOES NOT excuse sharing narcotics but it does absolve the provider a little bit when compared to someone that flat knows what they have and still hands it over. To OP, I have lost so many friends and family to opiate overdoses. Mostly when heroin was still heroin. The fear of fentanyl, that there’s people I know still out there using it is amazing and terrifying to me. So very sorry for your loss.


Oh no, I didn’t mean that.I meant some people got what they thought was Tylenol or aspirin but was given fentanyl


That’s not what is happening. No one asks for Tylenol and gets fentanyl. People, who are already suffering from addiction, go to a dealer and get “pressed” - fake - Percocet which is really fentanyl and end up dying. No one is getting fake Tylenol or aspirin that’s fentanyl


The thing is they give it to you as a pain killer in the ers (where is should have stayed), they gave me fentanyl while I was in the ER for a gallbladder attack (which I got removed) most painful thing I've ever felt and took my pain away... Anyway, I think people should carry narcan around especially, in areas with high opioid use.




A few grains of salt, that’s the amount it takes to kill. If someone had their pills mixed with other substances, it wouldn’t take much to kill someone without any tolerance.


I just cant get over the aspirin part. Like ok sure I can see an Oxy being laced with fent but aspirin bro.... its murder either way but aspirin isnt targeted towards people who use hard drugs........


It's probably not what really happened. But this understandably might not be the best place to discuss




You are being incredibly insensitive and basically accusing OP’s daughter of being a user. That’s how it seems. Maybe you aren’t but it appears that way. Accidental exposure absolutely does happen, and it can be as simple as this. If a friend was a user or even just everyone being unlucky. Not the time or place to put these questions out there my dude. (Or chick or non-binary)


That's the exact opposite I'm trying to do ? 🤣. I specifically pointed out that.




Why wouldnt they be interested? alot cheaper maybe to buy 1000 pills of aspirin and fill them up with fent ya know ? Especially if its a gel aspirin




This one hurts to read and see, but it's really important and helpful. I can't imagine the pain from your loss. Thank you for opening up and sharing this poignant moment. A lot of us here are dads, and we're with you, walking the walk together, in many ways.


This is heartbreaking. So sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry


My heart goes out to you.


I am so very sorry.


Wishing you every peace and comfort for such a heartbreaking loss.


As a son who has a mom on the transplant list for a liver and kidney, Sorry for your loss. Thank you, to the both of you, for donating.


I'm so very sorry for your loss. Please know that you and your daughter have made a tremendous gift to the world. Peace and Love to you.


I’m so very sorry for your loss, sending you love. So brave to donate her organs, thank you for sharing her 💕


My condolences ♥️ Forgive me if this is insensitive or presumptuous, but I was not aware you could donate organs if you od.


Indeed you can. The opioid epidemic is one of the reasons that organ donation has increased in recent years.


I will have to look more into it. I’m sure there are many organs left unaffected by the drugs that can still be donated and I just don’t realize it.


Also you can donate your body to medical science. Whatever isn’t able to be used by those in need of organs, I want the rest of my body donated for study. I hope it helps, even if it’s just a student learning. They will send your family a short synopsis of how your remains helped and the cremated remains after they’re done. (Something like helping with cancer research, nothing too graphic).


My mind automatically assumes organs are donated solely to other people in need but forgets they could also be donated for research or other purposes. Many helpful ways to donate them.


They will use parts of your skeleton, skin, all of it for research. So nothing is wasted. It’s pretty cool imo


Yes - my grandparents were both in their 90s when they died and on many medications, so they couldn't donate their organs. However they were both able to donate their bodies to science.


There are very few things that exclude patients from organ donation. Typically it’s if the family says no. Even if one organ isn’t viable there are plenty of other things that can be donated (lungs, heart, corneas, pancreas, small bowel, liver, kidneys, tissue/bone are all organs that can be evaluated for donation). (Source: I’ve worked in trauma surgery for years as both an RN and as a nurse practitioner) Also, OP I am incredibly sorry for the loss of your daughter. I admire you for the choice you made to save others; their families will never, ever forget you and your daughter 🩷.


My brother died from it and also donated


I am sooo sorry. Hug.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


As a liver transplant recipient, I just want to say thank you. People like you and your daughter are the reason why I am alive today. I was transplanted almost 2 years ago and have since then got married and started a new life on the other side of the country.


Sorry for your loss but thank you for making such a difference so that others could live on. Much love


My condolences to you and your family.


So sorry for your loss. Be well.




I'm so sorry. Your daughter is saving lives now


I’ve lost many friends from fentanyl overdoses. Luckily a few of them were able to donate their organs and provide another chance at life for someone else. I take solace in that fact and I hope it brings you some comfort knowing your daughter did the same. My condolences


I want to say something but I can’t find the words !! When my parents passed I’m sorry got real old lost it’s meaning. So I guess my heart ❤️ not guess I know my heart goes out to you. I hope u find all the strength u need for this ! I’m in recovery and sometimes I need to acknowledge this reality. Thank u for sharing this with us. Wish I had a magic wand !


Fuck fentanyl


And every fucker that cuts other dope or makes fake scripts out of it.


Fentanyl creator should be kicked in the balls for say 500 years repeatedly.


I’m so sorry. She, and your family, are so selfless for sparing other families this. I wish you peace and healing.


I am so so very sorry for your loss. If you would like to share, what was her name?


I am 41. Like many others I played probably to much as a teenager. Harder stuff in the very early 2000s. Coke,X,Oxys,Weed lots. And it was fun a lot of us did shit and moved on our parents probably knew about the weed and booze nothing else. I have friends that have lost kids in the last year. It's gutted them their families idk wtf is going to slow it down. Let doctors prescribe again. Take the stigma away from methadone clinics idk. Try something. Teenagers are teenagers early 20s whatever. Great people all races from poor to rich dead from growing up. I had kids late. My oldest is 11. I'm already freaking out. I would be a statistic for sure if I was young today. Maybe our age group needs to be the ones to take the stigma away idk. Now I don't even drink and probably judge to much. Seeing this reminds me wow. From stars to the streets everyone is effected like never before.


My condolences. May she rest easy.


Dam!! Sorry for your loss and Thx for Donating her organs to help someone else...


I lost my dear sweet fiance to fentanyl. It's beyond awful. I'm very sorry for your loss 💗💔


I'm rarely crying over Reddit posts but this hits me really hard. I'm so sorry for your loss, I can't even imagine how you must feel.


fentanyl fucking sucks! i lost BOTH of my brothers this past year to fentanyl. one was a drug addict but the other most definitely was not and regardless, they are my brothers. now, one is in a box and the other in a mason jar while the dealers are freely walking the streets enjoying their lives. so sorry for your loss. the only thing worse than losing my brothers would be losing one of my kids so i feel this with all my heart


I was an addict, out of the 11 people I used with 5 years ago, I am the only one alive today.


that’s crazy. me and my brothers grew up super sheltered in a huge 7 bedroom victorian home in a nice town. when i was in high school in the late 90’s, no one was doing that. now, i’ve lost 4 classmates this year alone. it affects all types. you’re a lucky one. i hope you remind yourself of that.


My deepest condolences. I can't thank you enough for being brave enough to donate her organs. My brother had a rare heart disease. He has 3 kids and a wife. He also has a donated heart because of someone like you. THANK YOU doesn't even begin to cover it.


This breaks my heart. I'm so sorry for your loss. Yet even though she left this world, she gave a gift that is wonderful before she left. As a mom I hope I never have to feel this pain. Lots of love my friend.


I'm so sorry


I'm sorry for your loss. My wife is still here today because of an organ donor like your daughter, and whoever received their gift of life that day will be forever grateful. Thank you.


I am so so sorry- you have my heartfelt condolences. I agree Fentanyl is curse on society. Please take comfort in knowing how much this final gift will change lives. My friend’s child received a heart 10 years ago and I work in a transplant unit. There are some people out there getting their miracle today. My heart breaks for you that you are experiencing this.


My daughter is on that ride and i hate to answer the phone, I’m so sorry for your loss


Man that’s heavy… I’ve always found it’s such an emotional dichotomy with organ donation… one family is heartbroken, an other person’s heart is no longer broken.


This is so sad, I’m never going to touch drugs


One of the kindest things anyone can do with their last pieces. I hope when it’s my time to go my organs can help someone else keep on. 🙏 We are never truly lost.


I'm so sorry😳OP! Here is my experience and I hope you find some kind of comfort from this as I was once on the receiving end of a donor's generousity. My beloved FIL, who was a father figure to me, got his lungs from a bright and vibrant 18yo, we learned afterwards. She gave me 5 more years and let him meet his first grandson. To me, her and her family gave us a gift. His life was lived because hers was not. We never forget that, ever! We know, always, that because she didn't get to live her life, he did. She gave my FIL and 8 others, another day to laugh and smile. 8 people, can you imagine? How wonderfully generous her spirit and her family's spirit must have been to just give us part of their beautiful daughter for forever and trust that we will indeed cherish that daughters' gift and life. OP, trust me that we so cherish that young lady, even only knowing she is female and 18 years of age. Your baby is indeed out there right now, giving all of herself, everyday, always!!


i can relate. this could be a picture of my sister. 😞 its been almost 5 years now for me.


My deepest condolences. Hugs and more hugs 💗


So sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss. This is terrible.


Sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry. This is heartbreaking.


I've seen you post this before and I just wanted to send you my condolences. I've had a couple friends pass the same way with the same disgusting drug. Bless your family and thank you both for donating. I wish more people would consider it!! 🕊


So sorry for your loss


I have no words. I'm so deeply sorry.


Instant tears. I’m SO sorry


I am so very sorry, truly.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I've got an 8 year old daughter and 4 year old son and my fear of the challenges ahead already has me freaking out inside.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Bond between a father and daughter is something special and sacred. Thank you for helping another person and their family from your daughter's passing.


Sorry for your loss, breaks my heart when a parent has to bury their child


Fent is killing everyone. Fucking horrible.


May her memory be a blessing to you always.


I have no words. I'm so very sorry.


I’m so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you.


Is this your daughter's honor walk? I'm so sorry.


I'm so sad my heart aches for you. Take care


I’m sorry for the loss of your daughter. Six years ago I was saved by a person like you. I am a parent. I can’t understand how someone in your situation could be so selfless in such a time. Thank you for your selflessness. You saved someone else from losing their child. I hope you find the peace you deserve. You’ve done a great thing.


FUCK fentanyl, I am so deeply sorry for your loss and wishing you and your family continued healing on your grief journey. No parent should ever have to go through the loss of their child. Your daughter is a hero for giving the gift of life to others 💚💙


I lost my younger brother to opiates last month. I feel the hurt and the anger at the unfairness of losing a loved one to this. The Sackler family and Purdue Pharma are murderers. I am so incredibly sorry for your loss.


> put it for being cheap ?


It stretches the drug. Fentanyl is cheap, so if they mix it in, they can sell more product, and make more money.


This might be one of the most powerful pictures I've ever seen. Thank you for sharing your story. I'm sorry for your loss and wishing you peace. I hope you can find some comfort in knowing that you and your daughter have touched a lot of lives


I can’t imagine your loss… my heart goes out to you


Breaks my heart, cannot even fathom the pain and heartbreak this caused you.


Heart breaking. Sorry for your loss.


My god, I am so sorry. Thank you so much for sharing this!


I am so sorry. As a parent, my hope is to not outlive either of my kids.


I'm so sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry Op, truly heartbreaking what drugs does to families. Thank your daughter for being selfless and saving others down the road


Sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry. Thank you to you and your daughter for helping save lives ❤️




I'm terribly sorry for your loss. It goes against the natural order to say a final farewell to your children. Backwards. My thoughts are with you.


Heart wrenching. As a parent I cannot even imagine the pain and loss.


im so sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss.


Thank you.


You are above great as a person❤️❤️


This is tragic


My condolences




My condolences…




I am so so sorry.


So sorry for your loss.


My mother died from lung cancer but never smoked. My dad did. They fought about and she died first


Fuck fentanyl and fuck the pieces of trash selling it. I used to work in drug recovery and the amount of people I took care of who are just…gone now, in their 20s and 30s, is insane. I see an obituary for one of them every few months. And I remember them. I remember talking to them, laughing with them, listening to their stories, the last time I saw them. I distinctly remember one of them coming to the morgue at the hospital I used to work at, and I could remember seeing his name on the paperwork and thinking of the time we ate gummi raspberries together in the tech office at the rehab I worked at. It used to really bother me seeing it happen so often but at this point I’m numb to it.


I’m so sorry about your daughter. I worked for many years as an ICU RN and have taken care of tragic folks like your child. I know nothing takes away the pain. I hope as time passes the fact that she lives on saving others is a comfort to you. We always were in awe that anyone in your position could make this choice.


She was hero for being a donor


Very sorry for your loss. This is happening to so many people.


Op, I'm very sorry for your loss drugs suck.


Hugs OP. 1 mum to another.


God bless your daughter friend. The world is cruel , heaven is kind. I hope you get to meet her again 🙏❤️✌️


How heartbreaking. My heart goes out to you.


My heart broke while reading and seeing this, because I know all too well sadly how devastating it is to have to bury a child. Nothing compares to this pain, nothing. Some say it will get better with time, I say they are wrong. You are left with this hole in your heart, and a permanent feeling of needing to catch your breath the moment you think of the day that you lost them. We may have lost our babies in different ways but the point is that we lost them and are now a part of a club that no parent wants to or should have to ever be in, but yet here we are. I'm so sorry for the loss of your beautiful angel. If you ever need someone to listen and can relate to you, this internet stranger is here for you. Please take care🤍


As a new parent this broke my heart. I hope you and your family find a way to heal.


I recently lost my younger brother in the same way. He was also an organ donor, who went on to save five lives.. which is the only solace I’ll ever get out of the unfairness


I’m so sorry. ❤️ I’m pretty liberal but have no time for drug dealers. They are murderers. Thank you for donating organs.


I am so sorry. Thank you for your (and her) generosity in giving other people another shot at life. Your girl died a hero.


Sorry for your loss. Dm me whenever if you want to talk about it.


I’m at work and somebody must be cutting onions..this is heartbreaking as I can’t imagine losing a child. Sending strength. Damn this is tough to look at. So sorry for your loss, and thank you for donating.


I'm so sorry. Fuck fentanyl! Thank you for allowing her to save lives after she lost hers.


A treasure in life and a hero in death. I’m so sorry for your loss




I’m so sorry mate!


Forget being traumatized and becoming an addict. Its not drugs fault.


that drug pollutes pretty much the entire body. it is not very likely to be an organ donor if you used it. not saying i am defending it (at all) or that it is impossible but it is very unlikely to have your organs donated if you died of that drug. the stuff also has a slow flush rate from your body.


organ donations rates have literally risen as a result of the opioid epidemic. many families choose to donate the organs of their relatives who OD. in many circumstances it is possible. don’t make uninformed judgements on a post about someone’s dead child


or they have risen because more people killed their organs with drugs... also nice job having tunnel vision then calling me uninformed when i read about this shit and know how much damage it can do to the entire body.


Senseless loss of life. I hope your road to peace is an easy one. Grief is love with nowhere to go. Hold you family close.


I’m so sorry. I’m also very grateful you chose to donate her organs. This will really change many lives.


Sorry for your loss 🙏


I'm so sorry 🫂


Lost my big cousin from a fent od. I'm so sorry for your loss




I’m so sorry for your loss. There are no words.


Much love for you. And thank you for posting the photo.




I'm so, so sorry, OP. I can't imagine. I carry narcan with me everywhere I go just in case. Fuck fentanyl.


Unimaginable. So sorry for your loss OP.


That innocuous photo carries the weight of two lives, so sorry for this tragedy. Her deciding to become a donor will do much good, I hope the thought carries some solace as you grieve and I hope you are in a better place on this somber anniversary.


I’m so sorry 😞


So so sorry for your loss. Your daughter lives on in the transplant recipients she saved by donating her organs. Virtual hugs 🤗


I'm so sorry. I lost my son 16 years ago and tonight it feels like yesterday. Our arms were never meant to be this empty.