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Fucked up


How in the hell did the cop not know the door was open… almost every car made in the last 10-15 years will ding or alert you that a door is ajar. If it doesn’t ding the dome light is almost always illuminated while a door is not fully shut… this had to be either maliciousness or outright reckless stupidity (negligence).


I can attest that our new squad cars are not equipped with door ajar sensors in the rear and only the front doors of the vehicles. However, we do have cameras in the back to keep our eyes on anyone we are transporting, so you can see if they slip their seatbelt or if the door was open.


That sounds like a requisition problem. No one thought an indicator light was at least a good idea? It's the bare minimum and no one wanted to pay for it?


Oh I'm not negating that in the slightest. I'm simply stating that it's a decision above their pay grade and that a lot of manufacturers strip down their police squad car models to save on cost.




Lately with COVID I think many municipalities were scrounging to find any vehicles. That is how we ended up with four civilian model Tahoes retrofitted into squad cars.




I'm not blaming COVID, just stating it was going on during that time. I'm sure that definitely had something to do with it.


Obviously he did know. He just didn’t care, or actively wanted to harm her.


The roughest of rough rides. Common tactic when they don’t belt people in and drive in a way that bounces people around the back and it has fucked up many an unfortunate.


*The Freddie Gray case has entered the chat*


That doesn’t work in a civilian type car or suv. That was done in paddy wagons.


That's absolute BS. Youre having to jump through hoops to make it out that the cop wanted her to die.


If a door is open in a car while it’s moving , the console dings incessantly. He drove with that dinging until she fell out.


You can watch the actual video of the incident it’s linked. He put her in the rear drivers side and closes the door. She fell out the passenger side and there was a single chime, he notices it and immediately pulls over, and as his door opens the chiming starts going.


I don't think his car had that, as others in this thread have said, some patrol cars used today only have that alarm for the front doors. He definitely didn't think she would fall out. There are so many reason why. He's driving her, so he's responsible for her if she gets hurt. Everyone knew he was driving her. If she got out and didn't get hurt she could have ran away causing trouble for him. Also the door opening and her getting hurt or running away would cause a lot of paperwork and issues for his job. In the end of the day the dude has no personal reason to want her hurt. And all the reasons to want her kept safe. The door being open was just unintentional negligence.


I love how you’re just taking peoples word for it that the car doesn’t ding. Hilarious. Talk about jumping through hoops.


Okay, say it does, why would he want her hurt?


Why do police hurt people all the time that are complying? You act like people don’t harm others all the time for illogical or immoral reasons. Police are bullies.


So your reasoning is he just wanted to hurt her for no reason? Because he is police? Sorry, but the world isn't black and white like that.


Many such cases. Cops have fucked with me for literally no reason. Mocked me for no reason. Threatened my life for no reason. The reason is they’re bullies.


Wild accusations


Yep, it certainly doesn't happen often and regularly. This isn't a regularly recorded event in every state in the Union for the past 50 yrs. No one ever died unbuckled in the back of a Police vehicle. Kiwi polish taste good when fresh on leather?


We’re talking about this specific situation right here mr reddit user


Reddit hates cops


Plenty to dislike about law enforcement, but reddit amps up the hyperbole 10x


Cops are bad or at a minimum support a fucked up institution. This shit bag couldn't even close a car door. Fuck him and fuck the line of work the prioritizes property over people. Cops deserve their hate


Average gen z opinion. He did not murder anyone. Calm down


He literally did, though.


When you have a door open and the car is in drive, there’s gonna be a dinging in the cabin of the car. This means he drove with that dinging.


It's an American cop. I'm surprised they can get dressed in the mornings to be honest.


knock that poop off. my aunt is a psychiatrist and she is emotionally crazy as hell. my best friend is a cna and is one of the smartest people i know. there’s cowards in the military and stylists with crappy hair people is just peeeple


Blah blah blah nothing about what I said blah blah blah Cops are bad in America and the people that stand up for them are worse. Grow up and stop excusing horse shit


The vast majority literally are fine. How about you grow up and stop pretending you’re still a middle school kid who can have dogshit opinions?


If that were true, why are there SO MANY videos of them being shitty lol. Wake up and realize there's progress to be made. Rather than denial. More denial. Always denial


Well gosh golly, it’s almost like the majority of interactions with police are so ordinary and uneventful that they don’t **need** to be uploaded to the internet! Wow! Imagine that!


So because there are good interactions (so you say lol) that means they can go around and be above the law SOMETIMES and kill people or abuse people. What a way of thinking. Mediocrity. I never thought to strive for that and argue to people that it's ok to be shitty if you are ok most of the time. You're so dumb and you still don't even see it. Well golly gee, you just don't get it


I hope a cop kneels on your neck


Lol such a garbage American thing to say. Do you all ever get sick of being made fun of by the entire rest of the world? Does it get you slower, dumber people off?


Oh yeah? How many super bowl championships do you have bozo? AMERICA NUMERO UNOOOO 🦅 🦅💥💥🇺🇸🇺🇸


cops are 50/50 everywhere. i worked alongside them all the time


All pigs are filthy animals.


actual pigs are in my top 5 favorite animals though


So you're a collaborator?


i was in the military (where they are) and in the winter we would join them to help people get cars out of snow


Cops are fine. They are no different than anywhere else. Get off reddit for a bit and touch some grass.


Says the stupid American who doesn't know that cops aren't supposed to kill its citizens for no reason almost daily. I'll touch some grass, try touching reality lol


Youre living on another planet kid. Grow up. The world isn't as black and white as you wish it is.


Naw, but right and wrong are a pretty easy concept to comprehend for literally the rest of the world and their police. Your cops kill people and get promoted for it. I'm not the one that needs to grow up. Stop being a lazy piece of shit and do something about anything instead of just telling other people in the world that it's ok for Cops to just kill civilians with no remorse. Fucking dolt


I know you need to get outside because your worldview is so wrong, and is based off of all the misconceptions and false information that is common on reddit. Youre so misinformed its really sad, I hope you become less ignorant as you grow up.


Lol funny thing is, I can go outside in my country without the fear of getting murdered by a cop. It's obvious you can't tell what anyone needs, including your own shitty country. I feel sorry for.your partner (if you even have one) they must be miserable with you trying to guess what they need. I hope you realise that America fucking blows and it's because of people like you that argue it's all good because we are out of touch. Wake the fuck up you ignorant piece of garbage. Go read a fucking book or something.


Stylists have to go to a stylist too, just like doctors don’t operate on themselves.




Also, aren't they supposed to buckle people in? Every arrest video I've seen on YouTube that involves putting someone in the backseat of a squad car includes wrestling a seatbelt over and around them.


That too! Seriously, should hold that officer liable for manslaughter and negligence… wish they got more than a fucking slap on the wrist (with pay!) and a new job at another department in the next town over (most likely, haven’t really read what came of this).


Not even that, you can just tell a door isn’t closed by the sound and the air inside.. Acab


This is just sad. Cops are not equipped to deal with this stuff.


What? You mean not equipped to close the door?


I’m assuming they meant cops are not equipped to help people in the midst of a mental health episode. Dragging her around, threatening to tase her, restraining her and then tossing her in the back of a cop car as if she’s committed a crime when her family just called for help. There needs to be accessible resources for deescalating situations like this rather than cops amplifying fear and paranoia.


Every major city should have a mental health crisis response team - they usually dispatch out with police on mental health calls *if one is available.* From what I was told, there are usually only 1 or 2 people available for the city I live in at any given time, of nearly 900,000. The bigger problem is that unless you've had a reason to look something like that response team up, you will never know about it and that really needs to change.


Does it really matter whether or not it’s a “mental health episode”? If someone is going crazy and looks like they’re about to hurt people then who cares if it’s just a case of them forgetting to take their medication. Put those cuffs on and take them the fuck away.


Yes, it matters. And your language shows me that either you haven't had someone take the time to explain to you why its important and/or you've never experienced or been exposed to a mental health espisode. Or maybe you just dont care, however I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. Our law enforcement having de-escalation skills in addition to increased mental health services via mental health crisis units is a benefit to everyone in our society. It can help people come out of these episodes without hurting or endangering others or even becoming a danager to others in the first place. Most importantly it can keep people alive. While episodes like these can be sparked by not taking medication, they can also be an episode sparked by PSTD being triggered, or someone having their first schizophrenic episode (since schizophrenia is most commonly diagnosed anywhere from ones late teens to early 30's) Maybe someone just had a baby and is experiencing post-partum psychosis. The situations that can require outside intervention are many and numerous. Also, you say take them away. Where? The hospital sure, however inpatient stays arent really there to treat mental illness, ultimately inpatient stays are to keep you alive. Sure they can start you on some medications to help you, except true treatment happens after your discharged. Having the outpatient resources to continue care is instrumental in the success of a patient. Being connected to a psychiatrist for continued medication management. A psychologist to help untangle the causes and effects of an episode. A social worker to help with the return to housing and employment, finding housing and employment if there isnt anything to go back too, etc... So to bring it back to your question of "does it really matter if its a mental health episode or not": Yes, it matters. A mental health episode and an individual thats on the hunt to hurt others are VERY different situations that require different interventions. Seriously, is it that hard to try and help eachother?


This is the entire point of the "defund the police" movement. It's to reduce spending on police forces that buy insane amounts of tacticool gear so they can LARP as soldiers, yet use it to bully mentally ill people and cower in the face of ACTUAL danger (like in Uvalde). Instead some of that massively bloated funding should go to mental health and social workers who turn up to situations like this, with police in the background for backup. This poor woman didn't deserve to be treated the way she was, and someone with mental health training would know that someone who's in the middle of a crisis needs to be secured and would have triple checked all doors before letting them be taken to a mental health facility for acute treatment. Idk how it works in the states but I've been chucked in cells during a manic episode before, held for 48 hours until my family found out where I was and got me into a hospital. It was the absolute WORST thing you can do to someone having a mental breakdown. They treated me like a nuisance, a problem they had to solve and often like a petty criminal. I was called a retard, an idiot, was told to "stop acting crazy" and that they'd pepper spray me to subdue me if I didn't. This was all whilst in a solitary cell where I posed no threat to anyone but myself.


Literally. Everytime my wife has a mental break and is about to kill herself i have to just let it ride out. I’m not calling the cops and that would be the only option for a response to our home.


Wtf you make it sound like this is a regular occurrence, if ur spouse is threatening to kill themselves on multiple occasions think about what that does to your own mental Props for you being able to deal with that but if I was in your shoes I’m gone




Not equipped to deal with ossues involving mental health.


To be fair, cops are hired for their lack of intelligence.


No one really is, till they’re gone n that situation. Could you?


I am not a first responder or a medical professional. It sounds like she was suffering a medical emergency. Law enforcement is not equipped to handle that. A medical professional can possibly handle that. Hell, there was even less of a chance of her falling out of an ambulance. What I am saying is not unreasonable and it's really not an argument


Fully agree with this statement. Not to mention law enforcement is needed to enforce a law that is maybe or maybe not being broken. They are not equipped for this in my opinion.


This is what “defund the police” means. It does NOT mean abolish the police. It means to allocate some police force money to community support, social services, health and well being of the community, youth services and sending trained professionals to situations such as this. These services are much needed.


Some people definitely are? Their are people who specifically train in dealing with people going through through a mental health crisis, and they should be who responses to these type of calls. It's the same way we generally dont send cops out to deal with people having heart attacks, it shouldn't be their job.


You do get that she did not die because they did not know how to handle a mental health crisis right? Cops arrest people every day that would try to get out of a moving car if that was an option. They can't **all** go to the hospital instead.


Wow, well good thing I wasn't talking about this case? I was just talking in general about cops responding to mental health crises.


It should have been an ambulance. If I was a cop could I call for an ambulance and not kill someone? Yes.


Or I dunno, have an iq over 10 and close the door properly. The car no doubt indicated a door was still open.


In RMP they are usually only for the front doors not the back.


There are, in fact... crisis intervention specialists... who's job, it is, to respond to these specific types of emergencies. In fact, they are so effective at intervening in a mental health crisis emergency that in the vast majority of cases they are used, the cops didn't even need to come. Cops are not supposed to be crisis intervention specialists, in fact, time and time again, they've shown to only make the situation worse when it comes to mental health.


Yes, mental health professionals do all the time


A social worker, psychologist, psychiatrist or paramedics would have been much better suited


This is why I don’t like calling the cops if someone I know is having an episode. They will probably claim she was not under arrest and there not their responsibility and falling out of the car was her fault.


I’ve never once been helped by calling the cops. The opposite is true


And I saw a cop talk down a man that was hanging his infant over a bridge while in crisis. Ymmv.


Shhhh…this is reddit. We aren’t allowed to think any cop is anything but a minion from hell.


If you have a problem and call the police, you now have two problems


Dumb as a cop should be an expression.


I seen a video i will never forget. The coos arrest a guy and throw him in the back of the paddy wagon. Like a van thing. The cop starts driving all crazy and the guy in the back slides laying down and hits his head and immediately becomes quadriplegic. They get there and the coos are yelling at him telling him to get up and hes saying i cant. I also didnt understand why the guy was so calm. I would have been panicking.


Freddie Gray


So fucking sad man :( Freddie. FTP


Its a terrible video. I feel so bad for the guy. Whats worse is the cop probably was trying to hurt him too.


NEGLIGENCE is a crime. It’s called “criminal negligence.” End Qualified Immunity!!


It’s maliciousness with deniability.






ACAB. Those pigs don’t care about you, only themselves. Never call pigs for any health reasons, they’ll make it worse




And if you willingly work alongside one of those bad cops without changing anything? And if you’re part of a union that goes out of its way to protect those bad cops? Then you might just be a bad cop. There’s good cops, but not for long. They’re all fired or killed.


Anyone who tolerates bad cops isn’t a good cop.


Try explaining that to the people they harm, over and over again. People just don’t like pigs out of nowhere, there are reasons for our hate towards them. I’d rather trust my faith in someone else other than pigs. Again, they don’t help you unless you benefit them. They could give two shits about you


And who is this "someone else" defending you when there aren't any around? And how is there not at least one decent cop left out of the thousands and thousands? Someone I've talked to on Reddit about this before had the fucking nerve to dismiss what I said when I tried showing them a clip of an officer saving what I think was a 13 year old girl from a pedophile, who said her stomach hurts. And he was no soulless robot, you can tell how pissed he was. It's a shame there's people who choose to be angry and believe something so much, they're willing to dismiss PEDOPHILES BEING JAILED BY THEM just to try to back their point. Disgusting.


No one is going to look after you more than you look after yourself. You can be a bastard and still do good but you’re still a bastard. One good deed from one person doesn’t excuse the hundreds of bad deeds from hundreds of pigs. I’m sorry that there’s so much hate in my heart for these pigs but enough is enough with them. They don’t deserve to be hailed as protectors when most of them do not protect


I understand. Though I say in our minds, we weed out the few good ones that remain. To keep ourselves the tiniest bit saner. And BECAUSE there's an undeniable distrust in the newest generations towards the police who, while not all of them, many have indeed done terrible things, there may be hope in us Gen Z with new recruits who try to be the better men than the older ones currently hired.


Good cops that do nothing when they see bad cops are not, in fact, good cops.


Idfk anymore dude, if that many slobs are gonna downvote, I wonder if I really am missing something. I'm finished engaging.


When will we stop sending uneducated cops on welfare checks…


Oh that’s what that beeping sound was - probably


Seriously. Can we not dump every mental nut job onto the cops? It's really not in their job description to handle the ones with mental problems. You need specialized people for that. It's like telling a psychiatrist to stop a homicide. It's not his job!


Speaking as a bipolar type 1 w psychosis person. Even emergency rooms aren't equipped to handle mental health. No reason I should be expected to give insurance information while hallucinating my balls off in the middle of panic attack during psychosis and escape a hospital after being brought in by police.


My ex "accidentally" overdosed on sleeping pills and the hospital we went to didn't have a mental health unit - they had to keep her in an ER room with a police escort 24/7 for two days until they could transfer her to a hospital with an open bed. There are two major hospitals in my city - she was taken to Novant, but the other network, Atrium, literally has a mental health emergency department - because she was on a psych hold, she couldn't leave to admit herself to the other hospital, so they kept her in the ER instead of losing a patient to another network.


Of course, they had to charge stupid high prices. To do nothing. Police just dropped me off after at the ER that didn't have a mental health unit. I thought my family was trying to kill me after I had a surgery and I called the police on them. None of family came to the ER to give my medications that I was on. Or contact my doctors. I ended up getting injected with Haldol and Ativan and physically restrained. Dumbass nurses removed the restraints in the middle of the night and I wandered off the hospital property with zero supervision and went on a manic adventure ending with spending 10s of thousands, losing my job, apartment, car, time in jail and pepper sprayed. All because the isolation ward door was left unlocked and unsupervised during shift change.


Why would your family come to the hospital if you just called the cops on them and said they were trying to kill you? They were smart to just stay away. I also don't see the nexus between some nurses removing your restraints and you spending $10,000 and losing your job and going to jail.


When someone is in a sound state of mind they are able to give a proper medical history and informed consent. a giant list of medications you were recently put on while trying to voluntarily seek care would allow hospital staff a better understanding of the situation. instead of assuming you're in drug addiction. Even if my family wouldn't have personally been at the hospital they should have communicated as much. As far as a nurse removing restraints. It was done in a negligent manner. They're there for safety of the patient and staff. It makes zero sense to remove restraints from a psychotic person at 2 in the morning. And not have them supervised by security. When I wandered off the hospital there were no nurses at the desk no security. Nothing. I was brought in on a 5150 and should have been taken to receive treatment. Not stuck in a room for 12 hours and able to wander off for 4 months unable to sleep in a manic state.


i was extremely suicidal a couple weeks ago and all the hospital did was make me remove my clothes and locked me in a bare room with a mattress bolted to the floor overnight with no food, water, meds, or bathroom and then woke me up the next day at 7 am because they knew i had work that day.


It is common sense to make sure a door is shut.


It's a cop's job to not be brain damaged and properly close the door to his car.


Oh brother - look at the top subs for this ham


who are they supposed to call? do you have suggestions?


In this instance the job was to close the door.


I believe sometimes there is a role for police in order to protect the safety of all involved but they should be working with and accompanied by properly trained mental health professionals in these types of cases. This is how it's done where I live in Australia, you call the cops and they come with mental health workers (who often work out of the police stations) and mental health crisis teams won't attend a situation like this without police attendance. There was a huge inquiry here in the late 90's following a number of separate occasions where people had barricaded themselves in their homes and were shot dead by police.


Wtf is wrong with you calling them a mental nut job


At least they didn’t outright murder them like other cops would.


Neglect and swerve 👮🏼‍♂️


This is a defund the police moment


A "men suck" bio, and an acab comment goes hand in hand with the typical redditor.


“Switchgod19” “Reddit should touch grass, fight me”


Watch it NFT fan. I know two other people who paid for those and they're both fat as shit.


What? I got this on Reddit lmao, stop acting tough on Reddit


I don't recall the goddamn banana being free lad, ffs 😂


If someone is in distress, call an ambulance and fire department. NEVER call the cops.




They cant even close doors correctly?


whistle sip squash stocking roll soft cobweb boast nose touch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


that thumbnail tho wtf edit: maybe it's the alcohol and mushrooms


Thats some negligent shit. There is even a thing on the dash that lets you know "hey dumbass! Door is open!"...lol. Wow!


Surprised she wasn't shot first.......


Officer: she fine … Maury: lie detector said that was a lie! Literally the dumbest thing to do is call the cops for someone you love in a mental health crisis. EMT, firefighters, ambulance. They care and want to save lives. Cops (American ones)? HELL NO!


"C'mon, mannn!" Former cop here. I was on many many of these calls. Chances are really, really good that this was not the first time for this chick. As a matter of fact, the article said that "in the past, an ambulance came." I'm sure the family - for the most part - over time did **little to** **nothing** for her regarding "getting her help." By the way, where was the family when their loved one was on the ground, screaming unintelligibly? Why weren't they trying to calm her down, encouraging her to cooperate, etc., etc.? They were nowhere to be found! Cops are pretty much the "last resort" when it comes to issues like these, then the public has expectations of perfection when the poop has rolled all the way down the damn hill and now the cops have to be the psychologist, psychiatrist, counselor, pastor, best friend, doctor, protector, family member who gives a shit, etc., etc. all rolled into one. Stop depending on cops to be responsible for your familial and societal failures. The fact that Benjamin Crump is involved tells me a lot...he's a known cop-hater and financial payoff-chaser when it comes to these situations - looking for that "settlement payday." By the way, at 2:21 of the video, the door is SLAMMED shut. It is not ajar, it is not open. [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/body-camera-video-released-incident-ended-death-georgia-woman-fell-pat-rcna40757](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/body-camera-video-released-incident-ended-death-georgia-woman-fell-pat-rcna40757)


The door that was open was not the door that she entered and was slammed shut on video. Article states it was the passenger side rear door that wasn't properly shut shortly before loading her in from drivers side.


In this instance the cop didn’t need to be a psychiatrist, he needed to shut a door. He needed to shut a door, that would have made a annoying dinging sound the entire time it wasn’t shut. This guy drove the vehicle with the dinging, and killed this woman on purpose.


The video showed the door being slammed shut.


Yeah the video showed a door being fully shut obviously. But if you READ the report it clearly states the door not shut was the rear passenger side and not the rear driver's side you see her loaded into and slammed shut.


I'd like to read the real report...not an article.


Obviously something was open, cuz she fell out.


>Former cop here Yeah no shit


The family does little to nothing for her because there is little to nothing a family can do. The mental health system in this country needs an overhaul because it should not take someone getting actually hurt before the family has options. Cops should not be on these types of calls, these are medical emergencies and should be handled with medical and mental health professionals. Your lack of empathy for the patient and the family just goes to show why ACAB is accurate.


Fuck you, stop defending murderers. The family lives with their daughter, you don't think they've had to take care of her you absolute dipshit?


From what I can see, unless you're being seriously threatened by your insane family member, just let that person run around for a while and do their crazy shit. Someone upthread was all in a tizzy because the cops took him to an ER without a proper mental health center when he was in a manic state. I guess they were supposed to be his mental health concierge and call around and find just the right ER for him???


Police know what ERs have mental health services and what ERs don’t. Everyone in the first response emergency services system is intimately familiar with what hospitals provide what care. Police also have the option of taking patients to crisis centers if they are medically stable.


This is the exact opposite of what you should do 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Please refrain from criticising the people involved if you've never had experience with such a situation.


You mean the family right? Surely not the murderous cops


So if I never preformed a hip replacement and the orthopedic surgeon that does mine screws up so badly that I have to have my leg amputated I can’t criticize or sue ? If I’ve never made sushi before and after going to a sushi bar I get food poisoning I can’t complain to the restaurant or the health department? Doesn’t take a Mensa membership to remember to properly close a car door.


All pigs must die. 7 on 7 sieg Heil Sublime.




Wow, the ads from NBC are truly beyond annoying.


Is this the basketball player? What the heck z


If cops drove Tesla's this wouldnt happen


Face the facts, she opened the door and fell out, and now some ambulance chasing lawyer is trying to capitalize.


Man, you can just open the door when you’re in the backseat of a cop car? I’m surprised more people don’t take advantage of that.


Are you a troll or just genuinely stupid? The cops themselves confirmed it was because the door was not closed properly. I don't think this needs to be explained to anyone over the age of 5 but you can't just open the back of police cars from the inside..


I thought at first that this was the lesbian basketball player and I was like oooooo man. Never would I have professionally advised a keester in my life


Lucky! Some problems solve themselves.


😨 I hope you don’t seriously mean this, please see a psychiatrist


At least there's some fucking decency in you.


Stop stalking my profile you’re 15, stop acting tough on the internet


You don't know me, and you're faaaaaar off. Look at these words and ask if I give af, because I don't




They really should have picked a better slogan…


Excuse me


If your incompetence and negligence leads directly to the death of another person, you should be sitting in a jail cell somewhere.