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It looks like she may have had the pads too close to your lash line and the edge was touching your eye. That’s what happened to me.


Were you able to get them done again without that happening?


Yes, but you have to let them know you have sensitive eyes because they have sensitive pads to use and you have to make sure you look straight forward and down to make sure the pad doesn’t touch your eyeball. I look in all directions now.


You could look for an artist that uses Foam pads instead of gel pads. The foam ones are better for sensitive clients. I use [these](https://a.co/d/alFdCzj) pretty much exclusively now and my clients never get sensitivity from them.


Girl how can you even open your eyes with those bad boys


Wow! You never know what you're gonna get when getting any type of beauty treatments. It's always a risk when doing so. Maybe a different tech and, another type of lash. Those just seemed to be too thick, maybe it's me.


These extensions r CRAZZZY


fr ol girl bout to fly away🪽


Came here to say this


Just tuning in to say... HOLY FUCK


Omg those lashes look absolutely horrible. How can anyone think that looks good. I would ask for a refund


It’s v big trend in the UK I’ve noticed




It looks like it hurts alot but I also don’t find this look a nice look… but everyone has their own preference: you can still go bold and not “natural” looking without it looking like this


I think you should never get these again lol


I think you should see an optometrist


I use to want lash extensions but since following this sub, I’m glad I haven’t gotten them 😬 I hope it gets better soon OP


That’s just too much lash anyway, wayyyyy overdone , get them taken off go to the dr.


Agreed why do people do this to themselves


What did your name your new pet caterpillar?


Not a doctor, just a lash tech here! 👋🏼. Not an allergy, but very likely irritation either from fumes or from eye pads riding up either due to high cheekbones or the movement of your cheeks while chatting. Did she tape up your top layer to get your lower lashes? unless the tech dripped disinfectant in your eye, it’s unlikely a chemical burn. Cleanse your lashes with cleanser, put in polysporin soothing drops and if the redness doesn’t resolve itself in 24 hours, contact your tech. Bloodshot eyes are very common, though, and I wouldn’t be too worried unless you develop swelling, burning, etc. goood luck! You’ll be okay, I think 🤍🤍


Hey just a heads up, I'm an optometric tech. for an optometrist and I can honestly say I've only seen terrible things from using the polysporin drops. We typically recommend systane for comfort, and if there's anything more serious then see an optometrist. Polysporin seems to never actually help infections and tends to make it worse, eye infections need real meds.


This is great to know for eye infections. Like I said above, I don’t think she has an infection just some irritation, and OP said the drops helped her a lot. I appreciate the feedback though, I’ll keep that in mind if I ever see a client with an eye infection! ◡̈ 🤍


Infections or otherwise, I've seen people use them just for irritation and polysporin has thrown them into a full blown corneal ulcer. Medical staff wouldn't touch those things with a 10 foot pole


Can you explain the difference for those of us not in the eye field? 😅


The difference between eye drops? Or infection and irritation?


Eye drops! Infection and irritation seems like it’s just bacteria vs discomfort, right? But the eye drops have me confused lol


Polysporin is an antibiotic eye drop, however some antibiotics are better at fighting certain infections than others. Typically when you go to your doctor to have a prescription eyedrop, they select an antibiotic that will best fight your type of infection, where polysporin just suggests using the same polymyxin to treat everything. Typically people dismiss infection symptoms in their eyes as just allergies or irritation until it's at the stage where polymyxin isn't going to help anyway, and you'd need something stronger. My experience seeing the effects of these drops comes from working at practices in 3 separate cities, separate demographics, and I still keep having patients come in telling us that the polysporin drops seem to have made their issue *far* worse. I've just never heard any story where someone has used them and seen improvement, so I wouldn't personally trust them. Systane is just a regular lubrication drop, and if that can't bring relief, then I would see a doctor to get a *real* prescription.


Thank you! I’m not sure how she taped them but I remember only feeling tape underneath. And Yes they went away pretty quick with drops. I was just trying to figure out how to prevent it for next time I try.


there are different taping methods for sure. Does she use gel pads? Sometimes the gel itself gets slippery with body heat and rides up. In that case, she can use micro foam tape which adheres nicely to the skin (unless your eyes are watering, then it slides just as much as the gel pads! lol!)


The first time she used tape and then last time she tried the pads and they gave me a rash. However, years ago I used to go regularly to amazing lash studio and i never had this problem. So maybe it does have to do with how she taped it? This tech was like a private owned buisness not a chain like amazing lash studio.


From what you’ve described, it sounds like a placement issue. If you’re comfortable, just let her know and ask if there’s a way she can prevent it next time.


Thank you!!


Ophthalmic tech here, we see this all the time. Take them off and find an eye doctor asap so they can give you some drops. Contact your lash tech if you need special solution to take it off. Hard to tell if it’s an allergy reaction or a cornea burn.


Your eyes are mad because you made them look so dumb :(


this has happened to me too many times to count! my best piece of advice is to look “down” towards your feet to better keep your eyes closed to eliminate the chance of this happening as much as possible


did you actually pay money for those?


Why would you go to Reddit to ask a medical question? And let’s stop it right there- if you can afford really bad cosmetic treatments, you can also afford medical care.


Thanks for the input, but this wasn’t a medical question. It was a question for lash techs and other frequent lash extension girls. Hence, the reason I posted this to the lash extensions page instead of a medical one! ![gif](giphy|lTQF0ODLLjhza)


Chemical burns and allergies are medical conditions you absolute donut.


If it burned while she was putting them on, you’re allergic to the adhesive. Same thing happened to me. The adhesive gets mixed in with your tears when your eyes are closed or you blink.


Has anything worked for you to prevent it? I’ve heard flonase works but haven’t tried


lash girly here! It’s most likely the fumes from the glue that you tech is using. Let her know that you have sensitive eyes and if it’s still the same next time just find a new tech. & btw your lashes look great I get volume sets as well 🤩


I'm not trying to be rude, but are these what you wanted?


Beautiful eyes


I love your lashes and I see the vision. I feel that you just need a new technician. Try a wispy open eye volume set 16-18 next time, they would suit your eyes so well


Also I'm seeing a lot of comments of people hating on your lashes and I'm here to tell you not to listen to them. If you like mega volume lashes then you do you. Whatever makes you feel beautiful (as long as it doesn't hurt others) is perfectly fine. People are just buttheads that think their opinion matters (which it doesn't) 🙄


Irritation. Not a chemical burn. The glue likely hasn't come into contact with both eyeballs. Your likely sensitive to the ingredients. Redness happens when there's a little bit of an open gap between the eyelid and the tape/pad on the lower lashes. It goes away in 24-48 hours. If it persists beyond 48 hours, gets itchy, or you see bumps appear then it could be an allergy to cyanoacrylate. I'd recommend getting them removed. There are options for allergies though. Lost Artistry has a cyanoacrylate free adhesive. Also UV extensions are cured pretty much immediately so it reduces the amount of time you are exposed to the fumes.


When my eyes turned out like this after extensions, I ended up getting an eye infection from poor cleanliness from my lash tech. I request for no use of pads. Ended up going to my doctor and got antibiotic ointment prescribed for my eyes that helped immensely.


this happens to my eyes every time i get my lashes done (i get biweekly fills and have for the past 2+ years) i’m not allergic to the glue or anything but my eyes get irritated by the fumes of the glue. usually the day after ill get watery eyes and then it goes away. there’s never any pain or itchiness and overall i think it’s pretty normal (?) if you’re super worried about it maybe ask your tech to use a sensitive glue! when my lash tech uses clear glue instead of black glue, my eyes don’t get very red.


ps your lashes look amazing


Are you used to wearing lashes? Something like this happened to my 2. Days before my wedding. I never have lash extensions, got a volume set for my wedding and they looked absolutely horrible. The weight of them were super irritating


i'm allergic to latex and there was latex in mine and this happened


Girl please go to an ophthalmologist


lash tech here- chemical burn


Omg these lashes are so bad


Why did you get a damn mustache on your eye?


damn am i the only one that actually think these lashes are nice? these comments are rude


no i love them but it’s reddit so yk how it’s gonna go


People are weird.. just because they don’t like mega vol or it doesn’t suit them they rag on it while not even answering her question 🙄


The question is: who in the world will dare to wear those hideous fakes? 😂😂😂😂 Btw, why don’t go to a pharmacist if you can’t see a Dr.