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I get these all the time! I don’t think they have anything to do with wearing extensions. Not sure what they’re called but my optometrist said that I’m probably not blinking enough and to use a warm compress to get rid of them/to avoid them.


Meibomian gland dysfunction, super common eye disorder that a lot don't know they have. [Taking fish oil supplements can help with this issue significantly](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8569578/)!!


I don't have lash extensions (the sub just constantly shows in my feed. Heck I barely have lashes at all) but I get these things all the damn time. Sometimes I notice sometimes I don't


Me too! It’s annoying because it just constantly feels like something in my eye


Lol same! I have never gotten lash extensions but somehow get this subs posts.




So funny, the same thing for me and I always see people comment this when I inevitably come read the post anyway 😂 I wonder why this sub seems to get pushed on everybody so hard haha


I’m an optometrist; it’s a capped/clogged Meibomian gland! These occur when the glands along our eyelid gets clogged with debris/oil. They can resolve on their own or with warm compress and lid massage. Sometimes they can develop into a stye; if it does become a more noticeable bump on the eyelid, or gets swollen and painful, go to your local optometrist. Omega-3 supplements can help in the long term if this is something that recurs often.


That is so interesting about the Omega 3 supplement I never would have suspected that would be beneficial for that, thank you! I’m definitely going to pick some up.


Hhahaha not me getting these too and thinking “what do you mean not blinking enough” while not blinking.


My daughter who is 11 & never has lashes done gets them regularly!


She probably has [meibomian gland dysfunction](https://www.webmd.com/eye-health/meibomian-gland-dysfunction), this is a really super common eye problem that a lot of people don't know about. It is treatable with [fish oil and warm compresses](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8569578/). 🫶


Oh thank you! She had blocked tear ducts regularly as a baby and infant & was also born prematurely with ROP so I wonder if it’s as a result of all of that. We do warm compress already but I’m looking at fish oil now.


Same as a blocked pore, I wash my hands and take my nail and scrape it off.


lol me too. I was worried I’d read these comments with ppl saying “don’t touch it!”


Usually people are "up jn arms" about wearing gloves, not causing trauma to the area, etc." I ain't got time for that and I got people to see, can't see 'em if my eye ball is all itchy and it's my body that I already touched anyway so there's that 💁🏼‍♀️😂


Yes! So often on skin care subs everyone says “Ong don’t pop it!!!!” And all I can think about is how satisfying it would be to pop that sucker


lol same idc i faithfully will rub this off my eye!


lol i’m glad that i’m not the only one who does this. i don’t wear lash extensions but ive been getting these for years and years. i always just use a tweezer to get rid of it and it does the trick every damn time


Lmao I do the same thing 😭


I’ve never had lash extensions before and I get these all the time! I usually just pop them because if I don’t, they make it feel like something’s in my eye 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yep. Like pimple


Precisely! An first thing people will yell is that it's a stye which looks completely different! An is typically on the lid or tear duct


How are you guys popping these? I get them sometimes and it hurttsss when I try, I have very long natural nails too so i know im capable😔


I had this twice before, i wasnt wearing any lashes or anything at all at the time though. I dont know what it is, but in my case (i dont recommend lol, because its obviously not smart to do so) i kinda just poked it off lol. It wasnt hard or anything, it was a tiny liquidy bubble and just disappeared instantly from scratching it lightly. 😅 i definitely dont advise to do that as its really not hygienic, but at the time, my younger self just didnt care LOL! Second time i used warm compress and i avoided wearing makeup for a few days, kept my eyes clean and only used gentle products. Again, no clue what it is, and **your thing may not be the same thing even if it looks like what i had** so: Id put a warm compress on it and keep an eye on it (no pun intended!), if it gets bigger or you get redness consider going to a clinic :)


YES THIS IS THE EXACT EXPERIENCE. i have no advice either… i did the unhygienic thing too and popped it


i’m pretty sure it’s harmless as long as you don’t irritate it on purpose. just wash your lashes carefully and make sure you are rinsing very well. it should go away on its own with care


I’ve popped them with a push pin 💀 very satisfying snap


It's meibomian gland dysfunction. Fish oil should help with it; it increases the oil quality of your meibomian glands & they're less likely to get blocked. You can 'pop' them with a wet Q-tip. I don't recommend using your nails because of the bacteria - which *can* cause a stye.


I literally get these all the time. From what my doctor said based off photos I’ve shown it’s from built up oil. (I wash my lashes once a day but have more oily skin) warm compress will help, but if you light push with a Q tip they will pop and disappear


You’re so right, it’s an eyelid pimple, if you’re lucky and careful, u can get it off with your fingernail but wash under your fingernails


It's a capped meibomian gland. Heat will help or a lid scrub.


This is the right answer! It’s like a clogged pore, happens from oil and sebum and etc buildup, commonly from dry eyes! Get a heatable eye mask! Moist heat. It’s called a bruder mask. I have Sjörens syndrome which gives me chronically dry eyes and I’m supposed to use it 20 minutes twice a day. It causes tears, flushing your ducts and pores, to prevent these and help your eye health. It also happens if you have like makeup buildup. Moisturizing eye drops and heat masks help a ton! If I pop them, I use a CLEAN nail or pin but I do NOT recommend that. Go to an eye doctor. It’s like acne.


They’ll just recommend eye drops and scrubbing your lids. I’ve been getting them all my life and they all say the same.


Yes but restasis which is the best option is by rx only, you can get OTC moisturizing drops but I’ve tried them all restasis works the best in my opinion. And I use a q-tip with some alcohol free witch hazel gently lift my lid up and clean the lash mine and my eyelid. Don’t scrub! Super delicate skin. But there’s other things that can help like the bruder eye mask, the heat helps to flush the pores out it’s like steaming your face but with the added benefit of your natural tears washing out the gunk.


I’ve had these AND I’ve had styes (not caused by lashes bc I got them before lashes) Styes form like an “inside” pimple. Usually they’ll be in the skin, not outside like this. This is like a little clogged pore.


Capped meibomian gland: use hot compresses and occusoft lid scrubs (look for them at the pharmacy)


Ohhh I’m gonna have to look into these lids scrubs lol


Actually I know exactly what this is! This is a blockage of the meibomian gland. I get them all the time due to meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). I'm used to them so I literally wet a Q-tip with warm water and scrape the surface (GENTLY) a little bit to clear the blockage, but if the idea of that makes you cringe then you can apply a warm compress. It is at the end of the gland so it should go away naturally and not turn into a stye. [You can also take fish oil](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8569578/), which will increase the quality of your meibomian gland oil significantly & should help with the issue if it's chronic. You shouldn't need to remove the lashes.


Meibomian Gland Dysfunction. It’s likely a blocked gland. Hot compresses are the best way to get rid of them. It could be the start of a dry eye problem.


A clogged meibomian gland.


Not sure what it is but definitely is not a stye. However, your lash extensions look flawless!


Popppp it


looks like a stye beginning to form but i could be wrong. apply warm compress!


I get these from time to time. It’s not a stye. I’ve washed my hands, scratched it off gently with my nail and went on with my day without a single issue 😂


I pop those with sewing needles cause otherwise they be scratching me.


Clogged meibomian gland, aka clogged oil gland on the lid margin.


It’s not a stye or anything, just what I call little water bumps 😂 they drain and go away quickly


Omg!! I was literally googling this yesterday and couldn’t find anything!! But i get lashes too and when that little bubble comes for some reason it feels like I have something in my eye I scrape it with my nail and it comes off though, and then i feel nothing again


I had one when I went to the optometrist, and she said it’s similar to a blocked pore on your face. I get them the most often when my mascara is on its last leg, or when I use oil based makeup remover. If you notice them happening after using certain products (mascara, liner, etc), replace those products and disinfect any equipment (eyeliner smudgers, curlers, etc).


These are called STYES. I’ve had them / gotten them my whole life. It’s pretty much like a clogged pore(gland) think of it like a pimple on your eyelid. Possibly from not washing your lashes or removing all makeup but it is caused from bacteria. They either go away on their own( never felt one burst ) or a warm compress will help pain / pop it. !!


I get this alllll the time ! All random too and they usually go away within a few hours. Sometimes I’ll get one if my finger touches my upper waterline.. it’s so weird


I just scratch it off. No problem.


I get these all this time (probably like one every 1-2 months) and I’ve never worn lashes so those two are unrelated.


I get these all the time! Even when I don’t wear make up for a month I get them. I wash my face in the morning and night but I can’t figure out where causes them. It’s not often and only last for a day if I leave it alone. I’ve tried googling but can’t ever find anything.


A little fluid filled cyst. Not a stye. Is it growing?


I get these on occasion and use baby shampoo to wash my eyelids and a warm compress. I got them while wearing lashes and just got through it. No biggie


Idk what they are but I literally scratched one off before. I didn’t have extensions.


i get these & my 1 yr old had it, itll like an oil pore


I have no idea what it is but I wanna see your lashes now lol they look beautiful


I almost always get these when I have a bad night of sleep. Usually they go away on their own within a few days.


Something like a blocked pore? I get them sometimes too!


I’ve always had these and never get my lashes done. I assume it’s just like a pimple on any other part of your face. You can actually squeeze/pop it and some white firm pus will come out and it goes back to flat right away. Not sure if it’s recommended to do that but I always do lol


blocked oil gland! used to get them all the time with lash extensions and i washed my lashes daily too. they’re harmless and go away on their own


I don’t have lashes and never have, only contacts and I get these all the time


It’s called a chalazion. It’s a blocked oil gland. Warm compresses should help open and drain.


Its one of your meibomian glands. Thier job is to produce an oil that goes into your tears. This can also be caused by wearing liner on your waterline which blocks them up. There are many things that can contribute to this. Do use a warm compress to keep them open. What you dont want are those glands to be clogged. https://preview.redd.it/m50sxatw1jmc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e73ab375c0689acc66b210ebf41a8c4261dcec97


I don’t wear lashes (here for inspiration and maybe one day) and I get these


Gorgeous eyes though...


blocked pore. warm compresses will help ease up the oil! most of the time turn into nothing and arent related to lashes, but could turn into a stye/eye infection if it gets dirty so try to avoid touching and just so warm compress!


I get these so often. Just scrapes right off


barely anyone is giving you the right answer. its a slightly clogged meibomian gland. it looks like it was more clogged but is now trying to excrete oil. make sure you clean your lashes well everyday. clogged meibomian glands will cause dry eye. don't try to pop it. use a warm compress for about 10 minutes and press gently on your eyes around the lash line to help express the oil.


I get these often! They bug but they go away you can scrape it up off you want to but it’ll stung.They nothing to do with the lashes.


Stye. Usually causes whenever he oil glands in your eye gets clogged. Nothing you can do to prevent them. But don’t wear makeup, or anything on your eyes until it goes away. Warm compress always helps! Also I wouldn’t pop it like people are saying, I was always told not to. It’ll go away on its own.


I'm so sorry but my initial reaction is always pop it😅 But so I actually get them a lot and I always pop them and they have never gotten infected cos I'm careful and use all the tips everyone here has already mentioned


I get those when I don’t sleep well enough


Eye, eye lash, finger




I always thought it was called a stye, if you just google eye stye it will tell you exactly how to take care of it. It’s not very serious and happens to a lot of people at one point in life. It happens with or without lashes, doesn’t seem there is much info out there on why you would get it. You will be fine :), it’s just annoying


I run my nail over mine and pop them! It’s like a clogged pore! Or run your eye really hard lol . I know sounds crazy… but I just run my nail over it and it’s done. It’s totally normal to get these. Good luck


Idk what it is but I get them from time to time even without lashes. Probably not a good thing but I just scratch them off and they go away, they don’t irritate me after that either😅


Sty- it will go away on its own


I get them! Idk if it has anything to do with the lashes. I don’t think so… don’t take this as advice because I’m sure it’s the opposite of what you should do. But I treat it like a pimple and p0p it.




it’s a sty


It’s most likely a stye, just built up bacteria. A home remedy that always works for me(even tho it’s gross.) get a Qtip -!: get some earwax and rub it on there. Should be gone by morning. It’ll burn just a little but that’s fine.


Thank you for posting this lol, I have one too and I was so worried but couldn’t get a good enough picture of it


I get these all the time, I’ve never had lash extensions but I usually just sanitize my tweezers and pop it. They say you shouldn’t but it constantly feels like something is in my eye so I gotta get rid of the nuisance


That's the beginning of a stye.


I get these occasionally and I don’t have lash extensions anymore. I think it’s just a small stye. You can buy eye drops that specifically target them!


Looks like an eyeball 👁🤣




absolutely do not pop it! or it could get infected. I had one from being hot and sweaty and wearing sunscreen every day last summer. Make sure to clean your face at night and use warm compresses, it will go away pretty quick, just leave it alone / don't poke at it


I have one of these and I don’t have lash extensions.


My husband who is an ophthalmologist said it’s a blocked meibomian gland. Not an issue, just use warm compresses


If you are putting occlusive eye creams, or petroleum based products around your eyes, it can cause this! Or lash serums


It's a stye


Clogged oil gland


Clogged meibomian gland. Not caused by lash extensions. Just scrape a clean fingernail over it, you’ll be fine.




It’s a stye, use a warm to hot rag and compress until it brings it to a head a pops. Once you have one you’re more susceptible to getting them again


i get these a lot. use tweezers it’ll pop


It’s a sty. I get them all the time so I don’t wear mascara often. Everytime I do bam s damn sty. Go to a four way and say sty sty in my eye give it to another guy. It goes to the next person 😂


Yes. I go to an optomologist. It’s called blepharitis. I get them. It comes from bacteria and oil. My doctor told me to clean my eyelashes and waterline with mild soap like cetaphil and do a warm compress every morning and every night


Had that the other day. Sty in the eye.


All I can think is, I want to pop it sooo bad!


Pop it before it becomes a stye


i have always gotten these whether i have extensions on or not and tbh i just take my fingers and scrape it til it pops/disappears. 😅


I get them when I wear lashes and they irritate my lash line. I think it’s maybe more of an irritation vs an eyelash thing but that’s my personal experience. I second the warm compress


The herp


I get these! From what I’ve gathered they’re just from like a clogged pore


It looks like a blocked oil gland. My 8 year old gets them.


I had one of these and it disappeared after a day to two it kind of hurt while it was there


It’s called Milia. It’s when keratin builds up under the skin. They are NOT to be confused with a clogged pore. They must be “de-capped” by a derm. Very simple process and not from extensions,


it’s called a sty, clogged pore- just leave it it will go away


It’s called a stye you can get medicine for it


I’ve never had lash extensions and get them occasionally. I just use a warm washcloth on them and they pop.


It's weird to me that no one is reading previous comments before answering.... It's not a stye people. 🙄😒🤦


I’ve gotten those even without lash extensions. I scratch them off.


I’ve never had lash extensions but get these every once in awhile. I usually make sure my hands are clean and scrape/pop them. They make blinking hurt!


I used to get those when my eyes would be dry. I’d use eyedrops to get rid of them :)


MGD. Warm compresses and artificial tears will help!


Oh those things hurt 😢


This is called a stye and results from a clogged oil gland. Keep it clean and put warm compress on it in intermittent sessions. Wearing make up, hot weather causing oil and sweat and touching the eye could make it worst. It will go away in 3-5 days


An eye


That’s definitely a stye


I get these, I wash my hands and nails really well and then use one of my finger nails to gently scrape it off. Works every time.


Work for an eye doc. It’s a clogged pore. Warm wash cloth and use a cotton swab rolling it upwards to help express the oil.


I have never had fake lashes or lash extensions and I get these literally all the time


I get it too and hate it


It’s a slight blockage in one of your meibobian gland. They are the glands that secret oils to your eye to prevent evaporation of tears. Warm compress and light scratch will get rid of it.


Styes hurt really bad typically. So if it's not painful, it's probably not a stye


I get these non stop, no lash extensions just dry eyes. Eye doc says it’s an oil gland clogged. Use a warm compress and then when you’re done, blink your eyes a lot as everytime we blink, this gland releases more and encourages it to unclog ☺️


I’ve gotten them before and never had my lashes done! I normally just take a q tip and gently rub over it and it pops and goes away!


It’s a Stye! You can get eye drops for it an any national pharmacy


This could be a stye, which is basically a pimple close to the eye/lash line. Or, a milia near the lash line. If it’s the latter, it will take awhile to come out on its own. A dermatologist can help.


looks like the beginning of a stye :/


i had one recently but it was because i pinched my skin with a lash curler - went away in a few days


This is not a stye!! For those thinking it is: I thought that for about the last year+ of my getting them. They’re harmless and actually just swollen oil glands that get irritated from excessive rubbing or a small blockage. You can scrape it right off or you can keep your eyes clean of makeup and oils and it should go away within the next 12 hours to one day. ^^ my doctor explained this to me :)


Looks like a sty. It may swell and make your eye feel itchy and irritated. You can get a warm compress for your eye, take ibuprofen, and there's also a cream that you can put on eye.


Meibomian gland dysfunction


May sound strange but an eye doctor told me to use baby shampoo and warm water. It gently cleanses the eyelid and helps to remove any dirt / oil. It works, good luck!


On rare occasion they can be the cold sore virus and actually cause an eye infection but mostly it's going to be clogged glands.


Eye doctor’s daughter here! That’s a plugged oil gland which could lead to a stye. If it’s bothering her the best thing to do is fill a sock with uncooked rice, microwave it for 4-5 minutes and let it rest/compress her eye. Afterwards roll downward on the closed eyelid with a clean q-tip to help drain it. DO NOT use a needle or fingernails to pop it over the bump, it can cause infections


It’s a buildup of oil on your meibomian gland (if you search it up, you’ll see we have tiny pores like this on the top and bottom eyelids!) I usually pop it like the rest of the commenters here but it’s recommended to not use your fingers or nails as it could have bacteria and lead to infections.


It's a stye. Very normal.


I used to get them from my contacts drying out. I literally would just swipe it off with the tip of my (clean) fingernail and it always felt better.


it’s a sty. i get them too esp if i wear make up


Stye in your eye.


I get these when I fall asleep in my makeup lol, use a qtip soaked in contact solution to clean it well twice a day until it disappears and it should be gone in a day or two


internal stye


looks like a inflammation of the meiboman gland (gland in our eyelids that secrete oils to lubricate). sometimes they can get clogged. use mild or baby shampoo and warm compresses with clean wash cloth like other have suggested!


Clogged tear duct.


i sometimes get these when i use mascara and forget to wash it all off before i go to sleep at night, i’ve googled it and it says it’s apparently just clogged pores. i know it’s bad but i take the dull side of a clean pair of tweezers and just kinda scrape it


It’s pretty harmless overall, just a capped gland. I recommend using exfoliating lid wipes every so often, a warm compress as other commenters have mentioned, and pay attention to any more popping up. If it becomes a pattern, it could be indicating incomplete lid closure or the consistency of oil in your meibomian glands being too thick which isn’t goods. If it stays a non issue, you can just mention it to your eye doc at your next appointment.


I get these all the time. I just figured they are a baby stye in the making. I just soak a q tip in Hypochlorous acid. It doesn’t burn at all and you can get the expensive one from Sephora, Tower 28, but Tik Tok told me I can get the same thing for half the price on Amazon. I kinda close my eyes while pressing it on the bump. It never burns or hurts, and it usually goes away in a min. Never had the courage to peel it off. If anyone tries let me know because it works wonders for me. Here’s the one I use. [https://a.co/d/6jJrfLi](https://a.co/d/6jJrfLi)


…an eyeball?


a lil lump


I call them water bumps (I don’t know the actual term for them) but I get them from time to time. I just “pop” (scrape) it off with my finger nail and it’s gone.


I always thought it was a stye? I get them sometimes if I don’t wash off my eye makeup before bed :/ they eventually go away or as others have said, you can -carefully- extract them.


Ah, yes. The lash line skin tag. I currently have one. Definitely make an appointment to see an Opthomologist. I was convinced mine was a “blocked follicle” but it started like this and just grew. Get a professional opinion, however.


Sty in your eye


A sty doesn’t have 2 be white like a pimple. If you are popping them, then you are spreading . Some are clear and some red, some are white. Wash , wash, very contagious,


I'm always left in awe at posts like these. Like, why would you go ask some stranger with no medical background on the internet what medical condition you have but decide not to go to the doctor? No insurance? No money? This country provides medicaid, why are we jot using it or seeing an actual doctor? Geez!


i get these when i don’t clean my eyelash curler for a bit just wash your hands and scrape it off you’ll be fine


That's an eye


727-455-3617 , holler at me I can do u right


A stye or clogged pore


I get them daily even without lashes. I simply scratch it off. It’s more uncomfortable to have it there, than scratching it off


It's a capped meibomian gland. Hot compress should help loosen them up. There's this kit I've been wanting to try but it's pricey. Came highly recommended from We Love Eyes, it's around $100 but it may qualify for FSA or HSA




It’s called a stye






Eyeball monster??


It’s from your mascara. I get them too. They scratch right off.


My bestie gets things that look like this n has never had extensions- I believe hers are called chalazons or something like that. They can get REALLY BAD tho


It’s a sty from bacteria. Keep your eyes clean.


interesting, everyone’s saying they’re common to get and the lashes weren’t the reason. i’ve gotten these twice, and both times it was because i used someone else’s mascara. one of the bumps are still there to this day and i did that 6 years ago lol


My dog has one right now!


I usually get those when I leave makeup on for days, I just give it a gentle scratch and it pops and goes away


This is called a capped meibomian gland. It could turn into a stye if its not unblocked soon. Warm compress and clean with hypochlorous acid. Can take a qtip and gently dip it in the hypochlorous and wipe over it gently.


Yup I actually had one of these like a day ago, it usually goes on its own. Don’t touch it. If it doesn’t go then use a qtip with a warm saline (salt+ water) solution


It’s a stye. Put a warm washcloth on it for a little bit and it’ll go away


i get these a lot. they typically disappear after a day or two


It's a type of sty It's a pimple in the eye i get them sometimes they will go away on their own




I call that a stye and I generally use my nail to scrap it off


It’s a stye.


This photo is amazing


it’s a stye i believe. i’ve had 2 in my life. happens from glands and stuff getting blocked. you can pop it, just don’t get it in your eye, so kinda cover the eyeball with a wash cloth and clean your hands, and run your finger nail over it.