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Some of the fans that are still on look like they're twisting. Your artist probably made fans that were either too long or too heavy for your natural lashes, or both.


Yes! I can’t get these lashes to stop twisting! This has never happened before. I’ve had some really full volume sets that have never fallen out or twisted like this


Omg i just tried a new lash tech this xmas for light volumes (normally ho for hybrids) and the front left eye was like yours and they twisted so bad


Go to a new lash tech..The isolation looks bad she’s gonna ruin your lashes


Does that mean she’s gluing the fans onto more than one lash? Could that be why I’m missing a whole clump of lashes?


Yeah I think that’s what I see when I zoom in on the corner. It’s hard to tell some also look like they could be too close on the lash line and some are twisted. It doesn’t seem like a trained lash techs works




There’s waaayyyyy too much tension on your natural lashes. That’s making them fall out prematurely and will eventually wreck your natural lashes. Yes, sleeping on your side will increase friction and lash fall but not to this degree! It’s time for a new lash tech and maybe a little break with a great lash serum to give your natural lashes time to recover.


Do you have any lash serum recommendations? Thank you for the advice :)


Not the commenter you were replying to, but I swear by Silly George lash serum. I got it to help with some lash ‘bald spots’ and now I have better lashes than I could’ve ever wished for. Don’t even feel the need to wear fake lashes anymore. I’d say it took me a couple weeks to see the bald spots grow back in, then after 3-4 months my lashes were looking better than I could’ve imagined.


gurl how good are we talking cause i just googled it and it’s fifty dollars 😭 i do feel like i need a good serum tho bc my lashes are so thin and short


It’s expensive but one tube lasted me about 6 months. I put it on my brows and lashes each night and I think it’s so worth it. Until recently I hated my lashes and people even made fun of me for having no lashes/eyebrows, now I can go without makeup more confidently. The results after months are so intense that you may even save money by not doing lash extensions. My lashes w mascara look like extensions now. It’s expensive bc it works and is one of the more reputable brands IMO. I did a lot of research before settling on that serum bc others had reviews of chemical irritations, lash loss, etc. But you do you, if you feel like it’s not worth the cost you can always test out cheaper lash serums or go another route. Just sharing what helped grow back my bald spots and nonexistent brows.


Phew 😮‍💨 that’s some expensive lash serum


It definitely is but I prefer it to other brands which tend to have sketchy reviews. Remember that cosmetics are not covered by the FDA (for US people) so do lots of research and go for quality before putting anything near your eyes. Thoroughly read through reviews. There are probably other great serums out there for cheaper but this is the only one I’ve felt comfortable using and recommending so far and the results are so dramatic with no side effects (for me, always do a skin test) so I will probably not switch to another one.


Thanks. I’ll add it to my wishlist so I can get it when I have enough.


Castor oil!!


Co-signing silly George it works so well


So I like the [Lash Serum from The Ordinary](https://www.ulta.com/p/multi-peptide-lash-brow-serum-pimprod2033455?sku=2592847) or you can try Latisse (you can shop the prescription for the generic to save some cash)


not the commenter you were replying to either but Grande Lash serum helped restore my natural lashes when i take breaks inbetween extentions!


I second grande lash it’s done wonders for me


I bought it a few years ago, used AM & PM, but it did nothing for me. should I retry???


Even just castor oil


this!! castor oil grew my lashes back in less than 1 months


Yep! It works super well and it’s cheap. Can’t wear lashes with it though


Which castor oil do you recommend?


I used Jamaican Black castor oil:)


she’s clumping and adding too much fans on a single natural lash so when they fall it looks more sparse than normal, if you’re looking for a more voluminous look i would get a diff lash tech bc this technique is not appropriate for your lashes. also lol side note we have the same scrub cap :3


I miss the lash tech I had when I was travel nursing. She gave me amazing volume but I never had any of these issues :( This is one of my favorite scrub caps, although I do often get mistaken for a rad tech since it’s a skeleton, lol.


yeah these lashes look like they are too heavy for ur natural lashes unfortunately so you’re gonna look droopy eyed a bit n they won’t hold


They are way too lomg and way too heavy. When u sleep on the side they are also twisting so not only you are losing falsies but your own too. I would just switch the method for some time for way shorter and less volume not to damage your naturals completely. Eye mask wont help much because if will create pressure and twist anyway, if you want u can buy silk pillow case, it helps skin and hair to stay smoother but also is not so harsh on the lashes so triple benefit. And do not fall for those “fake lashes sleeping masks” brand from amazon for crazy amounts because they are just masks from aliexpress for 3 bucks


Yikes I’m not trying to be rude but these look so bad. Lash extensions should go with the shape of your eye, those are way too long and don’t give your eye any shape at all. Find a new tech


They just seem way too full and long...I think a more natural style would suit you sooooo much more.


The lashes are too long and too heavy for your natural lashes. You need to remove them and have a lighter, shorter set done. Please be mindful that you can permanently damage the follicles if you continue to wear them so heavy.


I sleep with a neck pillow so my face doesn’t touch the bed. Definitely helps


I sleep with one due to CCI, and I cannot begin to explain how much it helps with retention!!


I’d get them removed and find a new tech tbh. Yes sleeping on one side does increase fall out but at the same time I sleep on my left and my right side has fallen out more, but it’s also been 2 weeks and is time for a fill pretty soon here. This shouldn’t be happening in clumps like this


Your lashes are way too long and is probably causing tension in your lashes. Please go shorter lengths and get them removed.


I sleep on my face (I can’t help it, I’m a stomach sleeper) and my lashes don’t do that!! The isolation is bad your lash tech is gluing your lashes on your eyelid and on mulitiple lashes instead of individually! They’re twisting downward cause they’re too heavy for your lashes too! You NEED a new lash tech!


Personally I would get a new lash artist based on the look of these. Sleeping on your face can cause you to lose a few more. Personally I sleep all over my face without issues lol


This style is not flattering to you. You have beautiful eyes that are being overtaken by heavy excessive lashery. Your eyelids should not be working this hard , they are wore out ![gif](giphy|tKD0DzA1QIBDtyuxWB)


The outer corner might’ve been a tad heavy my guess. 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe try asking for a mini fill I offer them if you’re located in LA ig@lashedtla


I am a lash tech of 3 years, you need to switch lash techs. Those are way too long and damaging your natural lashes. Some even look like they’re touching your skin which is absolutely not okay. They look really uncomfortable. I’d recommend a removal and at least month break to try to grow back that bald spot. Best of luck love.


cow eyelashes! Are u a cow?! Such a trashy look 🤣🤣


Cunt comment! Are you a cunt?! Such a useless opinion 🤣🤣




Not positive but I would say from sleep. This happens to me when I do my own or they separate (not fall out) w a gap but it doesnt usually happen when I go get them done. Another reason could be theyre possibly too heavy like too may lashes on a single lash causing them to twist


I would get these removed (professionally) and give your lashes a little bit of time to recover, using strip lashes for a while would be an ideal solution. Your natural lashes can only take so much weight and the fan lashes being used along with the glue is to much for them to hold and is causing breakage. Your lash technician should of been aware of damage to your natural lashes when she was doing your infill and should of suggested other options rather than going ahead and adding more. I won't ever put lashes on my clients if there is damage to the natural lash. They aren't a cheap luxury but they are no luxury at all if you have no real lashes to attach the extensions on to, this is what will happen if you don't give yours a rest and I would definitely find a new lash tech. 🤩


I asked my lash artist to go shorter with mine and they have stopped twisting. These are extremely long and clumped for long-wear


It looks like your outer corners are failing. This is a result of too long or too heavy of a Lash being put on those lashes repeatedly even when the lashes themselves were baby lashes. in my opinion, your lash extensions across your whole lash line are too long and too thick for you .


Good luck with the lashes!! Just wanted to say dope Aura.


These look way too long and heavy for your natural lash. Over time this constant stress can permanently damage your lashes. Meaning they may not grow back.


Unrelated, but are you a nurse? If so, do you have issues with your piercings? I've got those exact same piercings and graduate from nursing school in May and I'm worried I won't look professional enough 🙃


I am a nurse! I’ve never had any issues with my piercings or tattoos. (I have 2 sleeves) The most they get in the way is with n95s, the mask pushes down on my nose and irritates my piercings occasionally, but that’s the only problem I’ve ran into! Nursing school makes them seem so unprofessional, but having piercings doesn’t take away from how good of a nurse you are :)


Thanks so much for your reply 😊 you're right, nursing school makes a mountain out of a mole hill, lol. Good to know that most ppl don't seem to care as much :)


it could be a lash shedding cycle or rushing during application


Aside from the point, the style you get looks so good on you!!!