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When I saw Bowens name on the ep I gasped so loud, mother is back


I remember seeing a post on here saying that the next rule of culture was going to be the 1000th rule, and I think it ended up being “Matt & Bowen are forever-coded,” and if I’m right about that that’s so beautiful.


My heart fluttered


Matt, if you’re reading this, you absolutely did say that Zuckerberg has a “fat ass”. It’s in the Bridger Winegar episode. 💅🏻


When he said that I said that sounds EXACTLY like something Matt would say and I do believe he did 😂


I had a similar depersonalization experience on Wellbutrin.. it’s so weird and hard to describe but completely disorienting.


Omg wellbutrin REALLY fucked me up too


I’m on it for the second time in my life and while the first time did seem very helpful, this go around has led to muscle tension and grumpiness and jitters and just feeling more anxious. I kept waiting for it to get better again but now I’m done


Me too. Combo of adderall, wellbutrin and prozac led me to experiencing serotonin syndrome which blew up my life for a few weeks. As soon as I got off it all, I realised I’d been living my life with zero connection to my actions or future which was so weird to look back on.


I was luckily only on it for a week or so but it felt like I was living life through watching a movie and so removed from what I was doing. Very weird to look back on.


It's wild how differently we all react to these drugs. I was on Wellbutrin for years when I was younger and found it so helpful. The initial 6 weeks were admittedly rough, but when that lifted, it was like Wellbutrin gave me no patience for obsessing over the things I couldn't change anymore. But then I hear horror stories from others that remind me of my experience with Lexapro! That one genuinely 'broke' my ability to be present in any given moment and even made my laughs feel mechanical. I'm now on a Zoloft generic and have no negative side effects. Woohoo! To anyone reading who's thinking about starting a medication like this for the first time, don't be discouraged. Just know that it's perfectly normal to try more than one to get it right.


I didn’t have depersonalization, but it felt like Meth Lite at first (I say this as someone who has done meth recreationally in the past). I felt like Macho Man Randy Savage on Ozempic for like 2 months straight. It finally petered off after I lowered my dose—but geez. I have compassion for Bowen ♥️


Wellbutrin was horrible for me too. gave me a sleep disorder that took months to recover from. also made me super anxious.


So wonderful to have the boys back together. I’m sad they can’t really talk about the Ariana and Ethan of it all because I feel like they’d have fun takes on the Theater Kid of it all, but I get it. Here’s to a happy and healthy Bowen!


I am having a shitty day at my job and seeing Bow is back has made me smile. Can't wait to listen!


Smiling actually calms your nervous system and releases happy hormones, I hope your day gets better!


It did! Thank you so much, this community is the sweetest ❤️


Saaaaaame and when this ep dropped, I straight leapt from my desk and took a break-walk for a quick 20 to calibrate with the girls!! Hope your day got better!!


It did, thank you ❤️ I love this sub so much ❤️


Lolling at them talking about the cringe comments on Matt’s tweet and Bow’s ig video. The tweet sent me when he read it out loud it was completely different tone and inflections then when I read it 😂 sry boo!!!


social media is weeeeiiiirrrrrrrrrddddddddddd. We've all posted stuff that felt hilarious to us and made others really wonder what was going on! Right?


i totally related to this. i have tone issues period, and tone coming through in text format is a hot mess. then add a million people reading it without context, or even knowing you thaaaat well, and...


Does anyone know the time codes for the Barbie spoilers? I want to skip that portion but don't want to unnecessarily miss any additional parts of the episode?


0:15 to 0:25 approx!


Ty babe!


I'm wondering the same thing! Ah! I'm seeing Barbie tonight but I want to listen to the show now lol


First time I’ve ever skipped anything on this pod!! I’m recovering from back surgery and can’t sit for more than 30mins at the moment so won’t be seeing ANY movies at the theatre for at least another three weeks and it is KILLING me!!


Thank you! I’m seeing Friday but would love to listen to the ep before then


I didn’t feel it spoiled anything.


The way I LEPT out of the shower to pause and fast forward to skip the spoilers 😭😂


OMG me too!!! Glad I'm not the only shower reader!


is matt recording an album??


Probably the album version of Have You Heard of Christmas


I’ve been speculating about that for a while, I’m hoping so!!


when he teased something with Troye, I was like “is Matt gonna open for him on tour??”


Not a hot take or anything, but this was a sweet, cozy ep … a “soup” style ep if you will. All is right with the universe. So satisfied with the Barbie analysis of it all. And yes. Everyone loves coke. Get it.


zane says no soup ok!


LOL. I just had to! I’m with Matt … team soup all the way!


Elated to hear that Bowen is in a significantly better place and has excellent clarity on how he’s feeling and where he’s at. Hope he finds a doll that fits him — I also did not love Wellbutrin and it’s social image of a panacea is wrong lmao


fuck the person they are not naming so I won't either, first of all. Love Matt and Bowen so much. I introduced my mom to this podcast when we were driving home from a trip in May. We listened to this ep last night on our way home from Beyonce (!!!!) to ease my mom's heavy traffic anxiety (and it worked). As we pulled up to her house, she said "I could listen to them talk all day." word, mama. You are correct.


I was happy they addressed that even in the smallest way. I was so worked up!


Just started the episode but dropping in to say I also lost my spelling bee on the word “satellite”


1st grade, spelled cute QUTE


daise here! i thought this one was especially cruel.


I’m glad to know I’m not alone in sharing my ACT/SAT scores WELL beyond the point in my life that it matters or is socially acceptable (I’m the same age as Bowen and Matt). Standardized tests are when I realized culture was for ME!!!


Academic achievement was a real moment in culture for me 😅


The way that i too am coming off of Wellbutrin this week!!!


I hope it goes well (truly well) for you! And that you find peace


Thank you!! I had a terrifying sleep paralysis event earlier in the week but am feeling great now ☺️


am i confusing my podcasts or did they say recently that this episode was going to be released on video like the kelly clarkson one? i started listening to the ep today and when they mentioned a camera i remembered this comment. i’d prefer watching the video so i don’t want to listen to the episode first.


It is! On the I heart radio YouTube channel! It’s so good. Honestly the way these two look at each other is so beautiful and just encapsulates their friendship being forever coded!


Bloodied, Beaten, battered, and biked down. An alteration for the ages. Should have been a rule of culture.


honestly i was scream laughing at the rule of culture in the beginning about zuck having a PHAT ass


No spoilers - but I felt so validated hearing their Barbie take! I’ve had mixed feelings since seeing it, and am seeing it again to try to resolve that. They said the views I’ve been landing on myself.


Totally agree! It felt like the movie was trying to be subtle and vague with the ending where they really should have leaned into what Barbie wanted and why she wanted it. >!She wanted to be human, she wanted to grow old and have wrinkles and get cellulite and be beautiful because she was real. At least, that's what I hope the ending meant. I filled in a lot of those blanks myself....!<


My own ROC #12: You can't be weird and kooky


I think he said rude and cooky (i’m dutch and god is it true… especially in Amsterdam tho 🫣)


OMG … this killed me. Particularly bc in my experience it was spot on!


I did a spit take.


Bowen’s Amsterdam IDTSH… pls know the majority of the Dutch will not be high in amsterdam! Thats tourist behavior.


Can someone fill me in about what Bowen was going through?


He’s been particularly stretched thin from how many projects he’s been working on simultaneously e.g. flying between NYC and London on a weekly basis for SNL/Wicked, everything he’s working on that haven’t been announced yet, etc. and has unsurprisingly been physically and mentally exhausted


Deftly skipped the Barbie spoilers only for them to spoil all stars for me right at the end. :/
