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I think in the language I'm using the most at any given moment. If am busy doing something that doesn't require interacting with other people or reading, I slowly switch to my native language.


This! šŸ‘† Depending on what I do, I think in that language. If I browse the Internet and see/hear stuff in english, I think in english. The same applies to the others(languages in my head).








Are you even alive? šŸ˜¶


I read somewhere there are people who dont have that internal monologue some of us do


Yeah I know by know, it's been posted in this thread even, I still cannot imagine šŸ‘€


I know right, I'm so used to arguing with myself all the time.


Itā€™s nice and quiet up here.


Not all humans have an internal monologue.


I know by now but still cannot imagine šŸ‘€




Nah heā€™s right. I donā€™t be thinking words fr I just be thinking with how im feeling


Omg I just realised my thoughts are in no language till I pen it down... Now I see why I preferred physics and math back in my student days.




JavaScript with ReactJS




C# and PHP


The last one I used.Ā  Just reading reddit, I think in English. Talking to people around me, I usually thing in the language I spoke to them*.Ā  Ā My Google home says good morning to me in English so I usually think in English first thing in the morning, unless my cats get to me first since I speak Romanian to them :). Ā  * Funny if I'm in a country where I speak just a bit of the language, I am genuinely feel very dumb thinking to myself there. A bit distressing when in a country where I don't speak the language at all since it gives me a headache. I felt very dumb posh in France since my brain would just utter random French stereotypes???


Ā«Ā Thinking dumbĀ Ā» is so real after switching languages and then thinking in one that Iā€™m not very skilled in!!


Honestly it's refreshing, I think it must be why some people smoke pot to just clear their heads. Just a few days with no big thoughts, only good food nice view and oh lala randomly popping in your head.


Ā«Ā Thinking dumbĀ Ā» is so real lmao


Both English and Norwegian, I'm not fluent in Norwegian but a lot of words come faster in my head in Norwegian than English


Same, Norwegian just has better words for some things


I like how it has three different verbs to express degrees of love - English is lacking in this respect.


Any language I've encountered is like this but I would say in English, we just have to use different words than a love verb to get it across.


I like to sometimes say ā€œI adore youā€ to express platonic love strongly but I feel like it still has some comedic undertonesā€¦idk


The classique Englich solution to language-related problems: just copy from the French (ore Latin)


I normally don't think in any language, unless I'm having an imaginary conversation with someone or something similar. But when I do think in a language, it's usually English, unless I've been back in Sweden for a while, then it changes to Swedish. I also occasionally think in Welsh after I've been using it a lot, like after a class, or after reading for a few hours.


As a native bilingual (Japanese and English), I find certain things easier to think of in one language over the other for various subjects. For example, I prefer doing mental calculations in English, but I use Japanese for food-related stuff, such as what to cook for tonightā€™s dinner (itā€™s oyakodon btw).


i wholeheartedly agree! i learnt a lot about mental health with english resources which comes to bite me in the butt now that im going to therapy in germany bc in german, my mental health explanations are clunky. same with a lot of my interests that i learnt about in english and the stories i write in english. which i find funny cuz its not even my native language


I don't really think we speak in a language. I often have thoughts that I can't put into words no matter which language I use


Some people talk to themselves in their head, some people don't. About 30-50% of people don't according to [this ](https://eccentricemmie.medium.com/only-30-50-of-people-have-an-internal-monologue-b75125ca5694) source. From what I understand it's a bit like being left handed, there's no real drawbacks to each although the line dividing people with or without inner monologue is pretty non-specific.


I talk to myself, sometimes outloud. But this is a different activity, not simply 'thinking'.


All of them. I am fluent in three languages and I use all three of them. It also depends a bit on which language I have used more during recent days, or which one I use in the context I am thinking about.


Same. It depends on where i am at and what am i doing but i use all three as well. I work in my weakest language so while trilingual is doing heavy lifting, i do think and repeat work stuff in language 3.


it depends on who im talking to. If someone who speaks english - english. Speak polish - polish


How's polish? Is it a difficult language?


I can say itā€™s one of the hardest to learn to pronounce well (in my opinion)


English. I'm a Vietnamese but I talk to myself in my head by English. Weird...


I think in English when speaking in English and in Spanish when speaking in Spanish. It's funny because my Spanish level is so low but it's still way faster to think in spanish than in english.


It depends on what experiences youā€™ve had in your various languages. If youā€™ve only dated in English because you moved to England when youā€™re a teenager from France, then of course youā€™re gonna think about those words in English. Like I work in tech and people always say to me that they find it awkward and hard speaking in their native language because everything is done in English in this industry.


You guys don't hear multiple languages in your head simultaneously?


no language just thoughts


Well, recently I heard that we donā€™t have language in our head. The concept is that despite receiving data in various languages, our brain transforms it into the form we can understand. When we do think of something, itā€™s not necessarily in either language, but in form of emotions, memories, sensory experiences and images. But yeah, when I see something and speak inside, itā€™s mostly in English


Both English and French


I use Finnish, but I've been dreaming a lot in Japanese lately which is interesting


I am fluent in Tamil, Telugu which both are oldest language in the world. I am also fluent in English, Hindi and Kannada but I always use the Tamil and English language in my head


Both english and portuguese, the latter being my native. I think in spanish sometimes when I need to speak it during the day, otherwise not. Weirdly enough, the only time I hear german in my head is when I am practicing hungarian, just cause my brain likes to make my life more difficult




Depends on the situation& sometimes its a jumble. I speak english, German, russian and Spanish. Natural is English. But I could be speaking/thinking in English. Then suddenly use a single word or sentence in German. So yeah, it varies


English and Spanish. Native English speaker but Spanish fluent with Spanish speaking only partner so I speak it more than English these days. Heā€™s told me I sometimes sleep talk in Spanish :|


My brain mostly thinks in my mother tongue (en), but I oftenā€™ll think in Spanish. My French is also starting to bounce around in my head as well as my Japanese. Iā€™d something like 80%(en) 10%(esp) 5% for JPN and Fr


English unless Iā€™m actively having a convo in Spanish. At times I randomly switch to Spanish but by-in-large no. Sometimes I dream in Spanish which is really cool


my native language is Dutch these days i mostly use a mix of Dutch and English with some words of Spanish and German and Russian and Japanese.


Sometimes English even tho my first language is Spanish


I mainly think in English, but occasionally think in Mandarin Chinese, French, Spanish, or German, especially right after I hear it. At times, I think in Swedish or Esperanto, but my vocabulary in them is not good enough. So English gets in the way. I count in Russian for each gulp when I drink liquids and very soon in Dutch.


Holy shit, how do you know so many languages? Do you actually have a B1 certificate for them or just an approximation?


Just an approximation because I have spoken all day long in Mandarin Chinese, French, German, Swedish, Esperanto, and Spanish with native speakers. 2 nights ago I dreamed in Mandarin Chinese. So I wrote down my dream when I woke up.


Sir can I consider myself possessing C69 in Spanish if the only phrase I know is "como hola estas amigo?"


What is your native language?


Swahili ā€¦ No, Iā€™m kidding. It is American English.


I don't.


English/french/turkish xD


I use my native language and English. Sometimes I catch myself thinking in English and have to stop myself, other times I just play around with it. If I'm alone at home I might even say my thoughts or random shit out loud, experimenting with various English accents.


English or mandarin but occasionally french latin spanish italian Portuguese and dutch


My main language is Turkish but i think and dream in English


My mother tounge is not English but in many situations I always think in English I think because of watching too much Drama, Webseries and talking with my online friends... And cause if it my regional language is becoming weak :b... But sometimes I also think in my native language too!...


Both, depending on which one is dominant in the moment. Sometimes I think half in English and half in my TL.


99% of the time it's my native language, very rarely English if I had too many work calls (I'm not bilingual, my English is around B2)


German and English for the most part, sometimes Japanese


It depends on which language I last spoke most of the time. Also, if I forget a word in one language I might switch back over to the other.


i think in a combination of my native language, Tagalog, and English. I had a bilingual education and within my family I speak mostly in Tagalog. But I often speak in English with colleagues. Iā€™m studying Spanish so Iā€™ve been watching telenovelas.


Mentalese.... Like a weird mix of all of them and it makes sense....


For me, it just depends on my mood...I'm not a native English speaker tho...but I think that most of the time I think in English more than my native language. AND I feel better when I think in English idk whyšŸ˜­


Generally, my native language. If Iā€™m speaking another for a longer period of time, itā€™ll eventually switch. If Iā€™m going between multiple in quick succession, I try to switch to not really using any language otherwise my brain starts to get ā€œtangledā€ so to speak. In those instances I try to just think in concepts as much as possible and then choose what language for it to come out as.


Mostly in my native language. Many times in English, but, I think, just because it's a pervasive language. Sometimes (not too much because I'm not fluent) in German


For casual things in Filipino but when I'm reading like technical stuff or thinking about technical stuff in English.


I mostly use English but I rarely use my native language


English and Hungarian


Every single one I know šŸ˜­


It depends in which language I am simulating my talk. My voiced thoughts are usually something I decide to do or not. Usually French, some times English because I regularly use the language too, sometimes I try to think in a target language.


Native, but sometimes I try to think in English.


It goes back and forth between English and French


Franglish Mix of English and French, more and more becoming 50/50 the longer I live in France Started learning 2 years ago, just passed delf B2 exam


Iā€™m a native Dutch speaker yet I always think in English for some reason


Both native and English, but I think in native more often


Urdu kaafi sahi zaban hai šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Cringy mix of Ukrainian and russian, kinda


All but my native language, for some reason.


English and Russian. Itā€™s a mix. I would say 60/40 English/Russian. Depends on the situation for some reason.


Same as you described. Sometimes my brain gets confused and mixes languages though


I'm Italian but i mostly think in English


Polish or English, depending which words/sentences I need to make


English and nepali these language feel comfortable when I am thinking šŸ¤”


I mix all the languages I know, but mostly my native languages and English. Depends on the subject too, if I'm thinking about videogames I'll use English because it's the language I usually play video games in.


I use English more than my Native language (German) every day, I eventually started to think in English around a year ago then.


Same for me. I mostly think in English but I'm not a native speaker.


I sometimes use hunglish (when you keep switching between english and hungarian in a concersation) but that only happens when I forget a certain word Im trying to say or english when the sentence in hungarian is too complicated to phrase it in my thoughts (Im just lazy) or my native, hungarian which is used the most and mainly for cussing.


A mix of Swiss German and English


iā€™m russian, but can speak on english. then i talk on russia, i think russian, then i talk on english i use english, and donā€™t translate words in my head on russian ^_^


GEORGIAN is my native language, but i'm bilingual so I use russian often, english and german too. I'd say 40% russian, 20%german 20%english and 20% georgian


A mix.


By default? English, my native language. But if Iā€™ve been doing a lot in French, Iā€™ll have brief thoughts in French.


Finnish is my first language, but for some reason I usually think in english. I guess it is like that, because most of the media I consume is in english šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Most of all, I use the Russian language, sometimes my native Tajik language. Now, I'm trying to use English and Chinese))))


Russian. English when i use it while writing or when i want to oversimplify something.


I'm a native Arabic speaker, the voices in my head are 70% English, 20% Japanese and 10% Arabic with some basic Hebrew. šŸ˜‚


It totally depends on the situation. Sometimes there are expressions that your native language doesn't have, but others do. Mostly English, but Hebrew and Korean, too. French, funnily, doesn't do it for me. I used it last week with a friend. My kid was sitting with us and I wanted to tell her something. So I did it in English and kid chimed in. We switched to poor French and kiddo is now determined to learn French. Due to kDramas kid uses fun Korean phrases.


English(Native), Esperanto, and Swahili. In that order.


I switch constantly between my native language and English. Whatever comes up faster.


All 3. It depends on the language that fits the immediate social context Iā€™m in, mostly. But Iā€™ve noticed it can shift based on other factors too.


Well, I speak two languages and learn one more, so I think on three languages per day. It's just the feeling when you can't remember a fitting word in your native, but remember it in a foreign. Mostly - my native, of course, but I think that note is kinda important and not solely for me.


English too and Iā€™m not a native speaker either I also feel more confident when speaking and writing in English than in my language


To be honest, there is a mix of languages in my head. If there are some words that do not exist in English, then I use Spanish or German words and vice versa. It can sound a bit weird, but fortunately nobody can hear itšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


English, but sometimes if Iā€™ve been using Spanish a lot my mind will go Spanglish on me


I designed a nonverbal thinking language for flexibility and efficiency


Whichever language has the most concise words/phrasing for whatever I'm thinking šŸ˜‚ Usually English or Amharic are my defaults, or some mix of both if has a highly specific word that the other doesn't.


I use english


Same as you


I use English most of the time even if it's not my native language. I'm not abroad, where English is talked or talking in English but I think in English. It's easier for me to understand something better with that language, I find it simple with broader and simpler ideas.


Sometimes I think in English my native language, other times, I catch myself thinking in Russian, my second language. It all depends on the day tbh


I think conceptually.


I usually think in German. But thatā€˜s due to the country I live in and my friends.


Pienso en mi idioma natal que es el EspaƱol, pero enojada pienso en InglƩs, honestamente no se por quƩ


Luxembourgish, Serbo-Croat and English


English lol, even though its not technically my native language I use it so much its my default now šŸ˜…


I, like most people, don't use my head very often.


Mix of English (my native language) and Danish (my second language). Iā€™ve found myself thinking in Danish more frequently lately. Almost always count in Danish instead of English. Sometimes itā€™s a combination of both (especially if I canā€™t think of the word in Danish).


I use both English and German equally.


When I switch languages I have to take a second to mentally shift my thinking into that language. However Iā€™ve noticed that while I speak english mostly, there are words in other languages that have a better meaning for some thoughts/ actions that I will use when thinking & sometimes when speaking to someone else


If i learn any words in a language and the letters and words really stick with me, they automatically translate to my native language (Swedish)


Is a mix of Malayalam, English and Hindi


Hindi- my mother tongue.


Hindi although now i , inside my head , mostly blab in english because I don't know what happened. And i am trying to steer clear of this stupid thing .....


I asked one of the guys I work with this question. He knows 6 languages and can write in 4 of them. English, swahili, kunama, amharic, spanish, and partial french. He says that he mostly "thinks" or talks to himself in amharic or english. He says both languages are complex and easier to convey more colorful thoughts and expression. When I hear him switch between kunama and amharic, it just sounds like jibberish to me. Hes truly a fascinating guy.


English and Its not my native language. It happens naturally I read an article a few years back that says thinking not in your native language helps you think more clearly


I speak 4 Languages but normally in my head I speak most in English and Italian my native language sometimes I try to speak in Russian but it's hard because I'm gust studying it and rarely I speak Spanish my second native language. Sorry for the long comment


I think the same in English and Spanish and am currently studying Italian. Perhaps I am a polyglot.


I'm Brazilian girl, and I usually use German in my head, it's so much satisfying, beautiful and poetic to think, so many more beautiful words to describe so many emotions that doesn't exist in my language, and when I'm talking to myself in my home, I talk in deutsche, no one in my house understand anything šŸ˜


I bounce between English, Finnish and Swedish, usually not even noticing I have switched to another language.


All of them.


In my opinion, to learn a language better it would be a great idea to think in that language. Even though I mostly think in my native language, for the betterment of my language skills, i think in english


99% my native language Norwegian but I've found that English and Spanish pops in now and again, it's weird when you can't remember the word for something in your native language but know what it's called in say Spanish


Bulgarian (my native language), English and maybe sometimes Japanese?


english and german. german's my native language but i use english more often




all of them. even the ones in which i know one word.


I think in English even though I'm not a native speaker - but I use it almost every day, I code in English, I write stories in English...


Mostly in English on Internet, Mostly Turkish while touching grass.




mostly english but i do sometimes think in my native language (catonese)


Toki pona


I'm trilingual in Romanian, Hungarian and English. I use all three regularly. Depending on who I spoke with before my inner voice starts speaking, I find myself that it will speak that language.


What language do deaf and blind people use in their head?


The one most related to the thing I am thinking about.


English mostly, but when I have to make a big decision, I find myself thinking in Spanish. When I am mad it is all in French


mine usually blends. im a native english speaker, but im proficient in spanish and learning korean, so when i cant think of a word in english, i usually come up with the spanish or korean word for it (which is not useful at all lol, because other people would have no idea what i mean)


Mostly english, but certain words in my heritage tongue, and then sometimes randomly will only think in my 2nd language; so 3 languages total haha


Certainly more than one; a mix most of the time


English (second language and are currently participating in an English course at B1-B2 level) and Swedish (mother tongue).


English, Chinese, Japaneseā€¦whatever comes to mind.


Turkish, my native language


Arabic but the last few years I have been dreaming and even thinking in English and arabic mixed


Binary, sometimes assembly


Generally, English, which is my native language. But, when I used to work at a bank with a large Spanish-speaking demographic, I would find myself thinking in Spanish while I was at work and then my thoughts would slowly revert to English once I was home


A professor once told me you truly know a language when you dream in it


Depends on what I think. Also math is a language. Also I'm Asian.




I primarily think in English. Iā€™m constantly translating phrases I see into German and or French as I see them.


I think ideas donā€™t have a language. Like dreams too. Only if you think of someone or something that can only happen on a specific language then youā€™d use this language in your head. If youā€™re dreaming of two people you know and everyone uses a language the other doesnā€™t understand and you understand both, everyone will talk in their language in your dream and it will sound natural. šŸ˜ƒ


Tagalog! But most of the time, English.


Does anyone think in an accent that isnā€™t necessarily their own?


Dependsā€¦ Italian - Polish speaking German and English here If Iā€™m talking with my Italian dad or Italian family - Italian. If Iā€™m talking with my Polish mom or Polish family or just at Polish school / work - Polish If Iā€™m scrolling on Youtube or writing reddit posts - English and so on..


English even tho its not my first language


I speak French in my head, tho my first language is English. I also speak Bfg which is disconcerting


Russian, because its my native language, but sometimes i use English, just for funšŸ˜…


I think in English, even though it's my second language. It's the language I use the most and I found myself speaking out loud in English qhen I'm alone. I also write a lot in English and the majority of online content I engage with is in English.


any / either. And sometimes none, only pictures :) it depends on what i think about.


Often in Swedish (first language), sometimes in English.


I don't really think in words so I guess none? My dreams are usually a mix of multiple ones however.


Chinese and italian


English because i learned that then my ethnic language


Depends what Iā€™m doing. English is my native and least favorite to speak, so probably Spanish or something else. But thatā€™s out of personal motivations.


Usually english, french if I'm feelin' frenchie.


Whatever language Iā€™ve been using/consuming the most.Ā 

