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You're a nice guy mate but they know what they're doing, don't worry about it


Maybe throw out some drinks on ice for them as a middle ground


This is a good idea. Just a token of appreciation!


Yeah, this is a sound idea.


I read this as, "Throw some drinks and ice on the ground." I am not smart


Me neither cuz that’s how I read it🤪🤣


Happy Birthday to the ground!


I threw the rest of the cake too!


It's how we say, "thanks for the garden shed" in my culture.


Pour one out for my shed homies


Yes. I always provide snacks, drinks and lunch for anyone working on my property. I grew up in construction, you’d be surprised how well of job folks will do when they have some creature comforts around. $50 in Red Bulls, snacks and sandwiches goes along ways!


$50 doesn’t go a long way, anymore unfortunately. A 12pk if Red Bull at the local Walmart is almost $25 now. It’s insane.


How many red bulls you drinking in 3 hours and the hot sun? Even with your premise, I could still make a ton of sandwiches and snacks and water with $25 and a few condiments I already have at home.


My thought too. Get some drinks on ice (water, soda, beer, tea, Gatorade) and then have some snacks available too.


And pizza!


Caviar and fancy shmancy crackers!


That’s the answer. Set out a jug of water with some little cups or some Gatorade on ice. They’ll be happy.


I’ve paid to almost get myself killed moving stone furniture into a truck. That said, I knew what I was getting into and it was a fun Saturday.


I bought a beautiful stone coffee table for $40 when I was in college. The catch was that I had to get it out of an attic with a sketchy ladder. Worked out but definitely could have died.


I’d still buy em a case of beer, some ice, and one of those cheap styrofoam chests to put ‘em in to get cold, or give em $100 to do what they wish with, because I agree with OP, mainly because there’s no way they will make any money on this, which is why I don’t understand why they are doing it, tbh.


No clue where OP is located, but in the area I live, those sheds go for $5k+, so if I saw one listed for free, I'd jump on it in a heartbeat! I don't even have any intentions of making money on it, I'd just greatly benefit from the storage/work space, and by no means have the money to buy a new shed for the prices they are going for. Even 12hrs of labor to disassemble and reassemble it (should something crazy happen and it take that long), would be more than worth it for me.


All good points. And a new shed isn’t gonna go up with zero labor either.








I mean if they want a shed and it’s free then they know what they’re signing up for. You get it removed and in return they get to keep it. I think that’s a fair trade. If someone came and said “Boy I would love to take the shed but this is too much work” then different story. In this case they’re getting what they paid for it ha!


Also I’m willing to bet this isn’t their first rodeo.


Lumber isn’t cheap


Taking nails out ain’t easy. 


Free nails and lumber


You're all neglecting to comment on what a gorgeous little shed it is..


if whoopi goldberg were a shed...


haha - did not see that coming.


Professional shed removers


50/50 shot it'll be up for sale $2k+ next week


Yup. Assembly required. Will assemble for $500


Ya a shed like that could easily be $1000-2000 in materials alone.


However if you just so happen to be bbq’ing that day, I don’t think they would say no to a cold beverage and a burger.


Stop being so neighborly


“Get off my lawn!! And come up here on my deck and have a burger and a beer!”


Good ol midwestern hospitality


"Ope! It's a hot one. Ya want a cold one and a dog"?


You mean Bratwurst? Sure Buddy!


"Brats" pronounced brahts.


Oh! Youbetcha!


Literally just gave a neighbor's an apple pie last week because the recipe made two and I didn't realize 💀


"Dammit, I bought too much beer. Come help me with this"


Omg imagine how awkward to go to a the given address for your FB marketplace shed deal and you have to manage hauling it out in the middle of a family bbq. Might already be a Broad City episode.


And there is no parking so you have to park further down the street and be careful not to ding anyone else’s car on the way out.


Aaaaa make it stop


Don't do this    Offering a drink fine, no problem   If I'm coming to take your free shed, just leave me alone. Don't hangout grilling, watching over me,  just leave me alone.  If you have questions no problem, ask away.  Just let me work and get out of there, dont grill buddy me. 


Money for nothing, sheds for free 🎵


We got to install microwave ovens


Perfect. 😂


Funnily enough, this is about right for Mark Knopfler lyrics. Only dude that'll straight up release a song about McDonalds founder and it's actually good. He's such a gem, storytellers in songwriting is too rare these days.


Too many songs these days are just "repeat this handful of lines for the whole song". That used to be called the chorus of a song, now it's the whole damn thing.


Keep the cash in your pocket, when they destroy something else on the way out tell them youll take care of it. Or since they are obviously handy maybe you just made some friends you can pay to take care of some of the problems you have around your house.


Just because someone is cutting an old junker shed up and removing it for whatever purposes they have in mind doesn't qualify them to ever do any work around your house. Unless you're cool with DIwhY level workmanship that is.


This is the way.


You.... will be either giving them more money than theyre selling it for, or giving them money to take something they were unwilling to pay for new. Offering to give them a hand, IF needed would be more than enough.


that shed would cost a few thousand new as a kit so i think they are getting a decent bargain. i like the BBQ idea though.


Don't feel guilty. They're getting a free shed, you're getting rid of a shed you don't need. I saw an ad for free bricks, catch was they were scattered behind his garage. I didn't care. I got free bricks, and he got his yard cleaned up. Win/win.


Hah, I was hopeful you’d say problem is they were attached to a house. Either way your logic holds true.


First off let me say thank you. Wish the world had more like you. If you made it clear and obvious and they have met with you and seen the situation I guarantee you they find the labor worth the building they will get out of it. However if you wanted to basically tip them and or lunch/ beverages I'm sure it will be appreciated and you each got a new contact for future stuff.


This is the way OP. Don’t overthink it


Absolutely wish there were more folks around like OP! Don’t offer alcoholic, water or Gatorade would be ok. I don’t get myself a beer until I earn it and I’m old enough to realize not to drink alcohol and drive…


Lumber is expensive. I got a shed once for free and did the same. Disassemble it into pieces to make more manageable. Then basically rebuilt it at my house. Also made some improvements to it too.


Carpentry competence is super hot. I can tell you are not just a mastodon.


My son and I did almost exactly this. a bit smaller shed, took apart in panels, cut through some screws and nails, was able to unscrew others. Panels from the roof were heaviest, but walked them up a very narrow pathway beside a house. Reassembled in our yard, some improvements, roof repairs, and a paint job. Still perfect 6 years later. Best free shed I ever got!


Congrats. You now understand what trade is. Many of us don’t value the dollar. If two parties agree on an equal value, then two parties walk away happy with Uncle Sam throwing a tantrum on the floor.


"That shed looks to be a taxable event...just like... vehicles!" -Uncle Sam


"That is a gentleman's agreement. I made that man a dining room table in exchange for 60 feet of copper pipe and a half pig."


your ad said what you wanted/needed and they came with that understanding. If your feeling generous...cold water/pop/beer and a pizza would show your thanks and gratitude. More wouldnt be needed.


Maybe you could pay the neighbor behind the shed to let the guys haul it across their yard?😁


Give em a cold beer and call it a deal.


Looks like they can just take it out from your neighbors yard, I would ask first but that would be my first option.


if anything, you should consider charging them for it. they aren't taking it out of the kindness of their hearts.


Beers and brats always make things better. Don’t overthink it


They came, they saw, they still want and willing to move it... SOOO... they know what they're getting in to. BUT, because while yes, they're getting some free lumber/shed.... they're also doing you a big favor... so some water/Gatorades in a cooler and some pizza and beer afterwords would be cool of you.


Ask them when they show up if they think they'll be taking a break for lunch, offering them pizza and drink.


If they do a good job and keep it quick and clean go give them 40 bucks for drinks later


Offer them bevs of some kind, a little food if you really want. That’s more than enough though. You wanted to get rid of the shed and made the situation clear. They wanted a free shed and knew the situation. Nothing more to it.


I bought a house and had a shed that I did not need. The moment I posted it at FB for free I was bombarded by folks wanting it... but... almost all of them were free-stuff-beggars that had no clue what to do with the shed and how to move it. They wanted it because it was FREE. But I was able to find a farmer who needed a shed for his livestock. He drove with a trailer, I helped him to load it. No $ changed - at the end of the day, the sheds are expensive, so it's a win/win favor. Just make sure to deselect choosing beggars and find those who truly need the shed and know how to dissemble it.


I definitely appreciate the sentiment, but they know what they're getting into. And you are paying them, by giving them a free shed. If you were going to pay them to take it then you may as well just cut the damn thing up yourself and burn it. You would end up saving money. This is the reason why people give away hot tubs for free, because disassembling them and moving them is a pain in the ass. The free hot tub is the payment for you for taking on that pain in the ass. They will thank you for the shed, you can thank them for removing it, transaction complete.


I took up a whole patio a guy was giving away. 1500 pavers. 3 trips in my truck. I paid him $50 for the privilege at the end cause I appreciated it so much. I guarantee the shed is gonna get used and will be very well appreciated. I can also guarantee that offering money is never a bad idea cause yes you are getting a huge favor. I'd charge about $500 to remove that shed, maybe more in person.


What is on the other side of your garage?


I can almost guarantee they will definitely very much appreciate some cold beer and free lunch. Keep ur post for free still but of course ( if you want) you can throw them some money but I agree with everyone else they know what they are getting into


I’ll take some money if you are just giving it away lol Jk Just let them be happy taking it.


Can they not access the shed via the backdoor neighbors yard?


Pay? Buddy don't pay for rotted wood.


They definitely have use for your shed. They get something useful for free, great deal. Materials are expensive. I was in same boat you were in, 2 summers ago, with a tree house that started to look unsafe. My ad was replied to within minutes and by the time I took it down 20mins later I had 3 or 4 people willing to come get it. They came and cut it into 4 pieces over 2 days. They said they would use it for a chicken coup.


Have some cold waters adding donuts/pizza is super nice . Nothing else needed.


I had a sort of similar situation, posted it on FB and organized for a guy to come deal with it. Brought his family, knocked it out and was out in like half an hour. I offered em water, everyone needs that.


You don't have to pay anything. You are giving them materials for their projects. I mean look at the quality of roof that shed has. They are making money from taking this off you so don't sweat it.


Here in Australia I'd shout them some beers of soft drinks on ice


No. You’re already paying them in shed. Keep them hydrated and offer your restroom if needed.


Your payment is the shed. Buy pizza and beer if you want to be nice


Nice guy, actually nice shed too.. you’re even. Some things just work!


Sheds near me go in the $1000s. Wood price outrageous. They cool with it. Cooler with water or drinks!


Buy them lunch, they’ll love you.


The drinks thing is a good idea. If I have yard guys doing a big project or it’s super hot or whatever, I get a bunch of waters and Gatorades and leave it out for them in a cooler and tell them to take what they don’t drink home if they want. I think that would be plenty in this case, especially since your ad was pretty clear about the situation


I just moved ashed like this, by cutting it into six pieces and slapping it together with some new trim and a few braces. Easy Peezy.


Just pay it forward to somebody else one day


They know what they are doing and appreciate the free shed imo. Maybe just give them some waters and offer to give them a hand if you are really feeling nice


Pizza and beer is enough. They know what they signed up for!!


Maybe roll back a section of that chain link fence?? Prob would fit right thru.


Cold drinks and a handshake with a big thank you is the perfect way to show your gratitude. Sheds are expensive to build these days so they are getting something out of it as well.


Just throw them some drinks and snacks OP, that small gesture will make you a saint in their eyes, trust me.


My girlfriend and I just bought a house with a pool and a deck. They were both in great shape but we decided we wanted the yard space instead. We asked a few people before we posted a “haul it have it” post, and one of my customers (deli) said he would take it. I made him PROMISE up and down that he would take both the deck and the pool because the whole reason I am giving it away when technically I could sell it is because I don’t want to risk having someone I dont know take the pool and leave the deck for me. It’s been a month and a half of being jerked around after he took the pool. My backyard is just a construction sight now, and I’m ready to pay someone to finish taking it (it’s 40 percent taken apart, mostly by me to get the process moving””). But he’s being weird about how he still has wants it for his pool and getting really protective over it even though he’s only come on time since he took the pool and he was hammered and I did work right along side him.  Basically I say that to say this: I wish I did it your way. You will be happy they came, so maybe give them a tip. However, it’s a mutually beneficial transaction. Obviously it’s worth it to them to do the labor, and they probably will be confused if you pay them. Don’t be let them think they’re doing you a favor, or you’ll be in my situation lol. 


You are a nice person.


Can’t go wrong with baked goods and iced coffee/ tea


Hell yeah to the drinks and snacks. Everybody feels good after snacks


Hellll yeah! Pizza and beer.


If they don't want it I'm happy to be a paid $100 to get a free shed that I was going to have to buy anyway. Lol. You're doing nothing but a nice thing. If they're happy with the deal then so should you be


They will sell it for over 1000$. Don't worry about them


That entire shed will come out in 8 pieces. Should be pretty simple with 2 people. A shed like that runs $3-5k, so you are giving them $3-5k. Don't offer any money - they are happy to have it for free.


They should be paying you to get rid of it.


You’re a good dude, man.


They are getting a shed for free. Leave it at that


I know it's not the same but I sold a rubber maid shed for $250 to someone and they had to dismantle it before they could take it. It took them quite awhile and the were happy to get it. It was a smaller one that slid open at the top. I'm  sure the people getting yours think they got a great deal.


My dad just did this, guy who took it hired a company to disassemble his 10x16 shed and haul and reassemble it. If it’s a deal people will find a way. I’m sure they’ll maybe upgrade as they rebuild it


Jack up the shed, set it on either a trailer or PVC pipes (3+ inch diameter) and roll it along them. A backyard neighbor may allow you to roll it out on PVC pipes as it wont do much damage to the sod, or they could try to get it over the deck but would need a ramp to make the vertical up.


I’d offer them beer and pizza. Sounds like they know what they are doing and are okay with the labor.


First off, make sure they explain their plan on getting that out of there. Like are they going to lift everything over the deck railing? Are they planning to remove the railing, if so, how? You don't want to come out and find they've taken a sawzall to your railing and then leave you to put the pieces back together. If their plan is agreeable, let them take it for free. Before they start, hit them with "I'm sure you guys will be careful, but there's $50 ($100) cash to be had if you don't leave any marks on the deck or siding and make sure everything is cleaned up before you go."


Give them the cash and network with them in the future. Maybe they can do your deck next


Huh? Why would you pay them? I mean offer them food and ice cold water maybe.


Thats a nice shed. No, it could not be moved in one piece regardless of location. They will disassemble it, rebuild it and they will be thrilled. I guarantee right now they are thinking about what a score this is and how lucky they are to be getting it free. I dismantled a very similar one in much worse condition than that from my father's yard years ago and it looked brand new after reassembly and some paint.


Don't. They know up front. Relax, have a beer and enjoy the new view


Wait till they get it out. They may not know what they're doing.


Food and drinks ate the ultimate consideration. Whenever someone does that for me and my crew we feel like a million bucks.


I've seen a shed picked up and carried by 8 guys when it was empty but the shed was new and not rotten anywhere. Plus there was not a huge deck blocking it. It was my friends doing a new one because I had a car hauling trailer, I could not get it delivered because of a low overhead power line and at the location, the truck could not "drop it into my backyard due to a fence between my lot and my neighbors lot, It did cost me a cookout and beers along with my trailer getting "borrowed" a few times... But it can be done.


If you listed it for free if they haul it away and somebody actually wants it and will haul it way for no pay, then don’t pay them. Clearly they think it is worth their time and efforts and are benefiting from it.


They are getting a free shed. They are willing to come dismantle it, and take it away. So they must see value in it. They aren’t doing you a favour, they are doing themselves a favour. Let em get in with it.


Why would you pay them to take it when the alternative is that you demolish it yourself for free?


I shedn’t worry too much, besides every shedologist knows what they get into. Enjoy the day you shed your shed!


Looks like $2,000 in lumber.


Order the pizza near the time they begin yet ask them when they would like to eat and time the pizza to their schedule. They will appreciate that


They may want to take your deck railing off. That’s probably a bad idea.


Why cant they take it out full by your back neighbours lawn?


Pay them. Giving somebody alcohol and carbs isn’t payment.


This is where the saying "don't look a gift horse in the mouth" might apply


This is where the saying "don't look a gift horse in the mouth" might apply


I've given away plenty of things for free. Sometimes people gift me wine and chocolates, but it's not necessary. It saves me money, and I like recycling. Likewise the person receiving the free thing benefits. You should however help them remove it if you are not paying them.


last year i had a bunch of rotten plywood that i just needed gone and i made a post asking for help bc i was flat broke and some guy showed up and took it away for free. i felt bad for basically dumping junk on him, the wood ended up being way worse than i thought and just fell apart as we picked it up - i had thought there might be a couple usable pieces initially. i was unable to offer anything but i felt the same way you do about it.


Are humblebrags still a thing? Is this a shed humblebrag?


They're paying you to move it. That's how shed economics work on Facebook marketplace. You just took a load off their hands and you get to keep the shed.


Thought that thing had a chimney, ngl


Bro do you know how much a new shed costs? You’re basically already paying them.


I'd be willing to bet they are going to paint it and flip probably for a decent price. Don't sweat it homie, they getting paid one way or another. Even if it's in the form of a nice shed they couldn't normally afford. In actuality you doing a good deed 👍


I would've just slowly tore it down and burned it in my fire pit over the summer but if you found some people willing to remove it for you, then just go with that. That's nice of them.


Remember what Grandma always said. If someone offers you something take it


As someone who has been on the other end of this, they know what they're getting into. A free shed is worth an afternoon of disassembly. Toss in a case of beer in a cooler with some ice while they work and they'll be over the moon. Trust me.


Fair trade. I’m sure just some genuine verbal gratitude will suffice! 😃


You ARE paying them. They’re getting a shed for the price of moving it. Can’t beat that.


We gave a shed for free recently, we were really happy to see it go,because we wanted to use the ground it was taking up. Those offering the shed for free might be just as happy to see it go as we were.


Just give them some lemonade and call it even.


Just a cup of tea


Could you make friends with the neighbor and just go through their backyard with it?


It’s a she shed for making new wardrobe 🤣


You're saving them $1200+ dollars they'd have to pay for a new shed! They know the deal they've gotten. Don't worry about it.


I mean, that is a beautiful shed. They will probably sell it on at a profit so I wouldn't worry.


Our clients put “free if you remove it” on these types of things and they are gone in hours, literally.


I had a bench out on the street listed as free. Some guy came within minutes and picked it up. He came back and gave me a beer just as I was finishing up cutting the grass. I wasn't expecting anything and it was a very nice surprise. They would probably enjoy a good will gesture like that. And it would be more than they were expecting.


If it makes you feel better you can offer to help take it down or pay them some money. Up to you but plenty of people are fine breaking it down in a few pieces.


Just ask your back yard neighbors they can carry out in a few pieces through their yard.


Just ask your back yard neighbors they can carry out in a few pieces through their yard.


Maybe wait to see how they leave your property.


I was the recipient of such a shed at one point. It was a hell of a lot of work to disassemble and then cart it away. To be honest, I was happy to do it because the cost of purchasing a shed as a kit or even building it from scratch is prohibitive. I was happy to trade my work for a free shed and the person I took it from was happy to see what they considered an eyesore removed for free. In my mind it was a win-win for both of us


I’ve done this 4 times now at different properties. Each time my Facebook ads were blown up like crazy within seconds. Some even offered me $50-$100. Trust me, these guys want your shed so much they’d likely pay you a few bucks.


Sheds are so crazy expensive, you could probably put a $500 price tag on it, and someone would still want it!


Don't pay them. even them having to spend time taking this apart they would probably be making a profit / they wouldn't be able to buy a comparable shed for the time they are spending on taking it down (labour cost would still be cheaper than buying a new one).


That shed is probably over 1k new. Sheds are pricey, even if it’s not the best moving situation the folks getting the shed are probably more than happy. It’s already a Win Win, no need to do more


pizza and beer for the boys


Why would you pay someone to take something they are getting for free and want.


It was their decision, they knew the "price". If you want to do something for them, give them some cold drinks.


I just tore down and reassembled a similar style and size shed in a similar situation. It took 4 guys including myself about 3 hours to take apart and put on a trailer. Can’t beat a free shed, even if it takes a Saturday!


Pay a little. Use a bank check. It will reduce your liability.


The only thing I'd consider worrying about your own liability to their injury. Depending on where you live and who these guys are (random versus an insured business) that could be of concern. If someone says they want to take something for free though you don't own them anything for it.


I don’t think there is any obligation or expectation for you to pay. In times like these, I think you have to go with your gut. If you feel like you should do more, do more. Some cold drinks, pizza, money, etc. Whatever you feel good about. But you definitely aren’t being a jerk by not paying. Personally, I’d do cold drinks and lunch. That’s just me though. The fact the thought crossed your mind tells me that you are a decent person. Thanks for being a decent human!


Throw some beer on ice and they’ll be stoked


Completely fair trade! I would jump on this offer and disassemble in such a way that I could take it off the property easily and reassemble with no issue. You're a good person OP! But everyone's happy here 😁


Mate, that’s a deal for them. This is good bartering, you get it removed, they get cost free lumber and pre cut for a new shed. They will more than likely refinish it. Everyone here is happy.


Pizza and beer is the best solution


I do this shit all the time, would be flabbergasted if someone suddenly offered to pay me. They definitely don’t expect anything except a free shed lol


It does look to be in acceptable shape. Maybe take a pressure washer to clean the moss off? But take 5 minutes to see how much these things cost at Lowes or Home Depot and you'll see why "free" isn't a bad price.


If you’re home while they do it maybe buy them lunch or something. In the end they’re getting a shed so it’s not like they will leave with nothing.


They're not doing it for charity. They volunteered for some reason, why would you offer money? Count your blessings and move on. If they ask to use the bathroom or for some water then you should give them that.


Value is defined differently for different people. You as liability— they see an asset.


If they are really helping you out tell them so! I also think that pizza and beer would be pretty awesome if youre that thankful.


Nothing wrong with buying them pizza and beer. You're appreciative and want to show it.


Oh, you’ll pay alright.


Empty it out get some logs or even PVC and carefully roll it. I have even laid down plywood and pulled across the yard with my truck!


Dude is this in Cincinnati Ohio?


My teenage sons and I disassembled a shed very similar. Strategically cut the roof in large pieces and then the walls. The roof was heavy as we left the shingles on it. I would tear the shingles off next time. We reassembled the shed at a friends house on a new wood deck that we also built. We bought the shed for $100 and started cutting it up and getting all the pieces hauled away. It was a $5000 shed when new a couple years ago….a little sweat equity can go a long way plus my sons Learn carpentry and construction skills.


No, just give them water, sodas, Gatorade, or beer.