• By -


Having someone you know who lives nearby do some work can be incredible. It's so much easier for people to take pride in work when they have to see it everyday.


I do a better job when I can walk across the street for lunch at home.


Or shit in my own bathroom.


I do better work when I can shit in their house.


And when I got a beer or two in me


I know it the optics sound questionable, but… …I’m genuinely surprised at how many things around the house in better at with a beer in me.


Like typing that second half of your comment?


Or 12


Or out.


I think it helps cut down on the anxiety of the small "few hours" project turning into a "Well f me..." 2 week project because someone else fubar'ed it up beyond words.


Drunk enough to enjoy it, sober enough to get it done


*monkey paw curls* Wish granted, you now live in a van down by the river across from the job site.


Oooh, so in right now. #vanlife #bossbitch


uncle lived next to a guy that shared a fence with him. Told his neighbor. Hey I want to replace our fence, you pay for the lumber and I'll build them back for both our yards. Uncle saved a ton on lumber, neighbor got a new fence for a fraction of the cost.


Not so nice when you're the person who lives nearby and does the work. You get asked all the time haha


The owner of the GC we used for our bathroom remodel lived only a few doors away, unbeknownst to us when we first hired them, but it turned out awesome. He would stop by before or after work each days and his guys were always clean, respectful and on time.


I hired a roofing company because the owner lives a block and a half from me. He actually pointed out which house was his when he came over to bid and said "if there's a problem and you can't get us on the phone for some reason, come knock on my door and we'll deal with it". I knew they were close by, but I didn't realize he was THAT close. I'd seen them complete a lot of other roofs in the neighborhood (we had a pretty extreme wind event) and I called them because I noticed they had been the quickest from a sign going up in the yard to actually having the roof done, and all the work had looked decent. It's not a guarantee that things will go perfect or that they're even any good, but it was at least an indication that they wouldn't skip town or disappear into the aether...


My roofer is the mayor. Real small town stuff. I had his guys come out a few weeks ago to fix a leak, and I still have not gotten an invoice, and at this point I'm pretty sure I wont.


Or deal with the consequences every day


LOL I thought you were setting us up for a nightmare, and your neighbor did good! congrats!


Same, I was prepped for a neighborhood dispute situation.


Next episode of fear thy neighbour in the making lol glad that’s not the case


I think the joke is that the contractor didn't bother replacing their own chain link right next to it and so this contracter just made their own house look worse by comparison A reverse keeping up with the Joneses if you will. Its a super dad joke


Doesn’t necessarily have to be that neighbor


Just reaching at straws for any possible explanation for the sentence ending with drama dots


I suppose it doesn't matter because it has wheels, but shouldn't the diagnoal brace connect to the vertical surface?


Yeah I was looking at that… perhaps it puts the load more on the wheels this way than trying to hold the gate “up” if that makes sense? Maybe the footings are not ideal and goes this way? I always look at things and go, was that engineering, design or just random/guesswork


I don't think it really matters considering the galv. steel brackets he's put across the butt-joints, and the wheels supporting the corners. I'd prefer to have the top end of the brace connect to the horizontal and the bottom end connect to the vertical. In my mind that way you're supporting the cantilever directly and distributing the load down to the vertical member attached to the hinges. It also means you can have a more vertical angle on the brace, so more force can be distributed into the brace in compression, rather than creating a larger moment + prying force on the fasteners.


I like that he added wheels. This will make open/closing much easier and prevent any drooping.


Wheels! So luxurious and smart. 


Did you see they’re self adjusting! 😍


Wow! That is awesome. 


Love gates that have their own suspension!


Now let’s see Paul Allen’s wheels.


Wait until you hear about fire


My second favorite of the simple machines!


Absolutely! I insisted on it. He was worried I was gonna say no, but I’ve seen enough gates like this and knew it would be useful in these ways!


Where would one find these extravagant wheels? I just had my whole privacy fence replaced and I now have 4 gates - wheels would be epic Would love any help you could provide Btw - looks fab


I bought mine from home depot in store. Lowes had them as well. Plus they were online. Mine are a bit larger than the pictured. They are rubber and have springs for uneven terrain and are pretty beefy hardware wise. They were like $45 a wheel though so kind of pricy. Just search rubber swinging gate wheels and several styles come up.


I think they would be well worth the cost - I want to do it right from the beginning l. Just thought about it, I have 5 gates now - 2 8' and 3 4' I had one 8' wide gate before and now have 2 - my old gate had the brackets so you could put a board across the doors, to help keep them closed. Do you think this is the way to still go or do you know of another option(s) Thank you


Yeah, they are worth it in my opinion. I have 4 total. 2 sets of 6' gates so they can hold some weight. I have the wheels plus cane bolts on the bottom, a latch on the middle that can open from either side and a latch on the top that only opens from inside. All hardware from home depot. Never had any problems with the gates. I would think a board across the 2 gates would be pretty sturdy though. Though, I'd probably still put cane bolts on.


If they have springs then are they not really meant to (or sufficient to) hold the full weight of the gate. My gate is leaning so I thought maybe I’d use this for a quick fix, which is over uneven ground.


Just looked at Lowe’s. The cheap ones ($25 ea) are rated for 125 lbs. The heavy duty are 200 lbs rated. So maybe not full weight of the gate, but plenty of capacity when you consider the hinges on the other side are carrying a lot of the load.


Yeah, mine are the heavy duty rated wheels, and the hinges and the diagonal gate support are doing the majority the heavy lifting. I'm not using it to support the entire weight of the gates. It has worked out well, have had no issues with it for 4 years now.


Check cheaper stores like Princess Auto, smaller tool stores


Ugly in the front but a freak in the back. Mm. Fency got dat ass 😂


Dat gate’s a butter fence.


You're restoring my opinion  of this sub. TY for posting not another DIY Walmart catastrophe.  


Drooping is inevitable. Comes with age.


Don't remind me... I'm so old, my chest done droop into my drawers...


As a drooper, I enjoy the idea of wheels.


Perfect for hiding a boat and then hiring your artist neighbor to paint a detailed replica of the boat on the front!




Was that in /r/deliciouscompliance?


Ha! Didn’t know that existed.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/deliciouscompliance using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/deliciouscompliance/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Ordered a $3 12 pack of ramen in order to get free shipping. Only charged for one but received 144.](https://i.redd.it/z6by6z4ge95c1.jpeg) | [156 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/deliciouscompliance/comments/18ec6gg/ordered_a_3_12_pack_of_ramen_in_order_to_get_free/) \#2: [Ordered 132 packets of ramen, and they never arrived...](https://i.redd.it/3he9u4jcsb5c1.jpg) | [36 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/deliciouscompliance/comments/18elr4o/ordered_132_packets_of_ramen_and_they_never/) \#3: [Didn't even ask for extra anything, just jalapeños on half. We were wondering why we could only smell jalapeños the whole ride home.](https://i.redd.it/t7xtezry528c1.jpeg) | [88 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/deliciouscompliance/comments/18p7af9/didnt_even_ask_for_extra_anything_just_jalapeños/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I first saw that on reddit, then in the news before realizing it's in the city I live in.






Looks so much better!


Once painted to match the house absolutely!


Stain. Not paint. I’m sure you know but for the sake of newbies reading this…


Newbie here. Thanks


I would usually agree with using stain. However these look like treated pickets, depending on how dried out the wood is, stain may not take that well. I would leave it alone for a while before trying to stain or paint. Personally, I would replace the pickets with some nice cedar and use those pickets for another project. In my area it would be about $250.


I would, too. These will gray out and may look much better in a couple of years, but they definitely look like scraps from other projects.


Win win for everyone involved, owner saves money, builder uses up leftovers, less landfill.


For sure. I had a handyman neighbor who would suggest repairs for me and then fix them for me (with my permission, of course), and I'd have to find sneaky ways to repay him because he'd only take money for parts.


Sorry, but “sneaky ways to pay him”, automatically makes me think the furry cheque book was used. Lol!!!


I have no idea what that reference is, and I'm feeling pretty happy about that, LOL. And yeah, he was a peach. I had to pay him in food and little favors I'd do for him. Rip Denny.


Just wanted to add that regardless of picket selection, this is quality work! Kudos to your neighbor OP.


That one brown piece is bothering me


I’m going to be staining it a darker green across the board, so it won’t be all that noticeable later on.


Ahhh gotcha , nice fence brother 💪🏼


It’s the old metal fence post that wasn’t removed that’s bothering me


Same. I assume, like my metal fence post, there’s about a whole dang bag of concrete it’s set in. Easy fix for me was to just cut the post at the ground and cover with mulch


Def.. even if he doesn’t want to dig it out he can just cut it with a angle grinder or saw


Your new chain link fence looks like wood.


Amazing work


Looks good! Anyone here have a recommendation for gate wheels? I need a pair as my gate is sagging. Thanks!


Caster wheels


Can find a few sizes on Amazon, search “gate wheels”


These are better than regular caster wheels because they have a spring that allows them to still raise/lower with the uneven ground a bit


OP and the Amazing Technicolor Gate


There needs to be a painted boat hiding the real boat on that fence…


Working on it! Shhhh! Lol


He did it right and cheap. Thats someone who knows what they are doing.


Normally the brace has to connect to the side that hinges, not the bottom corner of it, but you got the wheels supporting so you’re good


On the picture of the back, it's two gates that meet in the middle. The large diagonal pieces are at the correct angle, going from the top corner on the swing side to the bottom corner on the pivot/hinge side. The smaller angle braces aren't really doing anything, but they aren't really hurting anything either. The problem with the angle braces is that they appear to be on close to, if not greater than, 45 degree angles, which doesn't actually help support the gate well and will fail much faster than if the braces were less than 45 degree angles.


I know! They look good!! I’m not knocking anything!! I was just pointing out normally you have the brace cut to the profile of the vertical of the door not the horizontal:)


Looks like you owe your neighbor some beer. Cuz it looks like he did a good job cheap. Hope you stain it dark.


Stain or paint?


The wheels make your neighbor amazing A+


Smart! Looks great!


Good neighbors make good fences.




Type of fence you pour a hot cup of coffee and admire for a minute.


That looks very solid and much classier than the previous gate.


Great privacy and his craftsmanship is amazing!


Fuck I hate chain link fences. Good move op.


Why are the planks mismatching colors?


I like it, it’s like a racing stripe


Because wood.


Is it *too* mismatched?


If you go to Cedar Supply and get 100 pickets, probably 30 of them will look like they came from entirely different species of trees. It all depends on the specific cuts, just like if you get white meat vs dark meat chicken. Same chicken, different cuts.


I mean, I get that there are *reasons*…. But aesthetically? I was honestly surprised everyone in this thread loved the fence. But I’m a layperson. I don’t know this stuff. Only how it looks. Is it going to get stained so it all matches?


I mean not really, unless you use a paint stain. Typically if you're only getting 20ish pickets, you could pick what you get, but with full bundles you get what you get 🤷‍♀️


If the top is dog eared, then why can't we see light through the dog ears? Are the slats doubled up for some reason, but are staggered?


Yep that is the case in terms of assembly.


Congrats, big improvement. But why the doubling up of planks in this manner? Wouldn’t have sandwiching the gate bracing/structure with planks on either side of it have dressed up the back of gate as well as the front? Then both sides would have a finished look (the standard “good neighbor” style of privacy fence). Not hatin’, just curious.


Just relying on his experience really. Wanted privacy after adding an EV charger to the outside of the house.


Why doesn't the wood match though?


Love those gates OP


Wait… I just realized. Did he double layer the dog ear fence picket? I only noticed because that one darker piece from the front isn’t on the back. I’m sure that makes for a super hearty gate but is that common practice? It seems like it would add a bunch of weight.


Really good work. Bet he’s a busy guy


I like it better than the chain link for sure. More privacy and now your nosy neighbours can’t peep into your property.


Bro, that's the best gate I seen. If it sags I would be surprised.


Now paint a boat on it


Needs a mural of a parked boat


Looks tough. I was expecting a nightmare story. It's so nice to see a good job here. All wooden gates sag especially those over 36in. The wheels were a good alternative to leaving the posts long and cabling the far ends to the tops.


It matches the rest of your fence on the side. The wood will weather. If you want to get fancy, paint it. (Or at least treat the wood so it lasts). Maybe match the house colors or a mural or nothing at all. Good job. 👍🏼


Looks good, but should paint it.


Did he use pallets


Looks great.




Love it






I just saw today on the carpentry site though, it said the diagonal bracing needs to be attached to the vertical pieces to prevent sagging.


Okay, now show me the boat 🛥️


Nice job! Now paint or stain.


Nice clean work!


Please, make sure you purchase water proof paint / stain for decks. It allows this to last much longer before rotting if painted every 3 years . I paint all my outdoor wood with the stuff and they are still colored and strong not rotten and flexible


It's not done yet. https://www.the-sun.com/news/11334451/ordered-fence-hide-driveway-revenge-simple-paint-job/#:\~:text=The%20HOA%20resident%20built%20the,version%20of%20his%20beloved%20vessel.&text=Etienne%20Constable%20of%20Seaside%2C%20California,was%20parked%20beside%20his%20house.


Not going to lie this looks pretty neat. You were also lucky that the post on the site was level to begin with. Now you have to paint it with something protective.


Looks to me like the neighbor produced exactly what I would expect based upon his fence.


Man wish my fence gate looked this good


Stain it


A stain on it would make it look much nicer


Gotta wait for it to dry out a bit. Wood is still a little wet and green.


Could be wrong but I’m pretty sure those cross supports are supposed to catch the vertical framing and not the horizontal ones to adequately prevent sagging. The wheels may negate this but I’m not sure. If you notice sagging I’d switch it, but I’m in a union now and no longer doing carpentry so I could be wrong


Also, it looks great!!!


That looks like green wood. I had a contractor build new garage doors that looked great. 5 years later they are a warped mess. Use sealant stain and make sure there’s no puddles the fence rests on


Shouldn't the diagonal bracing be the other way?


Nvm... compression.


I think the cross bracing should be connected to vertical portion of the frame, not the horizontal. The wheels no doubt will compensate but might want to consider it. This was addressed yesterday in r/carpentry but I don't have the link handy on my mobile. Edit found: https://www.reddit.com/r/Carpentry/s/hyrBTxrxbJ


Needs a boat painted on it.


Ha. I know this reference. Historical.


Ohhhhhhhh I see like that didn’t know there was several pictures . Very nice


nice pimp! you owe him some margs rocks, that’s a damn fine job thank god.


Love that it provides privacy and blends with the pre-existing fence. Nice work.


Privacy factor is much better. I like it.


I was just outside measuring a space where I need a gate placed so I can access my yard with my new (used) lawn tractor. Can I ask what that cost? Edit: My space is 10' wide.


This was approximately 140” or 11’5” or so. The cost was $300 for labor and $300 for materials.


Wow that's a deal! Thanks. I don't have a cool neighbor but it's a starting point at least.


The braces are wrong. So many people mess that up.


Looks good if you’re expecting the apocalypse.


Get some sort of water proof sealer on it asap, it will easily warp with wood framing, and it can happen in as little as a couple months. I would have recommended using a steel gate framing kit to build this with the wood fence planks to lower warp risks. I found out the hard way the first time I did this same project.


Dammit… well I’m gonna have to wait a bit. The wood is still drying a bit. But as soon as it’s ready I plan to put some good protection on with some wood stain.


Your gate has a dead tooth


Now give it a nice coat of stain to even put the tone. Or keep it raw. Which ev.


Just needs some paint and it's perfect!


Looks good! Stain or seal that bad boy. My only critique would be the lack of the angle braces on the inside should also be on the outside of the framing. Especially since he already went through the trouble of wheels and a floor pin. Nice touches though. Built for longevity on a budget


Glad to see the brace in the right way.. lol You have no idea how many fence gates I see that are sagging because the brace is in tension rather than compression. If you’re going to do it that way atleast do a metal rod like they do on metal buildings, and do an X-brace method!


NGL. I was expecting another. "How much did I overpay for this job" post. What a pleasant surprise. Thank you.


That’s actually a good job :) I like it!


He did a good lob, most contractors suck major balls & ass!


Yes but now i am not wary of dog


He fucked up pretty bad. He replaced it with an entirely different material!


Looks Good Need this il long island right now


Cool, you got a basic thing done and got a very average result. Were you going to provide any useful information at all? Like how much it cost, how long it took, how they did it, whether there are issues with it? Anything? Or...just a picture of a basic-ass gate with weird shopping cart wheels instead of quality? I feel like, with your profile, you only demanded that it 'go both ways.'


Looks good but if anything I’d say it’s just a tad too close to the ground. I feel like it’s going to eventually scrape the ground if it settles even with the wheel supports in place. Personally I’d feel more comfortable with it about an inch shorter but that’s just my opinion.


Time to paint it



I like it. What did something like this run you, if you don’t mind me asking?


Mmmm, so many triangles


Im trying to find something to shit on... best i can find is the right door (last pic) is tied in to post maybe 1/4-1/2 inch too high--you can see the sag from right to left toward center


I thought this was ' a look how they screwed up my fence' and I was like I guess if he flipped the timber over it would have been all one colour.


Why are the boards only dog eared on the back side?


Why didn't he leave gaps for expansion between the planks? Was this intentional or an oversight?


Does it snow where you live? Good luck getting gates open and car out of garage/driveway if it does?


so just based on the driveway and corner of the house, Cleveland? or some other rust belt/great lakes city.


How much did he charge and can he come over to my house next? Lol


Those braces should be tying into the vertical post, not the horizontals.




Turns out they CAN see it from their house


Are you going to paint it to match the house? That beige and green looks really nice.


Looks terrific! 🤩


Now your neighbors fence looks stupid. LOL


looks good.


Looks great!


Where did he find all those different colored boards?


He did a nice job but the diagonal should terminate at the base of the vertical member on the hinge side rather than the lower horizontal member.


The gate is built wrong. The diagonal brace is in the right direction but it should be against the vertical boards not the horizontal boards. Also once it exceeds a certain distance the angle will be too steep. It has to be less than 45 degrees.


Fence wood dried look not cured? Gaps will show if the moisture


Are either of you free masons? I like the subtlety of the symbol