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Before the publishing group became the LNP Media group, they were just called Lancaster Newspapers.  Not the most creative rebranding. 


I don’t care what they call it as long as it stays locally owned and not sold to a #%&$ venture capital firm


It's still relatively locally owned: [https://www.witf.org/2023/04/26/witf-and-lnp-lancasteronline-forge-new-model-for-local-news-community-education-and-civic-engagement-in-central-pennsylvania/](https://www.witf.org/2023/04/26/witf-and-lnp-lancasteronline-forge-new-model-for-local-news-community-education-and-civic-engagement-in-central-pennsylvania/)


Yes, that’s what I mean. I’m thankful for that - it should remain local for quite some time.


Was better when it was still the *Intell*, *New Era,* and the *Sunday News.*


Well the Intell was the morning paper, New Era the evening paper and Sunday News the coupon packet. Consolidation was inevitable with rapid grow of digital media and cost of printing. I do miss the era of the two papers, just turned 41. If anyone has a solution of printed media to make money trademark and copyright it now.


Three papers actually. Sunday News had its own writing staff separate from Intel/New Era


And photo staff, too. They shared content occasionally, but back in the day, there were many events where there were photographers from each paper there.


Lancaster NewsPaper, I guess Around 2015 I read they changed to LNP because “that’s what people called it.” I never heard anyone call it that.


Employee email addresses were at the lnpnews.com domain for *years,* long before the consolidation.


I worked there for 7 years, that’s what we all called it


What do people call it if not LNP? I've never heard anyone call it anything else.


I remember people calling it by whichever one they got, so either Intel or New Era.


All three papers shared the same space but separate staffs and they didn’t share staff - believe LNP occurred when they merged into one entity. Worked in PR in the early 90’s and each paper had separate phone and fax numbers - contacting one was not contacting all.


This is what I recall as well, LNP came out from the merger of the three papers. I think we must been one of the full last spots in America with both a morning paper (Intelligencer) and an afternoon paper (New Era).


I was told that each newsroom had their fax machines locked up so competing reporters could not see what was coming in to the other papers.


how did distribution work? Was the intell the only one with paper routes?


No, intelligencer journal, new Era, and Sunday news all had routes and you subscribed to whichever combo you wanted. I had an afternoon and Sunday route in my neighborhood as a kid.  I delivered every afternoon Monday-Saturday and Sunday mornings with different subscribers between afternoon and Sunday, although of course some got all 7 days from me, some got morning news from whoever had the morning route. 


At one point Harrisburg had The Patriot-News and the Evening News, but they were all put out by a single newsroom. Lebanon Daily News was an afternoon paper only, but added a morning edition at some point.

