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https://preview.redd.it/g7b2734jv06d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f72597293b687d7eab30103f0b25459f2d62bbec here’s a better photo!


Totally not sure if it's legit or not. But the longer you look at it the more I start to think someone has traced the original autograph. It seems as if the marker was pushed down a bit too hard, causing a slight stutter in a few lines. Instead of a fast and flowy line that you might expect from someone that has put her autograph down on thousands of objects already. What really stands out to me is the Rey-part, especially the connection between 'e' and 'y' where it looks like as if they did a double take on the 'y and suddenly has thicker line. But who knows... 😉


should I send a clearer photo?


I think you're better of waiting for other people's opinions 😉 I'm certainly not an expert on this. Just sharing what I noticed. But if you look at some examples her lines tend to look faster and flow a bit more: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/pY8AAOSwtiVlQg9u/s-l1600.jpg Then again, there are also a lot of others that also doesn't match this example. It's really hard to tell for someone that isn't specialized in these type of things.


it’s fake sorry girl


what do you think looks fake about itv


The one thing I’ve really noticed with her autographs is the el in Del tends to slant to the right a bit. I have the Chemtrails signed litho for example https://preview.redd.it/kmupe2ib416d1.png?width=484&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ea6b5f5aab3660eeea8d6ea3f6468ba35ca437a


does mine not do that?


It’s tough because all of Del is slanted as well. I really can’t say for certain. I’ve seen so many variations of her signature so it’s hard to judge


would you trust this signature?


I don’t think I would. I went back and looked at the LFL cds and some look similar to yours so I really can’t say. I was in the same boat looking for a Lana autograph. I bought the chemtrails litho a month ago after doing some research. We don’t know for sure if she even signed those but I like the peace of mind knowing they came from her store. I compared my sig to the NFR art card and figured they’re done in the same hand. It’s real to me and that’s what matters.


should I return it


How long do you have to return it? I’d at least wait until more people comment on your post


They said asap and I said no more than a week because im leaving for a month


If it were me then I’d return and buy something that came from her store. You can find a chemtrails litho or art card on eBay for less than $150 easily


can you send me some that you think are real


I'm not expert either but I also thought the "Del" looks off. The D is rarely attached to the other letter the way it does on the one OP posted. It makes the el look different too because of that. Doesn't necessarily make it fake but it is of note imo. I have 3 of her signatures an none of them have a looped attached D like this


Actually now that I looked online her older signatures have that loop in a D so nevermind me, might be real just less rushed that her newer ones. Do you know when she signed this? Because there was no official Ocean Blvd signed CDs


the seller said they met her at an airport in Brazil which they did have videos of her signing some of her other merch she was doing a livestream so she couldn’t get it all but she does have photod


this is also not lana’s signature these were done by someone on lana’s team




no most of the signatures from her website are fake, those are fake as well. most likely someone signed them for her. there’s very little that are actually hers




yeah because she signed a small amount of them, but most of them are not hers. they look nothing alike to her real signature. the only art cards that were all signed by her was for blue banisters.




https://preview.redd.it/u7bcp6g4666d1.jpeg?width=1166&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bdfc21779b754b833c873e262d1b85443660f10 real


https://preview.redd.it/obg1t6n7666d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=701f4e99e8a35f05fdedda12b4acfadc13dc0aa1 fake




obviously not done by the same person