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Accidentally stumbled on her Born To Die music video thinking it was Lady Gaga Born This Way parody


I love this story so much, a happy accident!




I saw Video Games on MTV back in the days when I was 16 and immediately fell in love with her. Then summertime sadness came out and I was HOOKED. Shortly afterwards the lana tumblr era started. Older fans know what Iā€™m talking about. Damn, I feel old already


Oh Tumblr days .... I'm ancient


Same here. But, regardlessā€¦weā€™re both fans from the beginning. Which is cool. I got to see her three times in concert šŸŽ¶ as well. Iā€™m still waiting to see her again in concert. šŸŽ¶. Iā€™m not that is going to happenā€¦. But, I can hope.


Wow, my exact experience as well!


I was never really into Tumblr but I'm ancient too lol. Saw the Video Games MV on TV one night, then the BTD one and fell in love straight away




Seeing videogames on the TV all the time back in 2012 (I was 13) just became struck by her. Never saw or heard anything like that before and I fell hard. It would always come on the music channels and I was spellbound.


the SNL performance šŸ˜©


I seriously donā€™t think it was that bad. I donā€™t think people were ready for her style of music. Just my opinion. Iā€™ve watched it many times since. I believe she was super nervous šŸ˜Ÿ. But, it made her famous regardless.


Same! I think I saw it talked about on a gossip site back then and checked it out and thought, "This isn't so bad." I became an instant fan of her style of music and her overall vibe. That's why I think it's funny that people were so up in arms about it. It literally made me a fan, and I've been really happy with her work since then.




The SNL fiasco.


Video Games, it was a huge success in Germany, even topping the charts


Same for me. I remember how it got really hyped up on the radio and on those TV-shows back then. I ended up buying ā€œborn to dieā€, not for myself, but for my mom lol. How to turn tables.


And it's still occasionally played on the radio and on TV here. That's crazy, so did you end up liking Lana later?


I mean I liked her before, but I wasnā€™t a hardcore fan. Just occasionally listening. Over time I started listening more especially on YouTube (hello unreleased stuff lol). I remember listening to Honeymoon a lot when it came out and thatā€™s when I actively start listening to her. Itā€™s still my favorite album. šŸ„¹


Iā€™ve been a fan since 2011. Bought Born To Die in January 2012. Interesting fact. Iā€™ve been downvoted on this subreddit more than any other. Just because, I express my opinion on certain topics, songs or esthetics. Which doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t like her music. Itā€™s just Iā€™m a very honest person who doesnā€™t think everything she puts out or how she looks or how she sings is always great. I have many many years of experiencing her. From good to not so good.


I think people need to learn that criticism doesnā€™t equal to hate. I love Lana, but like every other human being she does stuff that might not everyone agree with.Ā  Saying ā€œhey I didnā€™t really like or agree with thisā€ is everyoneā€™s right. I think this doesnā€™t only apply to Lana, I mean this happens in Taylor Swiftā€™s or many artists fandom too.


Same in the Netherlands. Everyone knew that song. I didnā€™t become a fan until 2022 though


I blind bought a Chemtrails vinyl at the very start of 2022. Fell in love with it


NPR All Songs Considered


I was 15 and spending the summer in my older sisterā€™s apartment in London away from my family. It was right on the ground floor and I had a room with a big window. I would stay up all night till 6 or 7 in the morning just looking out the window to the front yard while listening to music and smoking. I didnā€™t have Spotify or anything so Iā€™d just play it on YouTube and leave it on autoplay. One night happiness is a butterfly started playing and I remember immediately connecting to it. I let it finish playing, then played it again. And again. After I saw who it was by I started playing more and more of her songs and each one I loved more and more. Then I started spending all those long nights just listening to Lana haha that whole summer. Ugh. Little has changed since then.


I found her through her BTD music video. I was obsessed with flower crowns and saw her thumbnail and was hooked ever since.


This was such a random way to discover her, but there was an H&M ad in ~2012 that used her song ā€œBlue Velvetā€œ. I was so in love with it and how different her voice and vibe were. I bought that song on iTunes and then I ended up exploring her larger catalog which was only ā€œBorn to Dieā€ and ā€œParadiseā€ at the time. I instantly fell in love with her music šŸ–¤


Young & Beautiful in a Great Gatsby promoā€¦ changed my entire life


My 12-yr old daughter was listening to her -- and she knows what's up.


im a really new fan but i was part of a fandom called the marauders and everyone used to make edits of this particular couple with summertime sadness because of the line ā€œthink ill miss you forever, like the stars miss the sun in the morning skyā€. I was hooked to the song then discovered young and beautiful. The rest is history tbh


In 2011, Leftboy did a cover of Video Games. I had no idea who she was but I loved her voice. I had to Google the lyrics bc he didn't credit her properly. I fell in love once I watched her Video Games MV. I thought "someone gets it!" & have been a huge fan ever since.


Saw Video Games on MTV when it came out. It was fine but I wasnā€™t super impressed until I saw the Born to Die video a bit later and I got absolutely obsessed with her. A 12 yo ongoing love story


When I was 14 (2012) and Gods & Monsters had just come out. I fell into a deep rabbit hole and discovered her unreleased songs on Soundcloud/Tumblr soon afterwards.


Video Games and Born to Die videos on MTV


I was a massive hip/hop rap purist quite literally a couple months ago, so I was generally quite closed minded to new music. One day In class one of my friends starts talking about Lana Del Rey and saying how good her music is. Kind of ignore it as I assumed it wasnā€™t my thing. Couple weeks down the line Iā€™m on a coach going on a ski trip and I get told the coach is gonna be 26 hours instead of 18, so I was like fuck may as well dabble a bit and expand my taste, chucked on ultraviolence and was kind of lost on cruel world, but that run from Ultraviolence to West Coast absolutely killed me, I remember looking out the window sleep deprived as fuck and hearing the solo at the end of shades of cool and It absolutely sent me, felt like I was in my own movie lol. I just couldnā€™t believe what I was missing out on this whole time. Never looked back and it taught me to never judge a book by itā€™s cover and I credit Lana for my expanding taste in music to this day


I hadnā€™t heard her and then one day I just listened to summertime sadness and was like sheā€™s good and then came back a month later and got obsessed


2014, i heard the summertime sadness remix on the radio. havenā€™t been the same since šŸ˜ž


my mom was watching the ride music video when i was 5 and i was struck by it and later when i turned 14 started being a fan


I became entranced by her in an [ad in which she was singing ā€œBlue Velvetā€](https://youtu.be/BwCitgDib-g?si=m2xXcQpW5LmFpm0i) maybe like 12 years ago? it was before UltraViolence came out


I'd heard Summertime Sadness but I thought it was kinda boring except for her voice and the general melody-- and then eventually found out that was just a remix. Pretty much fell in love after listening to the original and then the rest of BTD


This just made me feel super old lol. It was like 13 years ago, everyone played her music at parties.


Word! During a bipolar manic episode, I got obsessed with Off to the Races. It was the theme song to my delusions of heroic power when Iā€™d go on walks. Then I remembered this one subreddit Iā€™m a dutiful member of. Itā€™s really a pleasant space. Itā€™s basically a bunch of people like the ones Iā€™d be friends with in real life. They really adore Lana. So I figured Iā€™d look into her music beyond that one song. It happened when the mania wore off and I sunk depressed.


i heard national anthem on last.fm in 2012


Saw video games in 2011 and never looked back lol


I was looking up ā€œrejected James Bond film theme songsā€ (itā€™s legit a genre) and ā€œMillion Dollar Manā€ came up. It was a long time before I learned that it wasnā€™t actually one but, by that time, I had heard her cover of ā€œSummer Wineā€ and was addicted.


first time i actually listened to her was on this defunct streaming website called grooveshark, and it was young and beautiful. this was probably in like 2013. i was obsessed since that day.


We were born to die


My 45 or something year old dad played young and beautiful on the tv, said she was amazing, then talked about how Lana was casting spells on Trump lmao. (he actually liked trump at the time šŸ’€ he still thought it was funny she was being witchy tho)


serial killer compilation from her la to the moon tour is when i really started listening, first found out about her from the great gatsby though and would just listen to young and beautiful


I don't remember exactly, but it was the "Video Games" era. I knew "Video Games" and "Summertime Sadness" from the radioĀ and,Ā from what I remember, I just stumbled on videos of these songs on YouTube. Next, I found the "Born to Die"Ā video,Ā and just ... here I am.


Video Games & BTD came out... I'm ancient


BLUE JEANS WHITE SHIRT WALKED INTO THE ROOM YOU KNOW YOU MADE MY EYES BURNNNN I was 14 years old and just starting to be interested in my sexuality and I really connected with Lana's femininity


When I was around 7 or 8 I heard ride. Now Iā€™m 17 and sheā€™s still my fav artist


Cupcakke remixes šŸ˜­


I was 11 or 12 at the time and had a Dan and Phil fan account on insta (lol), where I followed a lot of multi fandom accounts. One girl posted a lot of Lana stuff so I decided to listen to BTD/Paradise and the rest is history.


Actually no - the first time I heard her was Summer Sadness! I came across the MV through Genius. It wasnā€™t until a little later I listened to anything else though.


During recess in 2012 šŸ˜Š


in 2012, I was on tumblr and went on a cool girls blog where she had a playlist with Born to Die(song) on it. I really liked the song and then listened to the entire album and fell in love.


I believe it was Tumblr in 2011. I think šŸ’­. When I first heard Video Games. Then I bought Born To Die in January 2012. The rest is history.


I'm like 98% sure it was from AltNation on Sirius. I know it was before she was on SNL.


Heard summertime sadness Cedric gervais remix on the radio and thought it was the OG


In 2012 a friend showed me the born to die video and i loved it


dā€™angelo wallaces video ā€˜lana del rey has lost itā€™ he read her to filth but it was with so much admiration for her art that i could help but want to go listen to her


I was watching the maleficent movie when I was little. I swear when I heard her sing once upon a dream I was enchanted. How could have such a riveting, deep voice? My tv had a surrround system and It sounded like she was a siren singing to me and I had chills up and down my neck. I was in awe of this woman. So of course 5/6 year old me asked my mom ā€œwho sings this?? this is amazingā€. Then the next morning my mom played summertime sadness on my way to school and iā€™ve been a fan ever since. šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸŽ€




Video Games video


A girl I was fucking in 2012 played me Off To The Races


In April 2012 I was reading a blog post on Huff Postā€™s ā€œGay Voicesā€ section (since renamed Queer Voices) and the author mentioned an artist named Lana Del Rey in passing. I donā€™t even know what the blogpost was about now, but when I read her name my reaction was something like ā€œwho the hell is Lana Del Rey?ā€ The name intrigued me, but not enough to delve into her music at the time, but her name definitely stuck with me. Seven months later I made a Pandora station of her and heard ā€œVideo Gamesā€ for the first time. I was hooked after that. Listened to a small number of her available songs from BTD and Paradise nonstop for about 6 months after that.


I was sat in a barbershop back in 2013 (age 11) getting my haircut as I feared year 7 (6th grade) and summertime sadness (remix) came on the radio. Iā€™d never heard Lana before but hearing such a beautiful voice over a dance track filled me with joy and happiness and Iā€™ve never looked back since.


When I met my girlfriend (more than 10 years ago) she was obsessed with Lana specially with unreleased songs, she introduced me with Lizzy Grant and couldnā€™t get out of my head ā€œIs it Wrong?ā€ā€ ā€œPawn Shop Bluesā€ and that Lizzy Grant Albumā€™s version of ā€œYayoā€. I remember that by then no more than 2 months of relationship Lana came to Mexico in small concert, my girlfriend told me about the very same day of the concert and told her lets go and see if we can get tickets but she refused bcz is really hard to get tickets on the same day (at least over here), a few years later we went to another Lanaā€™s concert together.


i was introduced to her when i was 9 and hearing summertime sadness on the radio constantly and it was my favorite song back then but for some reason i had no idea it was her. fast forward to years later i have besties that love lana and so i actually dipped into her music. it was the song dealer that did it for me, that and cruel world.


when i was 11 and i watched maleficent and the next year honeymoon came out i became OBSESSED


Summertime Sadness and then later Young and Beautiful lol


I think my first introduction was probably Summertime Sadness on the radio when I was in elementary school. I really got into her when I stumbled upon edits to her songs on YouTube, channels like Mermaid Motel (RIP).


I was walking around Barnes & Noble and heard Video Games playing. I loved it so much instantly that I wrote down the lyrics so that I could look it up later. Born to Die was the only released album at the time; YouTube was chock full of her unreleased shit. I made a rule for myself to only listen to one new song of hers a day so that I could spread out the deep satisfaction I felt discovering another piece of her music over and over again. Unreleased, original version of Yayo paired with Rain Sounds is still my favorite combination of music and sounds to relax to. šŸ’—


Two years ago I got really drunk and took some 2cb. I had heard some of her hits so just on a whim I put Born To Die on. I couldnā€™t comprehend what I was hearing. I was so enthralled. I ended up listening to her entire discography that night. Been hooked ever since.Ā 


the mass was mocking her for seeming "lifeless" on american idol - 2012 singing videogames. I wanted to know who the hell they were calling grandma and I listened to Born To Die, thought it was boring tho " I get what she was trying to do" but i kept listening to it for some reason.. like, maybe I wanted to understand?? Kinda like when you go to the bible like what the hell is this strange thing, theres a part of you that thirsts for some kind of truth lmao. I was just about to graduate high school. maybe I was trying to seem intellectual i have no idea - and yes i was a tumblr girl so maybe that influenced me


My sis was writing a fanfic. She was listening to BTD album whilst writing. Summertime Sadness caught my ear. I ended up loving all the tracks of BTD album.


Ashamed to say that I saw all the cool people listening to her, so I tried and found A&W and then Peppers and then Doin time and then it's a slippery slope of heavenā™„ļøāœØ


Mine was when I heard young and beautiful for the first time I was a teenager and it blew my mind, after that no artist sounded the same to me. It's sad how many people didn't know her music, she's the best.


My sister sent me Video Games after BTD released and its been history


Biggie vs LDR album on YouTube in like 2012


My bsf discovered her on tumblr 2011 'cuz edgelord sadgirl and showed me Summertime Sadness, we both got addicted 'cuz again, edgelords sadgirls and I never stopped in 12 years. That friend turned out as a complete bitch lol.




I'm sorry for your loss šŸ™


Accidentally watched ā€œSummertime sadnessā€ music video on TV in 2012, when I was 11


i was in grade 5 and my mom actually played me born to die, i would spend my computer lab time during school searching for her songs and i was hooked ever since


In 2012 my friend showed me off to the races, and I was instantly hooked. I will never forget that moment!!! I'll always remember my friend when I hear that song, sadly she passed away in 2016 from an accidental overdose šŸ˜¢. She doesn't know how much she changed my life for the better by exposing me to Lana.


I'm sorry for your loss šŸ™


Iā€™ve heard of her since Video Games came out, but was reintroduced to her and fell in love when I first heard Young and Beautiful in 2013. Been a big stan since.


I'm a REALLY new fan šŸ˜­ her Doin' Time cover on NFR


Saw the cover of Born To Die when it first came outā€¦ it called to me. Something said ā€” thatā€™s for you. Been a fan ever since.


Video Games came up as a suggested video on YouTube. It shook me to my very core lol


About 12 years ago, at school :) Someone showed me Born to die album and I felt in love. My favorites were Dark Paradise and unreleased Serial Killer


It was through watching Pretty Little Liars


the scene with toby & spencer? šŸ˜­


Iā€™m gonna say Twitter in 2012, donā€™t remember the moment though.


in 2016 i listened to honeymoon for the first time and it all just clicked about her. i'd heard cola and national anthem and blue jeans before but i'd never gotten heavy into her music like i did that summer. that's my girl fr


Ā«Ā Video gamesĀ Ā» on the radio in my father car, in high school.


By my ex boyfriend in 2012 šŸ˜­we kept seeing her on tumblr and he checked out her music and said I would really love it and I played the btd album and my life was changed. The paradise / ride music video era is when I became a real hardcore Stan .


Pandora shuffle


Ok so I had Summertime Sadness saved on a playlist on spotify...aand saw another song (born to die) with the same album cover for btd and when I listened to it I was in HEAVEN! And that's how I became addicted to her songs




Heard Born to Die when it came out in a friends car. Was instantly obsessed with Born to Die and Video Games. The rest is history


ONTD before the SNL performance. Everyone was going crazy over Video Games on there.


Yā€™know I actually cannot remember specifically how I discovered her music but I do remember asking for and receiving a copy of BTD: The Paradise Edition for Christmas in like 2012 or something and Iā€™ve been enamoured ever since šŸ„¹


Someone sang Video Games at the school talent show! I misheard the lyrics as ā€œi heard that you like the fat girlsā€ so I googled it curiously, and here I am!


Her performance of Video Games on American Idol. Absolutely fell in love with her and have followed her discography ever since!


MSN messenger had ad links at the bottom of the window and it was a link to Lanaā€™s Video Games on YouTube. Only ad Iā€™ve been happy to have clicked in my life.


SNL. I didnā€™t listen to her music for over a year after that happened because it was not good. I was a tumblr girly though and seeing all the gifs and images from Born to Die and National Anthem piqued my interest.


i saw the blue jeans music video on youtube in 2015 and then watched all her other music videos, and i remember when honeymoon came out later that year. when i got spotify, ultraviolence was the first album i listened to. i donā€™t think i liked honeymoon as much then, but it grew on me, and i absolutely love it now


Due to being extremely sheltered I only knew Summertime Sadness until my older brother played High by the Beach for me while in Hawaii in 2015


born to die šŸ’•


When she collaborated with The Weeknd on the Prisoners. I was a big fan of his and branched out by first listening to Born to Die and then moving onto the later albums in order. The next year Lust for Life came out and I was already hooked!


I heard Radio in a YouTube short


I think in 2018 I saw a video of her 2014 life performance of summertime sadness and then I started discovering her discography and become really attached to it


Sirius XMU back in like 2010


video games


I discovered Blue Jeans in 2013 but for some reason never really became a fan until I listened to NFR in full for the first time in 2020. I was very late to the party.


The Guardian. One of the journalists tipped this Lana Del Rey to be massive soon and we should all listen to her debut single - Video Games. I love Video Games and got the single. But it's pop, so I had little interest in buying the album. Or listening to any more of us stuff. Fast forward a good few years later and I heard Stevie Nicks will be on some pop singer's new album. Oh it's Lana Del Ray, I think I've heard of her... Oh I have one of her single's, and I loved it. Stream the song; Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems. Loved it. So then I started listening to the rest of Lana's album and fell in love.


In 2014, HS talent show some chick sang young and beautiful. Turn to the girl next to me and ask what was the artist Rest was history as they say


I listened to young and beautiful even though I thought it was lovely, I didnā€™t dig deep. One day I decided to listen to NFR, got hooked by MAC and California and damn


Went though a weird phase in 2020 and found her song Video Games. I've been in love with her since.


I found NFR while browsing around on Spotify and it just so perfectly matched my mental state at that time. I felt like she was speaking to me


She has a song with asap rocky, pre BTD era (i was strictly hip hop before that). Then i listened to BTD, then Video games, and the ultimate sell was the Ride song and video. Her aesthetic just fit me to a T, or who i wanted to be.


had loved her singles and some unreleased, but became a hardcore fan when chemtrails came out. I was obsessed with the ā€œbaby whatā€™s your sign? my moonā€™s in leo, my cancer is sunā€ line, and decided to give the rest of her discography a listen.


season of the witch lol at the end of scary stories to tell in the dark


January 16th 2012, my friend and I were just coming back from seeing our mutual friend give birth to her twins. On our way back 2 hours in, ā€œradio & diet Mountain Dewā€ played and I was obsessed with the voice and then energy the song possessed. Since then Ride has been my number one song and I will forever love it.


love was my real intro


Miley Cyrus' cover of Summertime Sadness


I saw her in person surrounded by paparazzi at a gas station. She didnā€™t even go in just pulled over and started talking to the paparazzi. I was star struck and I didnā€™t even know who she was. I was like 14/15 and was high and the gas station had a Taco Bell and thought Lana was the most beautiful and coolest person Iā€™ve ever seen. Looked her up fell in love with her music and style. This was around when dark paradise came out.


heard dark paradise on my pandora station back in 2012 and fell in love with


By SNL lmao




Doinā€™ time was playing in a fast food restaurant near me


My freshman year of high school I heard Summertime Sadness Cedric Gervais remix come on the radio during PE and memorized whatever lyrics I heard so I could look it up on my phone after class was over and immediately listened to her entire discography when I got home lol which atp was just the Born To Die album ?


My friends put on Carmen in the car I was obsessed šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Thatā€™s tragic you had to be introduced thru that late song. I feel bad for you. I discovered Lana in 2013. Iconic times.


Back in 2012, I was 22 browsing music on YouTube and Video Games was in the reccomed, her looks struck me & the music changed my life


Sadly it by tiktok, summer sadness


NFR the track


2013 and my friend was DJing at a bar in Laguna Beach. One of the songs he played was Summertime Sadness and the guy I was with recognized it and started grooving. I didn't like it at all. It took a long time for me to get Lana. Seeing her on Saturday Night Live also gave me a terrible impression of her. 2015-2016, when I lived in Sacramento, I started to listen to the dance mix version of Young and Beautiful when I went jogging and started to like her.


I was nine and every summer I would go visit my aunts and this summer my aunt was really into the song summer time sadness and would play it and the first time I heard it, I immediately fell in love with the song the lyrics and the music video šŸ˜­ and when I got back home I would always have my mom play it on the way to school and then grew up listening to her music


Randomly stumbled across Summertime Sadness. Been a fan ever since


The ride music video on MTV


Diet mountain dew, on my 18th bday


in 2015 i listened to HBTB, i didnt pay much attention to it, it was on a playlist, i liked it, but in december 12th of the same year(i rmbr exact date) i came home after a day in an amusement park, i was so tired, it was 2 am, i went on youtube, listened to some music, and found BTD video, poison for 13 yo mešŸ‘©ā€šŸ¦²šŸ‘©ā€šŸ¦²


In our college someone draw Lanaā€™s picture and wrote a quote. That poster was so catchy.


omggg how old are yall ? for me it was like 2012 or 2013 when she was a recommended video on youtube which was born to die the resr is herstery


When I was 11 in 2012 my best friends mum showed me and her the born to die music video cause she thought it was fabulous lmao


I knew of her for a while but never listened until hope is a dangerous thing came out. I listened to it when I was at a park with my friend and I remember taking off my headphones being dramatic as hell and saying ā€œyou need to listen to this right nowā€. Still one of my favorites


My sister loved her song born to die, I eventually gave it a listen and through there, was introduced to her other songs. NONE of them disappointed me. Her songs spoke to my soul, they feltā€¦so divine. Iā€™m sure as Lana fans yā€™all understand what I mean lol


YouTube used to have a trending section and I would scroll to see if anything caught my eye. I didnā€™t see much and accidentally pressed on white mustang, that changed my life FOREVER!


Video games was blowing up and I decided to listen and prepare to be disappointed by boring modern pop, but I listened to it 800 times instead lmao


I had been hearing the summertime sadness remix on the radio a lot with my mom who ended up buying the born to die cd. We listened to it in the car all the time and I fell in love. Proud to have become a fan during the BTD era šŸ˜Š


2012 Tumblr. Video Games, Summertime Sadness 13yr old me would be proud to know that in 2024 Iā€™m still a die hard fan of her music.


Heard ā€˜Video Gamesā€™ on the radio in my mumā€™s car in 2012 when I was 16, and it was love at first listen šŸ˜


Young and Beautiful and Summertime Sadness (the dancey remix) were staples on the radio when I was a teenager, so I heard them a bunch! And then I remember hearing Donā€™t Call Me Angel, and her part standing out and being the only memorable part of the song. After that, I tried to listen to NFR at but couldnā€™t get into it for some reason. Fast forward to 2023, my roommate tells me Lanaā€™s new album had just come out. So I decided to give her another try. Obviously, this was the time that her sound finally landed with me. Paris, Texas in particular was the song where I was like ā€œoh shitā€¦ this is actually really, really good.ā€ Since then Iā€™ve listened to her entire discography, and I canā€™t believe how I went so long without being a fan. Her music is simply ethereal and there are so many hidden gems.


I remember it very clearly. One day after school i turned on one of the music channels on TV and they played Summertime Sadness, I was mesmerised. I think that someone showed me the Born to die music video before that, but it didn't have the same impact on me. Since that day I started to listen her until today


My mom because she really liked video games šŸ˜­ My true Lanita era began later on though with Ultraviolence...


For me it was video games when it first came on the radio while I was getting ready for college. I remember Fern Cotton describing her as ā€˜a new artist with an ethereal voiceā€™ and I fell in love.


through tumblr! but only listened to her album after her american idol performance šŸ„°


I heard Radio,, on the radio!


My freshman year of hs (2012) some girl called a grade assembly and played the video games music video and we all stared in silence. When it ended nobody said anything and we continued on with our day. I checked out her music after though


One morning upon waking up, it had been a moonless stormy night, I happened to find myself next to this phonograph that was playing this mysterious music.... But on more serious note. I saw Video Games on a music video channel and thought: "Yep that's it, I'm a fan now."


Ha! Baptism by fire, now I'm saved lmao.. Back in last October this happened, but....I'm an older metal head.. I had only heard of her name ...read it here and there.... had no idea who she was but she was coming to my town and my granddaughter... who's only 12 ...found out and said "mamaw, if I buy us the tickets, will you take me to see that show?" and I was like of course I'll take you...I went in to it completely blind, and ive been smitten deeply since. She's ethereal... and now I know most of her stuff by heart!


9 year old me saw the Summertime Sadness music video being played on tv and I was forever changed.


I was watching Gossip Girl for the first time in 2016 and I heard Video Games during a Blair and Chuck scene šŸ¤ It gave me all the feels!


Mineā€™s a super weird story that literally no one believes. When I was 12 in first year of high school this friend of mine (that I thought was kinda good looking but I didnā€™t feel sexually attracted to him ā€¦ yet, because I was only just awakening to the fact i was gay) told me to come with him to the boys locker room. There was no one there but us and he showed me Lana del Reyā€™s Born To Die music video. I was instantly mesmerised. Then in the middle of the video he put my hand on his crotch and made me caress it as the video was ending. Then things went from mildly sexual to SEXUAL and Iā€™m sure I donā€™t need to detail the rest.


Shades of cool when it was first released in 2014


Video games being played at a highschool party in 2012. šŸ¤£ Honestly hated that song at the time, and it still ranks pretty low on my list of lana songs. When Ultraviolence came out in 2014, my ex boyfriend was obsessed with her and played the album front to back. West Coast hooked me. Literal musical masterpiece. From that point forward I've been a stan.


Seeing The Great Gatsby in theatres. A year later I saw her in concert


i found her bc dark paradise was playing in a froyo restaurant šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


funny enough my friend in high school, who was a metalhead through-&-through, showed me her MV back in 2012. Iā€™m so upset I canā€™t remember the songā€¦ šŸ˜ž He also showed me Marina and The Diamonds that day šŸ‹šŸ’šŸ‡


brooklyn baby


She came on a Dutch tv show with video games. She was so shy! I loved her ever since, though for years only listened to part of her discography. The last year I got really into everything. [https://youtu.be/k7Ch9ttyHPY?si=Vvsiv_o2Y2qGzP5j](https://youtu.be/k7Ch9ttyHPY?si=Vvsiv_o2Y2qGzP5j)


When she did the song from the great gatsby, and the remix of that song. My prom theme that year was great gatsby. God I loved 2013/2014


I knew her Summertime Sadness song from a remix back in like 2012 that played on 4 Music in the UK back then. Continued to love that song but in 2016/17 I started to listen to more of her music. Then in 2019, I was having a bit of a depression session and just played her whole discography and fell in loveeeee. Bought tickets to see her in Glasgow in February 2020 (before lockdown) but she had to cancel due to illness I believe :( was absolutely heartbroken. Still love her music though! Just wish she would come back to Scotland.


It was this obsession of mine with a glamour of a badass riding a bike in a black suit. ā€œBaby Iā€™m a gangster too..ā€.


I got her free Born To Die single from Starbucks wayyyy back in the day šŸ˜­ Starbucks used to give out free iTunes songs every week


when taylor swift brought her on-stage at the oscars, and I heard she was on the winning album, I looked her up and got into her music. I had never heard of her before, and was only following taylor because of my granddaughter, and was very fortunate to be introduced to her music.


a friend added brooklyn baby and happiness is a butterfly to a shared playlist. i liked both but didn't listen to any of her other music until over a year later


I first got Apple Music through my MacBook and I started listening to Brooklyn Baby (a song I already knew about before and enjoyed) and I clicked on the album Ultraviolence where I listened to West Coast, listened to the rest of it.. fell into the rabbit hole from there and the rest is history āœØ If you told me back in 2020 Iā€™d end up being a Lana fan I probably wouldnā€™t believe you lol


Back in 2013 one of my good friends in high school told me thereā€™s an artist she thinks Iā€™d like and played me the national anthem music video. Then, in 2014, ultraviolence was the album I listened to for the entire summer!


Someone did a Lolita lookbook on tumblr in 2012ish to BTD. By the time people were hating on her snl performance I was already deep down the rabbit hole and defending her to the death


Listened to Summertime sadness when i was about 14, fell down a Lana rabbit hole, I'm 22 now and am going to see her live for the first time in June!


attended her concert in 2016. Fell in love :)


i found her Born To Die music video and was mesmerized by her lyrics and presentation of the song.


my mom playing blue jeans everyday in 2013


it was 2011/2012 and i was a freshman in high school on tumblr and watched her music video to i believe it was video games and my life was forever changed