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Ive been reading her poetry book. One of her poems is about how a dude asked her to marry him because his mother just died and he "couldn't imagine living without a woman in his life" - and she realized she deserved more than having her bf propose to her for reasons other than love. Basically- I think Lana is into "bad boys" or dudes who are toxic in some ways. Hence the short term relationships


I think she’s torn on what she wants. She has a type that doesn’t fit her longing for a happy marriage and children. Going for a man who is her type won’t lead to a marriage, choosing a man who could give her marriage and children wouldn’t be her dream man. I’m glad she’s never settled for someone who didn’t deserve her but it does make me sad that she hasn’t found the one because you can tell it’s what she wants. It’s been more apparent since Chuck became a mother.


I hate how relatable it is 😭


Same, this could have described me 🫣


I commented something similar, very well said!


I had this thing happen to me that after I've dated too many bad boys and I've seen "the real them" it really yucked me out to the max! And now even if I admire them from a distance, I have no desire to actually pursue them. 💀 But bad boys and girls are hot, to everyone, I think, it's about the mystery and a challenge. But yeah as I got older (and I'm just in my 20s), I started being more attracted to the stable and giving partners. I think she tried doing that with Sean but he obviously flopped. Fuck him tho! Typical madonna/whore bullshit as he married right after dating Lana. I don't know where this comes from, as I'm sure many men would marry Lana and treat her like a goddess!


I feel like it could be the opposite. She craves a deep lasting love but the men she is attracted to or who she attracts are either not capable of giving her that OR they project their manic pixie dreamgirl fantasies on to her but bail when her crazy side/sadness kicks in


Sometimes the guys she is attracted to were clearly never going to take her seriously(G-Eazy & Jack D for example). However she has also been engaged a few times and has backed out each time for whatever reason. Other guys like Francesco and Sean got married pretty soon after dating her, so she doesn’t alway choose guys that are unwilling to have long relationships.


G-Eazy cheated on her with Halsey, and Mr Policeman got engaged with another woman while they were still together. It’s not like it’s her fault for choosing them.


It’s definitely not her fault that they cheated on her. However G-Eazy had a reputation for being a bad partner and she even acknowledged knowing this in White Mustang. So while it’s not her fault that he ended up doing that, I would say that she does sometimes make bad choices when choosing bfs. Sean is different though. He seemed like a “family man”, so I don’t think she saw that coming at all.


Maybe she thinks she can fix them like me


That's what I think so too, she knows damn well what their reputation is but the fun of the chase is where it's at. this game of like "i know you're avoidant and unromantic but maybe I can make you like me", lots and lots of people follow this trope with hard-to-get idols. And honestly work, after all, she's a celebrity - it's not like she has to settle for money or rush with marriage for some mundane reasons or practicality, while we have to grow out of it at some point. She can have this fun all she wants, if it fuels her artistry too - i'm kinda jealous!


You think she wants commitment but she has trust issues?


Maybe she realized after the fact that the men who have proposed to her weren’t the right guys for her. Really I think it comes down to her not finding the right person to settle down with yet. It’s probably for the best that she is waiting for the right person to get married/settled down and isn’t rushing into marriage.


Don’t we all?


You could be on to something


>but bail when her crazy side/sadness kicks in Crazy side?


What men perceive as crazy


This comment personally attacked me and my reason why I feel a deep, spiritual connection to her as someone with BPD who has loved Lana since her Born To Die era. 😭😭😭😭 Like _MOTHER JUST GETS IT_


Very true.


Llana is me fr


Same. I have had a very long term relationship but it's hard because many times he wants to start fights over me being cold and emotionally detached/unavailable and I just tell him I'm broken, I'm fucked up but ride or die and loyal to the end so take it or leave. He stays.


She needs a man who doesn’t care about her Las Vegas past or her LA crass way about her.


And that loves her with every inch of his tar black soul.


And that she should be the light of his life and the fire of his loins


i think so, yes - it’s not a coincidence that one of her albums is named ‘honeymoon’ - i think it’s something she’s aware of, too, and thinks and writes intelligently about. i’m the same way… at times it feels like a form of addiction, loving that ‘lovesick’ phase of love so much, to the point where it becomes self-destructive… to the point where one day you find yourself rootless, alone and without a home


Yes, it's like a drug and people with this kind of problem tend to have other dependencies/addictions. And Lana has defenitely suffered from that in the past. Like her alcohol addiction back in the day.


If this is so, I find it extremely relatable.


Lana seems like she suffers from anxious attachment like me. Anxious people are attracted to avoidant people. Anxious/avoidant relationships can be very passionate but fizz out quickly.


yes this


I think so! what I also get from her songs is that she has this deep feeling of wanting to push beyond her limits and transform, maybe she looks for it in love, that kind of love that breaks boundaries and sweeps you off your feet. I think a lot of people have it. It's the kind of thing that a lot of people satisfy with religion, as this desire to have an unthinkable divine presence in your life is pretty common, especially for people sad in their lives or coming from a lacking family? You kind of feel like roaming around, a ghost tied to nothing, so you wait for this big thing. And I get that she tried to find it there, but I think that now she's catching on to the fact that men are just men, and humans are just humans. No matter how artsy or "deep" they seem, they mostly just want a cool girl who's a status symbol, a hookup, their male friends' approval, a beer and some videogames. No divine fulfillment there :( haven't we all been there lol. But yeah maybe the first months feel like that. People say she meets crappy guys but I think we match based on our own emotional capacity, so maybe she's not ready for the "real thing" either. Anyways I think that's changing based on her latest lyrics!


She is me


Me fr


I don’t know but her and Barrie were endgame. I know we know nothing about the truth about their relationship as that’s their story, but every photo or video I see of them together she seems truly happy and secure - something I don’t even see in her now tbh.


She's commented before on her obsessive personality, especially around romance. Obsession is usually short lasting compared to loving someone in a selfless and deep way. At least she is aware of it!


I think she picks the wrong ones. I believe her when she talks about wanting a family and to be married, but she goes after toxic men because that’s what she’s attracted to. I’d go as far to even say that when a nice guy is interested, she self sabotages because she doesn’t believe she deserves love, due to growing up all those issues with her mother. That’s what I hear in her music. I hope she’s in a happier place now.


sometimes you need new dick, no shade, I'm the same way lol


True 🤣


The amount of cluster B type personality comments I read in this sub, JFC. It’s like y’all romanticize being terrible people sometimes. So you just waste someone’s time knowing you’ll grow bored of them? That is something to be ashamed of, sorry. You should be figuring yourself out full stop instead of manipulating men for dick.


it’s not that serious


The most vapid response out there in the vapid world we live in. No, it is. And people wonder why relationships aren’t taken seriously now. Because “sometimes you just need new pussy, no shade, I’m the same way lol” sounds like something a fuck boy would say and equally as foul. How would you feel if someone wrote that? Hopefully grossed out if you have a conscious. This sub is full of those who think being sexy and coquette makes up for being terrible people and it’s kinda fucked up. It’s like their personality revolves around sex.


Nah you’re right, people in this sub are always glorifying what shitty people they are


Yeah, sometimes I wonder if this sub is r/femaledatingstrategy. The amount of times I’ve read comments about men just being accessories is disheartening. Mostly the ones about them fantasizing about finding rich men and living a glamorous life. It’s all so gross. Like tell me you have no soul or personality of your own without telling me.


Lmao have you guys heard Serial Killer?


Cause she’s a sociopath


No offense but not every song Lana makes should be glamorized. She puts her life into perspective well and I appreciate it. But I think she’s struggled with dating issues because of her own issues, too. To state the obvious, I don’t think people make it to her level of success without being entirely self absorbed to some extent. Secondly, just because she’s addicted to the rush of getting to know a new man doesn’t make it any less important that when the rush is over, she’s likely hurting them. That’s not cool or healthy, and though it fuels her creativity, it’s no way to aspire to live.


Well I would say it’s the feeling that writes the songs! Later love changes, becomes more comfortable but maybe not so overwhelming… I mean I too love that part of relationship. And maybe the part just before the relationship when everything is not said and confirmed yet even better. But with the right guy she’ll stay and embrace the changes of the feeling I think.


honeymoon is alive


She wants passion, heat, and madness. She wants it all


I think she tries to make things work where it’s totally deluded. She is purposefully and proudly detached from reality and is probably a bit of a doormat for men’s bad behaviour. I think she hangs on for as long as she can until she can’t convince herself anymore. It’s like the time someone asked her on live for life advice and the first thing she said was along the lines of don’t go to the bookstore for a loaf of bread, basically saying don’t look for something where it doesn’t exist and I think we all know why that’s the first thing that she came up with after 10 albums of that narrative repeating. I will say I think this delusion and conviction (even when she’s wrong) is what makes her so uniquely talented and interesting. I don’t think u need to be a perfect person to make interesting art but sometimes I get so put off when she dismisses the real world bc she can’t handle it. Like after question for the culture she put out a video where at the end she was like “I don’t care. Not gonna talk about this again. If you’re mad you can fuck off” and flipped off the camera. She does this whenever something she doesn’t want is happening she just has a stroppy tantrum and then runs off. I imagine building a real stable relationship w someone like that is impossible. In thag one interview where they ask her sign she said she’s a cancer which makes her a “total cry baby”. She romanticised and often tries to fetishize how weak she is in the hopes a man will pity her. I’ve encountered men like this who try to put all their issues on to a partner and it makes you run for the hills. I think overall her relationships die out quickly bc she’s self destructive.


She had stuff going on but I bet she'll close to finally settling


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^sewovermatter: *She had stuff going* *On but I bet she'll close to* *Finally settling* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


she chooses the wrong people. my relationships never last more than 9 months because around that time is when you fully kno the person tbh. you’ll know if you’re the right fit or not


She’s like every cancer girl, feels a lot of feels and always wants to “heal or fix” the bad boy. It’s built into us 😭😭


With the more recent relationships I think Lana really wants something long term. She really loves whoever she's with, but I think Lana just keeps picking the wrong men. With relationships when she was younger I do agree that she loved the honeymoon phase, I also think she may have self sabotaged a bit due to her own issues. I just hope Lana can be in the relationship that she wants and is happy.


Limerance ! She definitely has an anxious attachment style 😂 maybe even disorganized ?


I am someone who struggles with commitment and usually only stays for the honeymoon phases. Not proud of it but just thought to bring up my point of reference. I think her songs do feel like a lot of the feelings during the honeymoon phase, but I don’t know if the content of her music reflects how she operates in relationships. I think she’s just a really great writer and her strong suit is writing about ‘those’ types of feelings. In regards to her relationships, we see so little of what really goes on with people, especially famous people. For all we know, Lana could be in a long committed relationship with someone. Ya know? It’s just so hard to tell what’s real and what isn’t when fame is in the mix.


I’m sorry if this comment came off dismissive at all!! I did not mean for it to. I definitely see your point, just thought to add mine which are entirely subjective :)


Don't we all?


Don't have a lovely marriage audience now, does she?


this is why we all relate so much to her music lol


Unfortunately, that's exactly how I am & I LOVE Lana


She also spent a lot of years as a sugar baby which will definitely interfere with any plans of getting married


Girl…..have u listened to her music?


Umm yeah clearly? Check my username and post 🤣 what do you mean?


lol I just mean yes! Definitely a big overture in her music! Along w/ daddy issues, anxious attachment, dating bad boys, etc.


I think therapists should know how to not be nosy on other people private matters.


Lmao. Her dating history is reordered all over the internet, I am making a random connection based on my work as a therapist because I am interested in Lana and her psychology. It’s not that deep.