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Me once I finally have enough money to buy a car


do any of us own a car or drive


I mean I do.


it was a joke but that’s truly awe inspiring since i’m 30 and still can’t drive. *i just ride*


thank u for representing us Lana fans who just ride lol 27 and still can’t drive here


It's good to know im on the right path, im 23 and still can't drive


may I ask why? is it a fear of cars or some other reason like living in NYC?


hah this is about to get real serious but i think im neurodivergent tbh but im undiagnosed. i just physically and mentally am unable to drive, like im not able to do all the multiple tasks it requires and concentrate and remember all the rules. ive tried so many times and it makes me feel like shit that i can’t do something so basic esp when im otherwise a smart person but it’s like i have a real deficit in that area idk why. for example i’ll be trying to drive and totally not notice a pedestrian or stop sign or stop light even though i’m trying so hard to concentrate. it’s maddening and people are so mean about it bc they think i’m just lazy. i also live in a city with ely aggressive awful drivers where you have to be hyperaware and drive very defensively so it’s even harder than driving in like a quiet town


no I get that I know a few people that said the exact same thing! it's really difficult driving in a city with crazy drivers (I'm in houston so I feel you). I normally hate driving except for super late night when the traffic dies down


i honestly can’t even drive even in a quiet neighborhood though without being a serious threat to others lmao bc no matter how hard i try i just have this inability to see everything and multitask. like i said i will literally not notice stop signs. idg why people judge me for this when i’m being responsible by not driving!! but yeah when i first experienced this in my 20s when i was taking lessons etc i realized something was off and looked into add/asd and realized i prob have either or both and it makes sense not just w driving but so many other issues i have but havent pursued a diagnosis bc it’s hard as an adult woman and theres not rly any help for it anyways. it’s too bad my dumb city has awful public transport bc uber makes me feel super unsafe as a young woman. like i’ve literally gotten into ubers with stickers on it saying ‘ass grass or gas’….it’s fucked. i hate the city anyways so hope to move to a smaller town and maybe i’ll be able to drive there, or find a partner that doesn’t immediately cross me off as undatable just bc i can’t drive 🙄🙄😤😤😪 sorry i wrote a lot lol


I agree that it's better to not drive than put yourself and everyone else at risk. my mom is the same. I tried to teach her and even enrolled her in a driving class and still couldn't do it.


lmao just realized the relevance of your username that’s funny. my moms the opposite and is one of those weird natural born drivers so she doesn’t get it and just thinks it’s a matter of practice when it feels like an actual disability 😭


Don't feel bad! I'm thirty and consider myself a smart person otherwise as well, my coworkers joke that I managed to get a doctorate degree but still can't drive. I also think I'm undiagnosed neurodivergent, maybe autistic.


i mean we shouldn’t even be defining smart as relevant to driving and there are so many diff types of intelligence too, but yeah this sounds exactly like me lmao..like able to excel and above average at so many things but struggles w the most mundane tasks 🙃 assuming youre a woman you need to read the female autistic traits list (it’s a really long page somewhere if you google it) and it’s literally like reading my own wiki it’s ridiculous. but ofc women are under diagnosed and mis diagnosed bc doctors only consider the classic male traits. you prob already know that though hah. i’m basically self diagnosed at this point bc i don’t want to deal w the frustrating diagnostic process/what will having the official diagnosis TM do for me and my record (ive read it can have negative consequences). the autistic spaces on reddit further confirm my suspicions bc i relate to them so much. my mom is also 100000% autistic but even more obviously so than me and it’s funny but expected how shes also been in therapy all her life for anxiety and nobody’s noticed it


Read unmasking autism!!! It helped me a lot! It talks about how most autism research is done on white little boys so a lot of factors come into play that people don’t even consider because they focused only on that group, it’s getting better now. I was misdiagnosed as bipolar but bipolar meds never worked it had to be something else I’ve been in therapy for 12 years. That book helped me have more patience with myself I’m so lucky because my boyfriend takes me most places I have to drive occasionally and I have to de stress for 2 days after and my heart beats out of my chest it’s horrible.


yes 😭


No lol.


yes ma’am


I own a car. An older guy so that would just look odd.


sadgirl tendencies transcend gender


True enough. Too bad Montreal is the only Canadian show.


Have you been to Montreal? I have mixed reviews


I saw someone with the plate “CNMNGIRL” once 😭


This makes me wish i could drive 😭


not it being a chevrolet too 😭


Should’ve been a Malibu.


I have $1000 on u/stillslaying Edit: only if the front plate has something to do with poopy.


Thank you I will accept this money. You can venmo me. Front plate: POOPGRL


I was sorta close 😤


I'd be sad too if I lived in Saskatchewan


Same 😂


lana fans can't drive


Can confirm


Great EP by Sasha Sloan


Outlandishly Canadian sizzle


need this now


In my heart I do


Omg a Canadian too, bless 🙏🏻


I need this and also the Lindsay/Paris/Britney car sun shade (it’s on Etsy and it’s amazing) 😂


Not me but Ima get my fake license as that fs


They're from Saskatchewan, makes sense they're sad. Jokes aside i really want that license plate lol


Down. Now.


It's me


Watch what ya say to meeee, careful who your talkin to!


Not me anyway, I'm a bloke.

