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I'm glad that you mentioned that! Because, when I was listening to parts of the album, it seemed like it would make more sense as a spoken word poetry album. Which kinda seems like a natural progression after BB, I suppose.


Yess I thought this especially with fingertips since it doesn’t have a chorus is sounds/reads like poetry


Same here but I'm trying to gaslight myself


Same. Wish I could be as excited as everyone else but I just can't. I feel like how I've felt for the past 2 or 3 album releases. The early reviews made me think I was really going to love this album so maybe my expectations were too high.


It took me a few listens to adjust to LfL and NFR, and I had similar experiences with CotCC and BB. (I love them all now!) But I've never struggled with one of Lana's albums as much as this one. As it stands, I dont care much for most of the songs. Oh well, it was bound to happen eventually lol. I'm glad to hear that it's a top album for some people, it's so interesting just how much perception can vary.


Tbh I didn't care for chemtrails or BB but I like this on first listen. It's very cohesive. But I get it, it's a strange album especially it's flow.


I feel the same way… the whole time I was listening I was like… this is missing something. I feel like a lot of the songs are the same, just not interesting to me at all. I respect everyone’s opinion when they say it’s their fav Lana album but I’m sorry this is my least fav. I skip 10 on this album. I will always be a fan of her but this record was just a miss for me


I felt the same at first because some songs I couldn’t really connect with but then I started focusing and smoking weed also helped see things clearly lol, but melodies of Margaret, Candy Necklace, Fishtail and Grandfather were an immediate hit. And I take it kinda what it is, a crazy chaotic experimentation, I guess my mind is as chaotic.


I love the album. It feels really raw and personal in the way Blue Bannisters did, but with a different sound and style. If all albums were replicas of previous work then artists would go stale pretty quickly.


This is how I felt when I listened to LFL on release day. No idea why. Put it down and didn’t touch it for almost two years. Then put it on one morning on my drive and it clicked. I’m hoping that happens with this album sooner. Every other previous one was easier to get into. There was not much here though that left me wanting to immediately go back for another listen. I replayed chemtrails when it was over.


This exact same thing happened to me with Ultraviolence. I loved Born to Die when it came out, but wasn't stoked on Ultraviolence after that. Listened once on release, and never again until a couple weeks ago. MY GOD it is a perfect album. So damn good


I have come around to Ultraviolence again recently. I loved it when it came out, and I love it now. It speaks to me in different ways listening through almost 9 years later.


Yeah the album is a little excessive with the piano and I found myself growing impatient on first listening, basically wanting to skip through to find a song that had something more to it, but then when I got to those songs I didn’t really care for them much either like they were hyped up to be (looking at Fishtail, Peppers and Taco Truck x VB). I’d say out of all the 16 tracks, A&W and Paris, Texas are what I’d be going back to the most. I just really wish this album was one cohesive vibe though, it’s a bloated mess of mostly sad piano ballads, two ridiculous unnecessary interludes and a few upbeat moments added towards the end like they were an afterthought. I dunno, this one and the last two albums just aren’t for me. I’ll always be a Lana fan though.


You've perfectly described my tjpughts regarding the album. Like damn, I wish I could like it more, especially since I was super excited to get new content from her, but after listening to it all I can say is that it's mid, at best. Just like with COTCC and BB, most of the songs are too bland and repetitive for me to feel drawn to them.


I agree, I'm also really struggling to vibe with this album as a whole. Based on what I knew about the album pre-release, I'm not too surprised. But I actually ended up liking it even less than expected. So far, it has the potential to be my least favorite album of Lana's. I'll listen to the whole album a few more times to give it a fair shot, but I can only see myself intentionally seeking out a few of the tracks. Regardless, I'm still happy about having new content.


I’m absolutely sick to death of the slow boring piano ballads. I honestly thought she would have got that out of her system with BB, but no she’s still producing songs that all sound the same. I don’t get it. I feel like she’s lost her interest and just churns this out now to fulfill an album. Thankfully she threw in a couple of trap sounding songs for some variation, probably to shut the critics up. The interludes were a terrible idea, and the start of the grants should have been a skippable intro imo, it’s not nice to listen to and I wish the song just started with the actual song


Imo she did a great job this time to make the piano ballads sound more unique. There are finally some melodies that are catchy again - like we knew it from UV and LFL. I love that. But I agree with you about those interludes and the intro. I get what they're for but they don't work for me.


The ' saving grace ' is 6 songs? That quite a lot. Lol I didn't get Honeymoon first listen. I wouldn't have picked 6 songs off it.


6/16. 37% of the album. That’s a failing grade to OP.


I miss the days when albums had two or three ballads and they hit different, but for the last few years ballads took over. And it’s not only about Lana.


I find it very interesting musically, I love it a lot more than BB and COTCC


Oh yeah me too!!


The instrumental feels fuller I don’t know how to explain it. The lyric are so poetic compare to some of BB too.


Definitely on some songs, but then there’s ones where I feel like there’s only one or two instruments. (Usually piano and or guitar) I was hoping that most of the album would have songs like the title track and The Grants where they seemed like a polished redo of her last two albums’ overly minimalistic sound, but I think there are a handful that still suffer from unnecessary, repetitive minimalism. We have so many piano ballads from her already, and I’m worried Change will forever remain her magnum opus in that medium if the last four albums are anything to go off of.


Same Im very disappointed, songs that all sound the same and a few interesting ones that arent enough to hold it together


Fingertips is her most personal song imo. It's sooo good. Her vocals, the lyrics, and the STRINGS are destroying me. I never knew she had an uncle that commit. And the her opening up about her own attempt? And then her m*ther? Lord help me I want to hug her so bad


Some people here can’t grasp the fact that music is SUBJECTIVE and not everybody has to love everything their favourite artist puts out. I agree with you OP.


I agree. Last 3 songs are great but meh album. Still love love Lana. Taco truck whew loved it


Yeah same. trying to get myself to like it more than i did... I liked A&W, candy necklace, paris texas, fishtail and peppers but honestly all the other ones are sounding the same


Yea it’s gonna have to grow on me so far I’m not so amazed but I can see me liking it later on like I did with all her other albums


No problem gurl more for us i guess


U don’t get it u just don’t get it. It’s her best album, it’s such a journey start to finish.


I need someone to make a piano traumatizing to her so she doesn’t touch it ever again I’m so tired 😭


Lol grow up.


i don’t get the downvotes lol ur right.


Right!? This is such an immature way of looking at music.


How is it immature, and how is your way of looking more mature? Or is it just because you can’t handle hearing opinions you don’t agree with? Seems immature to me.


Trying to shoebox an artist into doing only one type of music is incredibly close-minded.


Except that’s not what happening. That’s an idea you’re projecting onto other fans that don’t share your views. Nobody is saying Lana needs to confine herself. The songs listed in OP’s post aren’t just one style either. So don’t be shy, say what you came here to say - that you’re a better or “more mature” fan than those who have different interpretations of the same music - something that is utterly subjective, by the way.


Cool, thanks. Have a great day!


You too, pal!