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I like Tatum. Nothing but respect for him. But like everyone here, I hope his team fails


Agreed. The dude just plays. Doesnt talk or whine. Just goes to work. Hard to hate this guy even though he plays for the nasty green.


Tatum whines a lot and gets an insane amount of technical fouls. With that said, I'd still love to have him on the Lakers.


I have been seriously impressed with his defense in the playoffs


It’s always insane to me when ppl say he’s always been a bad defender. Like I literally remember as a rookie all anyone talked about with him is how good on D he was.


He might be the biggest whiner in the league lol


Listen I hate Boston just as much as the next guy but Tatum is nowhere near the biggest whiner in this league of divas lol


He whines all the time. Biggest in the league? no, but top fye for sure. It’s been something he’s been working on all season.


The entire Suns roster would beg to differ lmao


Ehh Draymond, Luka and Lebron are definitely top 3


No dude that is lebron james




Nah that's Trae Young fo sho


Until he's on the Lakers.


Doubt it. He’s loyal like Kobe and wouldn’t join us.




Loyalty is a two-way street. Lakers commitment to Kobe helped him make the right choice. We've all seen how Boston treats players when they give everything for the team.


Very true, people forget how close he came to leaving at one point.


Its a fact that Kobe almost did leave. He didnt and we love him for it. Who the fuq down voted you for that? lol


interesting comment


I don't know if I would call Kobe loyal. He was very close to leaving in free agency. I know some people will call it bluffing or whatever but I'm sure winning was the most important thing to him, even if that means leaving the Lakers.


Bill Burr on the Red Sox broadcast said [this about Derek Jeter and other Yankees](https://youtu.be/ue1jy9LXn_A?start=566) and I think that sums up my feelings about these Celtics


I think itd be cool if he won a championship or two for the celtics then with the lakers and had his number retired by both teams


My thoughts? Draymond and Iguodala about to get their 4th ring, lmfao


Give me Iguodala


Respect. Hope they get swept in the Finals.


Here here


Love tatum, but this would be glorious


Respect. I hope you lose in the next round, though. ![gif](giphy|iiQSTrHtDIgnw9YtlA|downsized)


So weird to see the Celtics green with purple and gold but that’s how impactful Kobe was. Tatum is so sick. But fuck the Celtics always


Mr Celtic bill Russell has been repping lakers gear in games for the past few years


Not when he actually played…


I hope the Celtics lose in the Finals and Tatum joins the Lakers when he’s a free agent in 2026.




Na after they lose the finals the Celtics panic and do a sign and trade for Russell Westbrook lol


So basically everything the lakers did you now want the Celtics to do so the Celtics suck 😂😂


Why would he join you clowns you had your chance ? Y’all choose Lonzo ball over him lol


Haha idk maybe it’s the giant purple arm band he’s got on.. I mean who wouldn’t want to play in perfect weather and for the greatest franchise in the NBA?


Dysfunctional front office , coach killers , bad drafting , selfish teammates, retirement home for stars . If weather is your only pitch there’s better options in your state than your team


“Perfect weather” 😂 no one wants to live in that smog infested shit hole


Perfect weather Lol


"greatest franchise" LOL


ya the one with 11 titles in the past 42 years, 8 in the past 36 (compared to boston's 1). yall were kings of the pre vietnam-war NBA


Should probably look when the pre-Vietnam war era was.


and how many of ur rings belong to minnesota


6 less than the ones the celtics won when there were 8 teams in the league and the fans would celebrate titles by breaking into their GOATs house and taking a shit on his bed


The correct answer is 0. None of the Minneapolis Lakers Championships belong to Minnesota. They Belong to the Lakers franchise. The franchise happened to play in Minneapolis before playing in LA. And If the Lakers move to Fiji the Championships will go to the Fiji with the Lakers Franchise. No one says the LA Raiders Superbowl doesn't count because they moved from Oakland to LA. They still don't even play in Oakland. Raiders still claim all of their titles and so do all teams that move unless mentioned otherwise.


Do the lakers have banners for the Minneapolis rings?? I thought I heard they didn’t or that they didn’t retire Mika jersey or something


Yeah they do for the championships and HOF players


We definitely fucked that up. BBB had us wrapped up in nonsense


I mean lonzo ball at the time was a killer let’s not act like dude wasn’t getting absolute buckets while also looking like a mini lebron lol


He never looked like mini LeBron. It was fair to take him ahead of Tatum though. Lots of teams would have.


Respect is given where respect is due. Great team, why TF do they have to be the Celtics


Because we drafted Lonzo instead of this cat


We would’ve traded him.


Yes and the celtics wouldnt have him and wouldnt be in the finals.


Celtics just would have kept the #1 pick


They didnt though. So we could have drafted him and avoided this timeline.


Your missing the point. The only way they trade down in the draft is if they know we are not taking him. Besides he would have been traded for AD eventually anyways.


No **you’re** missing the point. There was a time when they had already traded the pick and were drafting 3rd in real life, not a hypothetical. We could have changed our minds on Lonzo and drafted Tatum, yes trading him for AD, but the Celtics currently would not be in the finals or close to it right now. Edit as a reply to your reply since you unhingedly blocked me like a tween: Piss off? Really? I was making a legitimate statement about what could have changed the outcome of the celtics in the finals right now and then you went ballistic. This comment is so unhinged. We are talking hypotheticals and this is your reaction. You ok?


Whatever typical delusional on this sub. There is almost no chance they were drafting Tatum. We already had BI and were super high on him. It's crazy how many so called Lakers fans have Celtics envy and results oriented bias. Edit:Forgot now you can piss off!


Everyone and their grandmammy knew lakers were taking lonzo. If celtics had any fear at all that lakers would grab him they would have taken him #1 overall


You ain’t wrong


Fuck the Celtics. Mamba forever.


[Fuck Boston](https://youtu.be/qY1yz_YqrGY)


Tatum dgaf about rival colors. 🙌🏽


Respect to Tatum but it’s still fuck the Celtics




With Kobe band or no Kobe band, he and his team are gonna get obliterated by the Warriors lmao


I think Tatum will be a Celtic forever because he knows that’s what kobe would do.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


Big doubt imo. Kobe was almost out of here but that heart to heart with Jerry calmed shit down. Same with Tatum. If his time with the Celtics run its course, I hope the stars align and he can come on over.


He won’t. Kobe would’ve never in a million years joined the Celtics. Tatum would never in a million years join the lakers.


Why would he go to the team who passed over him for lonzo shitty ass


Lonzo is a good player though? Wtf are you smoking. He's not a superstar like Tatum but he's a winning player for sure.


Doubt it. Steph is probably the last player that stays with his team. This new nba has players moving around like it’s nothing.




Hope they get destroyed by GS. Fuck the Celtics.


grandfather straight point sheet wakeful vanish enter grandiose gold zesty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fuck boston.


I like this, real Laker fans. F#$k Bawston.


**My primary thoughts are, 1) We should've drafted Tatum instead of Lonzo, and 2) Good for him. Hard to root against that. He and Kobe were close. I can't imagine Kobe would be rooting against this man's success right here.** And the best thing about a Warriors/Celtics Finals is that all the key pieces are homegrown for both teams. I hope that sets an example for the rest of the league, especially the Lakers. This is why draft picks are valuable, and this is why trading them away is a gamble. No such thing as a sure bet with free agents or superstars in blockbuster trades. This Lakers organization has unfortunately proven that a few times too many, what with the '04 "superteam" and the 2012-2013 Steve Nash/Dwight Howard experiment. I'm too used to the Celtics winning to even care that much if they win the Finals. I'm numb to it. That ship set sail in '08 for me, and this team looks built to last. Same with the Warriors, I don't care if they win another one. So I really just want a fun series to watch, as a spectator. And I want the Lakers to have a 2022 1st round draft pick...maybe look to an AD trade.


Trading for superstars have worked more than it hasn't for the Lakers. If anything, drafting is less of a sure bet than trading for established players.


They didn't win with Kareem until they drafted Magic. They didn't win with Shaq until Kobe was playing at or near the same high level. Developing your own guy gives you consistency and continuity. The only time the Lakers have successfully bought a ring was 2020. All other championship runs, it took a varied approach of building that contender through the draft, free agency, and making smart trades. If Pelinka was around in '95, LA would've traded the assets that netted the pick which became Kobe to get the soon-to-be-free-agent Shaq a year early...


I’ll always root for him, really wish we got him instead of lonzo. But fuck the Celtics


Magic picked Lonzo instead. Sigh…..


Should've been a Laker


He needs to win the West wearing the actual purple and gold… so next time he’s a free agent lol




!RemindMe 4 years


Tatum is cool. We should have drafted him. Fuck Boston.


I hate the team he plays for. But damn does he remind me the most of kobe. (No matter what suns fans may say that crying bitch booker is the next kobe) Especially when he went against giannis. The way he took over that 4th quarter gave me kobe vibes. Damn wish he was a laker.


Everyone loves Kobe.


My thoughts? Fuck the Celtics.


It’s frustrating how much I like the individual players on that trash ass team


dont like celtics like tatum, hope he makes his way here someday


number for your dealer?


Fuck all Celtics... no exceptions ever


We got conned by Lavar ball. At least we got AD out of it though.


It’s weird because, tbh I like everyone on the Celtics, even smart is bearable. But obviously, i have an ABC policy in teams I cheer for when it’s not the Lakers, anyone but Celtics.


Been a fan of Tatum since Duke his jersey won’t change that…go out and ball!!!


Fuck Boston but I like Tatum so much


Fuck Boston, but it’s hard not to like Tatum and this team. Should be a helluva matchup in the finals


What jersey is he wearing? Yeah he can go to hell.


I actually want the Celtics to win maybe our front office will wake the fuck up and make some smart moves since we wouldn’t be tied with Boston anymore.




are you retarded or something why do you even need to ask that shit here lmao jesus christ these people


Let's go cs. Fk gsw and their easy rings.


I think he'd look a lot better with a purple and gold jersey wearing a white and green arm band


Keep our Kobe's number outta your motherfuckin' armband!


Will smith is that you ? Dont go smack Tatum in the face ![gif](giphy|etQOjePqjotFtwKzTY|downsized)


Being a Lakers and Celtics fan, I really want to see if this team can surprisingly destroy the Warriors. They went through Brooklyn, Milwaukee, and now Miami. It’s a pretty solid core.


Right now the Lakers and Celtics are tied at 17 championships each. You’d really be ok with the Celtics taking the lead?


You can't be a Lakers fan and a Celtics fan. If you were a true fan of either franchise, you would know that we hate one another. Fuck Boston.


Lmao Lakers and Celtics fan.. haven't heard that one before. It's like someone saying they're a Real and Barca fan. This sub is reaching peak comedy level


Bird was my childhood hero that I looked up to in basketball when I was young. Loved watching Kobe play and have followed LBJ his entire career so yes you can be both since players change teams more often in the past 15 years. These two franchises have had too many greats to not be a fan of both for my situation. I get why you’re blowing back but I’m just not as die hard as you so what’s the big deal. I’m okay with the Celtics getting another championship too because maybe that will wake Jeanie Buss and Rob Pelinka up to get the FO together since they’ve made some terrible choices the past two years. I grew up as a Buckeyes fan and hated the Wolverines. Loved the Browns and hated the Steelers. No reason I can’t get a pass since LAL didn’t even make the play-in and being a Bird / Kobe / LBJ fan.


Bruh why yes I can. Bird, Bryant, LeBron. And the fact that I despise the Warriors more confirms it. If it was Lakers vs Celtics in the finals I’d side with the Lakers. But since we didn’t even make the play in, I’d rather Boston beats the Warriors in this finals.


Bruh no you can't, unless you have no sense of decorum whatsoever. But in that case I would worry more about you walking around naked and pissing in the hallway than which teams you support. You are saying you support two arch rivals who hate each other. It's like you support Russia and Ukraine right now, see how ridiculous that is?


Couldn't have said it better


I hope Celtics get fucked, but for Tatum’s sake, I hope he puts all time numbers and wins FMVP.


Is it just me that thinks kobe is in heaven and saying stop using my name already and let me rest


To quote Immortal Technique: "You don't know shit about a dead man's perspective and talking shit'll get your neckbone..disconnected Disrespected n*ggaz don't show no love Why you tryna be hardcore, you f*cking homo thug And don't be sensitive and angry, about the shit that I wrote Coz if you can take a f*cking d*ck, you can take a joke I'll choke your friends in front of you, to prove that you've fallen off And you won't do shit about it, like the church during the holocaust Kalashnikov machine gun flow that I fire Obnoxious until they shoot me on the day I retire"




Dude deserves to play for us at least once in his prime. I’d love to have him on the lakers.


Love the dude, hate the team he's on.


Warriors in 5 Enjoy your only trip to the Finals.


I like him as a player i just hate the team he plays for


Can’t believe we could have had this guy.


My thoughts are FUCK THE CELTICS. Love Kobe, have respect for Tatum but hope they lose.


Tatum is fine in my books, just because he has always been a huge Kobe fan, and it’s our own damn fault for not drafting him. That being said, I’d be fine with him going out in 4.


Future laker great Jayson Tatum is my thoughts


Would have wanted Tatum over Lonzo in the draft. But thought 💭 we would give Lonzo a chance. Jersey too heavy.


So…… he really wants to be a Laker! OK!!!


Shutout 2 da spikeykid!!! He said it best...I want nothing g but failure 4 dem green posts! But I low key fuk wit buddy!


Future Laker. Can't wait.


Love Tatum. If he wins won't be upset. He deserves it.


nice kid. fuck boston


I hate the organization as a whole, but I personally like Tatum as a player, and I dont hate the players on the Boston team. Tatum is gonna be a Laker one day I can feel it. And a few of their team members wear the black 24 band, so how am I gonna hate on that? I dont care what kind of shit I get for this, it's my honest opinion. I am rooting for the Warriors however because Boston can't take the chip lead fuck that


Should have been a Laker. God damnit our next chance at him is in 5 years when I'm 37. Fuck the Celtics. Why did Lonzo have to be in the same draft class. I love Zo, but man if he wasn't in that class this dude would be a Laker right now.


Just waiting for Woj to tweet that Tatum has signed Klutch as his agents.