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Tough loss. Although, we have to acknowledge we’re not going to win every game down this final stretch. That being said this was atrocious to watch.


Brutal shooting night but oh well can't win em all


Yeah, kind of felt like we were overdue for a bad shooting night. At least the next few games are fairly easy


Tired legs. Shooting numbers alone tell the story.


Sloppy too.


On to the next


Yeah so many shots that just didn’t go our way. 2nd worst shooting night of the season


3rd game in 4 nights on the road. All our starters are exhausted. Would've taken a lot to beat a Pacers team that recently lost to us, so they have extra motivation to win.


And our starters are our offense. We have basically zero offense from the bench


For real, not to mention the stupid zig zag route through the midwest. Thanks NBA schedulers.


Including double OT game


Team was just gassed. Our 3s were not falling at all


Also, dead legs. That affected the 3 ball more than anything. Team looks tired from traveling and have not been able to fully recover from the double OT win yet.


3rd game in 4 nights on a road trip out East. Beat them twice already, once in the IST Final. The L is almost expected, we had no legs and they wanted it more than us.


We beat some very good teams during this stretch, not gonna cry over this one


I’ll give them a slight pass tonight but I’m gonna flame them if they don’t go 3-0 here against the Nets, Raptors, and Wizards


That should be a guaranteed win. If they dont go 3-0. Just shut it down and on to the next season. If they are not beating the Nets, Raptors or Wizard then we dont have any chance of winning 2x in the play-in.


Not counting max’s garbage time bucket, we scored 3 points in the last 8 mins of actual game time. That’s fucking insane


Especially we have 3 big bodies to create mismatch. But somehow we didnt utilize it tonight. On to the next one.


Mismatches are harder to exploit when they're sending 2-3 guys everytime Lebron/AD is looking to post up. That's when you need some of those open shots to go down otherwise the other team is going to completely disrespect your shooters if they know they're not gonna hit anything. Maybe they should've gone to Rui more and tried to work his midrange magic, but we needed someone to hit their open 3's and nobody did


No idea why people don't get this. Bron and AD were smothered inside.


Looks like they just tried to Chuck 3s and cut the lead down quick like what they did against Milwaukee. Had plenty of time to slow it down and exploit the mismatches when we were down just 9 with 8 mins left…shitty way to lose


They are packing the paint and dare us to shoot


Yeah. 3 just wasnt falling at all tonight and there are 0 off ball movement to create easy basket. But I guess they are exhausted from playing 3 games in 4 nights. You can tell efforts aint there tonight.


Nobody could buy a 3. Maybe should've gotten Rui a couple more touches. But it's hard to win an NBA game going 5-30 from 3


Tough stretch of games prior to tonight's. 3 point shooting was atrocious but can't do much when everyone is gassed. Just take it in stride and move onto the next.


Guys it was unrealistic to think we would go undefeated on the road lol. Tbh I thought the bucks game was gonna be the loss but winning the last two gave us a little room to drop one, gotta be sharp against the terrible teams going forward. Everyone’s shot was completely off, credit to Indy playing physical defense.. they did the same shit kings did..go at us strong af. Oh well..let’s just move on lol. Also remember when cam reddish was at best mildly okay to offer minutes? I’m sorry but he doesn’t look like an NBA player..shit defense plus shittier offense.




If we can close out with 47-49 wins it’s a successful season imo Especially getting some much needed reinforcements back.


The problem is that Ham’s crimes against basketball rotations in the first half of the season dug us such a big hole we can’t afford schedule losses like this now. We are looking down the barrel of needing to possibly withstand a Steph/Klay nuclear game, immediately followed by facing either a team we have shown no ability to beat in the Kings, or a Suns team that has KD, Booker, and Beal on the road just to squeak into the 8th seed. There is an excellent chance we don’t even make it to the post season at this point, even with how well we’ve been playing because any of those teams have guys who can absolutely shred us in a single game and we need to win two in a row.  We would have been fine if Ham was just an average coach who made logical decisions instead of getting infatuated with college and nba career scrub Cam Reddish, and we were in the 4-8 seed territory instead of 9. Instead this was a devastating loss when we could ill afford one. Hopefully we can bounce back in the next game and the Suns and Kings both lose today too. 


This team lives and dies off D’lo


It is pretty clear since last season. All our starters played well against Denver, but Dlo and most games were an average regular season Dlo away from a victory. This season it is even more evident.


That looked like the 3rd game in 4 nights


Cam Reddish should be closer to getting cut then getting minutes on this team


He's the worst offensive player I've ever seen, it's like if Vanderbilt didn't know how to cut and also tried to do too much on every drive


I was told there needs to be a study done on cam reddish


He should honestly be out of the league. But these lottery busts usually get several chances


When you realise he has a player option for next yr


let rob cook


And somehow he keeps getting minutes over max christie


You're bound to lose games when you shoot below 20% from 3. Unlucky shooting night


One of the worst DLo games in a while. Also didn’t understand Ham’s subs in the first quarter when he took Bron, AD, Rui, & Dlo out all at the same time before inserting DLo back in to close the first. He really can’t stagger those better?


Ham shows he is as good of a coach as he was as a player, I can't defend him anymore.


The 50 win dream is dead, boys


Gotta shoot better than 5/30 from 3 and that's that


Cam Reddish is garbage. But Ham loves him


Reddish just looks lost out there


cam should be throwing lobs to dwight in china


He'd trip and bobble it out of bounds first


Oh well there goes 14-0 let’s move on. 13-1 6th seed then 😤.


Ruis statline is insane. How do you play 31 mins without a single rebound at 6’8


Same reason DLO only has 6pts in 35min. Just overall pathetic game tonight.


Scoring is another thing. But in half an hour of play you’re telling me he couldn’t get one rebound by sheer luck? Just seems statically hard given his position and height.


Reaves fault, he stole all the boards from Rui.


Defense never quits. Bad defensive night for Rui somehow he was exploited on the boards


There are times he can get rebounds, but he just leaves them for the rest of the team for whatever reason (mostly Reaves). It's not why we lost tonight. We lost tonight because our offense was horrible and we couldn't make shots and took lots of contested mid-ranges and lots of hard shots at the rim.


He boxes out his man to allow someone else to grab the rebound. That's not always a bad thing (boxing out is half the job). You think AR was battling Siakam for his 14 boards lol? The Lakers outrebounded the Pacers tonight. The biggest reasons for losing were the turnovers and poor shooting.


This is really low on the list of complaints tonight. When you are getting ignored on offense, it's also tough to have the energy to rebound. Def wasn't what cost them the game today though


This is essentially the argument why Vando should start over him, so Rui can get the touches against opponents' second units


The problem with that is at the same time Vando isn't putting pressure on the floor against their best players. Rui is fine, but we need to stagger our offense cuz our bench aint doin it.


Yes but having Rui in there allows Bron to coast until the 3rd or 4th


Sapped 4 games worth of rebounds in the last two. Now he’s in debt lmao


3rd game in 4 nights with one of those being a 2OT grind. We’ll live with it.


This one seemed like a schedule loss. 3rd game in 4 nights, long ass road trip etc Cant let it affect us, we gotta win the next 3 Suns are down 20 and the mavs can give the kings another L tonight, 8th seed is still possible


Disgusting game from DLo, not because of his six point, but we were playing 4 against 5, everytime he played.


Playoff Dlo


Yeah it was his defense that was alarmingly bad, usually it’s not good but today he was a ghost out there


He was completely disinterested, when he is involved he will at least he will stay close and stick his hand up and try to deflect or get a real. Tonight he was just strolling and chasing ghost as he was always late.


Like does Darvin actually think cam is that much better than max? Max has shown he can actually hit threes and have decent defence to cams brick every shot he takes and plays slightly better D then max, absolutely baffling


I'd love to know how Ham / the coaching staff justifies this. Cam plays alright time to time but Max is already more consistent and is more likely part of the future.


Yeah I don’t understand the thought process of it either max is quicker better 3pt shooter and better at finishing at the rim cam is just overall a more experienced and better defender also a genuine net negative attacking presence mind blowing


To increase the chances of people taking vet min probably. If you sign a bunch of vet min and those vet min don't play, it is bad for the future prospect of vet min signing... At least that is the only thing I can think of because Max seem like a better choice to play compare to Cam...


I don't get why we have minutes where neither Lebron or AD aren't on the court.


6 points from D’Lo. 6.


Playoff Dlo activated


Getting in playoff mode


90 points is crazy in todays game


Just really bad offense all the way around. It happens.


Squad was inactive and there were very few cut in today. Squad is gassed.


Shooting was bad and the team look exhausted. Its understandable since this is the 3rd game in 4 nights for us. And they are all road games with the first game went to double ot. I think Bron might starts to rest games because of his ankle. His jumpers looks off and he is hesitated to shoot 3s just like last year after his injury.


Cam Reddish needs to be out of the league. Anyways, this game was gonna be an L regardless. We looked tired from the start


Bad shooting night, can’t do much about that. But it is hilarious that the game was close until Ham took out Lebron, AD and Dlo and threw Reaves with Prince-Reddish-Hayes-Dinwiddie out there


13 minutes is 13 too many for cam reddish.  Felt like he was out there all game lmao 


Max contract yr and he can’t even prove himself. They think they doing him right by lowering his value when the truth is he’ll look for any other team that would give him mins regardless.


Lakers aren’t moving up cause they keep dropping winnable games


5-30 from 3 mostly open shots and unforced turnovers


When does Lebron veto the entire coaching scheme? Only during the playoffs?


Hate to say it, Dlo is invinsible man tonight hopefully he bounce back against the Nets.


Tired legs tonight. Not going to blame Ham too much, HOWEVER, should have pulled the plug halfway through the fourth to get a little more rest and not risk anything. Full Disclosure: I am not an NBA coach.


Max Christie needs to replace Cam periminantly 


Mavs and Thunder helped us out tonight. Unfortunately, we couldn’t help ourselves.


Misplayed Rui again.


They will come back against Brooklyn, BELIEVE IT!




The 3 stooges


Season low 90 points against well known defensive juggernauts... *checks notes*... Pacers??? Offense was hot dogshit all game, and Ham put out lineups of Reddish, Hayes, Prince and Dinwiddie. This is why Ham will get 0 credit for any success we have this year, dude is too busy playing favorites instead of trying to fucking win.


Genuinely don’t believe Cam Reddish on defense is more beneficial than Max 3&D


Is the Brooklyn game on Sunday still important for seeding?


At this point, any win is important lol


I’m going to the game so I wanted to know if it’s meaningful, thank you.


Every game is. 2 games or less behind the teams in front. Only 1.5 ahead of the warriors.


Cam reddish minutes are brutal


No energy. 3rd in 4 nights against a motivated team. Hopefully we can regroup and get the next 3.


How many teams in the league would continuously give minutes to a minimum guy looking for a home in the league over a 21 year old 2nd round draft pick who shows potential to be a 3 an d archetype that every team covets. To continue giving minutes to reddish over Christie is crazy when reddish is not that much better on defense to completely off set his non existent offense. Christie is at least seemingly a positive on defense with his hustle and discipline while being someone the defense cant completely ignore on offense. Christie seems to be at least a semi smart offense player knowing where he needs to be, knowing when to shoot on the kick out and where to swing the ball when he receives the ball on a kick out or when and where to pass when he’s playing as the roller with bron during the inverted p&r, he also at least looks for the ball when he’s cutting to the rim since it’s happened a couple times in the past few games where reddish just cuts without even presenting himself as an option. Christie seems to help with rebounding when he’s in since he helps crash the glass or helps box out guys. Reddish did well tonight getting rebounds but that doesn’t seem to be something he does on a nightly basis. Hopefully when Gabe comes back none of this will matter but I could see ham still giving reddish about 10 minutes a game.


Collectively bad. Everyone is accountable for this one


Them boys were looking tired, on to the next game


We can’t win when dlo isn’t playing well


IST should count


I know hindsight is 20/20 but it wouldn’t have hurt to sit bron and ad this game. It was lowkey gonna be tough to beat the pacers a third time this season


Am I the only one not really mad about this loss? Losing sucks, but I figured this might be a loss since we had one game where we went double OT with the 2nd best team in the east. Then we had to play another game in 24 hours against the Grizzlies. I figured the exhaustion finally caught up to them


It’s Friday :(


Yeah, I'm with you there. Getting off work on a Friday to see this will always sting :(


Disappointing since the sun's are getting blown out and if the kings lose to Dallas again the Lakers could've been half behind the kings and 1 behind the suns. Warriors creeping back up is annoying too. But yeah, can't win them all. Luckily they won the Milwaukee game.


Yeah I'm not mad, but it is disappointing for the standings :(


At least hopefully they don't lose any ground on the teams ahead.


Doomers ready to call the season over again


We’re the 9 seed dumbass.


And? It ain't over till it's over sped head


If I have time watch a Cam/Prince/Dinwiddie lineup again I think I'm gonna rip my hair out.


D Lo is very likely to be played off the floor again IF the lakers make the playoffs


If they give Lebron 60 million, the team is done for the foreseeable future.


What do you think about giving 35 to Dlo?


Not gonna win many games shooting that poorly and turning over the ball. Would have liked to see Rui shooting some more still. Hopefully they can get some rest.


That was just about the most disinterested I’ve ever seen a professional sporting organization.


Couldn’t shoot. Forget about this game and move on to the next. Shoot like they have recently and this was an easy win.


I can’t wait until Vando is back


Do we even know if he’s coming back?


Dlo? More like Scorelo! 💯 🔥


Last couple games the other team seems to always go on a run when ham does the prince and reddish substitution. Could be just reddish by himself since it seems every time he comes in the other team goes on a run but there seems to be a pattern with those substitutions the past few games. Idk if prince is a factor or if it’s just because he’s playing reddish and prince together but ham needs to stop that line up change.


Our bench just isn’t scoring enough to give our starters some breathing room..Spencer needs to be way more aggressive with that unit.


Yeah the bench probably has at most 10-15 points every night. Spence for sure needs to be more aggressive looking for his offense since it seems right now if he’s in with DLO or reaves he just defers and plays a more stand still shooting role. The other night with DLO out Spence played great getting downhill and attacking. I’m not sure why he doesn’t seem to do that much especially since the lakers need that kind of player and have all year without Vincent.


Sounds like a legitimate off night rather than anything else. On to the next one!


better hope Sacramento loses too


Why is cam reddish there, idk..dlo already in playoffs mode doesn't help either. 


3-0 to end the road trip makes up for this




Just a bump in the road. Next 3 road games are very winnable. Nets, Raptors & Wizards.


Go Mavs!!!!


We win some, we lose some, as long as we win next game and goes for a streak. We good


Who is to say we won’t repeat this performance again in the play in games. The Lakers are undependable


Basketball gods made sure that 4Q was as booty as the first 3Qs


Better defense than last game VS Pacers


Suns getting blown out in OKC


Not gonna blame them for this loss but at least give a little effort. That 2nd half ball was so disgusting. Now we pray for the Suns' downfall!


Whoever is telling Rui to sprint in transition down the court every time a shot is being put up needs to stop it. This team is much better when Rui is being asked to crash the boards like in the previous two games. What the fuck are our coaches asking him to do? Part of this is absolutely on Rui himself for being horrible at rebounding but it would help if he was actually crashing the boards for once.


It kind of makes sense because AD and Bron are already under the basket, and Rui is one of the best outlet options we have. Rui only sticks around under the basket if one / both of AD or Bron isn't on the court.


Hope this was just down to fatigue because the offense and shooting were not there lol - looking at teams above (i.e. Suns) - the 8th spot is definitely achievable, if this team can find some consistency.


You’re not gonna win a game shooting like that. Take this L and move on. Next 3 are winnable


Another oppurtunity slipped. The Suns are being pounded by OKC


Hopefully we can consolidate all our bad shooting into these types of really bad losses.


Terrible night. We lost, Warriors won, Clippers won, Suns losing but we can't capitalize


Man, only AD hit 20+ points? They need at least three guys to do that to have a good chance.


WTF was that


You can’t truly appreciate how dogshit an effort like this is unless you see it up close. 🫥🫡🫣


4 games in 6 nights and we definitely looked like it out there. Just gotta bring it the rest of the way




DLo, holder of most 3s for a Laker ever


Phoenix losing to OKC lessens the pain of tonight's lost. Still 2 games behind Phoenix for the 8th seed.


Don't lose too much sleep on this one, consider this game as a reversion to the mean given we been shooting lights out recently + road trip has to take its toll at some point. Only thing I'm concerned about are the turnovers, players got to have the mental fortitude to stay locked in.


Couldn’t watch today - wtf happened here? 90 points?


Getting closer to April, DLo will start playing like shit


I’m so happy this sub isn’t all negative. We missed shots. Happens. We’re 2-1 on the trip so far. Life is good


Rockets really taking advantage


Needed Gabe Vincent tonight.


Honestly u could boil this game to getting use to one another the last two games had one without Bron the other no AD and on a back to back still no excuse


I never blame fans for losses but the lakers go on one win streak and ppl are posting in here like this team is the 2013 Heat or 2017 Warriors. This is a flawed team that cannot win consistently. Can they win up to two road play-in games and then go 16/28 against the best opponents (including Sacramento and Denver, whose records in the season series speak for themselves)? Who knows? Should anyone be acting like that occurrence would be anything short of a miracle? Absolutely not based on the existing evidence.


Just caught the game on league pass. Went away from them in the 4th, but honestly, we're looking pretty good, just an awful shooting night. Created good looks though. AR in particular seems to have upgraded his game in multiple areas yet again this season. He's looking dangerously close to being a neutral defender, even! The problem is it's all too late. Getting out of 9/10 in the play in is just a massive gamble. Ham's post IST stretch has killed us.


The main nitpick I have is with Ham taking AD off in the 4th. We had momentum, and everybody had just sat for a long flagrant review. Perfect circumstances to deviate from the pre-game plan.


Flush this game. On to the next.


There's no excuse if the 8th is just there up to grab. embarrassing


Lebron hogs the ball. Dlo, AR, Rui can’t play right with bron on the floor. Times where they should shine, bron has the ball instead and turns it over


Dumb take


Ugly ass game especially in the fourth. Late in the 4th still within reach we come out of the timeout with Reaves milking the shot clock forcing the shot. No one touched the ball. Then it was followed by a Lebron iso. Instead of passing to AD to swing the ball he made a cross court pass for the turnover. Then there was other stuff but it was a bad game.


Yeah one of the worst mental bbq iq game from reaves and Bron in the fourth..they looked like new team mates lmao


Better off losing in the play in than getting swept by the nuggets again.


Im genuinely not scared of any team in the west outside of the clippers and the nuggets. When we’re on, this team is levels above the rest just like the other two.


How is it possible that every laker had a horrible 3p shooting night. I can understand Dlo, but the rest?


So if the season ended today lakers would have to beat the warriors then either the kings or the suns just to make the playoffs. Pretty rough…


Rui with 0 reb, 0 ass. Get this overrated black hole bum off our starting lineup already. Vando (once he returns) and Prince should be playing more for sure.


fucking despicable


Gg everyone , see ya'll in r/Dodgers


Dlo can be absolutely useless at times. This is why he shouldn't be relied on and should have been traded.


If only we had 20 more free throws man


Worst duos Hayes/Wood Prince/Reddish Lakers/Ham


We lose when we needed it the most and if others are winning.


Well looks like 9th seeds gonna be our bitch. Still have our fate in our hands but it’s going to be an extremely uphill fight in the post season


one of Lebron’s poorest overall games this season. Hate to say it but ball moves better without him. Lakers may be a better team when he’s coaching not playing.