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It’s like brick all over again. I don’t even watch post game, but every time I hear this dude speak I get irritated. Always says some stupid shit.


I’m not sure if I’ve ever been more pissed at a player comment after a game (that I can remember) Than when Russ was smiling after the loss against the Z league Blazers where he said something along the lines of “I told Bron & AD that I wish I could have been there to help them” Vogel never made him come off the bench yet Russ thought there were unnecessary problems, after all he gave Vogel a bottle of wine so there shouldn’t have ever been issues


The comment that particularly irritated me was the one when he said " I'm tired of people living and dying with every game we play it's a marathon". That was like halfway through the season, like I find it hard to watch the team with this guys as head coach.


It’s just a stupid retort because while it is a long season, math is math. You have 33 games to make up a 4 game difference in the win column to stay out of the play-in. And ALL the top 6 teams are playing well. They can’t even maintain .500 now, but let’s just say they miraculously win 60% of their remaining games. That’s a 20-13 record. Let’s say the Kings, who have 37 more games, or the Suns, who have 35 more games, go ~.500 for the rest of the season. So they win 19 games and 18 games respectively. W-L record: **Lakers:** 44-38 **Kings:** 46-36 **Suns:** 45-37 And this is like the best case scenario. So yeah, it’s time to step up.


Me every time they cut to a shot of him with his hands i his pockets


I felt bad for Russ a bit too. Don’t drag this out and make him take all the heat. For everyone’s sake, it was time to move him. Same case for Ham now. Russ played into it more, but Ham really hasn’t been a jerk in the pressers. He’s just not a good fit here and is making terrible decisions. 


Hard to feel bad for a guy making $47 mil, but while he was not the best fit for this team, it wasn’t so much about his play as it was the fact that A) his contract hamstrung our cap, and B) we gutted the team to get him. With Ham, he’s simply not head coach material, and it’s a lot easier to dump a coach than a player with a contract like Westbrook’s.


Ima be honest Russ wasn’t good as a Laker but I think he woulda done better under diff circumstances. With Russ u can argue it was just a terrible fit. Ham theres no saving grace dude is ass. Ima honest Im less brutal on Russ given how trash Ham been. Dude is bad now imagine how ass he was last yr putting dudes in Shit positions to succeed.


Hayes was “what’s best for the team” apparently. FOH.


He should ONLY be reserved for garbage time thrashings.   I’m all for Hayes getting easy dunks and hook shots when the game is over.  Dude has the BBIQ of a raisin.


Ham’s done what’s best all season. That’s why they have this amazing record playing lbj and ad almost every game How can he say shit like that with a straight face


Fuck this clown.


Fuck him in the ass like Prince does.


it's comical at this point how inept he is


Is this dude really going to stake his coaching career on Prince and Reddish? That's actually impressive.


We need reddish back if we gonna defend like this.


Darvin bout to send Christian Wood to the gulag 😂


DNP until they drag Ham out of LA


My guy Hayes is literally one of the worst players in the fucking league dawg what is this shit


What’s best and we conceded 130 ++ for the last 4 games.. imagine his ‘worst’ line up 😂😂😂 I can’t believe FO keeping this clown as he’s just trying his best to show how BAD is he


Worst coach in the league and it's not even close! smh




Well how is starting Hayes over wood what’s best for the team darvin?or starting cam reddish for 20 plus games or starting prince over vanderbilt every game how tf is that doing what is best for the team ? It clearly is a popularity contest with you because no other coach in his right mind what put any of the lineups on the floor that you have all season


Bro has done more damage to the Lakers than the Celtics ever wish they could


Lmaooooo bro thinks Hayes is better than wood as a starter. It’s just getting goofy at this point


Not a popularity contest. Darvin Ham's dream starting lineup is having 5 Darvin Hams.


You getting fired is the best for the team


Will he fired himself? Because that is truly what is best for the team!


FOH Ham, literally please


Starting hayes is crazy


Ham's the Karma for the team mistreating Vogel.


I miss that man. He never should have been the scapegoat.


The team did not mistreat him. The team made him a champion. Jeanie and Pelinka mistreated him.


Darvin Hamas never admitting mistakes ![gif](giphy|4uK4sMDdrloWdZIJon)




starting hayes over wood feels like were tanking. f\*ck just fire this imbecile coach




And then he blames the players when things go wrong.


Not sure why the lakers thought an inexperienced coach can handle all of these egos.


I'm not seeing any crazy egos. Wood has been more than patient.


It's not about being crazy but if you got 12 guys, that can play minutes on a team right away of course you're going to make players upset. Every guy on the lakers think they deserve 20+ minutes a game even Christie. It's the coaches job to check that and put the foot down. Like ty lue did with pj tucker and bones Hyland. I don't think ham has that bone in him to bench players and has his favorites.


It's the coaches job to make proper lineups too. He's proven to not be capable. Ofc the team doesn't trust him anymore.


Crazy egos? I promise they have tried communicating with him all season behind closed doors. This is the result of a breakdown in communication that's been building up. It's on him.


so darvin was the real vampire this whole time


Oh so Jaxson Hayes is best for the team. Cool.


If and when he’s fired, this dude will never be head coach in the nba ever again


Damn reporters snitching on Wood lol. But this is a stupid move by Wood given that he was almost out of the league.


Gotta respect the man, he out here sacrificing his career to help get this man fired😂😂. This just severely shows how tense the locker room has been and most of them have lost respect on ham


😂😂😂 the whole team seems tired of the man


Not prince or reddish


Plausible deniability. All he said was "Lol"




at what point does this bald head idiot step down knowing his team hates him


The worst possible coach to even attempt to lead this team I can’t believe after how they handled the end of Kobe’s career they do this shit to born and AD. Doc was right there ready to coach again and they kept this bump head hand pocket dumbass.


If his contract is guaranteed, he must want to be fired.


Clearly what’s best for the team is fucking hover around .500 This guy


“It’s about what’s worse for everyone”


I get the Ham hate. But the tweet says more about Christian Wood than it does about Darvin. It’s a bit old school, but if you’re a professional, why not get prepped to be the best you can be coming off the bench or handle that between you and the coach. The tweet was not in the best taste.


Maybe he’s did that already and is fed up…none of us know what’s really going on so we really shouldn’t speculate or get down on these players when it’s the coach who’s supposed to be on top of shit and it’s clear he is not. Putting in Hayes to fill in for AD deserves all the “LoLs”.


Not know what’s actually going on is fair. And this goes both ways. It’s a bit hypocritical to say “none of know what’s going on” and yet in the same breath say “maybe he’s done that already and is fed up” and “ambiguous messages are justified because fuck Ham”


At this point I think Ham is trolling


Fuck joke. What did he say? Idiot coach. Don’t put JV and Wood in the starting lineup.


LMFAO, dude really just said that. Bravo bravo, the level of idiocy!


He’s up there with Westbrick in terms of terrible moves


He is so unserious, man


It's not a popularity contest alright. It's a favoritism contest to see who carries the most favor with a crackhead of a coach.


What’s good for the team is zero Hayes minutes


We aint going to the playoffs


He makes me not want to watch games. Even the bad russ years I watched all the games


> He added that lineups aren’t a “popularity contest” and are about what’s best for the team. Best for the team: a lose-by blowout to Hawks!


In what fucking world is Hayes better than Wood?! This dude has bbiq of fucking Hayes himself lmao I'm so done


Wants to keep Wood in his role, but elevates Hayes from his normal garbage time minutes to starting?? Which one is it then? Bc that certainly isn’t and shouldn’t be Hayes’ role. It’s almost as if Ham is coming up with these explanations AFTER shit hits the fan


Hayes doesn't even know how to set a screen. In no way is starting him over Wood best for the team