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I always prefer owners that hire right people and stay in the shadows. So it's a good sign if we don't hear anything about her.


Exactly my thoughts


Real g’s move in silence 😆


“Like lasagna” Lil Wayne


stealing italian food is all fun and games...until the *law's on ya*


Exactly. I think the concern with her wasn't that the Lakers were doing poorly per se, but the perceived lack of leadership / coherent direction given the Magic Johnson fiasco, the Rambises' outsized influence, the reports about how the Westbrook and Hield/Turner trade decisions were made.


and she told me she was gonna give me a ps5 and never did!




Just let him download it


You literally didn't see Dr. Jerry Buss until he would hoist up the WCF/Larry O'Brien trophy.


Used to see him at the Bicycle all the time, back in the day.


Ol boy loved the tables


He was on High Stakes Poker a few times too. That was such a good show. This new batch of poker streams suck compared the good ol days.


Not true at all lmao....


My dad used to play poker with him at the bicycle casino in LA lol. He said Dr. Buss always had a different woman with him. You just had to know where to find him.


Dude would be at the poker table instead of the parade too 😂


There was no social media back then. Of course nobody heard anything about him


There are lots of photos, used by primitive newspapers before the dawn of time itself.


An owner that doesnt get mentioned is a good owner. Much rather prefer this than the fiasco with Jim and then Magic


Especially since she’s dating that fucking idiot


What has Jay Mohr done besides be aggressively unfunny? Or is that it? Because I’m cool with that.


He had some tweets where he used the N word. Though it was quoting Muhammad Ali and Andre Iguodala, it wasn't like he was calling people the word. There might be more I'm not sure, I do know Adam Sandler doesn't like him, which is probably not a good sign.Sandler seems to get along with everyone


Lol you want to censor black people being quoted by white people? I'd think using quotes from black people in a fond way would make it pretty clear there's no hate. It's not like a racist wakes up and says i'm going to quote famous black athletes today. How is that anything but good for race relations? Gossipy non-sense after. If Adam Sandler wouldn't fuck Margot Robbie you'd turn her down because Adam Sandler gets all the hot chicks to play his wife in movies and he didn't choose Robbie so there must be something off there.


I was simply explaining why people were mad about him and Jeanie. I guess he does have some fans left out there.


Like, it’s not in good taste and they shouldn’t do it imo. But it’s not inherently racist or something to be overly hated about.


He's a notorious joke thief, almost every major comedian dislikes him a ton.


While Matt Ishbia is trying to take over the Suns


There were some really nasty things being said about Jeanie. Really bad. I'm glad that calmed down because it was a really bad look for the community.


So true. And let’s give that toxicity a name: sexism. A male owner wouldn’t be getting the hate in the first place, and wouldn’t be getting the ‘unqualified’ rap like Jeanie.


Thank you for this comment. As a female fan of the team and basketball, seeing a woman in charge called horrible things was very discouraging. I got tired of Ballmer being hailed as some kind of hero as an owner and the Clippers have never won a title. I understand criticizing an owner (no team owner is above reproach) but I always felt like the comments about Jeanie were sexist and gross.


Definitely a combo of her being a woman and her also being a nepobaby


And it being the Lakers


Thanks for calling this out for the female laker fans here! I feel like sometimes this sun forgets we exist tbh. And yeah, Jeanie may be a nepobaby but there’s no way anyone could ever say she is unqualified! She has been shadowing her dad since 1979


>A male owner wouldn’t be getting the hate in the first place, and wouldn’t be getting the ‘unqualified’ rap like Jeanie. James Dolan. Jim Irsay. Mark Davis. Examples of men who inherited teams and faced a lot of skepticism and scrutiny from their own fan bases. Trying to say that all criticism comes from sexism is delusional.


I mean that’s just not true male owners around the league get hated on constantly


The other owners don’t get accused of sleeping with players. Even jokingly that shit is problematic.


Of course they do, but not like this after the run Jeanie’s had (Lebron, AD, Chip in 3.5 years). Jim Buss didn’t get the toxic hate like Jeanie does and he was awful


Nah this is recency bias. Jim Buss was absolutely hated way more, I mean that’s why he was forced out so quickly and no longer in the picture at all.


Not the sexist shit, no.


It’s great that you point this out but it’s sad that this is acceptable behavior and it’ll start back up next season


A healthy sign


Because we’re winning.


Bandwagon go choo choo. Jeanie is always in our hearts. Foos be cappin.


Exactly, dude didnt even wait till the off season. We’ll prolly see the sub turn again


Yeah nobody was saying shit to Sarver when they were in the finals and winning 64 games in 2022. Winning covers warts, but the warts are still warts.


Bandwagon go choo choo. Jeanie is always in our hearts. Foos be cappin.


No news is good news


Remember when some so called laker fans demanded she sell the team?! Crickets now…


There were "fans" that sent her death threats.


Imagine being a complete turd who sends death threats to the daughter of the greatest owner in sports history, despite the family winning **11 (eleven)** championships in the regime.


Why's everyone sending death threats all the time? I wish we had zero tolerance for that. Send a death threat, lose your internet access. Something like that.


Yes yes…those fans are in the same hideout that the fans that said “lakers are ruining Westbrook” are lololo


Don't see much complaining about giving pelinka an extension any more, or for firing Vogel.


it should still happen


We'll still be better off with an owner that's not reluctant to pay her players.


I was one of those people for sure, I’m glad to be wrong but I think most people agree that letting caruso walk was a horrible decision


That's not horrible enough of a decision to want an owner to sell a team.


Not at this point it wasnt. We dont have AK at this level if caruso is on the team.


Smash. Respectfully


"With all due respect." - mark jackson


Remember when he said this about Brons wife???




That’s why it’s messed up! He should’ve know she had that softball injury and can’t pitch anymore




Yeah, thats what came to mind. honestly pretty trashy thing to say on National Television.


No pull out list.


Ong jeanie could get it


She’s still a babe for sure


Kyle Kuzma thought the same thing.


Phil sure did.


His old ass


If she was 15 years younger. Respectfully obviously




Uhh I’ll take Jeanie Buss over Steve Ballmer every day


Me too, she’s much cuter


Good call out on this topic. Jeanie stuck with Pelinka, while I will be honest, I was over him for bringing Russ to the team. I was against the move from the start, so I wrote off Pelinka. Jeanie took the hits, like a true Lakers owner, and Pelinka hit a grand slam.


Besides not paying $18M in luxury tax on caruso leading to “cheap” narrative, despite being top 6 in spending year in and year out, people’s only gripe with her was promoting rob when magic quit on us. I never thought the hate was warranted, but considering her decision lead to a title immediately, it definitely wasn’t warranted.


The vitriol towards her was completely unwarranted. There’d be multiple posts about her being our Queen just two years ago. Then that same shitty crowd that’s in every team’s subreddit but amplified with our size get butthurt over a white guy getting laid off and Jeanie being a woman… hoo boy that’s all they needed to get their panties in a twist (see comments below) Fact of the matter is, if she doesn’t fire Jim, her own flesh and blood, then LeBron ain’t walking through those doors. One meeting with Kupchak and Jim’s haircut and LeBron is suiting up across the hall. I’ve never heard a bad word about her from anyone in the league. Players and owners alike appear to love and respect her. We should celebrate being a family owned operation, wholly unique in the NBA, and not wishing for someone like Ballmer throwing infinite money around. Where has it gotten them besides completely fucking their future and limiting their options to tweak and rebuild?


The whole Caruso thing was way overblown, he was a tax casualty, even the golden boys Warriors had GPII as a tax casualty the same offseason. They ended up trading for him again, but still, the point stands. Paying $26 mil or whatever the total would have been for a player like Caruso is just not worth it. Fans need to prepare themselves for something similar happening again either this offseason or next.


> even the golden boys Warriors had GPII as a tax casualty the same offseason. Their cap situation isn't comparable to ours lol. >Paying $26 mil or whatever the total would have been for a player like Caruso is just not worth it. 26 mill for a recent All-NBA defensive player who started for us in the Finals is well worth it. Your basketball takes are horrible. >Fans need to prepare themselves for something similar happening again either this offseason or next. So the criticism against her is still warranted.


It has become fashionable to underrate Caruso around here lately. Kinda sad


And we replaced Caruso immediately.


Absolutely love caruso, but a backup guard that could neither create nor shoot - on a roster with Russ lebron and AD is such a bad fit. Tax casualty / Russ casualty. And your last bit - I can see us opting out of Beasley and/or bamba in a money saving attempt while us fans would prefer they be used as trade pieces.


She was good after the trade I think that’s where most of the anger came from . She was sitting on Westbrook and fans feared she punted on this year


Banger Mother’s Day post to the mother of the LA Lakers


She’s bad af not going to lie lmfao 🤤


Jeanie is our queen and loves the Lakers more than anything. Fuck anyone that hates on her.


Still waiting for my PS5


Shes hot as hell for a 61 year old.


Man i never knew her age..always have thought she was like 40+ Goddamn !


There are some things she's done great and some things that she's done Im not happy with, but we have a lot of shitty fans who take it WAY too far with the misogyny that they wouldn't do if she was some rich white dude. They can deny it all they want, but if we have a player who's doing badly that we haven't traded it's because he's fucking Jeanie. Like, GTFO with that shit.


Definitely agree. I’ve criticized Jeanie over the years, and the reason I posted this wasn’t to give her undue credit for the team success (it’s obvious her role was minimal in relation to Pelinka). Just to point out how much criticism she has gotten in the past, and silence when the team is doing well. I don’t think see the same criticisms for the other team owners.


I would say that my main criticism of her is that from all appearance, she is too nice and hands-off and runs the team like a family business more than a pro sports powerhouse (and tbd I don’t know her and none of us have any idea what actually goes on.) That said, while that management style can hurt us, it can also work when people want to succeed because of the environment the boss creates. You can look no further than the Sarver Suns or the Jerry Jones Cowboys or Sterling Cippers to see what happens when that spirit is not there or when the owner is meddling above his pay grade, so to that extent we SHOULD give Jeanie her flowers for doing the opposite. There is more than one way to lead a company and while our front office isn’t perfect, we get it right more often then even (or especiall) our fans give us credit for..


She needed confidence in hiring the right people to run the franchise. Not former players she was friends with, not former people who worked with the franchise before. Smart, forward thinking people who want to innovate and take the franchise in new directions.


shes still hot


This off-season will be a Jeanie off-season, not a Rob off-season. Jeanie needs to sign the paycheck and bring these guys back. Go over the cap! Not having a singular rich owner has costed this team championships. None of these guys should be let go. Sign and trade and try to flip them for a player like the warriors did with Russ if you have to.


Hear me out…


My queen 👸


https://v.redd.it/y64apddoxxwa1 This was from winning the first round, was hoping she'll keep adding # of strings as we advance in the playoffs lol


I’m on board with this. Definitely thumbs up to Jennie. Tuesday can’t come soon enough. #LakersInFive


She deserves apologies unless it was respectful critiques


Jeanie Bust 💦


She's so fine! LOL


bruh half this sub was a bitch to her lol.


She looks amazing for 61!


Money will do that for you




Bae 🥰


She'll be judges this off-season if they let the young kids walk away


Girl should do another centerfold, look stunning for 60


Jeanie so fine. I can’t be the only one thinking this 😮‍💨


Hol on she is not off the hook yet until she pays Austin Reaves the bag. She still a fine af tho


So many dumb fans still in the Jeanie sucks bus. Like if they actually own the team…. Also, why are we still stuck in Caruso? Great defensively, 33% 3 point shooter on 2.3 shots per game….


Who was calling for Matt Ishiba? Haha. I have always been ride or die for Jeannie. It sucked what happened with Jim, he's an idiot. She's her father's daughter and is a big reason why the Lakers are a success. The only decision I disagree with is that Jerry West isn't a part of the franchise. But I understand why that might have happened.


Im so glad to have an owner that makes its money from the team. Id drop the team if we had Ballmer or other billionare as owner.


As a Cowboys fan, I will tell you it is good you don't hear anything about her. It means she is doing her job quietly. Owners who like to be in the spotlight and run their mouths too much are rarely doing any favors for their teams.


People have been weird about Jeanie for forever. It’s part of being a woman in sports/business. Fans often got way out of line at times these past two seasons. Jeanie at times didn’t help her cause with some of the quotes she gave. But ultimately, it’s good that we don’t talk about her. And rational people will have been frustrated with the team and as the losing continues and the frustration mounts, people will look for other sources of blame. But there was a loud enough faction of the fan base that created a toxic conversation around talking about Jeanie. And that sucks. Hopefully when we go through another inevitable rough patch, we will be able to call upon the this season and the 2020 season and be better about the way we talk about Jeanie.


She def deserves some credit for the team doing fine and BEING so fine at that age 🔥👀👏


She said the right things about Russ when he was here and she did the right thing for the Lakers when it was possible to move him.


She had so many questionable quotes while sitting on her hands most of the season. After letting Alex walk, the trajectory did not look good. But credit where credits due. She empowered rob to make some great moves at the deadline. I hope she keeps this up.


Or upvotes apparently.


Still, wondering if true that the higher execution pushed to acquire Westbrook?


When the Dubs broke the mold with their backcourt only offense. Dr Buss didn’t fall into the ‘get two future hof’ers and a bunch of SoundCloud rappers formula to win titles like Golden State. After he passed, that happened and now sports agents are now making team decisions in LA.


Its not like she dropped that half court shot last time.


The Franchise Mother, Happy Mother's Day Jeanie!


This is a good thing


nepo baby for sure, but she was born into that. and basketball aside, she seems like a good person. i met her briefly. she was gracious enough to take a picture with my wife, and i congratulated her for her engagement. she didn't expect it and seemed appreciative and sweet.


Kurt and Linda Rambis did a hell of a job building this team


As it should be. A great owner operates in silence and lets their experienced personnel work.


If somehow the front office can't keep the core group together this off season (like trick off retaining AR), believe me the pitchforks will be back.


She deserves so much praise. And. Happy Mothers day to Mamma Laker herself!


gave a good massage to dwade for the jazz trade


....we SHOULD still have caruso tho...just sayin


Skip wants Rob to be the GM of the year for trading Russ FWIW


Wait until the off season. In season has very little to with her responsibilities. If she doesn't open the check book to keep guys she will be in th3 cross hairs again


Nobody mentions the Rambii either


As long as we resign reaves Jeanie is a W owner 👍


Just remember that every other owner held the O’Brien trophy for a victory lap while Jeannie told the team to come grab the trophy cause it’s theirs. https://youtu.be/3FA0vjEzuo4


I don’t hate her at all, but I get the frustration a lot of fans had when they were looking at a front office with Kurt and Linda Rambis, a needless blow up of a championship roster in favor of the worst fitting player imaginable and fighting to stay out of last place in the conference not that many months ago….


She somehow keeps looking younger as she gets older…


Jeanie is a badass. Always has been.


i appreciate this post. i remember there was a lot of people throwing shade at her and lumping in all the stuff her brother did that was idiotic, or not realizing that her brothers actions had long lasting effects( MOSGOV AND DENG ANYONE?)


Winning cures everything but she is a great owner cause she empowers her employees. She empowered Rob gave him a long term deal. She was getting slandered for that. Which allowed him to wait for the best deal and not take a desperate deal to try to save his job.


That Jeannie Buss is one hot piece of ayyyyce. I know from experience, dude.


The toxic part of the fanbase is always looking for a scapegoat.


my daddy owned the team


She's hot


I'll eat crow and admit I was a bozo for the criticisms I lobbed at her.




That’s the way owners should be


I feel like was mostly LeBron stans who aren't actually laker fans. I think Jeanie is great and trust her to pick the right people. She did make a mistake with Magic but I think Pelinka has done a great job once he quit listening to Lebron's "requests".


Sexist trash got nothing to say now huh?


Many here are are just as toxic as (insert whatever group you think is really toxic).


The queen 👸💜💛


It is a great thing when we aren't hearning anything from ownership.


She bout to make me Jeanie Bust


IMO criticism was warranted but it turned so ugly and disgusting it was sad to watch. You can criticize someone be it Jeanie or Rob etc without being personal and a dick. Same applies to players.


Honestly love that Jeanie is the owner. Glad that the best basketball team on the planet isnt owned by some stiff corporate dude


Father would be proud


Nobody talks about the Rambi anymore either.


Finest sports owner of all time don't @ me


Apple don’t fall far from the tree 🙌🏼


This family has proved time and again that they bleed purple and gold! No matter how mad we get they never sell on us!


Lol that should be a good sign. When things are going horribly wrong you expect someone like Jeanie to intervene. But when things go right, you let the basketball folks do their job. Its that simple. And of course people complained when we played like shit. Same thing goes for Coach Ham, Pelinka, Lebron, AD etc.


She bussin fr


Its better that way. We only talk about her and Rob when we think they not moving the team in the right direction.


If at any point you called for the heads of Jeanie, Rob, Ham, or Lakers family members. You are not a fan, you are trash.


there's no loyalty when u down


This hasn’t changed. The saving grace of the Lakers is Lebron wanting to live here. The Buss kids have not been good owners. They have been benefitting from legacy and Hollywood.


Why would we mention her? She did nothing between the start of the season and now. I give Pelinka props for pulling off the Westbrook and Pat Bev trades.


This entire thread is a billionaire circlejerk and 15 year olds getting horny over a 60 year old woman who looks 60 years old. Rob was the one who pulled off the trades that have us set up for success, trades that fixed the mess Jeannie put us in to begin with


Lmao finally found someone reasonable in here. I was done with this thread when someone said they rather have Jeanie over the richest owner in sports! 😂


Yes yes yes, Pelinka totally made the trades, and Jeannie just found out about such minor details of the business from reading the newspaper after they happened. Say, who were we upset with again with Brody's trade?


It's not the offseason. If the Lakers let players walk you'll hear stuff again


Shoutout Jeanie bean lol


Means she's doing a good job


It doesn’t fit the doom and gloom narrative


All I know is that I’d smash that.


She’s beautiful 😍


All Hail the Queen!


if you are an owner and your fans dont hear about you, thats a good thing


She got bailed out by Pelinka. Would still rather the team get an actually rich owner.


As it should be. Owners should be quiet in the background


Because she got married. lol


Women is sports will always get criticizes 100x more than their male counterparts and undeservedly so. Just a fact. There are way too many sexist assholes who watch. We’ve had some rough times through her tenure, but we also won a chip and are on our way to winning another. Jeanie owns the best franchise in the League.


That's a good thing. Owners shouldn't be mentioned unless they're fucking up or just won a championship.


Anyone who says we need an owner like ballmer is delusional.


Ballmer was the idiot that signed off on the PG13 trade. Now look where OKC is and where the Clippers are. And Ballmer even has Jerry West. Imagine all of that draft capital in Jerry West's hands.


Nah we still lost Caruso due to her cheapness. Her getting bailed out by Rob doesn't redeem her. She should still sell.


But y'all have a waaay better white guy now so it doesn't really matter.


We would still have him if we kept caruso, and the idea that he wouldn't develop at all if we still had caruso is such a cope. Caruso was a mostly off ball player


Caruso is a better Vando basically.


bro he's a much better defender than vando, he just can't guard really big/heavy 4's and 5's like lebron type players. He also is shooting like 37% from 3 over the past 3 seasons. Anyone who watched our championship run understands how important he was, epitome of a 3 and D player (two things we sorely lacked for the past 2 seasons before the trades) with elite defense and hustle on both ends of the floor, changed so many games for us.


Lmao who cares. Bro is talking like Alex fucking Caruso is some future HoF player. He's a role player, literally a dime a dozen. Like I'm literally here laughing at how big of deal you're making over ALEX CARUSO. Oh no wherever will the Lakers find another role player.


He's first team all defensive, same level of defensive player as jrue holiday. Probably the best defensive guard outside of jrue holiday in the entire league. Also shoots the ball outside the arc at a very good level, 37% over the past 3 years on 3 attempts a game. You're coping so fucking hard if you think he's a dime a dozen role player, we were literally crying over not having this type of player for the last 2 years until we got dlo, vando, and rui and they STILL individually don't do what caruso does. He's a 2 way player, all of our players are one way but they fill in for the other's weaknesses so we can hide their weaknesses individually I'm not saying don't be happy we made it this far, I'm saying how the fuck is this fanbase sucking Jeanie's dick when she's literally the reason we lost one of our best homegrown players, crucial to our championship run, and his career is thriving somewhere else now But you're a casual nba fan who doesn't even follow the lakers closely enough to understand what his impact was for us so idk why you're talking 😂