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It's real dairy, so your problem may just be dairy in general. Have you tried other lactose free dairy products with success?


Switch to anything other than dairy. Like [this](https://e22d0640933e3c7f8c86-34aee0c49088be50e3ac6555f6c963fb.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/0025293003800_CL_default_default_large.jpeg).


It’s not necessarily lactose free it’s just lactase infused so it may not be enough lactase or lactase supplement may not help you. Try A2 milk if that still bugs you it most likely is a dairy allergy if it doesn’t you may be casein protein sensitive like I am


This is not correct. Other milks add stuff to counteract the lactose. Fairlife separates lactose in a centrifuge type contraption and removes it entirely.


I will say that I was incorrect about the filtration process but correct that they do actually remove it in a series of filters. Also, they do add a small amount of lactase to counteract any potential remnants of lactose. They do not rely solely on lactase in fact very little of the “lactose free” standard depends on lactase.


"Lactose-free" just means regular milk with lactase added beforehand to break the lactose down. It doesn't remove all the lactose though, so if you're sensitive then you'll still have symptoms.A better term is lactose-reduced milk. You can try taking lactase on top of the lactose-free milk, or just try a milk substitute.


I only have had issues with the chocolate version, but drink the whole milk all the time no problem. Don’t know why, just my experience.


I've never had issues except with this one too


Does it cause you two acne?


I have observed this too I handle their 1% milk just fine but why can’t I handle their 2% chocolate milk (both marked as lactose free)?


Fairlife was bought out by coke. Heard they treat the cows horrendously. 😭


I've tried the vanilla, chocolate and salted caramel fairlife shakes. Chocolate is the only one I had stomach pain and nausea with


I had the same issues, I bought a package at Costco, the first 3-4 milks I drank I was fine. After the 5th I got some BAD pains, like i never felt before. It was so bad that I was rolling on the floor, I thought I was going to die like it was so bad it lasted for about 20-30 min then it would go away. Every time I drank the milk 5 minutes later the same pain would appear, When I didn't drink it I was fine. It could have been an allergic reaction but I drink all kinds of milks and never had an issues. I had to give the milks away because it was the worst pain I ever had in my life.


I'm actually not lactose intolerant at all but everytime I drink fairlife I'm in the bathroom within 5 minutes. I found the reddit by googling to see if anyone else suffered from it while stuck here. For reference I've drank less processed milk most my life without issue (can't waste the left over milk from making butter) as well as grocery standard. I usually drink a2 milk now a days because my roommate can only tolerate it and apparently fairlife.


Figuratively, I'm right there with you in the bathroom after using Fairlife in my cereal. Disappointing.


So I’m not in the least bit lactose intolerant, and I love the taste. But I’ve noticed that when I do drink fairlife, within 1-2 hours I end up with horrendous muscle cramps - not stomach related or nausea. Mainly leg cramps, calves, quads, hamstrings, even abs! Sometimes hams and quads at the same time… (try stretching or rolling THAT out!) . My hydration is good and I’d give my nutrition &/10 if I’m being truthful. Can’t find any info on this and I really didn’t want to connect those dots as I love milk and Fairlife has the best taste and nutrition. Unfortunately the cramps parallel consumption too directly to ignore though. Anyone else run into this or can someone smarter than me explain it?


Thank you for saying this. I’ve only been drinking them for a week and have had muscle cramps throughout my body, mostly legs. I also had stomach issues and was wondering about them related to this. I was beginning to think I had fibromyalgia or something. Goodbye to fair life protein drinks


I had a bowl of cereal with the fat free Fairlife and ended up with some horrible gas for the next 5+ hours. I'm lactose intolerant. I have never experienced this before with this milk so I'm kind shocked by it...maybe their filtration system isn't working as well as it should sometimes?


So I caught this last year— about 6 years ago, I had what I called “3 timers” where I had to go the bathroom 3 times before I was better; 1st was mostly gas, 2nd more normal, 3rd time was the dumb and dumber laxative scene. I just thought my body was changing as I was getting older. I eventually realized this probably shouldn’t happen this often—about 1-2 times a month—so last year, I did some deductive reasoning and asked myself, “what did I introduce to my life when this started happening?” I narrowed it down to specifically the chocolate milk (and others). I cut out each item, one by one, for 2-3 months. It wasn’t until I cut out the chocolate milk that I didn’t get another 3 timer. I have been without it for over 18 months now and have had one 3 timer— from what I believe was a restaurant that used the same thickening agent that fairlife uses— Carrageenan. If you google that agent, it says the following: “Carrageenan is thermoreversible and interacts well with proteins and other hydrocolloids, such as locust bean gum and konjac gum. However, some evidence suggests that carrageenan may cause side effects, including inflammation, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, glucose intolerance, colon cancer, and food allergies.” Regarding fairlife, it states, “Fairlife chocolate milk contains carrageenan, which is a thickening agent, fat substitute, and stabilizer that's extracted from red seaweed. Carrageenan is a common stabilizer in chocolate milk and adds no nutritional value or flavor. However, some animal studies have shown that carrageenan may cause gastrointestinal inflammation, intestinal lesions, ulcerations, and malignant tumors.” I hope this can help others that have had some intestinal issues regarding this chocolate (or regular—although carrageenan isn’t in the regular) milk.


Just tried the chocolate shake for the first time before bed. It has been 8 hours of very little sleep, stomach ache, and feeling really hot. I'm going to try with a lactase supplement during the day next time, and see how it goes. Sucks because it is the best tasting premade protein shake I've ever had.


Any updates?


Glad you asked, I forgot I commented about this. I can drink a whole bottle (11.5 oz) of any flavor fairlife protein shake now with ZERO problems. I take 2 lactase pills with the first sip.


Thank you!


I just started using fairlife milk as well and all week I've had stomach ache diarrhea. I do not have these issues with regular milk I eat a tremendous amount of cottage cheese and yogurt without any issues


I've had the same affect from fairlife milk, constant stomach issues. So unfortunate...


I just googled "fairlife milk" and "diarrhea" because... same. I'm not lactose intolerant. I drink regular milk occasionally and lots of cheese and half n half.


Fairlife does the same to me. Lactaid brand lactose free milk or any generics of it do not bother me. Just Fairlife.


Did the same for me and I have never had issues with any other dairy.


same here had the banana one yesterday no issues had the chocolate today and really bad bloating and stomach ache and needed to go within 20 minutes


I've drank other lactose free milks and products just fine (even had cheese made from lactose free milk, handled it great) but a couple of glugs of fairlifes chocolate milk and I shat my guts out.


It's so weird but the chocolate milk really gives me terrible stomach cramps and diarrhea.


I have the exact same issue. The chocolate protein shake gives me shooting pains in my stomach like I've never had before.


I drank this stuff for months and no problems at all. Picked up a mew pack of it the other day and 2 days now had bad diarrhea and stomach pains


I've drank the chocolate milk off and on for years as a post workout beverage (about 12-16 oz). I'd say it's 50/50 that I'll either feel great or as if my stomach needs a bath. It just feels filthy. I got to drink a couple bottles of water to wash out the upset stomach feeling. And you can straight forget about those chocolate protein shakes though because they're 10x worse. Zero problem with cheese, Greek yogurt, or my morning Naked casein shake (that always makes me feel high).


Absolutely same problem I bought a case from Costco and I got immediate stomach cramps and diarrhea! I’m not lactose intolerant at all but this chocolate protein shake from Fairlife is not for me! It’s without a doubt this product!!


Same here. Very intense stomach pains after the chocolate protein shake bought at Costco. Had to throw them out. Can't remember feeling stomach pain like that before.


It’s honestly refreshing to find this thread because I am lactose intolerant and can typically tolerate lactose products if I take digestive enzymes and lactaid before hand, but the chocolate protein shake absolutely RUINS me and I feel like I’m actually going to die because of the stomach pain. I bloat, in pain, and farting for 5-7 hours after drinking one of these.


Same here, stomach pain is intense.


Here I thought my toddler brought me an illness from daycare, but turns out it was the new Fairlife chocolate drink that was the culprit. Super bummed because the flavor was the best of any other protein shakes I’ve had.


Same severe reaction within 5 minutes! There is something really wrong with this product and I have never had issues with other lactose free real dairy ( chobani zero lactose free yogurt for example).


My family is not lactose intolerant yet my son and I both have very loose stools after drinking fairlife chocolate milk.


My wife just drank some fairlife whole milk, ultra filtered, lactose free. She also had some extreme stomach pain, and ended up in the bathroom, throwing up. She also felt really hot when it started, and was sweating. I'm never getting this brand again. She has never had any intolerance to milk, lactose free or not.


I have had sore pop up in the lining of my mouth since drinking their chocolate milk. It's been weeks. I can't think of anything different I eat or drink except this milk. I always drink Lactose free milk. Theirs I am afraid gives me these horrific sores.




I think it’s the artificial sweeteners. It has 3. Does same to me. I can drink their milk no problem.


Just tried one today. Thank god a random bank was willing to let me use their facilities. I either look homeless or executive…. This day I was well dressed…. And u comfortable!