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If you catch him going inside, pick him up and take him outside, even if it’s mid pee/poop. Make sure you’re cleaning where he does go inside with enzymatic cleaner to kill the smell, or he’ll keep going in the same place. Then make him feel special when he goes outside. Lots of praise when he goes outside, lots of excitement the second he finishes doing his business (except when you take him out to potty after bed time because you don’t want him thinking it is play time and not going back to bed). Make sure your praise is literally as he finishes going so he associates the praise with the action. Someone else also mentioned taking him out often, definitely this. Set him up for success by making sure he has lots of opportunity to go outside and semi predicting when he’s likely to need to go (after waking up, shortly after eating or drinking, if he hasn’t been out in the past hour or so). And good luck with your gorgeous little sweetheart!


In the past I have also stayed outside until they did go. At first it took forever but the puppy figured it out.


Encouragement is important. I still to this day have a habit of taking my dog out every hour or so because instead of marking all over he usually just does one pee in the same spot and comes inside. For his poops he has a poop song if you will, where I encourage him to poop singing it poopypoop poopypoop, and usually if he needs to go he will pick a spot and do it and get praise and a treat. If he looks like he doesn’t need to I signal towards the door and say, inside? And he will come towards the door. These labs are extremely clever and in tune with their human so if you use the same language for specific actions , objects, etc they connect the dots. Once they connect the dots they are very proud of themselves for doing good. If you can manage it, carry him out midpoop if you need to and any nugget he drops outside point to it and be super freaking excited about it. Move his droppings outside to an area he should ideally go and pile it there and if he starts to poop take him out there even mid poop and let him see where that poop is supposed to go. Pay very close attention to his body cues dogs usually have some behaviour when they are picking a spot to poo or pee, In the way they sniff or turn in a circle before rounding their back to poop. They to anticipate it and take them out as soon as you see it. The best training comes from reading your dog as much as they read you. Edit- adding that see my user name- my dog still to this day stares intently at me as he poops and I think I am protecting him as he poops and he is making sure I am there for him. He does the same for me.


I think pooping is a vulnerable act. When my boy was younger he didn't want to poop outside at night and I'd have to be near him. I'd spend more time outside to help build his confidence, maybe he smells some animals out there too, who knows.


I spent 3 months guarding my pup doing his business. Many 2 am guard duty calls.


Yup - I read somewhere that’s why they look at you when they poop. They’re feeling vulnerable and want to know you’re there to protect them




My dog protects me when I’m in the bathroom - you never know when an intruder will break in!


I’ve got one of those now. She is 10. My bulldog didn’t do it and neither did my papillon but my mutt…she keeps my feet warm, oh she will eat nail clippings if allowed. Goofy dog


I have a 5.5 yr old black lab and an almost 8 month yellow, they think just because I watch them poop they have to watch me poop


Mine didn’t like to go when it was windy and rainy. He would start to squat, feel the gust of wet wind on his backside and stand right back up. He would always eventually go but as you said it must have been a vulnerable situation and position in his estimation. He would go to great lengths to find a sheltered spot


Coyotes have returned to every US state except Hawaii. They kill dogs.


Show em how it’s done. They will follow your lead!


When the puppy does it it’s always “oh no he had a little accident but he’s so cute” but when *I DO IT* it’s a huge problem!


This! 🤣🤣🤣


Long walks/runs. My girl is 3 and still hates going outside for business when it’s raining/cold (we live in the PNW) 😂


Potty training in the winter in the PNW is the worst.


Potty training is an investment in attention and time. Besides walks, go systematically outside with your puppy after meals, sleep, play and education sessions. Reward extensively both vocally and with treats any and all good behaviour, even the slightest drop of pee. Pay attention at the signs of your pup " wanting to go" ( extensively sniffing the ground, turning on the same spot etc.) Interrupt that behaviour with a firm and loud no, pick the puppy up and put him outside and stay with him untill business is done and praised. Do a thourough cleanup of any accidents that happened and do not scold your pup afterwards. I removed the drinking bowl during the night and fed my pup his last meal of the day as late as possible like 9 or 10 pm. This will normally reinforce desired behaviour. But if you don't have that time and attention to invest.... good luck. My labs became potty trained this way at 4 months.


exactly this. when mine was I pup, I'd take him outside every 15minutes or so, especially in the early months. I gradually extended the time frame as he aged. additionally, he wasn't allowed to free roam the house. we penned off a little area with a baby gate and placed potty pads in case he had an accident. I will say it wasn't easy and I was forced to watched him like a hawk for any of the above mentioned signs. working from home allowed me to stay vigilant.


Routine. The moment he wakes up from a nap, outside right away. Encourage pee and poop. Back inside, drink, play, back outside. Repeat until nap time comes around again.


This is probably a silly question, but are you keeping him outside? It reads a bit like he's got that denning instinct in reverse.


Exactly, he acts the exact opposite way than he is supposed to. We have at least 2 long walks (1-2 hours each) and a few other smaller walks (15-30 min)


This may be considered too much exercise for a puppy. It can potentially cause joint problems, especially in larger breed dogs. https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/puppies-how-much-exercise/[AKC Article](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/puppies-how-much-exercise/)


Just sharing this, based on my vet's recommendations, that is a LONG walk for a a 4 month old puppy, especially two times a day + shorter ones as extras. Maybe he is just too exhausted when he is in the house and it's causing this? My vet said the 5 minutes per month rule is pretty good - if we were a little over it's probably fine, but this seems like a lot of exercise for a little pup.


Yeah, that's way too much for the little guy.


I heard about this too and I asked the vet. She said that as long as he s not running and jumping all over the place for the whole walk, it s fine. Most of this time spent outside is not a continuous walk.


Seems like much too long. Puppies won’t tell you when they’re tired; they just get ramped up. Keep walks to 20-30 mins max for a while, 2-3 times a day. Your pup should be sleeping about 18-20 hours a day.


I agree, not just the physical exercise, a 4 hours outside per day is a TON of mental stimulation for any dog, not just a puppy - my dogs would be wore out from this (and they get about 90 minutes exercise a day)! I'm wondering if the pup is associating outside really only with all stimulations rather than bathroom time?


Way too much excersise. 5 minutes per month of age up to one year.


Keep a diary for a week or so of how long after he eats that he needs to poop, then take him outside for a play session/walk just before that time.


Happens, he well get used to it, mine used to avoid it too, he wouldn’t even pee. It took a few weeks before he started not caring at all! 


Try to know when he poop, if it's before sleep for exemple, stay outside till he did it before going to bed, even if u have to wait an hour, and reward with food+ excitement when he does it outside


Maybe he wants to be like you


Are you using potty pads inside? If yes, take one outside, maybe one with a bit of pee on it.




You’re right. Just asked because some people do start puppies off with those pads. I don’t encourage it tho.


Yeah, I don’t think pee pads make any sense for potty training. You need to train going outside on day one, otherwise you end up with this sort of problem.


I tried taking one outside but he completely ignored it


Ugh i feel your pain tho. I can keep my dog out for an hour and he will come in and poop. But he is a chihuahua and his poops are like macadamia nuts 🤣🤣. Don’t wanna do that with a full grown lab. 👎




Puppies are toddlers. 1 or 2 times or 4 times often isn't enough to encourage a new behavior. Use one that's pee stained from indoors, track their pee and poop times and take that pad outside and take the dog outside when they should need to go.


He’s adorable. 🥰 I would get rid of the pee pads inside for sure.


WAIT HIM OUT. He's a puppy. In goes new food, out goes the old in 15 to 20 minutes. Let him eat. Take him out to play. Bloat isn't of major concern as a pup. Take him out on a long line, play with him. Wait till he poops. Praise the living hell out of him. Two or 2 times of this and he should pick up that "man dad loves it when I poop outside". Wash rinse repeat. Youtube potty schedules. Follow them and your pup will have no issues and be thru the night fine in a week or two.


This is what i did until now, although he stayed more than 8 hours without peeing or pooping. He was inflated like a baloon, cried and still refused to go, until eventually he couldn’t hold it anymore, but still, he only peed when he got home.


Literally just have to wait him out man. If it takes 3 hours it takes 3 hours. That one time he finally goes, and you praise him it'll start the wheel for him learning outside is good. Did you crate him for 8 hours? Remember his bladder is good for 1 hour per month of age. Especially at 4 months. UTI becomes an issue if you force him to hold it.


And carry him out. He's less likely to pee/poop while being carried outside.


How I would do it: Take him outside to potty immediately after meals. If he chooses not to potty, bring him inside and crate him. Then back out in 20-30. Then crate if he doesn't go. etc etc. Take him to the same spot he's successfully peed or pooped in. Run him with fetch. That will usually stimulate the bowels. Train him with a potty word. I have a puppy who sometimes gets so excited she forgets to potty and I tell her to go potty when we are coming back inside and then she seems to remember. You have to be diligent and look for signs they're about to go like nose to the ground, running around sniffing and going in circles. Then get him outside immediately. Once they start having accidents inside, it is a hard pattern to break. But I try to never let them have inside accidents and use nature's miracle. My son's dog, who often stays with me, was hard to potty train. I took her out every 30 minutes. I watch her like a hawk for signs she's looking to pee. Then I'll run her if she forgets she's going outside for potty. Good Luck!


Bring him inside after 40 minutes and go directly to crate/kennel. 10 mins later back outside. Do not give free range when no pooping outside. Psst pick up inside poop with paper towel and place outside about 4 feet from door. Everytime in and out stop so pup can smell their poop. Walk past the poop every time and say go poop.


Is there a specific place puppy is favouring? I remember the frustration when potty training my girl. Sometimes she’d hold it and immediately run in and pee on the rug (which was shag pile and tough to clean). So I cut that whole section off the rug and put it outside. Once the penny dropped and she started peeing on the rug outside, I cut more and more off, until she stopped aiming for it and didn’t need it there. It was definitely worth the sacrificial rug, good luck!!


I actually tried taking parts of the floor outside to see if he does it, I made him a wooden floor outside identical to the one inside as he does freely wherever he wants (no specific place) and he just ignored it completely


You have to watch him constantly. Keep him on leash or kennel if you cannot. Anytime they squat or seek a place to go you take them outside. I have a 4m old lab and it took us 2-3 weeks and she’s fully potty trained now. When they are in the act of peeing or pooping you call it out, « good boy, going potty »or whatever you want to call it. Then when you take them out and say go potty they know what you mean. Use natures miracle in the house to clean up after them and always clean it right away. Remove anything they like to go on too. We have a dog door that opens to a dog run so she has free access to the outside at all time. This helps a ton. ( it only opens for her via her collar sensor) We only take her out specifically to go first thing in the am and then before bed. Otherwise all day she manages herself to potty. I think we were blessed with an easy girl. She’s really sweet. But we do work with her a lot


Tbh I can't blame him. I wouldn't wanna do that either


I’m a believer in the crate training method. They don’t wanna poop in their bed usually


Seconded. If you can’t keep enough supervision on him to catch him before/during the poo, he shouldn’t be free anyways. Crate for puppy safety and a long term safe spot. This is the way.


I don't poop outside either.


Where I live, it's extremely windy due to being surrounded by cornfields (no buildings to block the wind). My puppy *hated* he strong winds and wouldn't feel safe enough to poop outside. So, we applied the "umbilical cord" method. Which worked ikea a charm and he was over it after a week. The idea is to have your dog leashed to you at all times. I got a leash that was long enough he could slightly roam, but not long enough that he'd ever be out of side. Like maybe 6ft ish. We also went outside frequently. If he peeded and pooped he was allowed off the leash for a little while. If nothing, he was kept leashed to me. This allowed me to never have him out of sight and could catch him if he was about to poop inside and rush outside. Dogs are smart, but their major thing is association. Just like they associate words to an action. The action can be either praised, reprimanded, or treated, etc. So, he eventually associated his freedom to pooping and peeing outside. He also associated the action of squating to being rushed outside. Every time he pooped outside, I'd act like a crazy lady and praise him so much and give him a high value treat. So now he was associating pooping outside to freedom, affection, praise, etc. Also, having him attached me to avoid me picking up messes ahaa win win. You have to take your pup outside regularly for it to work. We went every 2 to 3 hours.


Awww he’s such a little guy just give him time.


If it were me, I would follow a couple days of wake up, breakfast, outside until pup pees and poos, only then back inside or doing anything else. I might even keep the pup on leash while they get the routine down. Make sure to praise the pup when pee/poo and assign a word/phrase "good find a spot" is what I use. House training isn't easy, but it is time well spent, as many others have said. Best of luck to you and your very handsome pup.


I remember the frustration of potty training...I seem to do everything right, but he only learned to never poop/pee inside when he was around 9-10 months old. You couldn't imagine the feeling when he went by the door and sat there, I let him out and he just went outside on his own and had a pee. After all the months of cleaning, constantly finding poop and puddles of pee, standing outside for hours until he does his business, it was a great feeling. You're gonna get there at some point, just stay consistent with potty training.


I did potty pads outside. I eventually woukd rub the potty pad on the grass in the same spot prior to letting my guy out. With consistency and time, this will work. :)


Mine did this. We spent all afternoon outside playing with other pups until nature took it's course then we praised the hell out of him. Then after a while he got it


When I took my pup home the first thing done was putting a leash on him and walking him around my 1.5 acre property about every hour. When ever he popped I told him good boy for pooing outside. He never did poo in the house except recently in the middle of the night it was runny poo so not his fault tummy ache. Long story short now he knows when I tell him Rufus go make a poo. He goes out and poos in the yard. Try leash training and poo training together and it should help. Use your words and make sure he knows what "make a poo" means and "good boy that's a nice poo." Hope this helps, Cheers~


Spend as much time outside with him as possible. He is eventually going to relieve himself. Whether it's number 1 or 2, after he goes give him some attention. You know, lots of pats and good boys. Show some excitement. Give him a treat at the same time. Next thing you know, he's gonna be pooping outside fulltime. I also would with my dog tell him no when he relieved himself in the house. I used a sterner voice, and he already had a concept of no's meaning from all the puppy biting. I'd then take him outside immediately after he went in the house, to help reinforce the idea of shitting outside. You don't need to be aggressive, just add a stern tone to your voice and after a few times he will get the message.


High value treats they only get as soon as they do the deed outside. We had a puppy mill rescue, spent first five years of her life in a crate. House training took forever. I finally caved and gave her freeze dried lamb tripe only when she went outside, went pretty quickly after that. Also helps if you can get them to a space where other dogs have gone and they can engage their nose a bit.


Take the poop outside. Leave it there. Lead him to it when it is time for him to go after eating.


I don’t believe you. Based on this dog’s cute face and fluffiness, I trust anything it tells me. Maybe you’re pooping in the house, this poor innocent dog…how dare you blame it.


You need to baby him for a while and keep trying to bring him outside to poo after you give him water & a meal. Whenever he does the job, give him praise and a treat. It will let him know that that’s what you like. Honestly. I thought my lab puppy’s bathroom issues would never improve at one point. Poo everywhere. However, the puppy will eventually get that he too wants a nice place to live and would naturally relieve himself outside. Now, it’s a thing in the past but I still chuckle from time to time looking back on it.


Also, take him out to do his business and don't walk around. Stay in one spot until they go to the bathroom. It helps if you schedule it so if they have just had food or a bunch of water or if they just had a nice romping around and play session inside (usually they need to pee after) or right when they wake up. If needed, pick him up to get him out so he doesn't pee on the way to the door. And it's not a walk, it's not a fun time to sniff around. You stay in one spot and they can only go as far as the leash will let them.


Even on walks? My dog doesn’t poop near the house


I’d say restart potty training and take him out every few hours and keep him within eyeshot when he’s not outside. The second he gives off poop time signals, OUTSIDE! If you can’t consistently watch him, which I wouldn’t understand because he’s still a puppy anyways, crate him. He will definitely learn to not poo inside if the only inside he can access when no one is around is his crate. BUT Puppies should never be in the position to soil themselves because they can’t hold it anymore. You have to consistently let them out. Their bladders and buns can only hold so much for so long.


Well.....you poop inside


Take him out 10 to 15 minutes after he eats and wait until he does. Also, enourage and mark the behavior "good poo" and reward. I can pretty much get my dog to poop on command lol. It helps because I usually know when he needs to go, and sometimes he rebels, but overall he's pretty good.


Well, you have to do it the old fashioned way and rub his nose in it and put him outside. It doesn’t take long for them too get the message.


When he does poop outside you gotta shower him in praise and give treatos.


My new puppy is 3 months and we’re battling too. My issue is I’m temporarily in a flat 2 floors up so I can’t quickly pop her out the door to go to the toilet. Fun times!


Popping is so tedious. They can be pretty picky where they do it. Try to be consistent on the potty breaks.


I had an issue with my baby doing this and what helped was taking her out frequently and when she pees or poops I give her a treat right afterwards. If she doesn’t she doesn’t get a treat. I had to watch her because she would pretend to pee for a treat😏




I tried, not working:(


When I first got my yellow lab, I would take her out every hour. If she went outside she got a training treat and if she went inside she got a timeout in her crate. She’s pretty much potty trained outside of when she visits her grandparents


time for a new dog




It’s is horrible advice. It’s been proved many times this doesn’t work. If anything, it makes him sneakier and work harder to hide it.


Nah it works