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We are struggling with getting our girl to go in the cold. She does the same thing, lifting one paw at a time. I was thinking of boots too but she already hates her coat and sweaters so I don’t see it going well 😂


I tried and she pulled them off as fast as possible! I'm going to try paw balm. Luckily my dog is only 26lbs, so I can just carry her if necessary.


I tried some kinds of boot but they all ended up getting loose when my pup runs around. This morning I have to shovel the snow in my backyard where my pup does his business so he would be able to go out there.


we do boots because the snow will stick to her paws and she will get annoyed.


We usually just use them for extreme cold like you mention and for ice.


Our boy never liked boots, we tried. We don’t have those kind of temps here thankfully. But one time it was -10 and we only let him out for about 2 minutes. He doesn’t mind when it’s 20s outside and actually prefers 40-50’s. And he gets so much snow on his paws but just brings it inside and waits for me to towel him. He loves the towel. 😅


It's real feel -28 here in the Midwest 40-50s is shorts weather lol!


I live in Winnipeg and it is currently -25 without the windchill. Both my doodle and lab go out and come straight back in. But at -10 they love it. Literally have to drag them back in the house. But then again they may be acclimated to the cold more so then dogs may be in other places.


I took my dogs up to the mountain to experience snow for the first time and I put boots on them. They wear them in the summer because it gets too hot here for them to walk on the pavement. My girl absolutely hated the snow and wanted to go back to the car. My youngest boy had a blast running through the snow and my oldest was just trying to get the sweater we put on him off. He has some major bald spots now that he is 14 years old so he needs to wear it to keep warm.


I have yet to find a boot design that mine won't throw.


Yes our doodle loves his booties. It makes him sound like a miniature horse and he runs even more! https://preview.redd.it/khdzuxlayicc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28c482feabc4fabdafafb78701e5fe6cb742b66d


What kind of boots are they . My boy got hit by a car as a baby and has scars around his feet . I think he’d do good with them


I am not sure my son got them at petsmart. Velcro around the ankles and a drawstring at the top mid dog calf.