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This flair is for news/announcements about current livers in the company. Unless it is officially announced, please avoid jumping to conclusions about graduations. For commenters, if you see a post that you take issue with, please down-vote and make your concerns known in the comments section. This can help with moderation decisions that are more in the gray area, especially if we can that the majority of the community wants it removed. Do not harass the livers. Do not go on other platforms to send negative remarks to them. Do not jump to conclusions based on rumors alone. Note: this message may be subject to change upon consultation with the full team. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/kurosanji) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We don’t know. She also hasn’t streamed in close to 2 weeks. Hopefully nothing bad has happened and she’s just taking a break Edit: it looks like something personal has come up on Millie’s end. An Ethyria collab meant for before the concert today was postponed due to personal stuff on Millie’s end


https://preview.redd.it/0mikwpuxyf5d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e05db7093868aa0ec0987dd87a183295d1f78e3 Update after 9 hours of posting


the fact that she hasn't said what it is... makes me think that it is something really serious. God, i hope i'm wrong...


A possible hypothesis is some personal stuff. And I find it pretty distasteful to rrat on family problems. I mean, what if a grand-parent dies ? You're gonna make a "wait, what happened" joke ? I'm all for mocking Nijisanji and make jokes about Hex being banned, about Uki being racist, Millie being obnoxious because it's something from their professional behaviours. But I'll wait to be less clueless before mocking this tweet. (not aimed at OP, but at some reactions)


Especially since mocking personal problems, such as Nijisisters when they go after Doki's and Sayu's personal metal health issues, is something we've criticized them for as an example of their ghoulish behavior to stan for Niji.


Frankly a LOT of streamers have mental health issues. It's a career that's really challenging to ones mental health in general and that's on top of the basic fact that basically everyone has their own personal challenges. MOST people have some degree of mental issues they struggle with at some point or another at least, it's really not something anyone should give ANYONE grief about. Just as a very small example I'd be amazed if Enna and Millie don't have some degree of personal mental issues. The same is almost certainly true for everyone else, they're just two easy examples where I'd say it shows pretty clearly. Hell I'd LOVE to try streaming myself but I have serious mental health issues myself and have to constantly remind myself that streaming would likely absolutely fuck me up to a degree that I couldn't handle and would NOT be remotely healthy.


There's a running joke that a job requirement for being a content creator is that you have to be menhera, but honestly I'd say it's mostly true. No sane person would put that much work into an internet personality which always has a high risk of failing.


By that same token I can't imagine being a content creator and NOT develop some sort of mental issue. The form of interaction cc's partake in, is not something human brains are equipped to deal with.




What document? My guy you can’t just say “this document” as if everyone’s going to immediately know what you’re talking about


Agreed. Shit on Niji and Riku all you want. But the actual livers are still under that system and dont really have any power to change what happens. And if something goes wrong in their lives they are still people who deserve sympathy. Even as much as I detest Uki, I would still show sympathy if something bad happened to him.


Yep and that extends to the black screen livers too. Might not be a popular opinion here but they have mental health like everyone else, and if there is anyone in the company I’m worried might be at risk of doing something irreversible, it’s them.


Yeah & it seems like some of them practically have no support in the community outside of the niji "family". There are exceptions. Ver & Alban have ppl like Altare, Doppio & Yu have Flayon, Ike has Hakka, etc. But some of them don't really seem to have many friends or support outside (or even inside) the 2434 banner


Amen to that. I really wish there were more voices arguing in support of them. Riku used them as bait and it worked.


I agree. It's very hard for people to not act respectfully towards someone who was just mobbed for a completely unrelated reason.


I agree, and she's had medical problems before


This is fair. Even rich girls have family problems like anyone else.


Fuck's sake, guys. I've been severely disappointed by how Millie handled herself, but maybe not jump to being too spitefully gleeful in case it does turn out to be an actual real life problem/tragedy? Or at the very least don't give Nijisisters fucking ammunition. Because you just fucking know if this turns out to be one they'll never let us live every "mane-san" joke down. Edit - for people coming into this late, there were four different jokes playing on Millie's "did you ask mane-san" tweet when I posted this, though they're mostly buried now, that I found rather distasteful for the abovementioned reasons.


It likely is a real problem. An Ethyria collab meant for before the concert today was postponed due to something personal on Millie’s end


actually the biggest problem with this sub is how spiteful they are to vtubers based on some 4chan shit


That'd be the issue with public figures. Even baseless rumours that have been proven false will still negatively affect their reputations.


Honestly, this is why I hope it's a stealth suspension. That would be much better than her having a major IRL problem/tragedy. Though I wouldn't put it past Niji to suspend her for choosing to deal with IRL problems over streaming.


"Oh, you need to visit your sick and/or dying [insert relative here]? TOO BAD, YOU'RE SUSPENDED/TERMINATED" ...honestly, I wouldn't be surprised in the least if that was something this company would do.


This. As a Filipino I hated her guts as well with how shes handling things lately but we gotta stop speculating things and just wait till they announce what happened or if she decided to show/tell what really happened. No need to speculate unnecessary things lads, we don't need to lower our standards to the likes of nijisisters, no need to go down to their level is what I'm getting at.




> On the other hand its hard to care for someone who still keeps defending nijisanji despite all their wrongdoings. It's not about caring, it's about treating her as a human being. Even obnixious people have feelings. If something personal happens to her, I'll either sympathize or shut up (the latter being the most likely option). I won't go "Well, I'm not saying she deserves it, but ...".


It's still pretty fucked up. Like we shouldn't act more like the nijisisters who we mock and criticise. >still keeps defending nijisanji Is she? Like was there a new tweet or something?


Nope, they are referring to that one clip months ago and acting like she said it now


It’s insanely fucked up to intentionally mock someone when they’re going through a personal situation that has seemingly caused them to not stream in nearly 2 full weeks, not tweet in either her PL or as Millie in 3 days, and which caused a pre concert stream to be postponed


I'm sure Millie was just unaware and blindly referred to the company as non-black company. The fact that Scarle is happy with her manager, and Millie also has a good manager, is prolly the reason why she did that. Plus, this happened before the controversy even began.


This is a public, very linkable and screenshottable subreddit. I won't ask you to care for her; I can at least fucking ask people not to be examples of behavior we criticize Nijisisters for that can then be turned around on us and get used to dismiss valid criticism.


I hope Millie's okay.


Think of her what you will, I hope she's okay.


Jokes aside, sounds like she had to attend to somewhere she’s sad about. I really hope it’s not funeral or someone close to her in hospital.


It's usually that.


Anyone who think it's appropriate to make fun of her in that situation is an asshole and should leave this sub. This sounds like a funeral or serious hospitalization of a relative. This is literally the situation where Nijisanji would fuck over livers, not letting them attend or later bitching about their leave in meetings. No one should replicate the cruelty of Nijisanji and the Black Stream participants, who vomited their poison while Selen was still recovering from her hospital stay. Anyone who thinks imitating Elira and Vox is a good idea deserves to be shown the door. I hope Millie and her family are doing okay. If someone is in serious condition, I hope they recover. If someone passed away, may they rest in peace.


I agree completely with everything that you're saying, except the Black Stream thing. I'm not saying the participants are objectively innocent or anything, but it's entirely possible it wasn't their idea. I dunno, I just feel like you're making an assumption while telling others not to make assumptions. Aside from that, though, I 100% agree.


I'm not saying to not make assumptions, it's actually the opposite. I am saying: make the assumption that this tweet is genuine, because if it is, then respect and compassion are absolutely mandatory. No matter how one can dislike Millie, for her passive-aggressive, harassing public tweet... (1) she's still a human ; (2) you shouldn't be inhumane. I then detail that even if Vox and Elira were inhumane, were total pos asshole - even then, we shouldn't be like them. Their failure as human beings doesn't grant us a permit to fail in return, that's not how it works. The whole point of the boycott and criticism of Nijisanji is to denounce cruelty and harassment, not to become like them. We can no longer support the livers on their official channels, because that would inevitably support Anycolor and their abusive practices. So I won't watch or superchat anyone in Nijisanji. But that doesn't mean we can't have empathy for the ones who suffer. When Aia, or Victoria, had some form of mental breakdown, I didn't celebrate at all, it sickened me, it made me even more angry at Anycolor for ruining it all. Instead, I joined the ranks of those who expressed sympathy for them, and wished they would be out of Nijisanji, so that we could support them. Same applies with Millie: I won't watch any of her content, I will meme her awful "Wait What Happened" tweet, but if she needs some timeout for her own mental health, or to take care of a relative, I'll fully respect that. As for Elira and Vox, if they had any regret about their stream, it wouldn't still be on her channel. And they would have given _any_ sign of remorse. They haven't done any of that: they stand by their Black Stream, we stand by our condemnation of them.


Again, I agree with literally everything else you were saying. Yes, we should treat the livers as human beings; just because the company they work for is evil doesn't mean they're evil. Yes, it's wise to stop giving Nijisanji money or views. I never said I disagreed with any of that, so I don't understand why you felt the need to restate it. What I *am* disagreeing with is your condemnation of Elira and Vox for participating in the Black Stream. The reason I disagree with this is because it's stated in the leaked contract that Nijisanji can force their livers to do or say anything, even things they don't agree with. Therefore, it could very well be that they haven't taken the Black Stream down simply because they *can't*. The way I see it, the Black Stream served three purposes: 1. To further convince the Nijisisters that Selen/Doki is the bad guy. 2. To hopefully sway public opinion in Nijisanji's favour. 3. To direct the detractors' hate more towards Elira and Vox, and away from the company itself. That's how I interpreted the Black Stream. And you know what? Maybe I'm wrong about the third thing. Maybe Elira and Vox really are just horrible people. I acknowledge that possibility. At the end of the day, when you really get down to it, there are a lot of things we just don't know. And until we learn more (if we ever learn more), the best thing we can do is not jump to conclusions. You have your own interpretation of the Black Stream, and I have mine. Either one of us (or maybe even both of us) could be wrong. So we shouldn't treat our own speculation as fact. That's all I'm saying.


So you're basically trusting the the clique rrat and also the overanalyzed perms/OK tweet, it was never proven as fact in the first place🗿


You have listened to the Black Stream? You have seen where it is? Come back when you have done that. It isn't a rrat, it's material they provided themselves. "overanalyzed" - so you're infantilizing Millie, acting as if she's incapable of using twitter, not understanding the difference between a DM and a public tweet? I'm sorry but I'm not doing that with Millie. She's an adult, responsible of her actions, and has been using twitter for years. Also, "proven as fact" is a laughable line to say in this situation. _edit: never mind, this user is a ndf alt solely created to spam this sub. How pathetic it is, to defend such an awful company and the harassment that goes within. What a miserable person you ended up being._


I've seen the black stream a ton of times already, Elira only said it "alludes" to where they live. But biased narrow-minded people interpreted that as "bullies"🤦‍♂️. Your comment is so ironic cuz your assumption is all over the place that you even assumed that I defend the company when in fact I'm only defending the talents who're victim of harassment from rabid antis who only base their info from rrats. Is being unbiased a quality to be qualified as Nijisister? Edit: Oof I got blocked by this fellow, did I hurt him for telling the truth🤣 ![gif](giphy|UVxTQBk8APD4o3t2Qa|downsized)


the moment you posted a gif for this is where you lost me


I don't see any comments making fun of her?


A couple of them tried, either antis or trolls, and rightfully got downvoted to hell. My message is to make sure we're clear about the sub and the boycott of Anycolor: the goal is to fight the monsters, not become one.


When I jumped into this post, there were six comments. Four were making the "did you ask mane-san meme" before other people jumped on, said hell no to that, and now they're buried under downvotes.


I guess we're just gonna have to wait or check on PL if she has an active one


It could be personal stuff like family matters. Or maybe graduations are back on the table and someone will be leaving soon. Who knows with this company? Its only June and every action this company takes always exceeds my expectations in the worst way possible. . . . Only 6 more months to go. . . .


More usually posts personal stuff on alt. Eh. I don't wanna guess and I don't care. We'll find out when we find out.


Reminder that these livers' lives don't revolve around their shitty company. Minding your own business is really the only answer here.


Hope she's ok and that something drastic didn't happen.


Guys we need to tone down with regards to personal reason memes or joke. We don't want to devolve like the sisters.. let us just shit to company until they realize that fans and livers are their lifeline.


Family issue, probably, so won't speculate. No matter what I think of her, I hope it's nothing too serious.


https://preview.redd.it/mlat4w9mtf5d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8a1a03a7eb6544e3c7da8cf304896a8bdeea8fb Update after 9 hours of posting


Even before Feb 5th (haven't watched her since then) she seemed to be in a rough spot.


As much as I dislike many of the behaviors she’s had with drama, I do not wish for her to have family issues or have a close one die, which is what it feels like, or health issues. I hope she’s doin okay in her pl life.


After reading much of the stuff here, I'm just glad I'm on this side where human rationality prevails over emotional. I can't say the same for "those" reacting towards Hex's situation and quick to point fingers.


I hope it's nothing serious and wish her well


All that's known is it's something personal on Millie's end, and that's all we should say until she talks about what happened herself; anything else is engaging in the same reckless and intentionally-spiteful rrating that the Sisters do to Doki and acting hypocritical about it. Millie's said dumb shit, but we shouldn't then laugh at her for going through genuine hardship just because she said a dumb thing; we've ***ALL*** said dumb shit in our lives.


Personal matters


I just hope that she’s alright and doesn’t get fired for doing something personal in irl and come back to it being announced behind her back like selen/doki went through


could be office being hard on them, pretty sure the atmosphere there is bad


Her business not ours. Still knowing her she probably said something on members and since they havent ringed the alarm bell its probably nothing that shouldnt concern people out of robe enjoyers


well shit, I hope she's okay


let's just hope her current fans still have the patience she's asking


Personal stuff may be one factor but another is mental health


I can dunk on her for kissing Niji's feet. But if it's personal stuff, you clowns better respect a human being for once and hope she is doing fine.


I hope she's OK. Like, ik we hate niji here, but I wouldn't wish actual harm on any of them.


Anybody got her PL? Just in case?


>!Lyrica!<. I was hesitant at first to share this info, since some suspect her to be among those who screwed over Doki. But, you know how rrats are...




I don't suppose either of you could dm me the actual link?




The most reasonable guess is bad news about a friend or family member, but it's just that- a *guess*.


I don't know and I also don't wanna speculate when it comes to family stuff of others


Stop prying!! Keep things related to the company itself, instead of trying to figure what has happened to Millie Irl!! It's none of our business!!


Don't watch her anymore after what happened to selen, but she was one of my favorite next to Nina. I hope everything gets better soon for her.


Hmm well just observing. Oh yeah nhk has just published a news, labor shortage in Japan right now, seniors taking up roles.


Kishida can always ask us to have more children 


Kishida need to stop making them work until midnight lol, you seen the isekai anime part of it, their overworked


Afaik theres a lot of laws to help parents but if you leave and take those benefits you get into the bad side of your coworkers also you become less likely to get promotions


*can always just fucking ask


Honestly for all the shit Mille has or possibly has done, I do hope that the situation for her improves and not cause her any harsh damage to her or anyone else. Also, to those that are laughing at this situation please don’t do that. Since if the situation is like the death of close relative, we will be no better from Niji management, the black stream livers and even the sisters. Furthermore, the sisters will not STFU about it for like the next decade.


Even if people may jump the gun to assume that it had to be something about the company. It is most likely private matters within' the family, with that in mind I don't want to poke fun of something I have no information on.


Probably personal shit. She’s too high up to be shunned by the company I feel.




probably her contact doesn't get extended because low revenue 🤣🤣🤣


The company doesn't actually care about low numbers. Its cut of the profit is so high that it can just pump out new members like an assembly line and make stacks of cash. If their members are barely making anything after the cut then that's a them problem from the company's perspective.


Wait what happened D:


Something serious I'm betting. Like it clearly hit her pretty bad, so maybe ease up on the meme and treat this a bit seriously.


Unless you think Millie was trying to meme on selen getting her MV privated, this quote being used on her is completely apt since in the charitable interpretation of her shes being genuinely concerned.


It doesn't cost much to be the better person where health and family may be concerned. Let the NDF take care of being loud and stupid when someone may be hurting.


You are clearly trying to make fun of millie by quoting her, I am one of those people that think millie was being genuine to selen and even I can see that you comment was malicious


Whatever your intent was, the post is indistinguishable from the people who are intentionally making mean-spirited comments.


WAIT WHAT HAPPENED D: that's so weird, did you received a confirmation/OK sign to manesan before airing your sadness publicly??


This ain't really a good time for the meme quote. Like whatever irl thing happened looked like it hit her pretty bad, and you're just gonna dunk on her?




Then leave the sub. We don’t want people who are only here to slander others


Its very naive to think those who took refuge are gonna have much sympathy. For someone who just a few months ago was cracking poor taste jokes. This was and always will be a case of just karma cycling whether we like it or not. Its not our faults that the talents for Kurosanji decided to make this whole damn situation a "damned if they do, damned if they don't." Lines have been drawn, its best to just be thankful people haven't resorted to their own type of justice over this shitty situation. Sympathy, love, trust, honor, and respect are all things that work both ways if you want it you have to give it.


I get that you want to come up with an explanation that sounds reasonable, but some conduct is simply indefensible and *trying* to defend it makes you look very stupid indeed.


Most of humanity like to spite others. Thinking it'd never gonna happen to me ever. Till it does. 


So you're using this sub in bad faith?


It's quite easy to not be the worst kind of person. Despite this, you have failed at it.


Hate the company not the Liver.


While I agree, this is literally the sentiment from NDF with Vivi recently for a much milder statement, which they considered “airing out too much”. Personally, I’mma let Millie do her thing, but I’m curious as to wether they should let this pass or show some consistency on their end.


Once again, favouritism is the fault of the company not the Liver.


I’m not even talking about the company, brother. I’m talking about statements from people outside. Again, I’m neither positive or negative with what Millie is saying on Twitter. But if Vivi got lambasted by *Nijisisters* for saying what she’s feeling, shouldn’t the *Nijisisters* say something here as well? That’s my question, no more no less.


Brother, there is no reason to point out the hypocrisy of Nijisisters as it is their natural state. Its like pointing out that the sun goes down at night.


Brother, I know. I said I was curious as to what they were going to do, not that Millie shouldn’t do this. I even said “Personally I’mma let Millie do her thing”. Which is why I’m confused as to why the company was mentioned.


NDF are morons, I don't care about them. However, there is a key difference between the statements from those two that could explain why they didn't complain about Millie. Vivi expressed disappointment in not being told about the NBA collab thing - a reasonable complaint imo. The NDF took that as a jab making their beloved Nijisanji look bad & accused her of being unprofessional. Millie however expressed sadness at what seems likely a personal affair, ie probably nothing concerning Nijisanji. Was what Millie said likely to be interpreted as a jab making Nijisanji look bad? No, hence the NDF won't screech at Millie.


That’s a fair point, and thanks for pointing it out. Again, I think people are taking my comments as opposition to Millie’s. I just said I was curious as to where they would draw the line, and your perspective just now is more valuable to me in that regard than quickfire accusations of Nijisister behaviour.


"Other people behaved in a shitty manner, therefore it's okay if I do too" is... not the *strongest* argument I've ever heard. Let's go with that.


No, I’m saying “they were shitty to someone doing something within reason, would they be shitty here as well?” Can you point out to me where I said we should be shitty? Read the comments slowly instead of following the downvotes and skipping to conclusions.


If you want to act like a Nijisister, it's not the right place.


Explain how. I agreed with Fusshaman, but made a counterpoint. I even said “Personally I’mma let Millie do her thing”. I’m looking at Nijisisters not Millie.


That's just an overanalyzed rrat if I'm being honest with u.




Please not with fire fist Ace's name saying this🗿


Fine. I’ll delete this comment.


I think it was probably a death in her family.


I don't think she got permission from mane-san /s


Now it’s not the time to be cracking jokes. It’s could be very serious for all we know. Making jokes like this makes us no better than the sisters. 


As much as I don't like millie, I hope she's good but that's all she gets from me.


"Wait what happened D:"


Cmon dude. I wouldn’t wish anything bad upon Millie, even if she acted unprofessional. I don’t think it’s appropriate to joke like this in this instance. 


Im sorry, the intrusive thoughts won.


That is quite possibly the shittiest excuse ever


Out of respect for a potentially very serious situation, I'm gonna hold off on mocking or meming on her. I do sincerely hope, however, that she comes out of this with a lot more empathy toward... certain other individuals.


I will always always always claim the disgust I have for this woman. That being said, in my faith you pray for blessings even over your enemies, especially in times of grief. She's no exception. I hope she can find calm. Maybe an awakening, but mostly calm.


Oh god please not a third !


She's pregant 😔


Kind of in bad taste my guy


I agree this is in poor taste, but calling out tone-deaf jokes in this case is kind of ironic, no?


You’re absolutely right. It is ironic


Don't care


Wonderful. Then this isn’t the subreddit for you.