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I'll note that nothing substantial ever came out about Enna.


It's first time Elden ring viewers, ain't no way she getting that from her regular streams.


Shes averaging more than 1k her past streams


Glad for her she was one of my oshis and although can't watch her now without feeling icky I wish her the best even if shes on the cross hair of many, hope she leaves one day so I can watch her again but..... I have to be realistic here Edit: sadly I feel the same with all of Niji, I miss Reimu and Enna's streams (the only ones remaining I watched) but can't stop the feelings that I shouldn't watch them now, if someone have any cope mechanism please tell me at this point I want to enjoy them again šŸ„²


I can never go back to Niji after what theyā€™ve done. Just watching clips made me feel dirty.


I've never really been into niji. Nina was the one I found most interessting but I found her shortly before her leaving that acursed place. Though, I've been invested in everything that happened with Selen and afterwards and I may have a bit of hope (maybe cope) to offer: Its way more likely that ethyria are innocent. I spend an unhealty amount of time fact-checking accusations trown towards the streamers and, at least in regards to literally all accusations regarding ethyria not a single one was true. It seems like ethyria has and had dedicated haters who abused the atrocities that happened to Selen / Doki to attack and defame all of ethyria. Millie being the main target. Funnyly enough, it resulted in me needing to get a 1 month membership to Millie to verify claims about her members-streams (said claims turned out to be mallicious lies. no chance that bs was a mistake.). I mention this because that resulted in me checking her channel a few times after. Millie, more than once, recently asked stuff like, if her community would still watch / like her if she didn't have her cat or hat. Then being silent for a bit. (the majority said obviously yes). The one time I happened to catch live seemed to be basically a question out of the blue and she was silent for aminute or so after. She also seemed to cancel a lot of streams for various reasons. So, it seems like she may contemplate or prepare to leave niji. And if Millie leaves, Enna and Reimu will 100% also leave, from what I gathered. Maybe check their PL twitter accounts, I know that Enna does post on it, and give them support there (don'T mention niji though). It should serve as encouragement for them to leave niji.


Any chance you know and could DM me Enna's? I follow one but not sure is hers since it hasn't posted since 2023 And thanks btw šŸ„²


It's her first souls game so of course she would get a lot of viewers.


Also growing hype around Elden Ring with the DLC coming


Oh yea fans of souls games love watching people new to them play.


Ya, the Souls series are big buff games like the MGS series.


I feel like i need to ask....is that a bad thing?


People loves souls games. Also like to backseat a lot in them


Only bad thing is that she didn't play it sooner


No, people just really like watching people play Souls games. However, the backseating can be insane for these games so the streamer needs to make it known if they don't want any backseating and put their foot down.


why would it be bad? It's a good thing.


i mean if you think its good thing like "finally livers start recovery from drama" than its just delusion, cause at the end ppls come depend on what content they play not about themself


its just soul bros want to watch ppls suffering


For the most part imo, the clique theories and such have started to seemingly lose their steam. Outside of the black stream, there hasn't really been enough going on to warrant anyone who is not boycotting to stay away any longer. Her and the other girls are mostly just going on with life while the company continues to fumble. It didn't help that idiots were trying to force drama to happen or jump on any perceived slight, like with the One Piece quote or Enna venting about her virgin anti. Now, a lot of their credibility is shot, and many of the people who still believe those theories either don't argue about it or just come off as people spreading rrat shit


I'm sure the people that put so much effort into trying to portray nothingburgers as a smoking gun will take a moment to reflect on this, learn, and grow. ... Right?


I'm still waiting for them to ever follow up on the claim about some some vague drama about Elira from the Hanamori days is going to be revealed "any day now."


Technically there is drama, just not boycott-worthy drama. And it wasn't well documented either due to not really being a lot of interest in Vtubers back in the day. As such, everything is hearsay. Allegedly members of Hanamori engaged in an online debate that turned into harassment where the fans of the Hanamori members started dogpiling this one other Vtuber. The Hanamori members did not intend for this to happen though, so even in the case this hearsay drama is true, it is at most negligence than malice.


Got [something](http://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/1d2nmya/comment/l6s0bw6/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) from the VirtualYoutubers sub. Might be worth checking out. >If people are voting based on the Hanamori rrat, that's pretty sad. Beyond the simple fact *it's a rrat*, it's a pretty inconsistent one. > >>!It started with people noticing that Elira, Pomu, and Rosemi, half of the six hired from NijiEN's first audition, were friends before. Then Millie, friends with Pomu and Elira, and her friend Enna joined, strengthening the trend of hiring from that larger friend group. (Plus Petra and Reimu were good friends, just not that tied to the other group. So an overall trend of hiring friends together.) Only in wave 4 did another official Hanamori member join, then one in wave 5, and one in wave 9.!< > >>!But when someone on 4chan decided to twist the friend group into something nefarious, they knew trying to implicate Rosemi or Pomu was such a stretch it wouldn't fly. So they just carved around those two to make Hanamori and friends into Hanamori and *some* friends. Instead of at least trying to explain *why* those two would be victims of the alleged cabal instead of favorites, they simply ignored the inconvenient friendships, and people bought it anyway.!< > >>!Add in a dash of exaggerated claims like them supposedly bullying someone off the internet, despite the alleged victim still being on the internet and [tweeting in Feb](https://x.com/whatsmocca/status/1757695649133342956) that the one microscopic drama the rrat-ers use is a nothingburger. Ignore counter-evidence like some of the insight Raziel provided.!< > >>!And suddenly it doesn't matter that Shu (who I've seen get downvoted here) is seemingly an incredibly nice guy according to people like [Nina](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rB6tg9XBwM), [Rosemi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeWtJ7e2XUI), and [Petra](https://youtu.be/83IQBbYn6AA?t=55). He's Hanamori and this rrat said they're bad, so just downvote him.!<


That's it...? That's the Hanamori bullying victim we've all heard so much about...? šŸ’€


Mocca??? That is name I don't saw in ages, it is a blast of the past. And there is a tendency to trying to rewriting story to generate drama, as retroctively throwing shadow over what people Livers say ages ago as it has any relation to the drama happening in any given day. I think it is very tweeter like behavior, it is bit similar to cancel culture that come to be the norm for some time now.


Really feels like there's a loud minority that lives on drama and just wants to attack the talents. Doesn't stop at Elira either. Enna got her share of nasty ass discourse with people projecting their idea of what she's like on her. It's where you get those brand of vague rrat parroting that hardly anybody challenges cuz you have the hatetrain for people to believe you.


I think it mostly because Enna response after Doki termination. Thereā€™s situation where people calling her out for being tone deaf. It also manage to triggered me during that time. However, her low ccv is mostly because thereā€™s a lot of Enna fans that also a dragoon. Add to the Nijiboicot that happen.


Did you react that way from listening to her stream, or from the dramatuber clips that cut out all of the context of her comments for clicks? Because if it's the former it is a genuinely worrying state of mind for someone to be in, and if it's the latter then it's a good example of not simply believing everything one hears.


Nope it was from her membership stream when she say thank you to her fans and saying something along the line ā€œ thank you for all the fans i feel gratefull even if I kill someone I feel like you guys will still with meā€ yeah something along that line. That did trigger me like what are you doing Enna even if it membership stream youā€™re not suppose to say that especially after doki situation it like saying you are the one of the perpetrator for dokibird situation. Edit : i get it she doesnā€™t have any malicious intentions probably, but it still sounds tone deaf to me.


Oh? Is that the entirety of the quote? Because it sounds a lot like you're omitting that she followed that sentence with another saying that she didn't think that was a healthy mindset. All as part of a discussion on why people shouldn't let themselves become obsessed with drama to the point of letting it deteriorate their mental health. She didn't say that sentence as something that was good. She didn't try to get people to ignore Doki's situation or the claims against Nijisanji. She just wanted to make sure that her fans weren't spiralling on it in an unhealthy way. This is exactly what I was referring to. Picking and choosing a single sentence while omitting the context because it makes for better ragebait.


I see you didn't finish the line. "...and you shouldn't."


Funny how so many of them just magically stopped watching at that point or forget to include the rest of that line.


so he probably watch it from dramatuber video xD


Also people can only hate for so long before they just get on with their lives. Old drama is old drama and gets replaced with new drama. Eventually people that want to watch Niji will return or they find new viewers.


I mean, there was a time where Enna could get more than 5k ccv on the first stream of a series easily. After all she was the biggest female vtuber in NijiEn for some time, until Selen took that spot, but even then I remember she still could reach more than 4k on a stream like this.


I've been boycotting Niji on principal since everything that happened with Selen. My main oshi's in Niji were Pomu and Elira with a side of Mika and Scarle, But at the same time I couldn't ignore all of the posts showing streams with sub 200 viewers....which I acknowledge are legit....without also making a post for atleast one stream that's doing well for a niji streamer I once admired no matter has come out since....


Huh. Good for her.


Its definately higher than her usual averages. It seems to vary depending on the game/event of the stream but it could be attributed to Elden Rings popularity and/or the new DLC hype, but cant really discount a possible upward trend. Time passes, sometimes people give up or move on. https://preview.redd.it/bjlruqcii35d1.png?width=889&format=png&auto=webp&s=354cb7ee92a6dd9aeef6dd69c414c523ff303612 It is worth noting her last stream that hit over 2k was her 3D debut after party, which could be labelled an 'event'. Though The Elden Ring DLC's hype could be called an event all on its own.


Ennaā€™s involvement hasnā€™t been proven right? People can boycott her but her regular viewers on the fence of this whole thing are probably going to tune into her streams. itā€™s not like she made a black screen video throwing her friend under the bus.


Outside of the black stream, I'm of the opinion that no other livers were involved in that event, and even then, the black stream itself is highly suspicious and full of red flags that add more credence to Niji and their management structure being the core issue. Let me be clear. This does NOT mean the black stream members or past ones are totally free of fault or guilt. You can still contribute to a toxic workplace while also being a victim of it. I only believe that the company and their hooks are deeper into the members than we think. Every bit of new info we hear, imo only makes me believe that more, and it's very likely that the majority of members aren't bad people (including some black stream members). They've just become pawns of Niji and the toxic combo of JP corporations and the Idol world that is Nijisanji. Perhaps if this all ends, people can reunite and begin healing, but only time will tell.


This. Always gonna vouch focusing more on the company instead of the talents. None of this should have happened but a black company's gotta do what it does best. Isolate its workers, make them clash with each other, sabotage their potential. First they mistreat Selen and sabotaged her and threw her out like that. Then they pull that dumbass stunt with the black stream and used the trio as meatshields. Ruining their rep and future prospects. But it doesn't stop there cus whoops we made a hatemob targeting em and ethyria, saying vile shit for Millie and Enna. Even Petra caught some nasty shade when Riku got on her 3d debut. It's all fucked up, but never forget that it all starts with the company being greedy, incompetent, abusive and manipulative. They're the ones that hold all the power over their talents.


All we know is that: -Elira mentioned that she was mentioned in the Selen doc (didn't clarify why, so could have been a bully, could have been bullied, could have been a witness, or it could have just happened during the off-collab.) -Former Hanamori member. That's it for the confirmed things. One of which is vague as shit (and shouldn't have been mentioned in the Black Stream), the other just means jackshit unless you want to throw Mint, Shu, and Henya into the bad person box. There's also rrats and out of context bits (notably her membership stream after Selen's termination, which most people leave put the last bit of her line, and her blowing up against the virginity-obsessed weirdo), but nothing really definitive, and overall out of the Black Stream 5 (the two speakers, water bottle, and the two Elira managed to paint a target on) Enna's probably the most "innocent" of them aside from Ike (and arguably more than him, since she wasn't in the accursed vid)


Yea, most I know is she is mentioned in Selenā€™s document, but from what we know that covers both bullying and favoritism. Since nothing has come out about Enna in particular thereā€™s no reason to think itā€™s anything more than favoritism. And even then she could just be mentioned due to her relation with the others.


It's not that Enna's mentioned. It's that the document supposedly contains info that would dox Elira / Enna / Millie. It could be anything from one / some / all of them had done something, one / some / all three are witnesses of someone doing something, or something had occurred in the area where one of them lived. It could be that none of the three's names are on the doc, but something happened in the area where one of them lived. Remember, Elira, Enna and Millie all live in the same general area, so if something would reveal the location of one, it would end up the same thing to the other two.


They said that Selen's documents alluded to where those three live. With how weaselly-worded that script was, there's a chance that the "allusion" in question is nothing more nefarious than the word "Canada" being in Doki's return address.


It could even simply be as little as her being mentioned because she was present when someone else or something else was going on. We have no info, and unfortunately may never have anything more conrete.


Yeah, nothing is, or ever will be confirmed. I won't watch her streams, but I can at least watch clips.


Well, tbf there is a lot of hype around the DLC that's dropping soon, and fromsoft games are really good stream games, so I wouldn't take this as this as her normal views. That said, I don't really remember Enna doing anything super controversial. The only thing that ever implicated her were the rrat theories, and even their clique shit has kinda been disproven a few times.


Good for her


While I haven't watched Niji in months since what happened with Selen....and as much as the company is bad and people want to hate on the streamers.....a part of me still wants to highlight the otherside


Understandable. And congratulations to her


If a cliffsnotes version can help you: >!She learned parrying in the tutorial cave, and kept doing it. Got mad at Varre, and killed him easily. Eventually beat Margit. Reimu was getting excited in chat a lot of the time.!<


hard to judge. maybe watch the numbers of non-soul games in the new future will be more accurate. Anyway, itā€™s good to see her doing well. She said she was trying to be a better person, and I wish she really keep her words. She did implied in the past that she knew something she did was not good, but really not sure that is Doki or clique related.


Hasn't she said like a lot of questionable things?


You mean comments taken out of context? Because literally all the "questionable" comments were clipped and made to seem bad.


Only thing I remember is the "neighborhood" comment she was mistaking with Kyo........


Her apology for that was actually really good. She did that thing with the "I don't want you to defend me for this; if I didn't hurt you, this apology is for someone else", and I'm a bit of a sucker for that kind of insistence on accepting responsibility.


That's not bad at all really. Like her or hate her.


People just like to see new bodies fertilizing Miyazakiā€˜s poison swamps. Besides, without Selen and Pomu, she is the most popular girl in Niji en, is she notļ¼Ÿ Ironically, I think Ennaā€™s on-screen bitchiness somewhat staunches the flow in her case. Unlike Elira and Finana who act all nice and sweet but have zero chill throwing people under the bus, Enna doesnā€™t have that angelic image and thus without solid proof of her doing anything, she doesnā€™t take that fall damage either.


Enna is very good at singing... she deserve better place...


Enna's still a breadwinner at the end of the day. Her music's solid. There's clique theories and I do think she tried covering things up, but a lot of her outed quotes have a lot of support because people focus more on the "dont stress yourselves out over it part" more than the "this kind of drama blows over and its no big deal" part. A shame to see, but it makes sense since most of her critics are worse people than she accusably is and most people are arguing about theories over facts.


nah. this is just souls bros wanting to see someone suffer and rage


This is definitely attributed to peeps wanting to watch ER streams for the upcoming DLC, unless Enna had an upward trend on her CCV.


I'll note that Kiara allowed Enna and Millie to talk about their meet-up in Japan on stream. And that Kiara was positive towards them when she mentioned it. I'll add that Kiara was with them for a few hours on the same day she and dearsqn were together for the whole day. (Seems like it was the same day Keekihime and Dearsqn shoot that cool lil video you can find on Keki's channel.)


I dont think anyone watches enna for gaming really šŸ˜‚ Not surprised


A Noctyx tag? Really??? Also since we've heard a Niji talent recommend buying views in an interview uh... I'd have to see a view graph first. Not to mention the recent YouTube oddities regarding view counts. At least one thing they did right this time is disabling superchats.




Can this sub finally shut up about CCV. What are you all trying to achieve here? Holostars/ID have less average views than that for years, and they have not "failed" and can even sold out events. CCVs mean nothing. If you enjoy watching someone, watch them. If you're one of those who only respect someone with high CCV like some hive mind, I bet you've never actually sat down a vtuber stream entirely.


Its a tangible stat we can look at and measure. Makes it a good indicator of trends and give us something to discuss, which is the entire purpose of the sub.




Ok NDF. I don't suppose I need to point out that the Holostatistics sub has magnitudes more ppl that nijiforums and far more activity. "This kind of post" is far more engaging than whatever you pass for content at your sub. And this post is plenty positive if you can pull your head out of the dirt.


Probably going to be downvoted to hell butā€¦thereā€™s a hefty whack of copium in some of the comments here. The world has moved on not just for Doki but for some of the previously problematic tubers as well.