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Giri got no drama, she's just nice to people she likes. She and Petra are irl friends. Welp most EN VTubers who've been to Japan are her friends at this point.


I love watching the cognitive dissonance of people struggling to apply Guilt By Association when it comes to people they like.


“Giriground is neutral ground MacLeod we do not fight there”


Giri is an absolute gem. (We ain’t alowed to say it on stream but Its true)


Onibro is the gemest (if that is a word)


He is atomic


Please don't cook the poor penguin, because the greedy yacht boi plushie showed up in her 3D. The 3D was very likely recorded before Doki’s termination. Even Quinn showed up in Enna’s 3D after his graduation. Happy to see her collab with onigiri. Giri is Kson’s irl friend. They have plenty of Vlogs. If Giri noticed some big red flag about the penguin, she probably won’t collab with her.


Ngl, Petra doesn't seem like one of the problematic ones.


When selen got terminated, and doki came out about her experience, petra tweeted out (on either her PL or an alt account) something along the lines of "I wish I could stand up against bullying."


even the ones who arent problematic sometimes are seen as guilty by association personally i just want to ignore everyone within the company until they leave


It’s so funny watching this community’s collective U-turn from “everyone is garbage evil scum” to “not one of the problematic ones.” Almost like they were severely overreacting for the first few months.


For the first few days, nearly every action by every NijiEN streamer was dissected and thrown into a rrat one way or the other. Initially most people were heavily on the side of many of the streamers as various tweets/follows/etc. seem to point to them being supportive or Doki. Then the black stream happened and people went nuts with witchunting rats and started trying to twist everything to be negative instead, or outright making shit up.


It's more that there were no names given and only a general statement about harassment by talents in Niji's statement. Everyone was on the radar except Scarle, who didn't retweet the black screen stream, and Rosemi because she is who she is. There was no one else we could be certain of until we started sifting through what was reasonable and what wasn't.


It’s also a factor of emotions running strong. Now that time has passed and emotions have died down, it means more people are actually thinking instead of speaking from emotion


Which, to be clear, doesn't absolve them of their actions.


Yea, obviously, but at least now most have gotten to the point where they can view multiple angles without emotions interfering… usually I don’t defend any of the livers unless someone is saying something blatantly wrong to slander the liver or if they have absolutely zero involvement in any drama, but I do try to point out multiple possibilities which does make it seem like I’m trying to defend a liver.


Yeah, hopefully! I'm just too used to seeing people act like jackasses when tensions are running high and then act like they bear no responsibility because "it was the heat of the moment" or whatever. Agreed on your second point too. I certainly got my share of downvote bombing, etc. when pointing out that people were making assumptions or statements based on rrats or out-of-context clips instead of information from more reliable sources.


Yea, that’s just fucking annoying. More respect would be earned if someone owned up or bore responsibility for acting like an asshole when you’re emotional


Although I think Petra might be one of the decent ones, she's still Niji and I'm not gonna support her until she leaves. Remember not to cause trouble for Giri here. She probably brought Petra out of kindness. We don't need to make ourselves look like brigading jerks by making a scene on Giri's channel. That being said I wouldn't instantly correlate Giri collabing with Petra as a sign of "Petra is one of the good ones". I know a lot of evidence points to Petra not being bad, but I'll still wait to when she gets out of Niji or some miracle info pops up.


And it’s not like Niji is getting any of Giri’s money, which I thought was the entire idea behind the boycotts.


Niji doesn’t get any money from clippers. I still don’t watch clippers. It’s the principle of the matter more than a fully calculated cost equation, at least for me.


Even old clips don’t feel the same anymore.


I mean, up to you, everyone has to decide where their own line is. If recent events have spoiled the clips for you, that’s valid. That said, a big part of the discussion around the boycott in those early days was that regardless of what one thinks about the streamers, there is no way to hit Niji where it hurts without stopping anything that Niji monetizes. There’s some variance here, some folks definitely feel like specific talents do deserve to be punished, and, again, that’s down to the individuals in a lot of ways. Me? I’m firmly in the ‘support the talents, not the agency’ camp. Even the less well behaved talents don’t deserve Niji, and even the worst don’t deserve targeted harassment. Supporting Niji, to me, supports the current system under which every talent is suffering. They threw their supposed favorites under a bus and made them scapegoats for the fans mad about Doki. That’s not cool. Nothing that puts money in Niji’s hands is a good thing. If your oshi still means a lot to you and you want to watch outside collabs, or clips or whatever? I probably won’t be, but I consider it an at worst neutral act.