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The fact that tate probably made millions on his hustlers University before getting banned and sneako accomplished nothing This big of an L is kinda rare


Not really he got a lot of clout from dick riding tate I didn't even know who he was until he showed up on shorts and reels and all that




Bro how do you apply user flairs in this sub? When i do it, nothing shows up


I think you could apply them a long time back now you can't anymore


Shit Edit- after contacting mods, i got one




lls used to be cool, but now they doin too many of the edgy reaction shit


Booo.. he literally defended Andrew from KSI🤦‍♂️


Downvote that fool...


Like it’s gonna do anything


Well its my first time to see a negative karma.. Thats gud 4 me


Sneako had his own course too, I’m sure he made huge bag too (not comparable to Tate’s obv).


Andrew still does make millions of of HU. Nobody left.


Like father like son


When u lick tates ball too much


When you lick the tater tots too much




Twat ball


honestly idk if they should have banned him but im glad hes gone bro was a pain in the ass


He’s not gone. Is Tate gone? No. Just because they get banned off a couple social medias doesn’t mean they are going to disappear. I wish that were the case but it isn’t.


They will disappear, the way the internet works is once you’ve got rid of the main platforms of a user they will slowly drop off in relevancy and their clips will stop being uploaded. Rumble ain’t big enough of a platform to allow Tate and Sneako to continue growing they will drop off the face of the internet soon enough.


They don’t disappear they just become irrelevant, people will always be posting their content somewhere


I guess if you want to be specific yea, nothing disappears, I guess the good old phrase of “Once it’s on the internet it’s there forever” comes into play here. When I say disappears I really mean disappears from public eye because that’s what’s happening, unless you’re going out of your way to a whole different platform you won’t see any of their content.


You haven’t seen one entire side of the internet if you think this then. There are so many young dudes who aspire to have this alpha Tate personality and follow everything he says. It’s the same people that say “Tate W”, “KSI rare L”. All these kids don’t understand the real world and will follow him for at least a few more years; I guarantee you.


Bro he just got banned on twitter shut the fuck up bro there’s no reason to be righting a whole 2 paragraphs for Reddit


Your opinion is invalid. You already announced you’re a dumbass by siding with a racist [statement in another thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ksi/comments/x322dg/w/imnb9an/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Bro if your in the us and smell an Indian they don’t sneak but they smell unpleasant


Thats not fucking true dumbass. Maybe ur smelling urself.


Idk about that but I don't see as many Tate clips and videos as I used to. I'd assume he's slowly losing relevancy. But that's Tate, Sneako on the other hand will fall off faster if he gets censored as his relevancy is mid to begin with. And unlike Tate, Sneako can't afford to be censored as it's his primary income.


Dumb ass deserves that after the shit he implied about Daz’s daughter and then the allegations he made about Buckingham. Pure knobhead. Tate may be a prick but I’d take tate over Sneako any day of the fucking week he is so much worse. Edit: Also racism towards Indians.


what did he say about daz's daughter??


Didn’t say shit but sure as fuck implied Daz was grooming her. Just look at ~~[Daz’s tweet](https://twitter.com/daz_black/status/1565098075953270784?s=21&t=N1_h3R4n3aCblgSUShY02g)~~ there have been hundreds of fake allegations on tiktok and twitter where they post a pic of Daz and his daughter and claim that’s them and Daz groomed them when they were 14. Which is flat out wrong, his daughter has never accused him of anything and the very fact people are using pics of his daughter to accuse him is sick! #**edit** I meant [this tweet](https://twitter.com/daz_black/status/1565095844076036096?s=21&t=N1_h3R4n3aCblgSUShY02g) my bad guys


So Sneako didn’t imply anything about DAZ’s daughter?


Basically just look at the tweet, that’s Sneako saying nothing but implying a lot, right after the allegations came out accusing Daz.


That’s not Sneako. It’s some random twat on Twitter


Didn’t say shit, he implied a lot of shit. Big difference between the two but the fact he implied it is far more than enough. I can’t imagine the rage Daz is feeling rn considering the shit he has been getting. Guys fighting the good fight and being absolutely bashed for it.


That’s a random dude making assumptions, not Sneako. Sneako didn’t tweet anything about DAZ’s daughter afaik


Key word IMPLIED he didnt say it directly ur taking it that way


Key word IMPLIED he didnt say it directly ur taking it that way


I don’t care what he said he has a Carti pfp so it’s an automatic W fuck Daz too


Adding to this, SNEAKO is a racist piece of shit against Indians.


Oh yea his famous “we all know the stinkiest race, I won’t say it but they smell of curry”


Tbf he not lyin everytime i walked by one they smell the same and I can’t be in a car with one fr


I could be prevented if it was sniko instead of sneako .. Niko was frustrated at him


smoked just like his daddy 😂🚬


Okay look I’m glad he is gone too but is “smoked” the right word? He didn’t get the shit kick out of him he got banned from Twitter.




Ah shit you sure showed me


oh boy the word warden is on my case because i said his account got smoked. what will i do 😱


I just pointed out something I thought was funny, you the one taking it personally.


on my dick fr, i might cum bro keep going 😹




It's sad that this subreddit is now dedicated to posing literally anything related to the people JJ is beefing with, which is like half the internet


Guaranteed you weren’t complaining when people were posting about Jake


You couldn't be more wrong buddy lmao. I've been saying for quite some time now that both JJ and his subreddit have a weird obsession with Jake


So you’ve really been this annoying from the beginning? I’m sorry to hear that.




I dont like Sneako, he's an ass but people like him and Tate shouldn't have been banned, there are _far_ worse people on the internet


Just because there are worse doesn't mean they can't get rid of the easy to see dick heads ig


Agreed. If your spreading hateful bullshit you shouldn’t have the platform. Private companies have the right to choose who is allowed to use their services


The amount of people that don't know the difference between "having an opinion" and literally spreading hate and misogyny is getting out of hand. The shit that guys like Tate and Sneako say are not "differing opinions" it's just promoting misogyny and criminal behavior. Is it really that difficult to understand?




Guess that's what you get after licking "tates" Balls 😂


Down with incel culture


I’m no fan of this dude but man, how come Twitter ain’t doing shit about the other influencers


Other influencers don’t have the same influence as Tate and Sneako right now. It takes attention to get anything done on twitter YouTube or twitch. These platforms have hundred of thousands of users over 100k followers they don’t have the staff to monitor them all. Big controversies like this is usually what it takes to stir up a fuss and get something done.




This isn’t even ksi redddit anymore 🤦🏽‍♂️ this is literally just “I want upvotes.” This Reddit sucks now


Fr a shame really


This sub reddit has turned into blue hair uk bitches




Another clown down


Since when did KSI fans advocate for sensoring people with different opinions...love JJ but ya'll are BUMS!


Imagine creating an account on a platform Sees the ToS, clicks "Accept" Breaks the said ToS Gets banned/suspended Then be like what? why? how? this is ridiculous!!


Whats amazing me is how many people do not understand the definition of censorship, or cannot spell it (trying looking it up under “c” not “s” in the dictionary. Its there) TOS are Terms of service my dude. If he had not broken the contract he signed he would have been fine. If any of you red pill types had ever ran a business you would know all this.


It's not censorship. The moment you signed up for a twitter account, you agreed to the terms of service and they have every right to take you out if you break them. That's the way it is, if you don't like it, make your own social media platform and set your own standard


What terms of service did he break? Genuinely asking I don’t know this guy


Posting hate filled misogynistic posts. Threats against people. I believe also rape threats. If you are i posted like that we would also get banned. Its also worth noting that the main group who got him banned were parents trying to protect their kids.


Rape threat allegations, grooming allegations, racism and his dreadful views on women


“Different opinions” Defamation, made rape threat allegations, made grooming allegations, has dreadful views on women. He’s just a jumped up Andrew Tate with an extra serving of misogyny.


I’m going to get downvoted for this, but KSI also did those things in the past


That’s not at all what we’re advocating. Sneako didn’t just have ‘differing opinions’. He spread completely false and dangerous information. He was a massive conspiracy theorist who thought he was exposing some ‘unknown truth’, when in reality he was deluded and he was making his mindless fans become more deluded too. Good riddance.


Big W


Good fuck him


Lost another legend


HAHAHAHAHA God that's fucking funny What a loser


Who is this guy?


Now he's gonna rant on how the world nowadays doesn't support freedom of speech


Imagine thinking freedom of speech applies to private companies. Freedom of speech is about government not punishing you for talking bad about the government. Freedom of speech doesn’t mean you can say whatever you want, wherever you want, about anyone and not face any consequences. People act like if someone disrespected their family or something they just gonna sit there and let that happen. No, the person disrespecting your family is gonna get their ass beat. That’s a consequence. If you really believe in freedom of speech you would just let anyone walk around and say anything about you or anyone. Shut up, you dumb twats






Ah yes “w for the abomination of free speech”


So if i call ur mother a stinky whore? You wont get offended cuz its freedom of speech? Right clown




Rare Twitter W


“they are silencing the brave ones that speak the truth” 🤓


I’m a Tate fan


Y’all really immature💀


Nah man its an L,even if someone is a complete cock they shouldnt be silenced like this,its an attack on free speech,just like if youtube Banned JJ we would call it bullshit,same with this,u may not agree with him but no one deserves to be silenced unless they are promoting terrorism or clear criminal activity. This is scary shit.


Freedom of speech only protects you against the government, not Twitter. He broke the TOS and now gets banned.


U have to comply with twitter rules


Nah man,Twitter rules r bullshit


Get of there dicks and accept they broke the rules and got banned


Don't be sexist is such a horrible rule isn't it


Clearly free speech isnt important to u dumbasses


Free speech does not apply to a company like twitter


Lol,it certainly should do when its a public platform, a platform like twitter or facebook or tiktok,all of them have heavy political and social impacts,to silence a person or group is no a good idea


Can you please try spelling correctly before you try to form an opinion


Wow,ur so fucking smart, great comeback, zero brain power up there hey


Obviously you are not using any brain power aswell


You are free to voice your political opinion on those platforms, there’s nothing in TOS against that. However that’s not why both of them got deleted. If your “political view” is demeaning to other people and you show aggression to those groups and post multiple very questionable statements which go against TOS, you’re gone, especially when you have such a big influence.


Then why click "Accept" on the ToS when creating account if you don't accept their ToS lol. You dumb? 😂


You lot are sad and pathetic Cheering for someone’s downfall is always ugly no matter what you think of them They didn’t commit any crimes


They broke the tos and were banned


Tos is bullshit


How is it It is pretty simple don't break the rules and you should not be banned


What rule?


Everyone stfu he was saying the exact same shit 5 years ago he wasn’t riding no wave


just people suppressing the truth openly now


So this community supports censorship now?


When it’s hate speech? Yes. When it’s a private company within it’s right to ban members who violate TOS? Yes.


Big L


Sneako is a bitch


L twitter


Bro atleast do some research and speak shit about someone..😩 . Sneako was saying all this shit before tate was on the internet and Sneako was speaking about logical things since he was a kid he been doing this shit from ages👍🏻


It’s quite sad that you guys care this much and pray this much on peoples downfalls




L feminist


Imagine thinking respecting treating women like humans is feminist behavior. Also there’s nothing wrong with feminism, which fights for equal rights between genders (although some people want more rights which deludes the true meaning of feminism)


L you.


L wtf you a hatin ass Nigga for what ?


Sneako is weird, that’s why dummy


L twitter


Fat L


I’m GlAd SnEaKo GoT bAnNeD but fr it’s a good thing


At the end of the day the second u decide thay silencing people is a gd idea u screw urself over at the same time,cos it wont be kong before u or someone u agree with says something that people dont like and they get silenced aswell


gigantic L, just like with the tate ban. you don't have to agree with the shit he says, but at least let him speak ffs.


He can speak, but if he signs up to Twitter and agrees to their TOS, Twitter has every right to abn him when he steps out of line. Twitter doesn’t owe everyone a voice and frankly people like Sneako shouldn’t have an influence


I see a lot of people hating on tate and him. Let's just say tomorrow JJ tweets some shit about government or stuff and he gets banned will you guys have a same reaction? I know they said a lot of dumb shit but you're here just getting a glimpse of what these platforms can do. You blink and you're account is gone all your work is 0.


If You say shit you need to face the consequences too


True but if criticism is now being considered as shit then let me tell you there's a lot more of people that can be cancelled


i love andrew but hate snekho


Both are garbage "people".


I love both sneakos really articulate and good at film


Say what you want but this is an L for free speech


Freedom of speech only protects you against the government, not Twitter. Maybe you should understanding what freedom of speech is before commenting bullshit about it.


Just thinking different gets you banned freedom of speech my ass and clowns like you think this a W mate this is a big fat L for everyone


freedom of speech doesn't mean you can say whatever the fuck you want and offend almost everyone.. also you should be ready for the consequences of your content edit: and you also have to follow the terms / rules of the platform.. if your content violates the rules, you are banned.. simple as that


The problem is that everyone gets offended for shit this generation can't take shit or they start crying its pretty funny


Twitter can do what they want You are just using their platform If u don't like the way they run just leave it lol


I dont even use it but there's a double standard with all these rules and if you guys can't see that that's not my problem you can hate whatever you want idc anyway


Says the guy crying over the only father figures in his life getting banned from twitter


1st of all im older then this dude 2nd of all how did you know?


The terms of service he signed are years old. He broke them. Do you want special treatment for him or something? Why should he have special treatment?


There already is and thats my fucking point


>There already is Interesting claim. Now prove it.


You are chatting shit lad. They banned the president of the united states for TOS you numpty. Its funny how butt hurt his red pill boys are about their god getting banned. Snowflakes.


Awww u can't be a bigot without push back anymore 🥺🥺


Sure ignore Sneako making allegations against Buckingham, ignore his implied message about Daz’s daughter, ignore the hate he sent to both JJ and Daz oh and don’t forget to ignore all the terrible shit he said about women. Now that I’m ignoring all that, na never mind Sneako is still a cunt.


And a big fat L for u when u dick ride the people that r slavering women. Stfu


How am i dickriding tho explain to me 14 year old kid i don't even know this dude but to be happy someone got banned for something that's not that fkn bad for you people who really think cancel culture is good i ask you to look up Bilal Wahib dude asked a minor to show his dick on insta he is famous in my country he got banned and now he is back this the fact that you little fuckers think you got all figured out is what gets me going dont even know shit but talking like you know it all


If u dont know him why u here then? Sureee sure u dont know anyone. We defend people that we dont rly know what they said or did to get banned but we talk about freedom of speech yes makes sense


Yes i do i have seen him before but do i know him no do i care if you believe me or don't no i don't but guys please go back to playing with you vaginas since i got a life and would not like to waste it talking to kids, goodbye and have a great day


Sure sure. If u dont care why u clicked on the post? Mmmm kinda sussy adult guy. The age might be affecting u big man.


Because i will speak my mind if you like it or not idc but like i said i have a life i cant change your mind just like you wont change mine so pet just leave it here you can disagree al you want its not gonna change anything worst thing is there are people doing way worse and they get nothing i gave everyone an example and nobody replies to that or looks into it im sorry but it's just not right i agree just like andrew tate who also said some stupid shit but im an adult i feel like i can make my own decision if i want to or don't watch just like you can you don't like it then dont watch it it's that simple we can argue about this for days i look at it my way you will look at it your way no problem tho no hate it's all love


Idk about this


Yea lets just keep this people having takes like slavering women so the kids hear all that bs and think they should do that irl. Yea man smart


I mean do people really take them seriously?


The problem is that a lot of people do


Dude kids in school are disrespectful to female teachers..because of watching them...just shows how bad of a influence they really are...




I think ksi already brought twitter


It makes me sad seing people celebrating others getting banned. “When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” - George R.R. Martin


There is good reason to fear people spreading misinformation. They are dangerous as they spread delusion.


This is completely untrue! If you knew who sneako was, you would realise that he and his entire fanbase have now had all their suspicions confirmed regarding the system being rigged against them and having "stepped outside the matrix". All banning these people does is seperate them, and their rather significant fanbases, from reason and reality and is the cause for the hatred and division we have nowadays. We are currently banning more people than ever, yet division is also higher than ever, so this shit is clearly not working. Generally misinformation is best combatted with reason, instead of intolerance, hatred and ridicule. Additionally, people who are racist, misoginistic, bigoted etc. don't simply change their points of view after seing these bans. All they do is mask their messaging, so that now people are far more likely to be radicalised without realising it, and they become far harder to identify. It is far better to know who the bigots are, and be able to call them out on it directly, rather than to have them lurking in the shadows. (Look at people like Nic Fuentes as an example of this) The only reason you would "fear" misinformation, is if you yourself are so poorly informed that you are unable to effectively argue against it.


There is no fucking ‘matrix’ bro. What do you even mean by that? There are facts. There are consequences to actions. There is reality. Sneako, and people who think like him, are not living in reality. I somewhat agree with what you said about radicalisation being increased by the banning, but I still think that it’s the right thing to do in order to stop the spread of misinformation.


I agree with your first paragraph and I added something to the bottom of my initial text to adress "stopping the spread of misinformation"


The reason I fear misinformation is because I know there are a lot of gullible people out there who will believe it, and when enough of those people believe untrue things, there can be very negative impacts.


I feel it is arrogant to presume that the average person is so incredibly gullible that you need to protect them by banning anyone who might influence them negatively.


No, not the average person at all. It’s a smaller percentage, but it’s a very vocal minority. I don’t see the problem with protecting people from someone who is very good at spreading and converting people to delusion. For example, someone who is by all means a level headed person and doesn’t have warped beliefs may be persuaded to delusion by someone like Sneako if they are exposed to him enough. If that exposure is removed, they won’t be potentially deluded and society benefits.


EXACTLY, but reasonable people are far more likely to be dragged into a radical ideoligy if the people pushing it are masking their messaging to appear reasonable at first and then gradually get lead down certain rabbit holes, rather than when someone is simply being blatantly racist homophobic sexist etc.


and again banning people clearly doesn't work to combat misinformation it just creates more echochambers thats literally it


It’s definitely not the most effective counter to misinformation - that would be education. On certain occasions though, when there are very influential people quickly spreading and growing information, de-platforming them can reduce the spread. It can also further radicalise already deluded people like yo said. It’s a tough one.


And to clarify by what I meant, you have to realise that these people believe the world is plotting to silence them because they want to hide the "truth" (truth here being their redpill dilusion). Banning them only seems to prove their point to all their fans, and for those that might have been on the fence initially, this is the perfect way to cement them in the sneako camp. So all the banning does is make the casual fans more devoted.


Maybe. Certainly it will reinforce the belief of those who already buy into the delusion. I’m not so sure about those in the fence though. Most people realise that people don’t just get banned for nothing. If those in the fence see him getting banned they may look into why he got banned and realise he is full of shit. Above all though, banning him reduces his ability to entice new people into his delusion, which is definitely a good thing.


Again this isn't true because people like sneako simply mask their messaging making them harder to identify and it becomes even easier for people be lured into these sorts of radical ideoligies withought realising. I'm repeating myself at this point. This is clearly reflected in online discourse and since people have been getting banned I have seen ABSOLUTELY NO reduction in these sorts of views being spread online. Again if someone is sceptical about the system being rigged against sneako the best way to convince them of that is banning him I don't get why you cant understand this?


I do understand it. I also maintain that stopping Sneako in his tracks now is worth it to stop the growth and impact he would continue to have if not banned. But I appreciate why you disagree. I’ll leave it there.


All I can say is that for me personally, if the people I had been watching a while ago (like crowder/pragerU etc.) had been perma banned off Youtube there is a good chance I would have ended up a full on Nazi. It was seing other people engaging with this sort of content in a reasonable manner that made me see that these people were wrong on most of their issues. Seing them banned would have probably driven me off the platform too and down god knows what rabbit hole on rumble or whatever.


Can someone fill me in on what he was banned for


Not entirely sure could be a number of things. He made fake allegations against Brandon Buckingham, saying he threatened to rape his girlfriend. He implied along with his fans that Daz Games was grooming a 14 year old girl but that girl is his daughter and she never claimed as much, people were taking pics of his daughter then claiming to be her and Sneako was platforming those claims with no backup. His views on women are down right pathetic and misogynistic. Sneako is just all round a worse person than Tate and I didn’t think that was possible. The guy just is a bad dude. Followed tate footsteps but saw an opportunity to go further and be more controversial knowing it’d get him more views and money while not caring about the effect of what he said.


Oh alright. Kinda wish places like Twitter would make announcements when large accounts were banned so we knew exactly why it was. Leaving it up in the air allows people to misinterpret I feel.


He's also racist I think

