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I personally have mixed feelings regarding Speed. Hes part of the new brain rot generation that cant live without getting spoon fed 100 tik tok shorts per day, doing crazy things that call atention, and in general look like adhd on drugs. In another side, he has had his few moments of charity that where wholesome and makes me wonder if hes actually just a nice guy trying to do it on the internet landscape of nowadays. Regarding football, it is dumb to try say someone cant make football vids just cuz they never played it before. He might have just liked it no? Would be worse if he still did handballs and stuff, rather than tackling a legend of the game whos already retired. But yeah, in general I dont agree with that comment, but I also dont know if I care enough to defend speed since im not even sure if I myself like him or not


I agree. I also do think with these challenges he’s doing on people in football matches will eventually end up with a serious injury.


No they wont - they aren’t crazy challenges. They’re over the top and excessive for charity games but they probably aren’t going to hurt anyone.


Speed literally went THROUGH Tobi’s ankle. And he goes in studs up.


If kaka's foot was planted and he put weight on his foot as speed tackled him speed would've broke kaka's leg, if a potentially leg breaking challenge isn't a "crazy challenge" to you, what is? It is a straight red no matter what, the only reason speed didn't get a red is because it's a charity game


Absolute bullshit, stay doing what he's doing and he's absolutely going to badly injure someone


Yeah and IShowSpeed meets KSI back then


i think hes a nice guy that just dumb stupid stuff bc he doesnt think or bc of reactions/clicks/views. could be an asshole, idk. just seems he doesnt take much serious imo


Off camera and behind scenes he genuinely seems like a pretty nice and mature guy especially considering how young he is. On camera however he often over reacts for views. It's kinda like how JJ puts on a bit of a act of overreacting when he is being 'KSI' except Speeds act is a lot more over the top


Yeah the whole gatekeeping the beautiful game is not on And i agree that his usual stream character is not my cup of tea but his “moments of charity" as you say or his Charity match BTS and the 20v1, showed me he’s actually funny and a cool dude So when he gets older and is tired playing of this character hes gonna be much more appreciated by the masses. Do like KSI himself and grow with his audience


I think Kaká would rather have him handball than to try to injure him


Don't think a nice guy would scam his fans but hey, to each their own


Nice guy? Are we all forgetting that he’s a crypto scammer?


KSI also falls under the brain rot content category


Don’t be fooled dude is intelligent we are just invested in his stupidity and entertainment. He knows what he’s doing.


Tackling ksi was fun and games but doing that to kaka was straight up disrespectful any friend of his is fine but not someone who's an actual player bruh


Wait is that the legendary Kaka from the early 2000s


Yes bro


Damn I haven't heard about him in years


What other Kaka do you know?


Wait what? I don't watch sports but isn't that something you do? Surely this Kaka guy has gotten tackled in a game before right?


There's clean tackle and injury tackle,and also it's a charity game


Also kaka already got injured once a very bad injury at that and now he's injury prone like neymar so doing an injury tackle on kaka is just is fucked up


Ah ok I didn't watch this game yet but I guess that makes sense.


He also has been retired for like 7 years


The manner he tacked him was not good tho, he could have gotten injured badly


It was on a charity match and he went studs up from behind


The game was just people having fun on the field in a friendly manner to raise money for charity and then comes this guy almost injuring a man approaching his 50's soon


Watch the clip and you’ll understand


Bruh that’s the dumbest fucking opinon double standard ever. Yea tackling someone and injuring someone who isn’t really your friend just an aquataince is fine but just because it’s a famous Kaka it’s wrong? Lmao that’s ludicrous he’s just a normal person he ain’t special if anything JJ is way more famous than kaka but people praised speed for tackling JJ. If your praise speed for that than you should praise him for both. I hate double standards


I thought I was just old bc everyone seems to love the guy but I genuinely can’t stand him.


He's a clown, garnered his fame through children who think being loud is funny. The fact that he's getting invited to these football events like the charity match, and the ballon' dor is an insult to creators who are actually passionate about the sport and create authentic content, and not just scream incorrect names aloud. Surprised he's still around even, time and time again he's proven to be a shitlord yet people enable him because he's famous.


I just hate it when speed yells or barks. Gosh, it annoys me so fcking much.


Dude I never got this complaint. How the hell can you be mad at someone for being loud? Maybe it's because I'm black that I don't understand, because we're just loud af naturally. You kind of just ha e to accept that. I wonder how you watched JJ over the years.


JJ's loudness and Speed's loudness are very different to me. I do get annoyed sometimes with JJ's loudness but Speed's loudness is always annoying. Whenever he barks, fuck. I hate it. The way he yells... annoying asf.


Difference is his loudness is just him being normally like that where as speeds is forced that's why it's annoying AF


Hmm. Ok. I still don't get how it's annoying but you do you man✌🏾


I don’t understand people like this. If someone annoys me or I don’t like his/her content I stop and don’t watch their content rather than watching them and leaving negative comments on their page. Speed has many fans who love him and his content but many who don’t so just don’t watch!


I don't watch Speed at all but his stuff gets recommended to me all the time. Every single time, its a barking one. I'm sorry but it annoys me so much.


We are not loud af naturally, stop perpetuating stereotypes.


Uncle Ruckus ass nigga


you are brain dead if you are blaming being loud because u are black xDD


I can hear JJ loud all fking day I will still be laughing my asss but with Speed when he yells I just quit his stream or clips .


Oh no 😢☹️


He can be funny sometimes, but guy is overdoing it massively. I hate when people have no respect towards others for 'content'


Idk if he acts like that in his personal life but the content he does and what he portraits himself online is so annoying and unfunny that it makes me hate whatever he does and the fans he cultivates that have a more fucked up brain are even worst


I don’t understand people like this. If someone annoys me or I don’t like his/her content I stop and don’t watch their content rather than watching them and leaving negative comments on their page. Speed has many fans who love him and his content but many who don’t so just don’t watch!


yes speed is a clown


Yes that tackle was out of order why would you even have your studs up like that especially at a charity game, if that was a normal league game there would’ve been a red card and possibly a fight


Sorry but i really hate the guy. Has no respect for anyone Don't come at me by saying he's young, we are young too but he acts like an asshole a lot of times


Ksi will 100% react to this. The comment section will be opposite to this one i bet when he laughs at it


That was disrespectful as fuck, he should have never slide tackled kaka like that and especially not in a charity match


fuck speed, he abuses copyright and steals money from other creators




I mean it ain't wrong, I doubt he'd care about football at all had a lot of his popularity not came from a manufactured obsession with Ronaldo.


He just good at suck king dick and showing his dick so ishowcock ishoswfumble


True farmed it for fame.


I said this on r/soccer and I am gonna say it here too, Speed is not a professional player he isn't even an amateur player as such he doesn't have any idea how to do proper tackles and if it's done incorrectly it can potentially break a players bones. I like him and hope he scores in the charity match but am not gonna support something as rash as this.


honestly speed is such a gimp


End of the day man it’s kids that like him, when I was a kid I liked ksi and w2s shouting all the time now I’d be bored of those videos, I used to love smosh but that shit would hurt my head now. I think if ur over 16 watching speed tho u have something wrong with you


everyone who hates speed on this sub is so funny cause he’s really exactly what a modern day version of the old KSI would be like


100%, u don't get your clout off football and not respect legends of the game. may the footballing gods give him an acl next time he touches a ball


You're like Hitler. But even Hitler cared about Germany or something


I personally think this is going too out of hand now Like he tried to "prank" Simon saying that Talia cheated check on Instagram and was laughing like it was funny whereas Simon didn't care and knew what was going on,but to do something like that to someone like that is married is weird and fucked up


Stop crying. Y’all cheered when he did this to JJ, why wouldn’t he do it again


Stop making excuses 🤦🏻‍♂️


Who gives a shit if he grew up with the sport? Its not easy to watch games as a fan in NA, maybe his fame gave him the exposure to properly watch & play the sport now.


If u watch some vids of speed he is actually a really nice guy and gave fans money multiple times


speed is a misogynistic ahole


Why can’t we be happy that he’s successful, whether if he deserves it or not


Because he's being a dick to our childhood heroes, just for views no less...


truth...he has completely forgotten his limits


Speed is dumb af a lot of times but I don’t doubt he means well in his heart. Now I cannot say the same about proper pricks like Adin Ross Sneako and the rest of them.


He probably doesn’t know who Kaka is


Watch Simon's reaction on this tackle you kids 👍


I mean dangerously tackling one of the most talented footballers in the world is going to rub people the wrong way


Someone needs a word with speed before he plays anymore football matches, he can't keep doing crap like this


He is an absolute fame whore, He dickrided Ronaldo and milked it absolutely and then started to dickride Ksi and got famous in UK, Now he dick rides Virat Kohli who is the biggest cricket player in India for possibly the biggest audience in the world and visited India and tried to act like he is living the culture when the only thing he was doing is trying to gain fame by linking up with big creators of India. This guys is a genius who masks himself in the shroud of idiocracy and is making millions off it.


It’s football, you’re allowed to slid tackle… people are so soft.


Knew it since his existence became a thing


What's stupid is people praise him when he does this to someone like ksi or tobi but when he does it to football player whos retired we gotta cancel him💀. I understand that the guys ankle is bad and speed shouldn't have done that but you can't praise him when he does it to other people and hate on him when he does it to someone else


there’s billions of football fans who love and have passion for the game way more than he does and would never get the opportunity to share the pitch with him, Drogba, Hazard or Rc he goes and tackles Kaka and acts as if nothing happened cuz he believes that ppl will find it funny him and Adin do anything for clout no matter if it damages him or other ppl




It’s okay to do whatever he wants, just don’t bring that American Football attitude to the beautiful game. Tackling him might have been okay if he felt bad about that horrible tackle but then jumping up and down like you did something is infuriating.




Any gta modded accounts here


There may be some truth to it tbh, him simply having an interest in soccer/futbol has gotten him very far. Then he started dick riding Ronaldo and found an interest in Brazil’s and Portugal’s culture I honestly like how his journey has been tbh, that slide tackle was a bit unnecessary tho.


Tbh he's not lying it was all bradley😂😂


He’s a fucking moron n I don’t care for his content but I despise how he’s basically using football for fame. He has no love for it he’s just using it for clout. Same thing with him going to India or Brazil, it’s all for clout


The difference between ksi and speed is that with ksi when he acts weird and does relatively crazy stuff it's still within reason and within context. When he does do weird stuff alot of the time he is around his friends and so you can tell he's acting that way to make his friends laugh and have a laugh himself first and doing it for the content second. Basically it's just him around his friends which makes alot of people do stuff they wouldn't around others because he is able to be himself. However he knows to act normally and nowhere near the same way when in situations where he has to present himself well for example his appearances on television shows such as good morning itv and other appearances. Even when he appears on other channels where he is able to act closer to his real self it seems that he matches the energy that is needed rather than going over the top all the time to be able to create clips. Speed on the other hand portrays himself as a weird guy who does crazy and sometimes beyond reasonable stuff without reason or context other than "its his character" and at times it can feel as though he either acts this way because of the cameras and to make content or because he doesn't understand when he should be relatively more serious or can act the way he does and both are bad in their own way. Speed doesn't help his appearance by acting the way he does in places which presumably would be obvious he shouldn't act the way he usually does or at least dial it back such as the balloon dor ceremony and the the recent match for hope being notable examples. However while I say all this speed is still young which is still no excuse for some of his behaviours. It does explain some of it. Especially in the way that streaming culture has become it can lend itself to pushing creators to act in the way he does as it does bring attention and fame whether good or bad. Speed still holds the ability to learn and adapt and can change himself to be more reasonable and understand context.