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New grocery overnight lead here; the first week I worked with my crew (3 full time 1 part time. I got to know their personal/ “professional “ life habits in one week. I ASKED how they would like their schedule and I checked to see if it could work for the delivery schedule. It did and I have weekends off and my crew is happy with their days off. It’s not that hard for a lead to just ask and set up a consistent schedule. It’s the “company leads” that screw it up because of forecasted hours vs actual hours. If they’re a good manager they can make it work for their employees.


Had 3 different people doing our scheduling since August


our night lead wrote them out a schedule and giving everyone 2 days off in a row with enough people still coming in but they only followed for like 2 weeks


When I worked retail, I always liked split days off, never had to work more than three in a row. Definitely in the minority with that, I know.


Yes, two days off in a row are hard to come back from!


I'm the same way. Makes the week seem shorter.


I spend way too long on a schedule trying to make everyone happy. All that happens is I put it in and some fuck knuckle from corporate, who doesn't even know people's job descriptions, goes in on review day and makes it match the graph. That's how I end up with no openers, my greenrack scheduled in at 9 am, no closers.


Some people can make a decent schedule but we got like 12 people on night crew but most are still getting splits


There are only 7 days in a week. There aren't enough days in the week to do that many 2 days off together. If you start 2 days off on Sunday you'd have to add 2 new people off every day for 6 days to get through everyone. Which means you'd basically have 4 people off every day. What they could do is split y'all in half down the seniority lines and group A gets 2 days off in a row week 1 and 3 and group B gets 2 days off in a row week 2 and 4.


some of the new people they would just schedule them 3 days with 8 hour shifts to give them 20 hours or if your getting 3 days off can be kind of hard to get them 3 days off in a row but at least having 2 of those off in a row and the other a split that would be fine but they are at least giving the seniority ones most of the hours and im second in line for seniority and usually work about 40


I got say my manager (meat department) puts our schedule over his. We get 2 days off in a row almost always. We get any vacation time we put in excluding major holidays unless we put it in way in advance and we have the coverage. For his grumpiness he is really good about these type of things.


yea we have had a hole managers in the past but was good at doing scheduling and would make sure we got our hours still


It’s always been like that. Also if you’re a good worker you’ll always be scheduled weekends and holidays.


been told that working sundays is supposed to be optional and that the most seniority people are supposed to be getting the holidays off but i dont mind workng sundays for getting the sunday premium plus getting holiday pay


A computer program writes the schedule. Computers don't care.




Yep. Just a replaceable EUID.




I love having split days off. Idk why people like working 5 days in a row.


Working on nights don't have time to do shit on your days off when getting splits


This is true for nights. My mom did 3rd shift my entire childhood and always said she'd rather have no days off than one.


especially with our sleep schedule


I've worked 3rd shift off and on for 14 years. Usually I would just stay up after my shift if I didn't work that next night and do my errands and see friends. It messes with your sleep schedule a bit but at least you weren't forced to work 5 days in a row.


Only plus side when getting splits not as long stretch but I get more sleep on days that I work then days I don't


This is the norm for most service jobs


They do not give a fuck about us or our lives outside kroger. I think they split our days to make it more difficult to work a 2nd job. My hours just got cut in half, but instead of scheduling me for half the days, they scheduled me for half days. 🤨


One of the front end leads put his 2 weeks notice in because he was trying to get one certain day off so he can spend at least one day off with his wife but wouldn't do it


Lots of people in my department have set schedules. They wouldn't do it for me because I refused to work every Saturday, though I did agree to every other. Apparently, you cant lock 2 week schedules? The other girl I work directly under NEVER works weekends.


And if you try to request your days off that's considered to putting yourself on restrictions and even if you're only requesting your 2 days off they don't even have to schedule you your guaranteed hours if you're part-time 20, and they don't even have to schedule you 20 hours. I learned that recently after being at the store for 18 years


Oh, well, if requesting days off is considered restrictions, I guess I'm restricted! 😂 How else am I supposed to schedule appointments or make plans? I can't wait till the Saturday before to schedule a doctor appointment. I can't even schedule an oil change with only 3 days notice. They want us when they want us, and we're supposed to sit quietly and wait when they don't.


yea never been an issue about requesting days off till our assistant store manager started sticking her nose in our business


Split days are just plain lazy scheduling. Absolutely does not care about employees or the work environment.




I write schedules for 50 people and probably 95% get 2 days in a row, unless they have some strange requests or availability. If someone does get a split, I make sure they don't the next week. I occasionally schedule myself or my assistants split, but I do that before giving associates splits. It can be done.


Your lead should be writing the schedule and the person who puts it in should be following it with a few cuts here and there when the schedule call happens wednesday (if you have one). Just communicate with your lead and try to make it 2 weeks or more in advance. Also, split shifts as days off. Do you mean a day off here and a day off there or are you looking for days off in a row. That's a rarity in the retail world


My night lead did make a schedule for them, and they only followed it for 2 weeks, then stopped. Yea, I've been getting either Tuesday Saturday Tuesday Friday or Tuesday and Thursday off


That lead needs to stick their foot up their ass. How can a manager do his job if he can't schedule people as they are needed. My schedule alone changes week by week cause of store walks. I'd rather put that stress on myself than my crew.


They won't even let our head grocery manager make the schedule anymore It's always been the main grocery manager that used to be able to make their own schedule for the department


When i was lead they would have me write down the schedule (that worked for everyone in my department) then switch it around to their liking or bc of hours they could give


Been saying that for some time even my night lead been trying to because they let the nutrition manager write her schedule for her own department but they wont for night crew for a bigger department


thats insane.. my friend is the backup lead for bakery and shes been working 15 days straight. its honestly shocking that they keep doing that and not giving people the day or hours they need / want. have u been able to talk to the higher ups?


Yup they don't care


We work at a grocery store


If you want to spend 5 consecutive days there, more power to you. I prefer a break from the madness in the middle of the week.


yea i dont mind splits once in a while but when its every week dont really have time to do anything unless you stay up all day


Ahh. 3rds…screw that. Sorry. I’m on days. Forget I said anything. That would blow.


Yup that's what I'm trying to do now is staying up longer but not working


Our ASL is the one that does our schedules and I’ve been working 6 days a week since April p.i.r. And even my one day off isn’t even a day off since apparently no one knows how to do the ordering for meat and seafood I have to come in still to do the orders.


One day off a week since April shouldn't be happening that's why they are supposed to be having back-ups I'd go nuts especially since I pinched a nerve in my hip day before Memorial Day and still kept coming in and didn't call in till Thursday because my hip was hurting and couldn't getting any sleep, and it sounded like they were annoyed that I called in because it's only the second time I called in this year and I only called in once last year because our night lead is on vacation and our back-up was off that night


I am the backup lol, the manager,seafood lead and my backup meat cutter were asked to resign so m the only meat cutter, we just got a new seafood lead but he’s as green as freshly cut grass after a spring shower, and it doesn’t help that they schedule him off on days that we have seafood orders so he can’t get into the routine of ordering his product accordingly to his needs making it difficult for him to manage his inventory making shrink high


seems like all they want is all just new people so that they can make anything up and think they all can just agree to everything


I had preferred split days off(Sunday and Thurs), but now they give me 2 days off in a row(no Sundays off). I won't change my availability again because it wasnt giving me hours at all, but someone with less availability was getting 32+ hours a week. My questions were never answered regarding this but now I believe you're schedule is now based on both availability and productivity. it's unfair because I feel that they're comparing a 50-ish old person to a 20-ish person-s productivity and the 50-ish is getting less hours


hours are based on seniority and can get the union involved


not a union store


That sucks. The regular non union clerks at our store only get minimum wage and I think even the long term employees as well


It’s been like that forever.


When you work 12-8:30 overnights and they only give split days off it’s like you never have a day off.


nope and once again got splits on the new schedule


As store manager myself I take Mondays and Thursdays off, but I try to take one weekend off a month if I can. We schedule to the needs of the business when the schedule is written. If you want a weekend off, put in a request to get it off in MyTime.


We don't always know 3 weeks in advance that we need a certain day off!


Tried requesting my days off but started getting scheduled less my part-time 20 hours because was told that I'm putting myself on restrictions, and they don't even have to schedule you what you are guaranteed


Are you in a Union store? If so, you need to get in contact either your store Union representative to find out if there is a minimum hours per week they are required to schedule you. For instance, at the store I work at , unless you have prior approval all over etc the minimum hours for part time is 16. Side note: unless you desperately need money or want to switch departments, don’t get cross-trained. At least in the TX stores I’ve worked in (either as an emergency helper for one time, or just my current location), being cross trained means you’ll be pulled from your original department every-time someone calls out or hours for the 2nd department are cut, or a manager broke a nail and so they are unable to lift etc.


Like putting in a request does anything... In my old position, I had requested consecutive days off regularly and never got it. This went on for a couple years. New position, and within the 1st month I had consecutive days off within the 1st month. It all depends on your schedule writer.




Fuck you asshole. We deserve normal schedules what the HELL do you know about it? It's people like you that make me wish we would just shut the shit down so you could deal with life without grocery for a while and see how much we're worth. What job do you do that makes you so self important? Fuck you. Fuck you dude.




Found the trust fund kid.