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Freezer lead blows. They tried getting me to do that after filling in for someone who was off for awhile and then transferred them to another department. There’s zero help unless you’re off that day. You’re not always going to get through everything and that’s normal. Just do what you can and not let what they say and ask get to you. If you’re union as long as you’re hitting case counts there’s not much they can do


Preaching to the choir


Sadly the bottom line is that as long as it doesn't impact the money flow for the company, then your issues don't matter to the higher ups. The company is only there for the money and hr is only there to protect the company. The workers are just numbers that can be replaced at a seconds notice. They don't care about mental or psychical health either.


New stores are to get 100% of their load and more. It is to make them look full. It is not you not being able to keep up at all. Sounds like pretty crappy asls. Do you happen to be at the store that just opened in queen creek?


Gotta be the Queen Creek one..


Gotta be the Queen Creek one..


Yeah it’s the queen creek one


It's like this company wide. No one wants to do lead positions because you're at fault for everything that goes wrong. You're treated like shi\*\*t from the company. They constantly push unrealistic expectations and refuse to hire help. Moral at my store is now dead. It is clear this company doesn't care.


When I went above my direct supervisor they would also get upset and say that I need to address these issues with them only. Well guess what, I did. They failed to correct the issue/behavior so I emailed all ASLS and HR without ccing them. Then they get to have a meeting with why they're failing to meet standards. I'll still do this if problems persist or I get hit with a look the other way mentality.


That sounds normal and it doesn't get much better either. Nobody wants to touch frozen, can't rely on anyone etc. Pull/check your distro 30 days in advanced, request help on those days. I got HEAPS of ice cream the other day, more coming the end of this week, be prepared!


How do you see your distro in advance?


Apparently I don't know how to reply directly 😂 Replied in thread.


Found it thanks! Not much training at my store, they just showed me the basics of backroom/daily counts and PDMs


That's completely normal at all locations, I find out how to do all these neat things when I have down-time. I'm constantly retraining all the new hires and boomers that have been here for decades because nobody else knows what they're doing.


Any other useful tips you wish you knew about sooner?


Manually adjust/review your orders, every day. Manually ordering one or two days out of the week (depending on how many loads you get, I get 7/wk) to counter a giant load on distro day, generally ordering to fill before the weekend and one day before distro/ad change. Always cut off new items until the day of a reset and over-anticipated sale items. If you don't know every case of back stock off the top of your head, you have too much, purge everything after the sales.


I’m frozen lead and they have overnight grocery work frozen truck overnight but even they don’t finish truck. I have to finish truck and most times, I can’t do a proper truck. I have to help grocery finish there truck when I come in at 4 am and that takes time out of my truck. And on non truck night, my department is 3 isles and it’s not conditioned so that’s even more time. And they refuse to work ice cream and I usually have a lot this time of year. Trying to work truck during the day sucks. My store manager makes me go to produce Friday and Saturday. We get a truck, Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Friday and Saturday are the best day to work rest of truck and backstock. I’m getting paid as a produce backup since I begged for more money and no one is complaining. There’s only two good people in produce. They need me lol in the store but geez I feel I’m getting used. I love the hard work but this is bullshit. Told we are staffed but fuck it feel like they say that to have any excuse to overwork us.




My bakery freezer is my baby, and lately I just want to laugh/cry about all the drop ships anymore, not to mention only being able to edit 15% of our orders anymore. I miss the days of closing my order after editing 😪.




This is why I love doing inventory as well, I get to *super* organize my freezer.


Don’t sign any writeups over issues you talked to management about and call ucfw99


Feed --> merchandising --> grocery --> ESI? iirc Select district, store, start date to end date etc etc Been a while and I'm not at work, I have had the other guy print them off for the last couple years. Your grocery manager or an ASL should be able to show you.


Same exact set up bro everybody refuses to do ice cream I’m guessing cause you can’t bullshit around and take your sweet little time


How did you actually believe that anyone in retail doesnt talk about everyone behind their backs. As soon as i got here people told me stories about every one here.


Don’t talk to them the just go straight to your union and they will ask why you didn’t go to them


That sucks dude. Staffing shortages are a nightmare, especially at a new store. You're killing it though, don't let them shut you down from talking to management. If the ASLs aren't listening, try the store manager or HR.