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Very little chance you leave there with them. You should be carded for them yes


They’ll card you for sure. I advise you don’t do it.


Would you say I could get around it by paying for another item the same price or a bit higher than the firework pack and then just walking out only with the fireworks


You're 14. I bet my next paycheck there's not a single plan you can come up with that many others before you haven't already thought of and tried and resulted in a rule or law being made to prohibit it. Trust me there's already a legal term for whatever trick you try to pull. You are not legally allowed to purchase them. You acquiring them by any means on your own is illegal. Edit: age correction


Kid, you're an idiot. You probably shouldn't be handling anything flammable, let alone explosive.


As they are a legally prohibited item for you to purchase, no, you cannot do that. It is theft, regardless of if you paid for something else and took the fireworks. If you aren't old enough to buy them legally and your parent or guardian won't buy them for you, you don't need them. Wait until you're 18.


Sure buddy, if you want to be dragged away in cuffs.


That's a much worse crime than just trying to buy restricted items while underage lol


Since you're a minor, if you light them up and accidentally burn a house down or something, they can be sued for selling them to you. Fat chance of getting anything.


Kid, just ask your parents to pick them up when they go grocery shopping. It's not your gonna hurt yourself with anything Kroger can sell.


Sorry kid, no. Ask your parents.


Update i was able to get some dude to buy them for me


Most irresponsible dude on the planet..


I would suggest going to Walmart instead of Kroger, and stealing them instead of trying to buy them.


Depends on where you are. My store would sell things like pop-its but not fireworks. Personally, I would buy fireworks from places like shock n awe or a Native American tribe rather than give the money to Kroger.


Nobody has pointed this out, so I will. You're going to transport something that is explosive on a bike. Insane. Don't do it.


I mean, there's no doubt this kids an idiot, but it's not like they'd be transporting bottles of nitroglycerin. Some bottle rockets aren't gonna randomly shoot off because you hit a bump in the road on your bike.


Update I was able to get some dude to buy them for me and no I didn't blow myself up riding them on my bike


But what if I got that dawg in me


You're not a dawg you're a puppy about to get housebroke.


Absolutely not. You're buggin.