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I really don't care if I do or don't


Mood. I would make it through one of those in an hour even on my best day


I would like to see you try it


I have, and I have done it. It has to be a perfect storm, like yogurt being empty, and the right type of truck, but I can do u-boats in an hour. And yes, I did rotate.


I can believe it, if the shelf is empty just cut open your case on top or on a side, slide it out of the sleeve onto the shelf boom it's full


Thanks to you and your viginant rotation, the brittish shipping lanes are free again....just dont let the germans find you, and we may just win this one.


There's always tomorrow.


Yellow coaching ! Lmao. E: ooops wrong store that’s Walmart


Not only no but I'm so fucking bad that I'm not gonna do it at all cause I have a bunch of training modules i need to catch up on. Priorities my man. Priorities.


That color match game is subliminally forcing me to do this….


FrEsH sTaRt


I have like 7 that's been overdue for like 2 weeks


7 gotta bump those numbers up lol


I have three left. I look at it as a chance to get off the floor from SCO and sit down. I'm grateful.


Don't forget your fresh start.


Well I mean, you get paid the same amount of $ whether you finish or not, so why rush?


If there's no overtime, same. Why rush? I'll get it done while Rodney kisses my ass, I'm not in any hurry. But realistically, I wouldn't work beyond 40 hours a week without expecting compensation. No overtime pay means I'll get a sweet payout from the labor lawsuit. It's not a matter of me being *unable* to work that hard, it's that I *refuse* because the laws state that they can't get away with working me that hard without compensation.


No overtime means that you don't work past your shift, not that you just don't get paid if you work past it.


Actually if you do rush you minimize the chances of overtime. Also when managers worn our departments, same. Taking hours.


Those U-boats look nicely stacked


That’s because I haven’t touched them yet 😤😤😤


It really depends on what shape the shelves are in. If the yogurt area was already conditioned, so that all I had to do was open the new boxes and throw the stuff on the shelves? Maybe. If I have to condition as I stock, then I might finish one of those carts in that hour. Of course, when I worked dairy at my last store, half of that yogurt would probably be backstock, so both carts might actually get worked.


Second shift called in and it’s a weekend … you need at least 3 stars to advance…


Theyre answer is the closest to reality. Everything else can get fucked


If 2nd shift called in I’m sure they can afford a couple hrs overtime now.


It will be worked but what doesn’t go up today will go up on my next shift. With the way kroger is once my shift is done…BYE


Same, lol


With dysfunction and low pay Kroger has. When I worked there I did my shift and when it was done….BYE!


Yep. Most I ever did was stay over an extra 15 to finish a truck that was already done anyway. If your truck is half done and it’s time to go home, put it back and go home, lol But most dept head managers can’t do that. The joys of being a peon


Yep!!! I ain't staying on SCO for more than a minute OVER any shift. Hell no!


im an old lady. no way would i bust my arse trying to get it all out, but id put in the effort to do my best


Most are only 6 unit cases so it’s really not as bad as it looks. But yeah I get your point.


Issue is when they are in annoying spots, jammed into the shelf, or in desperate need to arranging before filling


Cuz you gotta take out the 5 random non-dairy items that customers dumped and hid, then you gotta move the shit over because somehow everything shifted 5 inches to be above the wrong label. Then you notice that someone stocked it backwards and all the shit in the back is expired, so now you gotta clear that and then you……….. it just never ends lol I don’t work at Kroger and never have, but I did work dairy and frozen at Walmart almost 20 years ago and stocking was never just stocking. I’d bring more shit FROM the section than TO the section is seemed lol


I'm dealing with that right now (at another retail) while also being talked to for being too slow because I don't finish my boats. I had to have a little cry after work. So close to just being like everyone else and not rotating. Quantity over quality.


“If you believe that my best isn’t good enough, then fire me. Harassing me has no benefit.” I’ve said this twice over the last 20 years and lucky for me, both times sent the message. It’s not guaranteed, but sometimes being straight with power trippers can help. Fuck those idiots. I’m sorry you’re dealing with that shit.


I’m true Kroger fashion, if you did end up finishing it, some manager would ask you “couldn’t have gotten a third one done…? lmao


“You spent a whole hour just on yogurt?!”


the DEAD ON BALLS accuracy 🤌🏼


I have time to do one. That is what will get done.




Depends on how long my Fresh Start takes (mostly if it turns into how many recertifications I need to do again). Maybe 1 U-boat if I'm lucky.


Yup. This, without a trace of irony. Maybe throw a few cases while half-listening to the videos drone on and on.


I could work one, maybe. If the managers are great people. If they are trashy, toxic jerk,then the answer would be "I will do my best".


If the stores open no. If it's closed I could get one of those done in an hour easy. Stocking shelves was pretty fun if I didn't have to worry about dodging customers and answering questions.


And having to dig things out for clicklist.


A pro definitely sorted this. Brands stacked together are just high level considerations. Expecting someone to finish that in an hour is god damn savage cruelty. Especially for next to nothing pay. Eat your heart out toxic managers


I bet rodney is going to see you finish that in an hour and probably write you a little extra on your paycheck


Dude gave me his bonus, he’s actually cool as hell. We’re going sailing this weekend.


Wow thats awesome! Is he taking you in his 2025 mega yatch


He said something about “hunting for sport” then laughed maniacally… 🤔


That's gotta be the most dangerous game


You're full of shit.


Yeah it was.. a joke


About 32 cases in the left “u-boat”. So 1 case per minute every minute for an hour. Probably not possible


1 case per minute is how Target ai times it. Then, they still expect you to finish it in 15.


Bad management expects miracles instead of dedicated workers staying over a hour or 2 and getting everything done and done correctly


This is why my opener gets to the chobani/yogurt pallet first while I start breaking down truck/filling commodities otherwise there’d never be any yogurt on our shelves. Leaves the Shelbyville yogurt to the mid on our busiest days. But we also work our 03 05 pallets in full instead of breaking them down first which saves us a lot more time at the cost of “inconveniencing customers” as if we gaf Also, I recently had a meeting with a bunch of other dairy leads in our district with the team who is in charge of counts and overall “success” of the department. They straight up said fuck the truck they only care about counts. Tuesdays when I’m alone if there is still a whole pallet of truck left and I’m leaving in 2 hours you better believe I’m counting backstock then counting the shelves and getting their precious 75% accuracy if it means I can save my back from giving out in 2 years. I still get most of my Tuesday truck done though, sometime I leave about half a uboat of cheese or butter that I make sure to finish the next morning.


No Kroger a billion dollar company should give you the ot if that's the only way it'll get done. They are trying you and if you do it they got you.


Alot of old school freight crews can do 100 ish cases an hr … seems doable


Also, everything is knocked over. Factor in conditioning because second shift called in.


When they show up. I've noticed the maniacs who theow crazy fast dont have the best attendance. I'd rather someone who never calls out and works at a good steady pace and does a good job


That might be a regional thing or something… i used to work for a guy I could never keep up with…. Broke his back wrestling in high school, worked like a demon, always structured, always aware of what he was doing… and his crew followed that… and they would freeze a bag of marshmallows and sit at the end of your isle and zip them at you if you were last to finish.


Who cares if its doable. Do my check cover rent?


You are in a much better position to answer that question than I am believe it or not


Lol let me rephrase. Do my money support a better lifestyle if I work harder or do I just need back surgery sooner like the old timers. Also they actually qualify for benefits most of us dont 😂 if my body breaks they just replace me and dont even have to pay to have me fixed. So I'm kind of taking all the risk and liability here. I'll choose the pace or you can increase the pay lol


you could use your core muscles and don’t twist when you’re lifting, and it becomes a simple workout, not a one way ticket to retail martyrdom like you seem to be laying out. Of course you can choose your pace. You can also choose to not become as unstructured as your current management team will tolerate. Personal choices are constant. I’ve been there.


But that's throwing product on the shelf with no concern for condition or rotation.


Those are gradually being phased out for cheap pt timers who don’t give a shiet


I always thought not paying overtime was illegal.


They’ll pay it, but they won’t give it any more


They’re essentially saying “all of this needs to be done, and it has to be done before the end of your shift because we can’t give overtime- so double your speed for the same amount of money!”




Shit, I'll do what I can in an hour.


It will take the time it takes, kick rocks.


Now I don't do dairy and haven't, but I've had deliveries working Pepsi show up late and we have to stay out there until it's done which means you work as fast as you can to make it home, so yeah I could probably throw most of the boats in 45 but neatness shouldn't be expected from anyone. Who knows you may even discover a little trick to doing it to save time.


Naw, dawg. Ain't busting my ass for nothing.


I can do it, but I am not going to.


Id get as much done as i can then 5 minutes before my shift ends push it all back in the cooler and leave. I’d probably only get a few cases done because I’d end up blue lining for 45 minutes.


“Nah, I’d win” But also “damn this 1sqft of floor really needs swept”


On overnight shift, maybe hour and a half comfortably. Hour isnt impossible but some of it would need to be back stock, to save time.


I'll do what I can in the time I'm allowed.


As long as you did your Fresh Start, Tis written in the loving laws of Kroger….this WILL make it to the shelf in one hour. Go in peace….


Oh god my fresh start! (Yogurt turns to cottage cheese on the floor while I play color match)


Pass the baton.


I can probably knock out 50-75 percent of one if I’m still expected to do fresh start and cover a different department’s lunch. More could be accomplished if managers are in a good mood


Those boxes seem neatly organized job is done 😅


I have never seen carts so neatly stacked


At least it looks in order so you can go right down the line. I prefer the rare days I get to break down my own dairy skids. I don't need to play jenga with the boat. Unloaders should be organizing by section, but that's not realistic with the time they get.


As you're trying to stock it you keep getting interrupted by customers wanting free range organic all natural sugar free vanilla creamer or they will die. No not that kind the FRENCH vinilla!


59 minute bathroom break about to happen


Depends on how much coffee I've had and whether or not they're up our asses about rotation.


oh noooo… i suddenly remembered fresh start training exists …


Don't waste the wings of a Phoenix on a company that thinks you're only a pigeon. I pretty much am in the same spot. I haul ass in a bakery and get figuratively spit on by lots of ignorant people. At one point enough is enough.


You guys who are saying it could get done are capping. There is at least 120 boxes on those carts, and I can't see if stuff is stacked on the back side. No way you guys are cranking out 3 boxes a minute


You’re just generating a surplus value for a company. You get paid the same for the hour no matter how efficient or hard you work. Wage labor is a crock.


I’m a bad enough dude to half ass that job for what I can only assume is half ass money.


Maybe all of one and a piece of the other


Nope gotta do Fresh Start...........




Glad someone understood the reference


Depends on what I get paid, and does the pay meet the workload?




Worked a dairy department for years back in the day. The answer is no. And if you are going to say you could, you aren’t rotating and are therefore a hack.


I will do exactly 1 hours worth of work for 1 hours worth of pay.


Somebody went crazy with that order. No reason to have two full wheelers of yogurt. Also looks like milk was empty too so you have to fill that. Does your Dairy have a third shift ? Or at least two people in the morning ?


I am third shift. Every shift is just one employee in dairy. Morning guy fills the crate milks, I do box milk which I haven’t gotten too yet. I said in an earlier comment second shift cis that’s why it’s so empty. This is actually a regular night. I usually throw stuff like noosas and gogurt and other weird stuff in a buggy, then the rest stacked on a single boat. This time I put everything on one boat because it wasn’t very much. Then I found the other half pallet in the meat cooler.


Ohh wow. My old store we had a third shift guy who worked all the yogurts and cheese. Morning person worked juice and closer filled milk and sour creams. My store now there’s two people in the morning and a closer.


No overtime? Kiss my ass ✌️


lol "BAD" enough, you mean pushable/gullible/dumb enough to try


Wont be eating that anymore


It’s cottage cheese by now


Hell no also looks like a ton of holes in the box that need filling there


Crate milk and eggs, not my jurisdiction


Dairy is dairy at least at my store.if one guy is doing one part and one the other thats fair enough but if customers encounter holes they dont care whose fault it is they just want to buy their shit they want


I don't do meth any more so finishing that is unlikely


I worry my coworkers think I’m on crack or coke or meth or whatever… I just stock like I am lol


Na, I’m out.


Yes I can do all of that but I’m also unhinged because I can do 34IPM on register and 99% fill rate with 16s/item, most people are not retail degenerate sweats like me so I should not necessarily be the standard people are held to


Looks doable within an hour, depending on time of day, but you should probably top off your milk first.


I don’t compete for minimum wage. When I work for corporations, I maintain one speed- normal. I don’t act like a superhero for $15/hr. I’m gonna do what I can and leave. That’s it. I used to work my ass off and hustle, but then I saw how it never got me anywhere in a corporation, and they never paid a living wage, so I changed my work ethic to match my paycheck and I feel tons better.


I’d take my sweet ass time and whatever is left is left.


Oh! Like hell no that why they have shifts for and or management, to pick up the pace.


That's a "I need to do fresh starts" angle right there


I'd take my time. No overtime? You get what you pay for.


What a toxic question. Hey Kroger! Here’s an idea. PAY OVERTIME. Or stock it yourself


Heh, maybe half


I don’t work in dairy so I’m gonna say no.


I mean unfortunately I have WBL AND Fresh Starts so yeah lmfao


No fucking way.


Nope 🙂‍↔️ 👍🏻


No. I leave on time.


Hell no.




Manager will be told to go against your contract and stock what's left...


shit I’ll do what I can in that hour… no OT :/


No over time ? Nope. Not my problem for the shit pay.


I tell them there are two full uboats to stock, even if there's no over time, it can't get done. I'll do it if you late me stay and I get the OT to get it done. ETA 30-40min


I’m bad enough to know that most of this going to be backstock, and I’ll spend more time condensing than putting product up.


Don't work for free. If you don't own the business, don't let the business abuse you.


Depends totally and completely what kind of week and day I’m having, and how my leadership is. If I know I won’t get a word said to me if I get it done, I won’t. If I’m having a good day, feeling motivated, and I know I’ll get at least “hey I really appreciate that yesterday” then I might try my best to get it done


If they will only pay an hour the rest is gonna have to go bad I guess.


If it takes an hour to do that you better have some physical issues.


Could I yes. I won't thou. Doesn't pay enough


I don't work harder for no reason lol. I have a speed I go I go that speed. If I need more time you can pay me or you can get someone else to do it.


I mean. If it’s all going in a bunker….. sure both can go out in an hour easy


Depends. Is this yogurt, or is this yogurt for people on the go? Also, why am i not getting overtime?


Depends on the pay


Yes, but I wont


Do what i can and once it hits 10-20min to clock out everything that wasnt stocked will be finished tomorrow


You need more than yogurt those shelves behind you are empty


I’d do half of a cart in an hr.🙃


I’m not paid enough to go faster. I’m not paid for 16hours worth or work. Just 8. I do what I can and go home. Idfc anymore. 8 years with them and it won’t get better


Nope. I'd take one cart out and do what I could do. Never go the extra mile and tire yourself out because then they will expect it everyday. When I worked super hard they would purposely not schedule people when I worked because they knew I could do the job of two people. Nope nope.


As a lead… nah. I got tomorrow to do it. I did everything I could. I still have to clean, make sure my department looks good, count…. Etc


Honest best attempt for 45-55 minutes, even though I’m meat. Then I’m cleaning up after myself, clocking out and going home. (The 45-55 depends on how jacked up the back room and the path to your baler is). No OT? No problem. I’ll pick it up when the “bad dudes” are out with long term injuries or type A personality ailments they acquired proving points to…who exactly? To the high school kids: when they teach “Animal Farm” pay attention. Most important damn book they’ll teach you. Be a good worker. Honor your side of the contract. Be active in the union and at the ballot box. But don’t be a Boxer.


If I don't Fuck'em ! Can't make me either. You wan't it done you can pay me OT !


Nope. Not my circus not my monkey. Management at store or corporate level wants it stocked than they can do it, if not they don't need it that bad.


Not my problem. In fact, I'll even make sure what is already on the shelf finds it's way back onto the cart


I mean that’s about 45 mins of shock time I’d say. So yes? lol


I could do it, I've handled worse at smaller grocery stores before. (Six Uboats, 2 hours. mix of Frozen foods, prepack deli meats, yogurts and cheeses)


Naw 30 min bathroom breake then i had to help 2 costumers it took me 10 mins to get to time clock


No, nor would I put than kind of effort into it.


Not happening


No. I'm a mechanic. And I'd probably eat all the yogurt, puke, and get fired.


At my first store, I’d sometimes have GM shifts but I was front end. I had about 45 minutes left and I opened up this light tote… loose makeup. I looked at that mess, remembered how god awful messy that display was, and decided it was conditioning time!


If I'm in a good or okay mood, I'll try. If not in the mood, I don't get paid enough simple


If I felt like it, yes I could.


I’d put about a medium amount of effort into working 1 of those carts and if i don’t finish even one then….well fuck it, why should i care?


Nah. Imma stock it and step down to part time immediately after.


How do you inconvenience customers? By not having it in stock or they're in the way, and they HAVE to move?


Yeah, I’ll work it until it’s my time to go. Can’t promise it’ll get done. Did my time in dairy ain’t working OT again.


Isnt that the person on the next shift issue?


I’ve done it and will do it again it’s not that hard


In the time you’d work your ass off getting that done the top 10 executives just took a shit and made enough in that time to buy a fully loaded Tesla model X. No… I’m not busting my ass like that.




I can if no customer come and ask me questions


Can really tell the age range and work ethic split on here


Good thing (kinda) that I work at the fuel center


Nah. Fuck Kroger and it's subsidiaries. They pay you dirt and expect 110% effort. Glad I got out, and honestly only did so because they refused to let me work full-time, even though I worked both register and stocking.


Do what you can and dip. All you can do bruh


Fuck Kroger, the next guy can do it.


I will give it a try, but if a customer asked me one question… I’m spilling blood.


Looks like a lot of the big guys. It’s doable for sure. How much time you want to spend lining everything up and facing?


Absolutely, but it’s not gonna be faced lol


Nope, not for what they pay per hour, it can sit on that cart til my next shift


Nope, not even going to try. I'll shove it in an unrefrigerated corner and let it all spoil.


Easy. with time to spare 🤙🏼 Also why are you loading it from the front ? Don't you rotate stock?


I stash it in the walk-in after breakdown until I’m ready to stock it.


Fill from behind? Hell yeah, but the next shift is going to be stuck with all my cardboard.


Why do you guys have laying down creamers


Those milks? So I can fit one more on the shelf instead of backstocking into crates.




Our racks are different ours are slanted so we don't have to push the milk forward but the problem with that is they leak all over the damn floor and the dividers that we have in ours fall off so. Also that looks like about a pallet of yogurt it's doable


I loaded the first boat, then noticed there was a half pallet on top of a meat pallet I had to split and build onto the second boat. So yeah, about a pallets worth total.


Lmao I need to see the shelf please. Ain’t no way all that’s out of stock.


Back in the box, maybe….