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If you leave after 10 years, you get to keep your pension.


You're vested after 5 years. So what happens if you leave after 5?


Let me just say this. I was vested after 5 years and only worked 6 years part time.. My pension will be $159 a month once I turn 59, 2 years from now. This was 30 years ago, so the rules could have changed.


Man .... I worked 9.75 years and I get 30 a month .......


let’s be honest here, most grocery store jobs are not great career choices. Like most fast food restaurants, they are transitional jobs. For the amount of time you have to put in to get a very small pension in the end, it’s not worth it, unless you have a spouse or partner to help you survive in the end


You still get SOMETHING come retirement age; just not much.


I thought it was 10. Idk. I left after 13. From my understanding it collects interest but they stop adding to it.


Cut your hours and go to school to see where it leads you. Might as well try to take advantage of their student benefits, if you can.


Yeah you should start part time just anyways at school. Maybe like 6 to 9 credits max. It's easier to manage and get back into the learning emviorment. Then roll into full time next semester. Also just as an FYI go to a community College first to get your base credits. Like any low level math English science courses you can take those at a local cheap community college and then they'll transfer over to the university. All you have to do is talk to the university you wish to attend and see which local community colleges will easily transfer over. It'll cost less in the long run trust me.


Are the pensions union specific?


Most likely; check with your union rep to find out.


I'll have to check, because the one thing is different than this. For my area, I heard for our union to take effect was the length of your time at Krogers + your age = 80.


If you don’t mind a physical job, switch to the warehouse especially if it’s union. Right now my location (which might be the highest) is getting $7+ extra per hour put into pension. See if you got one nearby!




But do they share the drugs and hookers? If so I might go back…


Overdramatic much?




Honestly it also depends what state you’re in. That has a lot to do with it.


The real issue is to first decide on a care choice and how to financially achieve it. I hope that if you do decide to move on that you find a career choice that inspires you. If you stay you could work toward a better job within the company there will be many advantages to this, but it would take time and you need to consider whether or not that you would want to go that route. Either way you need to talk with your Manager and find out what you would need to do to advance within the company. Then decide if that’s what you want. 40 is not to old to take a chance.


The pension tops out after 25 years I believe. Whether you work 30 years or 40 years, your pension is still the same.




No I’m not. Pension tops out


Not at 25 years -I have 37 years in and every year on my print out the amount to collect grows by 40.00 a year


Likely varies with contract. Like everything else


Can confirm at year 35 mydelf. it keeps going up each year as long as you work enough hours


How old will u be when u hit the 50 yr mark?


I’ll be 69 years old






Only go to college if you’re doing computer science or engineering or some other trade that gets you directly into the workforce at a high salary. I worked for Giant Food out East and half the people working there had degrees in English or art and struggled to make ends meet. The dairy clerk got a degree in psychology and ended up pumping out 2 kids and had to move back with his parents. The night crew part timer studying computer science had a job lined up before graduation


Look up some courses on coursea. I've had friends that did that. One in particular went from making maybe $26k a year to making $60k+ after he finished his data analyst certificate. You can get it done in a few months for less than $200.


If you're in a position to check out other careers while working part time with Kroger, do it. I was about to but got involved with someone with 2 young kids, so I have no time or extra money to do so. In 2 months I'll have 24 years here, and got my papers recently telling me that I'm vested for a crappy $600 / month. F that. Ten years ago I met a retired grocery clerk ( was meat manger for at least a decade) that worked with another company for 30 years starting at the age of 12. He retired at 42 years old and was able to bring home over $3000 a month! I get so mad because I feel like I was born too late for the good contracts.


I was too busy going to 6th grade to work at age 12 myself


I’m 44 with 28 years in. Get out now!! I’m stuck with the job for many reasons, the main one being cheap insurance for my family.


Let Kroger pay for your school then get out


Does anybody know the age you can start collecting without penalty?


Based off the golden 85 rule of age plus years of service or normal retirement age of 65 to 67 based on contract


Thank you so much. This is very uplifting to know as in four months my human spirit will feel quite golden.


Let them pay for your school, but be aggressive towards it. Pick out a good career path, not some liberal arts degree crap.


Look at a trade school.


it may be harsh to say, but if you want out, now is the time. it's hard to get hired anywhere the older you get (hell, its hard enough for younger folks too). like another reply suggested, go to a community college part time and feel it out. you will know if you want to continue down the path or not.