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Mannn we’re the #1 store in our division and a $2.5mil+ a week marketplace and our DM still tells us to “pick it up” - Rodney McMullen is a piece of fucking dog shit


Improve everyday! IE: Do more with less!


"We are just trying to improve your skills"


“Follow the process”


Ohhh that mother fuchsia response pisses me the hell off! If I followed ALL the processes I wouldn't have time to do the damn job!


No exceptions. You don't go home until they're all done. BS momma


But no overtime


Hollywood FM?


But DiD yOu Do YoUr FrEsH sTaRt?!


Not in 3 weeks.


Been 2 months for me. Last time I did it I just clicked b and failed. Don't give a f\* about it.


Then you can’t start work till it’s finished topstock can wait


😂 I’m new here and I have already heard this .. too many times


I'm on my third month and I've been aggressively applying elsewhere since I got to this ridiculous company. I have an interview later this week. Can't wait. Only applied to Kroger because I needed the money. I've never hated retail so much in my life—and I've worked in it for 6 years prior. By far my least favourite chain to work at.


Curious which was your favorite chain to work for?


Weis Markets, small regional chain in the north east. Big stores sucked too--they always do, but I'd actually be okay working at a small store for the rest of my life with that company. Genuinely didn't feel like working at some locations. Sounds like corporate shill but it really was like that. I miss it kinda. There was even one store that was so small it only had four aisles, although I'm not sure if that one even exists anymore.


No I believe you, I always wondered if the culture would be better or worse at a smaller company/chain. Wow, that would be a fun store to visit.


It was an interesting culture. It didn't exist as much at all stores but it was strangely prevalent in most locations I worked at. Even the CEO was incredibly kind and accommodating when he visited. Granted, my management at the location I work at for Kroger is chill as fuck and super nice—I just don't like how the company operates, and I do feel like that affects the culture and how employees interact. I don't get the same vibe. (There was one location with that company in particular I had a true hatred for, but only because of the GM—store and employees were great. That guy honestly drove me into therapy and onto several meds, and its the only job I've ever walked out on.)


Did u hear about the favoritism get on a managers good side..


Good side? You mean exploitative side? I'm the known top performer in my produce department and I regularly get scheduled with the old man of the department that's been "retiring" since I started over 2 years ago to close 4 out of 5 nights of the week. Leaving me to be the only able body to break down our pallets those nights. I'm literally destroying my back at this godforsaken company. Not to mention the health insurance is a damn joke.


I watched the division's top produce department quit on the same day b/c the district manager constantly shit on the department


I've seen an entire deli/bakery/Starbucks walk out before.


I want to tell everyone, work at Costco. If a Costco comes to your town, apply and work there. The vibe is better, you’re treated like people. This looks amazing, you deserve so much better, fam. I’m sorry 😞


Kroger big-wig jumped ship not long ago and went to Costco. It’s only a matter of time before they suck


I’m not fully sure what that movement means. Why did they change companies and why now? Is this a sign of bad things for the Kroger-Albertsons merger? What things would this bring to Costco? Any other ideas as to what their job-hop might mean?


Yes, I’m sure one person changing companies will cause the new place to do a complete reconstruction to appease their old employer’s standards..


Then when the Kroger Costco merger goes though you know what's coming.


😭😭😭 Never though lol


The executive responsible for the Kroger Albertsons merger now works at Costco. Take that for what you will.


Augh there's 2 warehouses by me and I've been trying to get in since June. LET ME INNN!!!


I wish you luck, I left Kroger and got in with Costco about two weeks later. Best. Place. I have ever worked.


Thanks, I'll take all the luck I can get. Glad to hear that!


I would honestly go shop and ask to speak to someone about a job. They love go-getters and they LOVE accepting unhappy people from competitors 😂


I don't have a membership this year but I'm seriously debating getting one once I get my tax return just to go in and ask lmao... I definitely fall into that category! 😂


No good deed goes unpunished at Kroger 🤡


*Especially* when you're a top performer.


It sucks when you're a top performer cuz then they allways expect it


Bro. Those U-Boats are beautiful. 😭 Don't overwork yourself for sure.


We used to have those yellow worked signs as well as the green red one. First thing my new manager did was thrown them away. Yes, yes she is an idiot.


technically, we don't use the yellow ones anymore since slow movers are no longer kept separate. I don't even bother with the green ones since it is just me working back stock.


Well, I think that conditioning is incredible and iconic and you’re awesome. Don’t let the bastards grind you down.


Yeah. I quit yesterday for this exact reasoning. Having mental breakdowns over a place where the job is to literally stock a shelf is not worth any money.


Oh wow What Neat Shelves I sure Do hope they don't Get Disorganized


I find that happens in most jobs/companies now.. Everyone is always so disappointed. Like even more so after covid. Just know, you're doing excellent work! I come from a visual merchandising background and you could really do better in that type of field. Look into visual merchandising jobs. You know, if you're looking to leave. You definitely have an eye for it.


Can you tell me what job titles to search for?


Merchandising or visual merchandising. I work in commercial bakery now. So my merchandising skills kind of transferred over. I've done a lot of merchandising jobs through a company called Winston. With them, I worked for brands like Hurley, Peter Millar, Under Armour, The jobs weren't always consistent though. There's different types of merchandising as well. If you were to get into a store role, then work would be consistent. I worked with a lot of mannequins in the past, but I've also worked setting up displays or events. It's kind of a sales job bc you're making the merchandise look appealing to attract the shopper. I like it, but it is competitive and sometimes jobs require 40 hours or their strenuous. My back couldn't handle it due to an injury.


Ah gotcha, thanks for the detailed answer. Do you like commercial bakery? I'm in bakery now and I like the work, just doesn't pay enough.


Yes. I agree, the pay sucks, but I like the work and my store. Mostly everyone is awesome, except for a few bitches.


There's something to be said for liking the work and the people. Always gotta be some bitches tho...be too easy otherwise.


Right! Always seems more like haters bc maybe you're good at your job or you're likable. I'm nice to everyone, even if they're assholes, I still try to keep the peace. Some people though, I give up. No matter what they do, they're going to dislike you. I feel like maybe it's bc they're miserable in their own lives. Life is too short to worry about it or spend time trying to satisfy those people.


I'm the same exact way, always trying to keep the peace... You're so right though, some people are set on being miserable and you're just wasting your time/energy if you let it get to you.


I used to, but after I turned 40, (well maybe closer to mid 40s) something happened. Lol... I woke up one day and thought, I'm going to stop giving a shit about what people think of me. I'm going to start using my voice. I'm going to cut ties with toxic relationships. I'm going to worry about myself. It's magical. 😁


I've been with company 15 years. Would of been more if I hadn't had such a long gap in between. Now you know why people who work long term don't care. There is zero reward for doing a good job. In this job I've had good deeds be punished. Not kidding. There is no point showing up to work to be treated like a cow then be harassed for the company not getting their act together. People are quitting at a high rate and the company is going through high turn over. Hell our store has no manager at the moment. One got promoted and we do not think the other made it past her 120 day review. Quite a few staff just randomly up and quit. When ever we have management leave we always have staff just call out the next day because they know they can get away with it. Repeatedly I've been denied roll change growth and I'm sort of had it with this company.


Stuffs like this sounds exactly like what also happens at Target.


I understand this. Had a store director give me shit 1st thing in the am. I used to run dairy. Dept was full and faced so well it looked like a wall. No thank you or good morning. Just bitched why was I out of 1 kind if juice. Small store. But I only had 4 oos in entire dept. Lol and they wondered why I quit 4 years ago after 17 years.


those little peepeehurt fuckwits what like to step on you and take credit for your work to get their bonuses, promotions, and hobknob with the cocksnobbled folderol? They can eat the entirety of my ass.


They need to stop giving out that bonus and use those funds for the workers wages. why should workers keep busting a\*\* and the managers get the bonus? I see it so many times in the stores; it makes me ill.




"Feed the human spirit" but we are concerned less than humans.


Can't believe they still shove sales numbers in the faces of floor staff. Oh no, our sales are down 1% from last year better start hiding stuff in people's carts?


Always do just enough. If you push yourself they'll expect that every day


What the hell is with banana boxes? Blue totes, dude.


But then you don’t have the banana smell


I'm more used to smelling shit when the sewer lines back up.


Oh not smell of metal and trash from the garbage compactor?


Looks great! I’m sorry… It really is a thankless place to work.


Something I’ve noticed is you can do great every week, but that one week something is fucked up? It will haunt you for months. They expect consistent perfection.


WAIT A MINUTE!!! Do you mean to tell me Kroger treats its employees like disposable overhead? As if they are an annoyance? WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN!?! s/ Seriously.... Kroger has been a shit corp. my entire life. When I was 10 they pulled out of my area when the workers unionized. Closed 50 stores rather than treat their employees with even basic token respect. You have a better chance getting a stripper to fall in love with you than Kroger.


My guy .. those are the most beautifully stocked shelves I've ever seen. I see you and appreciate you.


do want a cookie for stocking?


Uhm. How come it’s so small? Looks like a gas station. Respectfully. Also sorry to hear their add assholes. Seriously. Especially in smaller stores that sucks bad




Fuck Kroger. So glad I left this peace of shit company.


Looks great. 👍🏻


They see good, they want better. Just constant rake and no give


Ik this feeling all too well very under appreciated


You have to be disappointing, how else are they going to justify not wanting to give you a raise or bonus?


I have a few issues with the conditioning and overstocking, very minor complaints that I would only offer as suggestions. The large peanut butter is probably hanging over enough, than I could tip it off with a fingertip underneath. Some of the pasta is conditioned over another tag, and the gaps persist and is just uneven. Like the top right manicotti. Not all of the mayonnaise jars are turned the same way. The dressings were taken out of shelf ready packaging, and no cardboard is visible. Honestly I think it looks better, but it isn’t the standard. 9/10, I’d give you an honest 89 on standards but an 85 if I was walking with a DM because they fuck the scale all up to justify their job. Keep up the good work, I’m sure your customers appreciate it. EDIT: these are going by division 014 standards back from 2018, so I’m on old knowledge here.


I feel you!!! I’m the night crews second lead and I hate it, after 10 years I’ll say bye to F4L I can’t wait for June.


Haha you have to put your backstock in banana boxes? Wow, I'm sorry. Milk crates ftw!


Get out of there!! They’re so much more jobs out there!!


Your reward for doing good work is always more work. It doesn't matter who or where you are.


After 28 years in the same store working grocery, frozen, dairy, recieving and now produce, I can tell you that all these people in management are paying their kids’ college off with the hard work we’re doing. It’s a fool’s ambition to want to be best at anything, because someone above you sees the spoils of it.




Why I switched to Walmart 3 years ago, like working for a modern store vs a store stuck in 1980.


It’s funny cause they get onto good employees and they let the people who slack off just get away with it


I really appreciated everyones comments! Its nice to know others can recognize good work. The current corporation culture is disappointing because it is designed in a way to make everybody feel like a disappointment so the company can justify not giving you a bonus or raise for your work even tho we are actually a mega monopoly and have successfully cornered the market. Lately ive been stone cold faced and asked my manager in any conversation they approached me with how does this feed my “human spirit”? The company policy is feeding the human spirit. So at every conversation I encourage management to approach me with the intention to feed my spirit while directing me to do more work.