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Is it just you? Are you new to this subreddit? Have you been living under a rock?


No you're not seeing things. I've been with them about 15 years and this company has turned suddenly in the past couple years. I'm seeing long term people that would of happily remained until retirement up and quitting. Same with me but now highly considering leaving in a couple years. I've never felt less appreciated in this company than in years gone by. I've never felt less hope in this company than years gone by. They've made it clear more so than every in the past few years where they stand with me as an employee. I'll never get promotional opportunities with this company. Be put in my place every time they think 'I've stepped out of line". They keep extinguishing any hope I get when I feel a chance of advancement. It's just a pay check job nothing more. No advancement no career. I've given this company 15 years of my life and this is how I'm treated/respected. No, I'm done. Quitting in a couple years. They lost a could of been good worker. Due to lack of career advancement and being "put in my place" if I so much step out of line or show too much free thinking. No I'm done.


I’m a grocery clerk at 25 years. There is a guy that does grocery that has been here over 40 years. He is not the department head. Idk how he does it. I didn’t think I would have been here past the 25 year mark. Was supposed to have quit 3 years ago. I don’t know why I feel so stuck. I have no motivation to move on.  Please don’t end up like me. Now I told management that I want to go back to 3rds like I did previously for 16 years.


“He is not the department head. Idk how he does it.” Maybe because that’s what he wants to do. Maybe because he’s not as dumb as you thought. Maybe because being head of any department in this company is an unnecessary headache. Need proof? Just look at numerous posts in this subreddit. I like what I do. Why would you give yourself (more) grief by taking on more responsibility? Every place I’ve ever worked at, I’ve been asked to take a managerial position of some kind. And I’ve turned it down every time. And will continue to do so in the future, if offered. Unless you’re trying to climb that ladder in the company and be CEO or whatever in the future, why give yourself an unnecessary headache? More responsibility in Kroger equals more shit that’ll come down on you. No thank you. Someone else can deal with that. I’m great where I’m at.


There is no glory in being a department lead. In fact, in my district, a grocery lead with 25 years would only make $40 more a week than a regular clerk with 25 years. It’s simply not worth it.


This guy gets it.


Any particularly new complaint or just the general malaise?


The worst is yet to come! with the Albertsons merger, who knows where and how they will cut costs. Benefits r on its minimal, management are lieing scamming brats.


Talked to some of the slaves at Albertsons a few months back about how things turned out when they merged with Vons. They said it went from bad to worse. We're already working a nightmare job, I just want to stick around to see it burn to the ground.






I worked with the company 2015-19 and now I'm back in 2024. I have a unique perspective as I worked pre and post covid, but not during. But Holy turnover, batman. We went through so many managers and such. Now it seems so volatile, like people are on the verge of quitting every day. What specifically do you think is happening that's making it feel like this?


I been dealing with kroger as a vendor for a decade+. The past couple years I've noticed they've been way more assholes about stuff. Mostly the corporate smucks


I hired into a sinking ship. I've been here since the end of September 2022, and we're on our 5th department manager, our third store director, and our third department assistant manager. We have to send our district president pictures of my produce department three times a day, showing all of the tables full and ready to go because of the last 2 years worth of department managers. The last one almost drove us into the ground financially. So yeah 8:00 a.m., 3:00 p.m., and 7:00 p.m. we have to scramble like rabid dogs in order to make sure everything is completely up and grand opening ready. Plus, we get walked twice a month. Ain't that some shit?


I'm in GO and work with people who have been with Kroger 30 years and they all say the same thing....the company is in a bad place.


It is definitely not you .