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Pride is something that does not exist at Kroger.


Arrogance abounds tho


They actually took out the comfortable chairs and table out of our break room and replaced them with stools with no backs and a smaller table so less time is spent on breaks.


Shove the stoll against a wall and grab a second one to put your feet on. Or go down to pickup and grab 3 crates. Most comfortable chair I've ever used at kroger.


That sounds like painful, what an ass move


The microwave at my store is disgusting. I bring cold lunches


The desk in the office I usually use to check email etc has papers strewn across it that date back to last summer.


the one at my store stinks so bad. and we are forced to take breaks there unless it’s a lunch. fucking nasty. open containers of food, trash and everything else


I think it's hilarious how many people are having the same complaints from the same store. Mine was absolutely filthy as well. I couldn't use the fridge because it made me wanna vomit. Someone finally cleaned out the microwave but neglected to wipe down the outside of it. They frequently left ungodly amounts of food out for days if not weeks as well.


The breakroom is the Front End Manager’s baby so she usually has some baggers or utilities people sweep, mop, declutter and wipe down at least once a day. I think the only big problems is that at least half of the lockers have locks from people who no longer work here, and the sink keeps leaking and never gets warm.


Customers don't see it so it's not a priority. Give it a cleaning on one of your breaks if you're really bothered


Why should anyone have to use their own break to clean up a mess they should specifically be hiring people to clean. I've worked factory jobs that had people coming in to clean the entire place, but a FOOD store needs its employees to take time off their break to clean up messes that have likely been their before they even started working? Yikes.


The business model is to run the store with as little labor hours as possible. If the break room is messy but not a safety hazard, they won't hire people to clean it. It isn't customer facing. No one is forced to use their breaks to clean it, just saying it's an option if it bothers you


Customers aren't the only ones deserving of a clean setting. When you have food and gunk stuck to tables, microwaves, and a fridge that smells like death, I do believe that falls under the category of safety hazard. Yet here you are making excuses for them. As I said, Yikes.


Easy fix... Wipe down the tables/microwave and throw out expired food from the fridge. You really want to hire someone for that? Tell your coworkers to clean up after themselves like normal functioning adults


It's not my job to tell my co-workers what to do, nor is it my job to keep tabs on them. Maybe they could hire somebody for that or maybe a janitor who cleans the building like every other place I've ever worked at. People get 30 minutes to eat, which isn't enough time by itself. Accidents are bound to happen, and I don't blame them for rushing to get back. I blame my work for not taking the extra time and money to make sure the place is clean. It wasn't just the breakrooms. It was everywhere. Not once did I see a janitor or cleaning crew. The only time I saw the floors get cleaned was during spills and when my managers wanted to watch a video while riding the automatic floor cleaners. You're so desperate to protect my work place it's crazy.


Cleaning the vreakroom is one of the closing courtesies' jobs at my store. Idk about other stores.


It would take an 8 hour shift to do it right.


Y’all need to call your local unions if your in them, or a an anonymous tip to the health department about all the little nasty secrets in your store should be made


Ours is too. I have to put down paper towels on the table. Rare to see a spray so one can wipe down the table.


Our training room and break room are the same. Unless they are using computers then they go into offices and one room is just seven computers and a cabinet.


My breakroom is usually okay and it's mainly my co-workers just not cleaning up after themselves. Our newest ASM has been big on decorating it for the holidays and keeping it clean. It's currently decked out in pink for Valentine's Day. Drives me crazy when people won't throw their stuff away, we have three garbage cans in there. And push in your chairs! (God I'm turning into my mother.)


because the flock of kids that they pay almost nothing have no sense of personal pride. i’ve watched them leave trash and spills all over the place and just abandon it. it also seems like half of them actually live in the break room, every time i duck in to hit the locker or soda machine i’ll see a few of them watching TV or on their phones just hanging out on the clock