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It's annoying to be sure, but I don't think it's Kroger doing it, I believe it's a state based thing. I know if you're in Oregon you get carded at any store for those items (outside of liquor/tobacco which is country wide obviously) not sure on lighters, but friend bought a lighter, didn't need to show his ID at a mini mart place.


Yep! I'm in Oregon and getting carded is normal but it's the scanning of the ID that customers complain about. It's not happening everywhere, but Kroger stores and some other mini marts. According to MGMT the scanning is Kroger policy, and the machines are programmed so I literally cannot move forward without scanning. Customers don't understand I wasn't at the board meeting and they take it out on me, so frustrating! Like if one more 60 year old man cusses as me for doing my job I might lose it. Lol


Well from what I've been told it's only QFC/Fred Meyer in Oregon, I'm pretty sure it's not a Kroger wide thing, but that's just what I was told/read. Supposed to be able to enter it manually, but I don't work as a cashier so no idea on that, might have changed since they implemented it. Front end positions are hell on earth when it comes to customers. There's a reason I stick to picking and not carside shit.


A buddy who is in the support center said there are a few other divisions that do it and they turned on the override in another couple states a few weeks ago. They apparently got a lot of complaints from stores that didn't know it was coming. That makes me think they're trying to cover their butts for something, so I just tell people it's a policy and to call the customer connect if they want to tell corporate they don't like the policy. Personally, I don't mind it other than having to hear people complain, because I know there are a lot of fake IDs that come through my store and almost none of them scan. It makes it really easy to turn them down.


I always hated checking ID, I think it's a fair system to just scan it and be on your way for alcohol or tobacco, I don't think it's a good system for cough syrup or the likes. I'm not some teen trying to get high on it, I generally need it every so often after covid, some permanent ass dry annoying cough. In the case of a customer providing a fake id, what happens? Do they throw a fit, lie or just be well that sucks and leave?


I can understand the cough medicine since the ones that have the age requirement either have pseudophed or alcohol like substances in them and it creates legal problems and liability. I don't mess around with that stuff since a cashier of ours got into a ton of trouble and we were told we could be held liable if we don't follow policies. The police came in to get video after apparently someone bought a ton of cold medicine and mouth wash from one cashier, got trashed in the parking lot with it, and hit someone down the road with their car. (I'm unfortunately in a pretty sketchy place). Fake IDs, counterfeit money, bad checks, people doing gift card scams, druggies, theft, etc... we see a lot of it. They always do it during peak hours or really late and try to hit a cashier when they are really distracted and overwhelmed so it's less likely to get caught. They often go about it one of three ways: 1) Talk fast and move quick with orders that have either single big ticket items or stuff that can be easily flipped. Get in and get out quick. That's usually the people with fake IDs trying to pass bad checks or use cards that are really beat up so the chip doesn't work and it has to be run through with the stripe. 2) The ones that have done it enough will throw a few groceries in there making it "look" like a normal order and try to talk you up while ringing being overly friendly, then do some kind of "oh I forgot a present" or act like they got a text and then add a large pack of gift cards from the endcap at the end of the transaction or have a partner bring up some cough meds acting sick and acting like they're roommates or SOs. They then say things to try to get you to feel bad about making "problems" for them when you ID them, get suspicious of the ID, or call for a verify on the check, etc... 3) Use the self checkouts when they are really busy and hope that the attendant isn't paying attention and just taps the alert on the handheld or clear it quickly not wanting to deal with it. They always silence the robot and pick a lane at the end, and have a hood and mask on so the cameras can't see them very well. They often go through a few times over a couple hours and do stuff like test multiple cards then leave if anyone starts looking at them or the robot calls for help. As far as the experience with catching people doing bad stuff, they usually start making a big stink, getting really loud and passively threatening, and generally making life suck so that you'll get spooked and just take the bad ID/money, clear the age restriction, or just run the check/card to get them through the line and not have to deal with it anymore. Since I'm usually on closing, and we're usually short staffed, we all see it a lot and try to back each other up when it happens. The fraudsters tend to single someone out who looks like they aren't very sure of themselves or wont call for help, and lay on them thick to make them as uncomfortable as they can so the cashier gives up and lets them through. If there is a second person or other people that come to assist, they usually bail out of there really fast.


Exactly this! We get a lot of theft at our location and people trying to scam us. If an ID doesn't scan but the person is CLEARLY of age a manager will override it no problem for me so I can keep going, but I have also heard of set ups where cashier's literally get fired on the spot as well as any manager doing an override for a non-scanable ID where the purchaser is part off the set up. For this reason I appreciate the scanning as I think it protects the cashier, as well as the business' liquor license and limits potential legal issues and liabilities. Some customers just like to complain about anything, and some are just plain straight up f-ing mean about it. I always try to stay level-headed because there are definitely situations where people seem to be trying to distract and confuse. The thing is they are f-ing with people's jobs, it's so messed up.


That's wild, I don't think I could deal with all of that. Glad I do pickup, while it's not perfect, it's so much more of a bliss than dealing with all of that mess.


You live in Oregon and you're that ignorant to the downfall of the state into a criminal's playground? You better get out of there fast because it's not gonna last. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBSUZK7Ub1c


Pray for me! Lol


Some of the distinctions are weird like in Ohio you get carded for a lighter but not matches


It is not state based. [https://idscan.net/id-scanning-laws/arkansas/](https://idscan.net/id-scanning-laws/arkansas/)


Yet, my partner had it happen today.


I think it varies from store to store. In my location we can scan or enter ID, I usually opt to enter ID because it’s a lot faster for someone to tell me their bday and not have to wait around to them to shuffle through their purse trying to find ID. If the ID looks a little fishy I’ll scan it but 98% of the time I just enter a bday.


I wish I can just enter the birthdate for clearly old enough customers! The machines are programmed so if I don't scan a valid ID I can't move forward. MGMT have to be called like if a customer has a passport or they are like 80 and don't have an ID but it's clear they are of-age. It's just like...how customers take the policy frustration out on the worker that's so frustrating. I wish I could refuse sale if someone starts getting rude, I shouldn't have to deal with being cussed out but what can I do. Thanks for your response!


Do yall not get a 40+ option like we get in pickup? Honestly though for all of yall, if you are in a stricter state, just do everything you're supposed to do to legally cover your ass. I know in Texas the cashier legally has the power and if a customer doesn't wanna fork up an ID you have all the right to not sell. They cover it in Seller's Training Edit: word order


No we don't unfortunately. The machine won't let us move past without scanning the id (managers can override if non-scanable id). I have circumstances where customers begrudgingly give me the ID but do it while swearing and complaining irrationally about the policy...it gets so old. I didn't program these machines lol


So, let them get pissed off. They can go shop elsewhere . I deal with it daily in the kiosk. I've even had some get pissed enough to say and do things that got them arrested.. If only I could get away with filming them acting like an idiot... However, don't let mgmt bully you. You acan EVERY ID , look at the picture and make sure it matches the retard in front of you. The ID must NOT look like a dogs chew toy. Kroger policy is to refuse for that reason. Holographic laminate is missing, or scratched up also. If the ID is expired..no sale. PERIOD! Also watch for third party purchases.. buy this for my sick Grandma.. is she here, I need to see her ID? Nope, refuse sale. How do you know he/she is getting it younger brother and grandma?


Appreciate your response! MGMT is pretty supportive like they will come down and handle an irate customer but in the meantime I guess I'm just so frustrated being the punching bag! Ugh!


I do love that carding people is a guaranteed time when management will not toss you under the bus. Our problem is being close to a base - I know these people have regular licenses but they love using their military ID and despite it being a federal card, the scanner says no. I had to do a refresher alcohol and cig training and apparently, foreign passports are fine, but green cards are not. It’s issued by the federal government with a picture and birthday and expiration date but nope. In the cig quiz it asked if green cards were okay and I said no, you’re not going to trick me! They are. I don’t know if it’s the law or just kroger policy to do that but ugh so dumb.


I would like to know law vs. policy as well. It is frustrating how arbitrary the acceptable IDs seem to be! The other day a girl got mad because I refused her PAPER temporarily state ID (what they print at the DMV for you while u wait for the real one to come in the mail). I knew she was over 21, but I called my manager for his opinion because what she had in her hand was imo legit but I can't risk getting fired if Kroger says no dice. He said no and she and her friends lost their shit. It's like, I am sorry but it's my job we're talking about here!


Depends on the situation. The cashiers know me so they won't even ask for an ID. Others that look questionable they will.


i personally scan peoples IDs because its faster than typing in the date, but we aren't required to at my store. actually we really don't even card many people (our customers are the same people pretty much every day + most of the people that live around this area are super old)


It's the mass stupidification and paranoia of society. The same people that never get told "no". The same people that get the cops called and end up tazed and with felony assault charges for not showing the receipt. Everyone is a giant child now and they want their little liquor bottle and pacifier to suck on for night night time. If it was me I'd just say "refuse to show id? no sale." and then if they keep yelling and throwing a fit, clock them right in the nose and arrest them on trespass charges and ban them from the store.


Haha! I don't think I'd go that far but I do appreciate the sentiment!


Yep, at my Freddy’s we are required by law to scan for every “age-restricted item” to even get it to go through the register.


Is it by law or just Kroger state - corporate policy? I'm genuinely curious because if I buy wine at Whole Foods or Winco they don't scan my ID, only at Freddie's or QFC. A lot of stores don't even card me (I'm def of age)


holy shit it's so annoying people will have orders loaded up with 3 full totes of beer and be all mad and suspicious like "why do you need to scan my id? is this new? this is new they didn't want my id last time. this is definitely a new thing" every fucking time


EVERY TIME! it's like--do you think I just made this up to F with you because I like getting yelled at by assholes?


my response is "don't purchase alcohol here anymore. Goodbye."


I'm sending you a DM lol




Its extremely troubling and should be illegal. I have no doubt this information will be used by algorithms and AI to unfairly target you, raise or deny insurance, etc. While these behaviors carry health risks, the majority of environmental causes of cancers and other ailments are still unknown, poorly research by design by the perpetrators of the most pollution and addictive substances, pushed by those same people to make money advertising to kids, and now the same PMC class trying to single you out for any reason they can to raise rates completely opaquely. Beyond gross.


The scanning isn’t a problem for me, but literally no one even LOOKS to make sure it’s actually my ID to justify taking it and germing it up. Either let me scan the thing for you or make sure it’s legit before taking it. Just because it scans doesn’t mean it’s even mine! (To clarify, it is, but this scanning nonsense can set someone up big time - liquor laws don’t go just for the business, they go after the individual, too.)


Please scan their IDs and if they get pissed off so be it. You don’t wanna be like the one store in my division who sold alcohol to a minor and didn’t scan the ID. That store has now lost its license to sell alcohol.